مشروع قرار جديد أوروبي عربي لمجلس الأمن حول سوريا وموسكو لن توافق على شرط "تنحي الأسد"

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قدم الاوروبيون ودول عربية الجمعة الى مجلس الامن مشروع قرار جديدا حول سوريا يستند على خطة التسوية التي اعدتها الجامعة العربية وتطلب خصوصا تنحي الرئيس بشار الاسد.

واعتبر السفير الالماني بيتر فيتيغ ان "لدينا فرصة اليوم لفتح فصل جديد حول سوريا"، مشيرا بذلك الى تعثر القرارات السابقة في مجلس الامن منذ بداية الازمة في سوريا.

وكان قد أعلن نائب وزير الخارجية الروسي غينادي غاتيلوف الجمعة ان موسكو لن تدعم اي مشروع قرار في مجلس الامن الدولي يدعو الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد الى التنحي، بحسب ما نقلت عنه وكالة انباء انترفاكس.

وقال غاتيلوف ان "القرارات حول التسوية السياسية في سوريا يجب ان تقر بدون اي شرط مسبق. لا يمكننا ان ندعم اي قرار في مجلس الامن الدولي يدعو الى رحيل الاسد".

ويأتي تصريح المسؤول الروسي في الوقت الذي يناقش فيه مجلس الامن الجمعة في نيويورك مشروع قرار بشأن سوريا.

واضاف نائب الوزير الروسي ان داعمي مشروع القرار هذا "بامكانهم تجاهل رأي شركائهم وطرحه على التصويت ولكن هذه الخطوة سيكون مآلها الفشل حتما لاننا سبق وان اعلنا رأينا بوضوح وكذلك فعل شركاؤنا الصينيون".

وتابع غاتيلوف "ان مشروع القرار بصيغته الراهنة غير مقبول بالنسبة لنا"، مضيفا "انه لا يأخذ في الحسبان كما ينبغي موقفنا".

يشار إلى ان مشروع القرار هذا يتضمن الخطوط العريضة لخطة اعلنتها الجامعة العربية الاسبوع الماضي لحل الازمة في سوريا وتنص خصوصا على نقل صلاحيات الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد الى نائبه ويتبع ذلك اجراء انتخابات.

التعليقات 11
Missing youssefhaddad 23:40 ,2012 كانون الثاني 27

The Russian regime is still betting on extending the crisis to keep the uncertainties in the Middle East.
This will keep the oil prices high which could salvage the Russina economy which depends largely on oil exports.
The Russians should know that the free Syrians will not forget their shortsighted stance and will hold them accountable after the fall of this regime.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 23:44 ,2012 كانون الثاني 27

stalemate... greenlight for an open cruel civil war.. god protect our lebanon... or what will be left.

Default-user-icon Estokando (ضيف) 00:17 ,2012 كانون الثاني 28

Gabby, aragon, thepatriot, peace, allouchi, shab, Dr. Falso... back to the drawing table UNLESS you have a plan-b in your rabbit hat!!! So is the game over yet? Your predictions are all turning into fact, I guess. Keep factuating in the stars and in Lala Land.

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (ضيف) 01:39 ,2012 كانون الثاني 28

@Cookie_Jarbou3: explain to us the constructive steps that the Russian has done so far to bring the crisis in Syria to a peaceful resolution other than the arms that were delivered by sea to the Syrian regime? It's obvious Russia's stand is biased and one sided against the will of all Syrian people.

Default-user-icon tanioskendargi (ضيف) 04:12 ,2012 كانون الثاني 28

"The Russians should know that the free Syrians will not forget their shortsighted stance and will hold them accountable after the fall of this regime." All I can say to this wowable analyst [youssefhaddad] is: EWEEEEEEEEHA. WILL HOLD THE RUSSIANS ACCOUNTABLE! I guess the free Syrians will become the new superpower that will replace or at least challenge, among others, the US, Russia, China and of course the everlasting superpower, Lebanon!!! niyel emmak ya aboul zouz

Default-user-icon vassilli (ضيف) 08:00 ,2012 كانون الثاني 28

lol youssef, russia exports gas and not oil, also problems in syria have had 0 problems on oil output by gulf states. If anything, what might drive the price of oil up is the sanctions on iran!

Thumb arzz 08:58 ,2012 كانون الثاني 28

Why should Assad go while the Gulf Monarchs and the king of Jordan stay? Had Assad been as friendly with Israel and not with Iran, then would this be happening? And who removed Saddam in the first place starting the Persian Empire rolling?

Default-user-icon TITUS (ضيف) 16:07 ,2012 كانون الثاني 28

The Current Russian and Chinese Dictatorship regimes are destined to collapse, their support to their aprentice Criminal Dictatorship regimes, the likes of ASSad's, the Iranian Filthy regime, North Korea, Cuba, and Venzuella will not insulate them from the accountability of their own people, that cannot be silenced by intimidation, murder, and bribery forever. Their fall is not in question the timing may be.

Default-user-icon Lamya Tobias (ضيف) 16:28 ,2012 كانون الثاني 28

Now the great TITUS the Roman emerges and is making predictions on the international level! YA 3EIN! If only TITUS can predict the exact dates so that we can figure out when all these other "Filthy" regimes will collapse and only the "non-Filthy" regimes will remain, such as the non-Filthy regime in Israel, and the non-Filthy regime in Saudi Arabia and the non-Filthy regime in Bahrain and the non-Filthy regime in... Well, TITUS knows better, apparently. As to the local and Syrian predictions, TITUS will leave these to the locals aragon, thepatriot, peace, shab, allouchi and Gabby. 7aelo al tawado3. mou?

Default-user-icon peace (ضيف) 18:08 ,2012 كانون الثاني 28

when the principal ally of syria that is israel will give the green light , your beloved regime will fall... don t be so impatient!

oh and when this regime will fall i bet you your beloved divine resistance will take over lebanon with its arms and stir a civil war just to keep its arsenal and obey the orders of their country iran...
a resistance that is only resisting freedom and democracy in lebanon...

Default-user-icon peace (ضيف) 18:10 ,2012 كانون الثاني 28

when the principal ally of syria that is israel will give the green light , your beloved regime will fall... don t be so impatient!

oh and when this regime will fall i bet you your beloved divine resistance will take over lebanon with its arms and stir a civil war just to keep its arsenal and obey the orders of their country iran...
a resistance that is only resisting freedom and democracy in lebanon...