إطلاق مناقصة الـ700 ميغاوات في 14 و28 آيار 2012

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أعلنت وزارة الطاقة والمياه عن إطلاق مشاريع أشغال لإنتاج الطاقة الكهربائية في الذوق، الجية ودير عمار، الأمر المعروف بمشروع خطة الطوارئ 700 ميغاوات، وذلك عبر إدارة المناقصات.

ولقد حددت الوزراة " تلزيم مشروع أشغال لإنتاج الطاقة الكهربائية في موقعي المحطات الكهربائية في الذوق والجية الساعة التاسعة من صباح يوم الإثنين الواقع في 14/5/2012 في مركز إدارة المناقصات، و "تلزيم مشروع أشغال لإنتاج الطاقة الكهربائية في موقع محطة دير عمار 2 الساعة التاسعة من صباح يوم الإثنين الواقع في 28/5/2012 في مركز إدارة المناقصات".

وأضافت الوزراة :" بإمكان الشركات المصنفة أصولا او الراغبة بالتصنيف لهذه الأشغال لدى وزارة الطاقة والمياه الإطلاع على دفاتر الشروط والحصول عليها من وزارة الطاقة والمياه- المديرية العامة للإستثمار عند ابراز افادة التصنيف، إبتداء من يوم الإثنين 12/3/2012".

وقد جاء إطلاق هذه المناقصات بعدما أنجز الإستشاريان الدوليان AF Colenco وMVV Decon في حزيران 2011 الدراسات كافة ودفاتر الشروط العائدة لها، وبعد صدور القانون 181 المرتبط بمشروع ال700 ميغاوات في 13/10/2011، وبعد إدخال بعض التعديلات بنتيجة هذا القانون على دفاتر الشروط بأكمله بين الوزارة ومؤسسة كهرباء لبنان والإستشاريين، وذلك حسب القوانين والأنظمة المرعية الإجراء، وبعد صدور قرار مجلس الوزراء رقم 2 تاريخ 13/1/2012 الذي أجاز اللجوء الى التحكيم الدولي لدى الغرفة الدولية للتجارة في باريس، وأيضا السماح لإدارة المناقصات بالإستعانة بالإستشاريين والخبراء الذين تسميهم وزارة الطاقة والمياه في عملية المناقصة، وبعد موافقة البنك الدولي عبر كتاب أكد فيه على ملاءمة دفاتر الشروط وجودتها ومطابقتها للمعايير الدولية ولمتطلبات البنك الدولي.

وكان رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي أبلغ مجلس الوزراء في جلسته الاربعاء أن القرار المتعلق باستئجار بواخر لتوليد الكهرباء لم يتخذ بعد.

وكانت تقارير صحفية قد أعلنت أن مؤسسة كهرباء لبنان قررت الثلاثاء استجرار نحو 25 ميغاواط من ايران بدءاً من نيسان المقبل على أن ترتفع الكمية المستجرة الى 100 ميغاواط بعد ايلول.

وكانت الحكومة في جلستها نهاية كانون الثاني قد اتخذت سلسلة مقررات حول خطة الكهرباء ومنها الاتفاق على استجرار الكهرباء عبر البواخر.

التعليقات 17
Default-user-icon Anonymous TX USA (ضيف) 19:15 ,2012 آذار 10

Solution is easy:
Buy 200 units of offshore 5MW Wind Turbines for installed cost of $5Mio/Unit . It will give Lebanon an Extra 1,000 MW capacity at a total cost of $1 Bio, Initial cost is high but it will more then make up for it by its "low maintenance" costs and "Zero refueling" costs. If Denmark can generate 20% of its electricity from Wind turbines, i don't see why Lebanon can't have the same.

Thumb benzona 23:14 ,2012 آذار 10

Every 10 years the 'dynamo' needs replacement. Unfortunately, our political leaders don't have a vision, even less a green vision!

Default-user-icon Anonymous (ضيف) 06:14 ,2012 آذار 12

Well I agree with you and I am sure Lebanon can satisfy up to 50% of its electricity from renewable and alternative energy sources including hydroelectric.
As for the offshore wind turbines, this matter is very sensitive politcally first; you have to go far away to capture wind speeds and not cross our water borders and also I am not so sure about wind resources on the mediterranean. Denmark's offshore wind power plants enjoys very high wind speeds that we won't have in the mediterranean

Default-user-icon Haydar (ضيف) 11:41 ,2013 كانون الثاني 29

it could be a good idea but you forgot a big problem that the coast in Lbenon is very deep and that will elarge the installation & maintenance costs and also will affect the navigation traffic in Lebanon

Default-user-icon Anonymous TX USA (ضيف) 20:10 ,2012 آذار 10

Furthermore if they refurbish/upgrade the turbines & dynamos on existing hydroelectric power plants in Lebanon (current models date back to 1950's 60's) then they can increase their production by at least 20% at a fraction of the cost.
But hey - in Lebanon they only think fuel and gas - as this is where the kickback are the greatest.

Thumb jabalamel 21:54 ,2012 آذار 10

and solar panels are even better

Missing forces 01:31 ,2012 آذار 11

OMG lice farm made a comment albeit an informed and incorrect one. Just like his political views. on the wind turbines however this restricts minister imbessil's capacity to take his cut and will never happen. I wonder if his wife owns any iranian electricity interests..

Thumb jabalamel 02:21 ,2012 آذار 11

the filthy zionist media terrorists not only don't know nothing about solar panels, but also hallucinate about iranian electricity interests

Missing forces 03:04 ,2012 آذار 11

no lice farm.. it appears you know nothing about solar energy except what you have had read to you in the weekly terrorist cronicle. and i mentioned nothing about iranian interests so pull your head out son and learn to comprehend what you read.. jabal amel doesn't that mean mountain of lice? very appropriate

Thumb benzona 21:58 ,2012 آذار 10

1/ where does the money come from ? Borrowing more from international financial institutions? 2/ building and providing power whilst the Shia from Beirut's suburbs don't pay the bills, what a nice way to reward them!

Thumb jabalamel 02:22 ,2012 آذار 11

the filthy zionist media terrorists have retarded sectarian hallucination as always

Thumb primesuspect 03:54 ,2012 آذار 11

the guy is right. always the same people making troubles in Lebanon. who blew up two embassies in the 80s? who stole and keep stealing luxury cars and stores them in the Bekaa? Who has 40.000 rockets aimed at the lebanese poeple? who steals electricty in total impunity? who steals properties and build on private property that doesn't belong to them??? inta mareed wa khaliss.... open your eyes and you'll see the shyte your poeple are creating.

Thumb jcamerican 22:18 ,2012 آذار 10

Don't worry. You don't have to pay back nothing. When you agree to keep the palestinians, all your debts will be forgiven. The more bills you rack up the better off you will be. Plus you really have no choice if you accept or not. It will happen.

Thumb jabalamel 04:44 ,2012 آذار 11

the filthy zionist media terrorist are totaly confused, not knowing where are our rockets pointed to.

also, they hallucinate about numbers.

Thumb primesuspect 05:44 ,2012 آذار 11

I'm pleased to notice you didn't contradict me about everything else>>> The shia terrorists bombed two embassies, steal luxury cars, steal electricity, steal land + build on it, I forgot another huge fact, they EXECUTED our favorite Prime Minister Rafic Hariri and many other personalities and civilians> Needless to remind they also waged their weapons on a bloody month of may. We Won't forget, no no!

Default-user-icon Sanctify Yourself (ضيف) 09:58 ,2012 آذار 11

Why bring up bombing of embassies that happened in different times and circumstances. It's like calling Mr Geagea a criminal because of past acts. Just to remind you that Mr Geagea is the ONLY person that served time in jail so people should also stop talking about him. Aoun and Gemayel were exiled but criminals like Jumblat, Berri and money hungry Seniora and Co had and still enjoy good life in power. What they need is like Geagea, Aoun and Gemayel to get some sort of punishment themselves. There was one Armenian minister who went to jail as well (Barsoumian?) probably because the poor guy didn't have enough connections while his fellow ministers are driving the luxury cars and live in million dollar appartments.

Default-user-icon Sanctify Yourself (ضيف) 08:15 ,2012 آذار 12

What evidence? Please read my post well. I said Aoun was exiled only! It seems that you care more about a name than actually caring about your own country. You saw/read Gen. Aoun's name and went paranoid.
Maybe Geagea didn't serve enough but unlike everyone else, he actually did serve time in jail. I hope the other's I mentioned get a small fraction of what he got. But that's not likely to happen. The next politician to go to jail could well be another poor Armenian. Armenians are one of the weakest links in Lebanon.