طائرة ايرانية "تعرفت" الى حاملة طائرات أميركية في منطقة المناورات البحرية

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أعلن مسؤول عسكري ايراني أن طائرة ايرانية "تعرفت" الى حاملة طائرات أميركية في منطقة المناورات التي تقوم بها البحرية في منطقة حساسة من مضيق هرمز، على ما أفادت وكالة الانباء الرسمية الايرانية.

وقال الاميرال محمود موسوي أن "طائرة مراقبة ايرانية تعرفت الى حاملة طائرات أميركية في منطقة المناورات حيث تنتشر سفن ايرانية والتقطت صوراً وصورت أشرطة".

وأضاف أن "هذا يثبت أن البحرية الايرانية تراقب كل تحركات القوات (الأجنبية) في المنطقة".

وتبقي الولايات المتحدة في الخليج عن وجود بحري قوي من أبرز مكوناته الأسطول الخامس المتمركز في البحرين.

ولوحت ايران التي باشرت السبت مناورات بحرية تستمر عشرة أيام في منطقة مضيق هرمز في بحر عمان والمحيط الهندي، بإحتمال اغلاق المضيق في حال فرض عقوبات غربية عليها لمنعها من تصدير النفط.

وقال قائد البحرية الايرانية الأميرال حبيب الله سياري أمس الاربعاء أن "اغلاق" المضيق سهل جداً للقوات المسلحة الايرانية، غير أنه غير ضروري في الوقت الحاضر.

والمضيق الذي يعبر من خلاله 40% من النفط العالمي المنقول بحراً، هو ممر ضيق لا يتعدى عرضه 50 كيلومتراً وعمقه 60 متراً.

ورداً على التهديد الايراني حذرت الولايات المتحدة طهران من أنه "لن يتم التسامح مع أي عرقلة لحركة الملاحة البحرية في مضيق هرمز".

وتدرس الولايات المتحدة وبعض الدول الأوروبية التي تفرض عقوبات على قطاعات النفط والغاز والبتروكيماويات الايرانية، فرض عقوبات جديدة تستهدف تصدير النفط الايراني بسبب برنامج طهران النووي المثير للجدل.

وإضافة الى ايران، ثاني دولة منتجة للنفط في منظمة أوبك، تصدر الدول الخليجية الأخرى خصوصاً السعودية والكويت والعراق وقطر ودولة الامارات العربية المتحدة، قسماً من نفطها عبر هذا المضيق.

التعليقات 18
Missing moeraff 09:33 ,2011 كانون الأول 29

I would love to see a satelight photo, of this aircraft carrier, i think the us wants another war.

Thumb warrior 11:16 ,2011 كانون الأول 29

I would love to see how the USS Enterprise will single handedly obliterate the entire persian "fisherman" dinghies:))))

Default-user-icon Former Lebanese (ضيف) 14:17 ,2011 كانون الأول 29


A) decommission dates and especially for carriers have been postponed on many occassions for multiple reasons. I personally doubt they would unless for budget reasons.
B) sunburn missiles with there speed won't get a chance to get next to any us carrier. You seem to forget the fleet defensive capabilities just because the us doesnt brag doesn't mean they are weak.
C) Ballistic missiles Iran hasn't mastered the solid fuel system yet and as much as they brag their rockets won't be more than glorified scuds.

I have to give you though one thing you are right about. An all out war against Iran would be tough and the 3 way axis Iran Syria hizbulla will put in a fight, but the end result would be the same still. Iran has grown stronger no doubt but they are still way way too far from over powering us.

Thumb thepatriot 15:55 ,2011 كانون الأول 29

We know how Operation Praying Mantis turned out ;)

Default-user-icon NoComment (ضيف) 16:34 ,2011 كانون الأول 29

Any future war in the region will be devastating. Comparing powers is not enough! and having military drills isn't enough too.Iran's power isn't only in launching thousands of missiles, but the groups that they trained in different countries to carry on with suicide attacks, bombs, and kidnappings. Iran is has a vast superficie, and to hit all their defensive lines will take very long time, since Iran's power is very mobile (missile launchers, air defense systems..). Imagine Iran 200x the size of hizbollah and 1000x more armed than hizbollah. They will have the chance to locate and hit us Navy in the region, and destroy some us bases in the arab countries.Patriot systems won't intercept all incoming missiles, so there's a big chance that Iranian missiles will hit the us army in qatar,KSA and turkey.

Thumb geha 17:17 ,2011 كانون الأول 29

Granted, the cost of such war might be high, and will only happen if needed. but the outcome is clear.
the iranians might hit some important targets, but in the end they will lose such war.
once the iranian regime is broken, they will have no interest in any terrorism acts, otherwise the whole of iran will be destroyed and divided like iraq.
hopefully we will not reach that situation, as with the fall of the syrian regime, and the destruction of hizbushaitan, iran will learn where it stands, and will reduce its rhetoric fast :)

Default-user-icon JoeSchmoe (ضيف) 17:24 ,2011 كانون الأول 29

To all the Persian supporters.
To start, if the US decided to attack, the Persians will not have a chance to even press the control button on any missile since they would be all destroyed before the mullahs would know what hit them. What do you think the outcome would be if a US naval vessel is sunk? Even the Iranians are not that stupid to think that they can get away with that, because Iran will turn into glass, this is how the desert sand will look like once the mightiest military in the world is done with it, so if the Shia are looking for the return of their Mahdi during Armageddon, if provoked, the US will oblige and provide it to them.
This constant rhetoric by the Mullahs is just that, just to feed the simple minds of their followers as it seems to be working since you seem to believe that in an all-out war, the Persians have even a slim chance. You must be kidding yourselves.

Default-user-icon Former Lebanese (ضيف) 20:04 ,2011 كانون الأول 29


You seem to like starting your comments with personal jabs to get fired up so here it goes:

Like I used to say in Lebanese are you real or Caesarian ? You seem to go off prematurely you need to be patient and read the entire post before starting to babble. I have said the US will suffer damage and like any war it has a cost that most be calculated and even though you are the mightiest power in the world I hope the US keeps war as a last resort option and personally I think Iran is provoking it.

I know the sunburn missiles and I know their capabilities and I also know theyve been in dev. Since early 90s if you are naive enough to think they have not found a counter for them already you shouldn't be talking. Now when it comes to bragging tell me something how often do you here about us drills vs Iranian? How often do you hear about us testing rockets compared to Iran ? The only us current missile testing public is the hypersonic glider which been in dev for 5 years.

Default-user-icon Advise (ضيف) 20:30 ,2011 كانون الأول 29

Dear Mowaten: allow me to give you some constructive criticism. I kinda see the point of some people when they criticize you on the boards. You seem overzealous in your comments with undue sarcasm that many people take offense to. Most people post one comment on a single article and move on. While I guess many who share your political point of view appreciate your endeavors, others and may I say many others do not appreciate when they have to read on average of 8-10 posts/comments by one person of the same repetitive conviction. I hope my feedback is taken positively so we can all enjoy a medium to communicate our views here on naharnet. Thankyou

Default-user-icon LebanonFirs (ضيف) 20:33 ,2011 كانون الأول 29

I love how hard some Iranian (most likely paid) mouthpeices are trying to convince everyone of Iran's millitary might. If that isn't the biggest sign of weakness I don't know what is.

Thumb shab 21:26 ,2011 كانون الأول 29

Why all this speculations. If Iran is angry with an American ship, just shoot at them at they will leave.

Default-user-icon hanna (ضيف) 22:22 ,2011 كانون الأول 29

shab, ya shab....

The will, however the are waiting for the syrians to fire into the golan.

lol...my god their mouth are large and their effect is nil

Default-user-icon Marie (ضيف) 22:50 ,2011 كانون الأول 29

I hope the Iranians do start something so the yanks and israelis will send them a nice nuclear missile once and for all. Then all the Mideast folks will realise what it's all about! Let the Iranians give us this present in 2012!

Missing peace 23:31 ,2011 كانون الأول 29

funny how some act like military experts and know everything about military strategy! reminds me of a bar discussion after too much wine!

Default-user-icon JoeSchmoe (ضيف) 23:50 ,2011 كانون الأول 29

You clearly proved who has the TENDER & SPONGY brains. Iran is the one threatening to block international waters not the US… Quick note for your simple mind, how long did it take Iran to Fight Iraq with no progress? The US took over Iraq (The 4th largest army in the world at the time) in only 3 days, you may say that Iran is stronger now than before, I agree with that, but do you think that the US did not improve??? Have you heard of a missile defense shield? I guess this renders the Persians missiles useless, right? The Iranian Navy and Air force combined would be pulverized in a matter of Hours. As far as your Iranian Proxies, unfortunately Lebanon will pay the price for half of its population selling themselves to the Persians.
War of survival you say, there will be no survivors if the Loonies in Iran for once think that they can take on the US military, put it through your thick head.

Default-user-icon Neal (ضيف) 00:20 ,2011 كانون الأول 30

wow all these exports and military strategists on this site . maybe the pentagon can use your brains or may be Iran can . remember this "when the zero hour is near all your B.S. means nothing " when or if Iran attack the US fleet and sunk it what do you think the American will do does the phrase " tactical surgical nuclear bombing means anything to you "

Default-user-icon JoeSchmoe (ضيف) 04:09 ,2011 كانون الأول 30

You must be a mowaten of Tehran to make a statement like this. You proved who has the TENDER & SPONGY brains. The Iranians are not threatening? You are only kidding yourself; It is the Persians that are threatening to close an INTERNATIONAL WATER WAY and not the US, the only thing the US is doing is simply reminding them of the ramifications of such foolish act. The Persians may feel that they can bully some countries, the US is not one of them. Simply, if the Persians and their supporters (like yourself) know that they would dearly loose a conflict to a point of annihilation, than why start a fight that they are sure to lose? SMART aren’t they? TENDER & SPONGY brains right? Beside, have you heard of the US Missile Defense Shield? A system that renders the Mullah’s missiles useless, so your statement about skyrocketing casualties should be reversed.
Have yourself a happy new year.

Default-user-icon Ron (ضيف) 14:31 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

To read this article leaves the impression that the Iranian's had made a great discovery by taking surveillance photos of a U.S. Aircraft Carrier! I don't think the U.S. was trying to hide it or the battle group that accompanies it! To put it in perspective the thing is not Stealth like, it's huge! I believe the U.S. purposely allowed photos to be taken to send a clear message to the Iranian government that we are ready should they decided they want to press the issue!