باراك: حزب الله يخطط لمهاجمة أهداف يهودية في الخارج

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إتهم وزير الدفاع الإسرائيلى إيهود باراك حزب الله بالتخطيط "لمواصلة هجماته على أهداف يهودية فى الخارج" .

ونسبت صحيفة "جيروزاليم بوست" الاسرائيلية فى موقعها الالكترونى إلى باراك قوله امام لجنة الدفاع والشؤون الخارجية فى الكنيست: "على الرغم من أن الهجمات الحديثة تم إحباطها غير أن حزب الله يبدو أنه سيواصل محاولاته ".

وأضاف أن الردع الاسرائيلى مازال قويا فى لبنان غير أنه فى الوقت نفسه مازال حزب الله يواصل الحصول على صواريخ مختلفة الأنواع.

واتهم باراك إيران بأنها "تمول، وفى بعض الاحيان تنفذ هجمات ارهابية حول العالم".

وحمل باراك الحكومة اللبنانية المسؤولية عن أى تصعيد يقوم به حزب الله نظرا للدور الذى يلعبه حزب الله فى السياسات اللبنانية.

وتحدث وزير الدفاع الإسرائيلي عن إمكانية ضرب إيران، وقال ان المواقع النووية الايرانية سوف تدخل عما قريب فى مرحلة "الحصانة" وهو ما يجعل "الهجوم الجراحى" حسب تعبيره ممكنا.

ومضى باراك يقول: انه فى الوقت الذى تعتبر فيه العقوبات مهمة وتلحق الضرر بالاقتصاد الإيراني غير أنها لم تقنع إيران حتى الان بضرورة التخلى عن برنامجها النووى، مضيفا أنه "إذا حصلت إيران على قدرات نووية فسوف يكون النزاع معها أكثر تعقيدا وسوف يكلف المزيد من الخسائر والموارد البشرية و الإنسانية".

التعليقات 21
Thumb geha 11:25 ,2012 آذار 20

yes and this is what they do: now we are having daily comments about the weapons and threat of hizbushaitan, which means they are paving the way for a major strike :)

Thumb Chupachups 11:51 ,2012 آذار 20

lol whatever, every month or so they like to talk about lebanon (i.e play the drums of war)... just like how they speak of iran (for the past 3 months or so).. so they got bored.. now it's hezballahs turn.

Thumb kesrweneh 14:36 ,2012 آذار 20

oh well anything that makes Israel scared is good for us

Thumb primesuspect 15:07 ,2012 آذار 20

You clearly don't understand Hezbollah. You may admire them, but you don't get them. They take their orders from Iran, your friend Nasrallah is just a tool that follows orders given to him. They want to free Palestine... They said it loud and clear. Basically, Hezbollah wants war.... As it's the only way to justify its own existence. Hezbollah owes the state (hence us) billions of dollars resulting from the the war they wages on the Israeli war machine. Now where's that money? Hezbollah owes me money for all the shatterred windows when they took hostage us hostage on a bloody 7th of May. Hezbollah must go, full stop.

Thumb ado.australia 17:37 ,2012 آذار 20

Prime suspect, if hezballah owes you money, then what does Israel owe you? What does the USA owe you, as it was their freely donated weapons that Israel uses? Hezballah is the effect, then who is the cause?

Who does not want a free Palestine? If it weren't for Israel, we would not have hezballah, nor the palestinain camps in Lebanon, nor would we have had 16 years of civil war!

Thumb primesuspect 20:31 ,2012 آذار 20

Ado.australia: it's seems you haven't come to Lebanon lately. Our army is equipped with hummers and M16 machine guns. Don't blame America, it's strictly business. The Great Russsia does the same in Syria or Iran. Business is business. During the cold war, both Russia and America were helping Israel against the entire Arab world. Hezbollah is the one that started the costly 2006 war and Hezbollah is the one that attacked the Lebanese in May. Hezbollah is the one that owes us money. Hezbollah is THE militarized faction present in Lebanon. perhaps Iran should be sending money for non Shia citizens in Lebanon to pay for the damage it has caused. In Hezbollah want to truly fight the Zionist entity, they should go to Syria and fight for the Golan.

Thumb israeliconspiracy 04:03 ,2012 آذار 21

...you mean the Vietnam-era M16s and Hummers? Please.

Thumb arzz 08:04 ,2012 آذار 21

I don't have to like HA to know that israel is the original cancer that brought about HA's and hamas existance. You sure are one prime idiot.

Missing anonymoustxusa 18:45 ,2012 آذار 20

To FT and Ado
Lebanon is to be defended by Lebanese army alone.
HA can hand over their weapons bunkers and missiles to the Lebanese army, who will see them properly used to defend the nation.
By refusing to do so means that HA is indeed just a tool, an Iranian forward line of defense tool, and doesn't serve any lebanese purpose.

Thumb primesuspect 20:32 ,2012 آذار 20

Yislam hal toum!

Thumb arzz 07:59 ,2012 آذار 21

bwahahahaha ... yes the lebanese army can put up a fight with israel. What a dumb shmuck you are. Israel probably already has at least several hundred informants in the army, isf etc. And if they don't they could very easily infiltrate it. Not so with HA. They are in the blind. You cannot get that with the army smart guy.

Like them or hate them. As Ado said they are the effect not the cause. Your israeli buddies are the cause of HA and palestinian camps in Lebanon.

Thumb arzz 08:00 ,2012 آذار 21

bwahahahaha ... yes the lebanese army can put up a fight with israel. What a dumb shmuck you are. Israel probably already has at least several hundred informants in the army, isf etc. And if they don't they could very easily infiltrate it. Not so with HA. They are in the blind. You cannot get that with the army smart guy.

Like them or hate them. As Ado said they are the effect not the cause. Your israeli buddies are the cause of HA and palestinian camps in Lebanon.

Missing anonymoustxusa 19:01 ,2012 آذار 20

You know if Mustakbal and LF each Create an armed militia for sunni and Christian members only arm themselves to the teeth with heavy weapons and declare themselves to be resistance movements and want to fight Israel and take positions surrounding Dahieh - how would the shiaa feel? I bet they wouldn't like it and suspect them of conspiring with foreign forces against them. That's exactly what the Sunni, Druze and Christians feel toward Hizbullah.

Thumb arzz 08:06 ,2012 آذار 21

If you make an armed militia to fight israel then no need to surround dahieh. You then join HA no?

Of course people like you must think anyone who speaks like me cannot be objective, but only an HA lover. I am as far as you from the latter bozo.

Thumb joesikemrex 05:39 ,2012 آذار 21

Lebanon is in need of a REAL resistance to resist the fake resistance

Thumb falanges 07:03 ,2012 آذار 21

we are arming

Thumb arzz 08:10 ,2012 آذار 21

I am sure HA is afraid

Thumb arzz 08:07 ,2012 آذار 21

they got you joesi

Missing anonymoustxusa 14:38 ,2012 آذار 21

Are you trying to hide the fact that Israel has already infiltrated Hizbullah, and others surrounding it. And who caught them - the Army/ISF intelligence, not Hizbullah.
In any case - your Cause and Effect are irrelevant - Now that Lebanon has state institutions that are responsible to defend the nation - it should no longer be in the hands of vigilante/mercenaries for hire by Iran

Missing anonymoustxusa 14:48 ,2012 آذار 21

Do you think HA would accept Non-Shiaa members???
If i remember correctly - The Armed resistance movement was initially diverse in nature and was from leftist movements and parties, mostly Non-Shiaa, christians & Sunni Druze factions. What happened to these Non-Shiaa armed resistance movement - they were summerly oppressed and disbanded in order to give rise to a purely Shiaa so called resistance movement to be a Pro-Iranian/Alawite tool.

Missing anonymoustxusa 14:57 ,2012 آذار 21

And Arzz
If they didn't need to surround Dahieh -then why did Hizbullah need to surround the Chouf to fight Israel NO?