عون: ليس جعجع من يحدد معالم الشرف في كلام الراعي وهذا التعرض مرفوض

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رفض رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون "التعرض الشخصي" للبطريرك الماروني بشارة الراعي مشددا على أن رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع "ليس من يحدد معالم الشرف" في كلام الراعي.

وقال عون بعد اجتماع التكتل عصر الثلاثاء من الرابية "لا أتفاجأ من الحملة على البطريرك ولكن بأقصى الخلاف مع البطريركية المارونية لم نطال الموقع الروحي مثل هذا الكلام أما التعرض الشخصي بالإتهامات غير مقبول ومرفوض ونحن إلى جانب غبطته".

وكان قد رأى جعجع في مقابلة متلفزة مساء الإثنين أن مواقف الراعي الأخيرة عن سوريا "تضع المسيحيين بخطر" معتبرا أنه غيّر موقع بكركي "ويحوّر كا تاريخنا".

وأضاف عون الثلاثاء "ليس جعجع من يحدد معالم الشرف في الكلام فهو ليس المقياس ولا المعيار (...) نحن بأقصى الظروف أقرينا برئاسة البطريرك (السابق نصرالله صفير) الروحية ولم نتناول هذا النوع من الكلام معه".

وعن الوضع السوري أكد عون أن الأوضاع " شارفت على النهاية فالجبهات المسلحة كما كانت حمص انتهت وطبعا الإنتخابات ستتم وهناك قوى جديدة ستخوضها" متمنيا أن يعود الإستقرار إلى سوريا "لأنه امر جيد للبنان".

وسأل "إذا سقط بشار الأسد فمن هو البديل؟ قولوا لي، لا "يواخذونا" الإخوان فما هو برنامجهم وألم يقرأوا أن الديمقراطية ضد الشريعة بحسب السلفيين؟".

وعن كلام رئيس "جبهة النضال الوطني" من فرنسا أنه "آن الأوان لسقوط تلك الأسطورة الكاذبة التي تعتبر حافظ الأسد قائدا ملهما" أجاب عون ردا على سؤال "يا ليته تكلم من هنا وليس من القطب الشمالي".

وحول اكتشاف شبكة سلفية كانت تخطط لاستهداف الجيش أبدى عدم عمله "إذا كان الجيش مخروقا بشكل كبير" آملا منهم أي الجيش أن "يصدروا بيانا كلما تبين أمر جديد وهذا الأمر ليس جديد في الأزمات".

وجدد رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" التأكي ان "لا تسوية في الحسابات المالية بل إفشال لها" قائلا "رفضنا الإنصياع للأمر الواقع وأنتجنا الحل وفق المعايير الدستورية".

  • 17:13 ,2012 آذار 13

    عون: ليس جعجع من يحدد معايير الشرف في الكلام فهو ليس المقياس ولا المعيار، نحن بأقصى الظروف أقرينا برئاسة البطريرك الروحية ولم نتناول هذا النوع من الكلام معه

  • 17:12 ,2012 آذار 13

    عون: إذا سقط بشار الأسد فمن هو البديل؟ قولوا لي، لا "يواخذونا" الإخوان فما هو برنامجهم وألم يقرأوا أن الديمقراطية ضد الشريعة بحسب السلفيين؟

  • 17:10 ,2012 آذار 13

    عون: الأوضاع في سوريا شارفت على النهاية فالجبهات المسلحة كما كانت حمص انتهت وطبعا الإنتخابات ستتم وهناك قوى جديدة ستخوضها وأتمنى أن يعود الإستقرار إلى سوريا لأنه امر جيد للبنان

  • 17:09 ,2012 آذار 13

    عون : لا أتفاجأ من الحملة على البطريرك ولكن بأقصى الخلاف مع البطريركية المارونية لم نطال الموقع الروحي مثل هذا الكلام أما التعرض الشخصي بالإتهامات غير مقبول ومرفوض ونحن إلى جانب غبطته

  • 17:08 ,2012 آذار 13

    عون عن كلام جنبلاط: يا ليته تكلم من هنا وليس من القطب الشمالي

  • 17:07 ,2012 آذار 13

    عون: لا أعلم إذا كان الجيش مخروقا بشكل كبير ونتأمل منهم أني صدروا بيانا كلما تبين أمر جديد وهذا الأمر ليس جديد في الأزمات

  • 17:07 ,2012 آذار 13

    عون: بحثنا في موضوع الكازينو والتفلت الإداري وتعلمون بالتتابع ماذا سيحصل في الموضوع

  • 17:06 ,2012 آذار 13

    عون: قضية فارس جدعون الذي سرق منزله والأب فرج الذي خطف في زحلة برسم الدولة لأن هناك لصوصا لا يستحوا وهناك نوع من "الهربية" في المجتمع اللبناني

  • 17:05 ,2012 آذار 13

    عون: أعدنا اليوم المسار القانوني لمسك حسابات الدولة وهناك عنوان اليوم لصحيفة "الأخبار" أن الوزير ليون خضع لسوليدير، أولا نحن بعبدون كل البعد عنها وثانيا ارتأي الوزير حلا علميا للمحافظة على الآثار وهذا حل عالمي أي تزاوج بين البناء الجديد الوآثارات لذلك أتمنى من الصحيفة عدم إثارة شكوك حول الآخرين

  • 17:03 ,2012 آذار 13

    رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون بعد اجتماع التكتل من الرابية: لا تسوية في الحسابات المالية بل إفشال لها، رفضنا الإنصياع للأمر الواقع وأنتجنا الحل وفق المعايير الدستورية

التعليقات 86
Default-user-icon Guinness (ضيف) 17:12 ,2012 آذار 13

Happy hour began early today, as indicated by GMA's libations influenced weekly rant.

Default-user-icon doesgno stiution (ضيف) 17:27 ,2012 آذار 13

I guess that would be in response to you guys yesterday attacking his opposite number, wouldn't.

Missing allouchi 17:34 ,2012 آذار 13

Ya haram al hableh Aoun is talking again...Aoun's Happy hour is on again..quick bring the popcorn...

Missing allouchi 17:36 ,2012 آذار 13

ya mowaten, relax boy...just sit back and enjoy the comedy show or your master z general..LOL

Thumb benzona 21:13 ,2012 آذار 13

Indeed, The petit General is a joker. He wants to silence Geagea as he claims he has no right to voice his opinion. But why would Aoun have the right to do it? It's definitely time to dissociate Religion from politics for the sake of all Lebanese citizens. One sect takes its orders from Persia, the other one from Arabia and another from Lebanon (no no, not the Vatican) but influenced by Arabia or Persia. (Sfeir, Rai).... Hopeless country.

Missing mirvete11 17:37 ,2012 آذار 13

Anger, wrath and criticism ..........Nothing new.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 17:53 ,2012 آذار 13

the losing guy.. its bad luck or miscalculations? he lost the war, lost with assad(hafez)..he lost in baabda.. he lost with saddam hussein..lost in the american congress.. he lost the presidency.. and now he is not noticing that "tahaluf el akalliyet" is crashing.... but he won the bonus//: gibran el bassil

Thumb Marc 17:53 ,2012 آذار 13

Hey, it is comedy Tuesday.....

Default-user-icon 4G (ضيف) 17:56 ,2012 آذار 13

Repeat of the Benny hill show except Benny had good looking female co actors.Aoun you are a coward, you abandoned your troops and your family when they needed you most.And now you are abandoning your country,shame on you and your illiterate supporter's.In a civilized country you would be court marshaled,but in dysfunctional country like Lebanon you are rewarded.

Default-user-icon Kosto Vollante (ضيف) 18:03 ,2012 آذار 13

"Aoun: Haven’t they read that democracy contradicts with the (Islamic) sharia law"

Hasn't this nut read Bashar's new 2012 Constitution for Syria,
Article 3 clearly states
1. The President has to be part of the Muslim faith.
2. Islamic jurisprudence doctrine is a primary source of legislation.

What.. Oh so he can't read, sorry my bad didn't mean to make fun of the illiterate.

Default-user-icon LebExile (ضيف) 18:14 ,2012 آذار 13

very unfortunate for those who follow FPM - this movement has never and will never be patriotic as it's name suggests. They have built their party on the thesis of fighting corruption, yet, once they barely tasted power, have become the most corrupt party in Lebanon.
It's not corruption that Aoun is fighting, rather it's his share of the spoils.
I'm not delusional to believe any party in Lebanon is not corrupt, but FMP has turned out the MOST corrupt of them all.
What a shame.

Missing anonymoustxusa 18:28 ,2012 آذار 13

Not that i agree with Aoun's alliance with Hizbullah, which is very bad for Lebanon.
But can you deny that what he said about the Muslim brotherhood in Syria - The fact that their Shariaa Law contradict with Democratie.
And yeah sure the current Bashar Regime in Syria is surely not a Democratie, but the theocratie that the Muslim brotherhood are trying to install there will be far worse.

Thumb geha 18:57 ,2012 آذار 13

no I do not agree with this matter and that is for one main reason: I have seen the others (Tunis and Egypt) come to power, and so far it is acceptable.
in my view we experienced the current syrian regime and what it did to us, thus I cannot imagine there is anything that can be worse.

Missing anonymoustxusa 19:13 ,2012 آذار 13

Are you kidding me
In Tunis - there was a law on Women's civil status - the most advanced legislatur for Women's civil law in the Middle East - It just got revoked by the current Muslim brotherhood parliament Because it contradict with Shariaa Law
Egypt - there was a Women's council committee that overview women's rights - It just got switched into "Family council" because it also contradict with Shariaa Law -
i am Quoting about Women because several articles came up on womens' day last week.
If Sunni women are loosing their rights in Tunis & Egypt, i dare not ask what rights are left for Non Muslim people that live there like Bhouddist or Sikh workers, Christian monorities etc...)

Thumb geha 19:18 ,2012 آذار 13

you are talking about a muslim country, and believe it r not, they are free with how they want to govern themseleves whether we like it or not.

Missing anonymoustxusa 19:28 ,2012 آذار 13

So what you r saying is that European countries south America, USA, Russia, China, India and the rest of the Non-Muslim countries have the right to put laws removing all civil rights to Muslims living on their soil....Nice one
Long live co-existence

Thumb geha 19:24 ,2012 آذار 13

and what are your comments on the extremism of hizbushaitan: they are saints :)
we are enduring the worst of the worst and you want me to worry about something that has not been experienced yet!

Default-user-icon Mohammad_ca (ضيف) 21:42 ,2012 آذار 13

So explain what's extremist in the Muslim Brotherhood then?

Missing realist 02:04 ,2012 آذار 14

and what exactly bothers you if the brotherhood won in a free election mowaten? let the people choos who they want, didn't the iranians choose khameni according to you?? your rejectionist sectarian views and comments are exactly what pushes moderate people into the arms of fundamentalism, not to mention the support of atrocities and butchering.

Thumb ado.australia 02:29 ,2012 آذار 14

Slash.... Erdogon is Muslim brotherhood. LoL. The justice and development party is no way close to the brotherhood. It is a conservative central right party that what's to be part of the eu. It is not anti Islam, (like most Turkish secular politics) and has advocated freedom for Muslims to we're the hijab in public. This is nothing to do with the moustaches less beared fanatics of the Muslim brotherhood, so go take your own advise of spearing us your ignorance.

Thumb Bandoul 08:59 ,2012 آذار 14

Spoken like a true ignoramus.

Thumb thepatriot 10:15 ,2012 آذار 14

A religious party holding arms...could something be more extremist ya fffLAME!
Not to mention terrorism and political assasinations... hehehehehe...you're a Joker!

Missing realist 18:40 ,2012 آذار 13

patriarch needs to stay in religion like all religion people, he is definitely not a smart politician

Missing realist 18:42 ,2012 آذار 13

Dude, no one can monopolize power from now on in the arab world, not the brotherhood, not the salafis, not any political party, you guys do not understand the true dyanmic of the revolutions. The era of power monopoly through police states is over, let whoever win the elections rule and if they can not deliver better economies they would lose. No mukhabarat will save any autocrat from 2012 on, history only marches forward.

Missing anonymoustxusa 19:16 ,2012 آذار 13

That's what the Iranians thought will happen back in 1979.
Guess what today it is 2012 and they still can't overthrown the theocracy that hijacked their democratic revolution, even though their Mullah ruler have sucked in providing better standard of living.

Missing anonymoustxusa 20:39 ,2012 آذار 13

There was a landslide of Khamenei over Ahmadinejad...yeah yeah...same pant with 2 legs...both belong to the Mullah council.
That's democracy??? that's election???
And haven't they tried to overthrow it in 2009 - Down with Mullah rule they chanted fpr all to see ???

Thumb geha 21:05 ,2012 آذار 13

iran has declared a state of emergency because of unrest.
this is the landslide elections you are talking about? :)

Missing realist 02:13 ,2012 آذار 14

i disagree with you on this one, the brotherhood won the elections in egypt mainly because they were organized and less corrupt than the mubarak regime and had a vast network of social services for the poor, if they fail to deliver a better economy they will lose power, there is no army or police state that will keep them in power, the days of monopolizing opinion are over. 1979 is not 2012, this is the era of internet and information.

Thumb Bandoul 09:05 ,2012 آذار 14

Spoken like a true ignoramus. Where did you get your political science degree? You need to get your money back from that university because you got robbed!

Thumb Bandoul 09:04 ,2012 آذار 14

You are on point dude. Gr8 comment.

Default-user-icon NR (ضيف) 18:53 ,2012 آذار 13

“Amid the toughest circumstances, we acknowledged the (former) patriarch’s spiritual leadership and did not use such words against him,” the FPM leader noted.

Aoun has alzhimer ... in advanced stage

Missing realist 18:56 ,2012 آذار 13

Aoun in the 80's wanted to break the head of hafez assad, he really comes at the bottom when it comes to poltical IQ. You probably were too young to hear his hallucinations. He really likes swimming against the tide. Remember his "next tuesday" remarks? did the 'victory' in bab amr end the revolution lol? defections are on the rise and the economy on the further decline, you can only silence the masses for so long..you can only imagine the regime also losing the military advantage as the rebelion grows and gets more arms, the regime can attack but can not occupy pretty much like israel can not occupy south lebanon. There really is no miltary solution for the regime and the only solution is the departure and a new syrian political order, this whole affair might take a year or longer but the end of the syrian regime as we know it is a mathematical certainty. Note how Aoun talks about the "alternative", this is an indication that he really is not convinced the regime can survive.

Default-user-icon MAVERICK (ضيف) 02:51 ,2012 آذار 14

realist Abosolutly, time will tell, they cry wolf , but there is not wolf, everyone is tired of their rhetoric , the truth will ultimatly reveal who is honest, dedicatedf to lenanon's integrity and identity .
i have just returned , and will be a compatriot , by the way where is FIFI

Missing anonymoustxusa 19:17 ,2012 آذار 13

You are right
The thug has to go...but not at the hand of other thugs, that wants no other than to replace him.

Thumb geha 19:28 ,2012 آذار 13

what is your comment on the internet law they are trying to pass here in lebanon? pretty soon blogging will be illegal in Lebanon.
these are the doings of hizbushaitan!
we have these thugs to worry about and their allies like aoun who cover for them. yes rahi's comments are unacceptable and currently there is a petition in preparation for requesting from rome to remove him.

Missing anonymoustxusa 19:37 ,2012 آذار 13

Who said I support Aoun or the Hizb
I said I earlier - they are both bad for lebanon

Thumb geha 19:42 ,2012 آذار 13

well rahi is just supporting them and their master the syrian regime against us lebanese!!!!!!!!!

Missing anonymoustxusa 19:18 ,2012 آذار 13

I refer you to my above comment to Realist on what exactly is happening in Tunis and Egypt

Thumb geha 19:22 ,2012 آذار 13

for your information: there are already many complaints about rahi that have been sent to rome, and during his last visit there on his way back from the US, he was received only by the secretary of the vatican foreign minister. he was ordered to adjust his comments to be in line with rome directives.
but he is at it once more, and he will not last in his post by deicision of rome. :)
he does not represent us, and all his comments are against the directives of the church.

Missing jabalena 19:25 ,2012 آذار 13

oh crap ;;its tuesday ..

Default-user-icon to call or not to call (ضيف) 19:29 ,2012 آذار 13

didn't you with the previous one?
ya 3eintein

Missing aris 19:30 ,2012 آذار 13

when bashar is taken to the hague for crimes against hummanity Aoun should be hanged in downtown beirut without a trial

Thumb geha 19:34 ,2012 آذار 13

rread properly: Aoun is the traitor. he dealt with israel and there are pictures of him with israeli soldiers during the 82 invasion. as well he is a traitor for dealing with the syrian regime.
you talk about joumblat changing sides! what about this aoun character????

Default-user-icon Muhamada (ضيف) 19:48 ,2012 آذار 13

This is the only thing Aoun is correct about anything else is a real problem especially the electricity, fix the electricity and stop lying to Lebanese about everything.

Missing anonymoustxusa 20:00 ,2012 آذار 13

You are assuming that 10%Christians & 20% Alawites will remain in Syria
Irak war showed that 90% of the Iraki Christians (also 10% of pre-Irak war population) were wiped out of Irak never to return.
By the end of this war - all indication that this is what will will happen to Syrian minorities.
Do you really think that Saudi Royal Families & other Gulf Sheikh are dreaming of having democracies pop out around them...they know that if that happens..3 - 5 years down the road they will be dethroned, that's why they are so eager to be the sponsors of these up-rising to get a better grip on the outcome.

Missing helicopter 20:01 ,2012 آذار 13

Religious Leadders stick to religion. Aoun insults to Batrak Sfeir (along those of Franjieh) far exceed the mere political disagreement Gaegae is voicing against Batrak Rahi position. We do not want our army infiltratedd by any fanatic groups be them Salafis or Hezb (and we know that the Hezb is more than infiltrated, they control the army). Stability in Syria is not necessarily good for Lebanon, Syria wass stable for 50 years and it wreaked havoc on Lebanon throughout its decades of stability. We need a Syria that respects Lebanon's Government, its borders and its institutions.

Missing anonymoustxusa 20:05 ,2012 آذار 13

I don't get OTV or NBN
I get BBC & CNN, Reuters, Al-Jazeera English.

Thumb Bandoul 08:47 ,2012 آذار 14

@anonymoustxusa, let me guess, I bet you think Obama is the best thing since sliced bread! Listen, I don't watch Al-Jazeera but the others that you mention completely explain your slanted, biased and irreprehensible position. God bless the state of Israel and keep it safe from Evil.

Default-user-icon houna (ضيف) 20:06 ,2012 آذار 13

I repeat the question that SG asked: why the Patriach is going that far in supporting Assad regime? He is not asked to side with the Syrian opposition, but he also should not shift to the other side either. In all cases, knowing that whatever he says change nothing on Syrian grounds, so why taking sides?

Thumb ado.australia 03:35 ,2012 آذار 14

He is not supporting the Assad regime. He is against violence. He is not spewing the same propaganda of innocent civilians being raped and killed by allawite army. There is violence from both sides. The opposition is armed to the teeth, already showing their terrorist capabilities. Assad offered reforms and dialogue, the opposition wants non of it and only demands violent overthrow. The batrak is asking for reforms and dialogue, not violence. How can he possibly take any other position?

Thumb thepatriot 20:09 ,2012 آذار 13


Missing anonymoustxusa 20:12 ,2012 آذار 13

Even if someone like Sarah Palin came to power.
There is a higher Power than the president, which is the US constitution that will not allow her to usurp human/civil rights&liberties for all people in the US no matter what their religion.
Something that can't be said when Shariaa law becomes the constitution in a muslim country. Non-Muslim inhabitants automaticall become 2'nd class citizens with limited human rights.

Missing anonymoustxusa 20:44 ,2012 آذار 13

Sorry Syrian i don't like the Baath regime or any totalitarian or theocratic regime as a matter of fact. I like Democratie
Apparently you can't respond to the charge that once Muslim brotherhood comes to power in Syria, gone will be Freedom and Civil rights for non Sunni, and that's what some people don't want to become accomplice to.

Thumb thepatriot 20:13 ,2012 آذار 13


start watching at the 3rd minute... hehehehe...

Missing anonymoustxusa 04:28 ,2012 آذار 14

Patriot - i watched the video...Aoun wasn't mad at Patriarch Sfeir. He was mad at his political opponents in M14.
He was clearly mad that M14 camp were asking the Patriach to take political decisions on behalf of the christians, instead of talking to him as he was the head of the largest Christian MP block in parliament.

Thumb Bandoul 08:49 ,2012 آذار 14

Why are you lying through your teeth? GMA's lack of respect for Sfeir was well documented. You are deliberately distorting the truth.

Missing anonymoustxusa 14:27 ,2012 آذار 14

Daaahhhh Bandoul everyone knows that Aoun and Sfeir were not buddies.
Patriot's link is supposed to show Aoun disrespecting Sfeir - but the video link posted didn't show that - it showed Aoun attacking his M14 opponent. So who is lying???

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 20:34 ,2012 آذار 13

he is still doing his everlasting job:dividing the national lebanese and especially the christians.
his victories are always ridiculous from dahr el wahch to baabda to saddam.. to harb elilgha..tahrir...

Thumb geha 20:43 ,2012 آذار 13

coming from you.....
for your information I am a Christian and moreover a maronite. so shut up :)

Thumb geha 20:47 ,2012 آذار 13

law of the jungle :) that is demcracy.

Default-user-icon Bashar H. Assad (ضيف) 20:59 ,2012 آذار 13

“the unrest in Syria is almost over" by next Tuesday, again?

Thumb sophia_angle 21:27 ,2012 آذار 13

Woww our General rocksss!!!

Thumb Bandoul 08:52 ,2012 آذار 14

Yours? Do you have paperwork that shows you have ownership of him? Don't get me wrong, if you do own him and he is indeed yours, for the love of anything good, take him indoors and get him trained. Every time he goes oustside he makes a big mess and nobody else wants him.

Missing anonymoustxusa 22:17 ,2012 آذار 13

What can i say. I am proud that i was able to accomplish something that very few have done before - Getting both M8 & M14 camp on naharnet to agree on something => Hating me...Hahahaaaaa
Good night all naharnet readers it's been fun LOL :)

Missing realist 02:07 ,2012 آذار 14

rahi is doing the christians more harm than good by putting them in potential animosity with & i am not fond of any religous man who talks politics. I hope all polticians who have blood on their hands in lebanon spend as many years in jail as gaegae did, birri for the atoricities against the palestenians, jumblat against the christians, nasrala against beirut and the assasinations, etc.

Thumb ado.australia 03:03 ,2012 آذار 14

Geha, you live in fairy land. The patriarch is in full agreement and compliment position with the Vatican. The pope is coming to Lebanon in September to show his support!!

The one thing right, is he doesn't represent dillusional fanatics.

Default-user-icon Cedars (ضيف) 03:31 ,2012 آذار 14

فعون، وخلال اطلالته بعد ظهر الثلثاء 13 آذار وردا على سؤال عن تعليقه على مواقف النائب وليد جنبلاط تجاه البطريرك بشارة الراعي اطلق العنان فورا وبطريقة اوتوماتيكية لرد عنيف على الدكتور جعجع رغم ان السؤال لم يكن متعلقا بجعجع أصلا!

Default-user-icon Enough (ضيف) 06:59 ,2012 آذار 14

This poor fool is one of a kind, at least we can be thankful of that. It is hard to say if the cowardly general is the biggest liar/hypocrite of all time or if he is truly insane.

I see Aoun's chearleders are busy howling at the moon as usual... The only one missing is Jabable, he is probably sitting in front of his computer dreaming about Filthy Zionist hiding under his bed.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 08:26 ,2012 آذار 14

@ Flamethrower, you are such a brainwashed imbecile, like your master Aoun. For you everybody that doesnt follow your crazy general is Sunni. You think of Hariri as an extremist, while His future tv employs more christians than muslims. His surroundings and advisors are christians. Not to mention that he took more than 4 Women as MPS in his bloc while i cant see any women in your general's bloc or maybe one. Hariri gave ministeries to women in his governement. What did your general give to them? Sois belle et vote ( marvelous add and promise of mon general in 2009 and never fufilled ). As well as Hezbollah, how many women mps?

Thumb Bandoul 08:37 ,2012 آذار 14

Only hypocrites take issue when Geagea criticizes Al-Rahi when they looked the other way when GMA and Franjieh did the same to the former Patriarch Sfeir. Have you no sense of pride and fairness sir?

Thumb Bandoul 08:38 ,2012 آذار 14

Gr8 Avatar!

Default-user-icon assaad (ضيف) 08:39 ,2012 آذار 14

je suis d'accord que Samir Geagea devrait annoncer ses propres convictions que je partage sans commenter les déclarations du Patriarche ((ue je ne comprends pas en ce moment). mais il est aussi vrai que Michel avait était beaucoup plus agressif vers le Patriarche Sfeir. une fois il a dit qu'il etait KHERFAN.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 08:47 ,2012 آذار 14

@ Flamethrower, if you are maronite, you are a disgrace accepting the history book your general's minister is imposing on schools. And if you say are against that, then why are you still FPM? you will tell me i have the right to criticize even my own affiliations, ill say yeah your right, but they are changing history, one they were part of and i think that many viewed Aoun's battle against the syrians courageous at the time, and even 13th of october 2010 wasnt labelled as it should have. They should have cited how he ran away like a chicken leaving soldiers in the hand of the same merciless regime he is now friends with. 3am b2ellak flamethrower, if you still are an FPM follower after knowing that, than i understand now why Aoun has still support of some people.

Thumb ado.australia 12:58 ,2012 آذار 14

Skyfall... General Aoun has repeatedly said that this text book will not be approved.

Missing forces 14:47 ,2012 آذار 14

yeah but he won't remember that tomorrow!

Thumb Bandoul 08:55 ,2012 آذار 14


Thumb Bandoul 08:57 ,2012 آذار 14

The pot calling the kettle black...hypocrite.

Thumb Bandoul 09:06 ,2012 آذار 14


Default-user-icon Muhamada (ضيف) 09:16 ,2012 آذار 14

Aoun and Geagea both have Christian blood on their hands, so don't even dare to criticise the holy man, good will not forgive you what you have done to Lebanese people in the past. Aoun and Geagea nothing but war criminals just like the Assad and Hassouna shaitan with your radical evil views destroying our future and failing to provide us with electricity.

Missing forces 14:44 ,2012 آذار 14

that would have had a lot more credibility if you mentioned all the leaders not the select few.

Thumb ado.australia 09:36 ,2012 آذار 14

Flame thrower. Geha has tried many times to present himself as a Maronite, while in the same sentence he abuses the Patriach and defends salafists. He hates the army, claiming its pro Hezbollah. .... Yeh, he's doing a great job convincing everyone he's a Christian.

Thumb geha 12:22 ,2012 آذار 14

stupid guys! I do not support salafis, but I do not accept you bring them in on any discussion, especially they are a contained threat here in lebann, while hizbushaitan is the biggest threat for all true lebanese: they killed our leader and they are a state in the state, like the palestinians tried to do for a while, and we know how that ended :)

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 12:58 ,2012 آذار 14

Geagea criticized the patriarch, while Aoun's people literally went and grabbed the batrak and forced him to kiss Aoun's picture or do they forget this now? When Sfeir was the patriarch, Aoun treated him like a foreign spy...

Missing forces 14:43 ,2012 آذار 14

well said, i think i finally agree with you on something, hence why i am a Geagea advocate not one of Aoun's.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 16:44 ,2012 آذار 14

@ Ado.australia and @ Flamethrower, maybe you havent noticed, but Gabby layoun is the one who proposed the history book. He is an FPM minister for god's sake. How can he have had proposed such a book if not with the approval of his boss aoun? we saw that nothing bypasses aoun, the perfect exemple is with charbel nahhas. Anyway what your general says and does is very different. You dont link things too well ( Gaby Layoun = FPM = Aoun? ) this is just because their was a media uproar againt it , and he was obliged to respond and say he doesnt approve it. You are incredibly blinded, and flamethrower, you are incredibly lacking of logic, yet again , this shows how you believe in your general and your love is unconditionnal.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 16:44 ,2012 آذار 14

Dont even try to put me in the other zones because for sure i am not a lebanese forces fan or Hariri. I criticize them for lots of things. but you cant seem to do the same with your dummy master . You are a slave of the fpm rhetoric, a slave of an insane man, but dont worry, because im not, a master that needs slaves like yourself, is not more than a slave to his slaves...