عون يرفض الإتهام في قضية استشهاد الصحافي علي شعبان والتعليق على محاولة اغتيال جعجع: ننتظر التحقيق

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رفض رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" استباق التحقيق في قضية استشهاد الصحافي علي شعبان مستنكرا الحادث، كما لم يشأ التعليق على محاولة اغتيال رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع قبل صدور التقرير النهائي من الأجهزة الرسمية.

وقال عون بد اجتماع التكتل عصر الثلاثاء من الرابية "نستنكر الحادث الذي حصل مع الصحافي علي شعبان ونتمنى التحقيق لنعرف كيف حصلت الجريمة".

وعندما سئل من يتهم في قضية شعبان خصوصا أن قناة "الجديد" أوضحت أن الجيش السوري هو من أطلق النار قال عون "لم يصل إليّ أي تحقيق في حادث الصحافي وأنا لا أعلق على أي حادث لأن هناك سلطات تنفذ تحقيقا أنتظره".

وكان قد قضى علي شعبان (32 عاما) أمس الإثنين باطلاق النار على الحدود اللبنانية السورية في منطقة وادي خالد. وكان شعبان برفقة الصحافيين حسين خريس وعبد خياط في المحطة نفسها. وكتبت "الجديد" في شريطها الاخباري "استشهد المصور في قناة الجديد الزميل علي شعبان بعد اطلاق النار من الجيش السوري على سيارة الجديد".

وعن محاولة اغتيال جعجع رأى عون أشار إلى أنه لن يتخذ موقفا من الحادثة مضيفا "انا رئيس تكتل وقائد جيش سابق وانتظر دائما نتائج التحقيق" وموضحا ردا على سؤال أن "لا سبب" لعدم اتصاله بجعجع.

وكان جعجع قد أعلن عم محاولة لاغتيالع الأربعاء الماضي بإطلاق النار عبر قناصتين "شتاير" من عيار 12.7 و14.5 ومن خلال أكثر من مجموعة استعملت أجهزة متطورة وغرفة عمليات لم تستطع أجهزة معراب – مقر سكنه – على التقاطها.

وفي السياق عينه شجب عون كيف أنه عند حدوث "جريمة قتل" كما أسماها يبدأ الهجوم على وزير الإتصالات نقولا صحناوي الآن وجبران باسيل سابقا".

وتابع "إلا أن لهذا الموضوع مسار قانوني كي تعطى المعلومات التي يطلبونها، فالهيئة القضائية هي المختصة والوزير ليس له علاقة إطلاقا" مطالبا المعنيين بتخفيف "الثرثرة كي يعلم الرأي العام بالحقائق كما هي".

وتتهم قوى "14 آذار" آذار صحناوي بعدم تسليم داتا الإتصالات إلى الأجهزة الأمنية إلا أن الأخير يقول أنه يسلمها موضحا أن إعطاء الداتا الكاملة عن كل المشتركين يعود الفصل فيها إلى الهئية القضائية التي شكلتها الحكومة وليس إلى الوزارة.

وتطرق رئيس التيار "الوطني الحر" إلى القانون الإنتخابي فقال أنه "من الواضح من اجتماعات بكركي أن النسبية متوافق عليها وأنا طرحت النسبية على أساس الدائرة الإنتخابية الواحدة لأنها تنصف الأفرقاء وتلغي الطائفية السياسية".

إلا انه استطرد قائلا "هناك من يعمل على "فرم" البلد والخلاص هو بالنسبية بأكبر دائرة ممكنة".

من جهة أخرى أوضح انه "ليس لدينا تجاذبات سياسية في التعيينات والمقترحين هم على أساس كفاءتهم".

كما كرر عون القول أن العميد السابق فايز كرم المتهم بالعمالة مع إسرائيل مرّ من عنده بعد إطلاق سراحه وذهب إلى بيته مردفا "دفع ثمن الخطأ الذي اقترفه ولا إحراج في ما قلناه المرة السابقة".

  • 17:15 ,2012 نيسان 10

    عون خاتما: كل شيء يحتاج إلى تحقيق والإطلاع على تفاصيل ليتمكن القاضي من إكمال التحقيق

  • 17:14 ,2012 نيسان 10

    عون: هناك حكومة رسمية وأجهزة وطالما لا تتكلم هذه الأجهزة لا يمكننا أن نميز بين البروباغندا وبين الخبر، لا يمكن إدانة أحد دون تحقيق رسمي إن كان معنا أو ضدنا

  • 17:12 ,2012 نيسان 10

    عون: لم يصل إلي أي تحقيق في حادث الصحافي وأنا لا أعلق على أي حادث لأن هناك سلطات تنفذ تحقيقا أنتظره

  • 17:11 ,2012 نيسان 10

    عون: فايز كرم دفع ثمن الخطأ الذي اقترفه ولا إحراج في ما قلناه المرة السابقة

  • 17:11 ,2012 نيسان 10

    عون: الواضح من اجتماعات بكركي أن النسبية متوافق عليها وأنا طرحت النسبية على أساس الدائرة الإنتخابية الواحدة لأنها تنصف الأفرقاء وتلغي الطائفية السياسية إلا ان هناك من يعمل على "فرم" البلد، الخلاص هو بالنسبية بأكبر دائرة ممكنة

  • 17:09 ,2012 نيسان 10

    عون: ليس لدينا تجاذبات سياسية في التعيينات والمقترحين هم على أساس كفاءتهم

  • 17:09 ,2012 نيسان 10

    عون: لدينا وزارتان مختصان في الأمن هما الدفاع والداخلية ولم يبلغونا بأي توتر

  • 17:07 ,2012 نيسان 10

    عون: لا سبب لعدم اتصالي بجعجع

  • 17:07 ,2012 نيسان 10

    عون: نتمنى أن تكون جلسة الحكومة هادئة فالتدني في مستوى الحديث لن ينفع

  • 17:06 ,2012 نيسان 10

    عون: كل ما حصل جريمة قتل يبدأ الهجوم على وزير الإتصالات إلا أن لهذا الموضوع مسار قانوني كي تعطى المعلومات التي يطلبونها، فالهيئة القضائية هي المختصة والوزير ليس له علاقة إطلاقا ولو يخففون الثرثرة كي يعلم الرأي العام بالحقائق كما هي

  • 17:05 ,2012 نيسان 10

    رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون بعد اجتماع التكتل من الرابية: نستنكر الحادث الذي حصل مع الصحافي علي شعبان ونتمنى التحقيق لنعرف كيف حصلت الجريمة

التعليقات 45
Thumb thefool 17:13 ,2012 نيسان 10

Maybe if Aoun critisized less, he would be less critisized as well :)

La courtoisie et le respect sont reciproque ya General.

Missing inveritas 04:35 ,2012 نيسان 11

And we should take your word for it because you're named thefool?

Missing wise 17:39 ,2012 نيسان 10

Aoun is an idiot... By the way Mr. Aoun, I have someting to tell you... Our next president is Mr. Geagea... The guy who never compromised on his principles.

Thumb benzona 21:54 ,2012 نيسان 10

i do hope Geagea won't be our next president. he's got blood on his hands... same goes for Aoun, Jumblatt, Nasrallah. our next president should be irreproachable.

Thumb kesrweneh 09:14 ,2012 نيسان 11

what u say is soooo wise and deep, you have stated and backed ur statements with proofs and logic, are you LF?

Missing wise 17:53 ,2012 نيسان 10

Long Live Geagea... Lebanese Forces forever!!

Thumb kesrweneh 09:16 ,2012 نيسان 11

w allah baddo mar charbel w mar charbel baddo el hakim!! w ya batrakna ya 3azim khalle 3aynak 3al hakim (ah sorry those were Sfeir days) and finally Baro2o baro2o Samir Geagea baro2o

Thumb geha 18:02 ,2012 نيسان 10

nw fpm followers heard it from their aoun: Retired Brig. Gen. Fayez Karam paid the price for his mistake.
i hope they will not deny he is guilty anymore :) but he should be shot instead of being released, as this is the military justice for traitors.
on the data: the data shows only to which cells the phones were connected as well as who contacted who, so the conversations are not heard. sehanaoui has no reason not to provide them.
this makes sehanaoui and his group conspirators and accessories to the fact for denying the security forces this data, especially they supply it to the syro/iranians constantly.

Missing inveritas 04:33 ,2012 نيسان 11

Flame, don't even try and understand M14 logic. A 5 year old child can understand more.

Thumb kesrweneh 09:17 ,2012 نيسان 11

thank you FT!!!

Missing sikoflebanon 18:06 ,2012 نيسان 10

Yes, maybe the investigation will show that a dingo shot him.
Then it will be australia's fault and the oranges can keep defending bashar.

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 18:32 ,2012 نيسان 10

Don't worry Aoun......your master in Syria will provide all the details, then you can go back to licking his boots.

How amazing this news team kept reporting the Syrian army was not shooting into lebanon.

Thumb bigsami 18:35 ,2012 نيسان 10

siddo ya Aoun....even when you try to be cordial it comes across cold and insincere.

Default-user-icon quote (ضيف) 18:58 ,2012 نيسان 10

The demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots. - H. L. Mencken

Default-user-icon whyaskwhy (ضيف) 19:02 ,2012 نيسان 10

Hes special...like every single Lebanese leader pfffttt! when will we ever wake up?

Default-user-icon i like orange... but (ضيف) 19:03 ,2012 نيسان 10


Thumb geha 19:41 ,2012 نيسان 10

has anyone noticed there are no stupid comments from fpm followers? suddenly their aoun baffled them and contradicted all their wrong claims :)
all their comments in favor of the traitor karam and so on... and now they are suddenly silent!
hope this is a wake up call for them to understand reality at last :)

Missing inveritas 04:32 ,2012 نيسان 11

I'm waiting on those links Geha. Where are they?

Thumb kesrweneh 09:19 ,2012 نيسان 11

Geha u should do some more readings

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 19:51 ,2012 نيسان 10

life was not fair with this guy.....bad luck with saddam,with hafez,the american congress,baabda and especially the presidency after paris...he still cries everytime he sees fakhamto with his wife having all the royal receptions...

Thumb kesrweneh 09:22 ,2012 نيسان 11

Remember this guy freed Lebanon in 2005 after 17 years of resistance, and then he had the courage to make peace with his enemies. Rafic Hariri used to be Assas Lackey and then when they throwed him out he switched sides. So at least the "guy" has dignity

Missing christian89 20:58 ,2012 نيسان 10

who takes this claoun seriously anymore.

Thumb kesrweneh 09:20 ,2012 نيسان 11

euhh 55% of the christians, according to last elections, more then 62% according to last M14 stats (thus the movie "the flower and the sniper")

Thumb shab 21:03 ,2012 نيسان 10

Any Lebanese should be free to talk to Israel.

Missing inveritas 04:31 ,2012 نيسان 11

Then you should be the one to hang.

Missing wise 21:56 ,2012 نيسان 10

Aoun, you are stupid, but the sad part is that you don't know it..

Missing youssefhaddad 22:37 ,2012 نيسان 10

It is a shame for any Lebanese to accept such an unprincipled flip flopper as a leader.

Thumb falanges 22:53 ,2012 نيسان 10

Flamefag is the only 1 defending this fool. Where are all his supporters??

Thumb kesrweneh 09:31 ,2012 نيسان 11

Falanges this is a Harriri owned website so having almost as much FPM then Harriri supporters is almost a miracle

Missing inveritas 17:42 ,2012 نيسان 11

Keserweneh, you can't compare FPM supporters to Hariri supporters. It's like comparing wolves to sheep.

Default-user-icon Bashar (ضيف) 01:49 ,2012 نيسان 11

Hey boul Mich you need to shut your interior minister up he's making you look like a fool, oh and the check is in the mail you are doing a good job for me.

مروان شربل : محاولة اغتيال جعجع كانت جديّة جداً وهو نجا بأعجوبة

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 03:51 ,2012 نيسان 11

Funny he never waited for investigations to accuse the revolution in Syria of being terrorists or to announce the end of it last November or accuse the Hariri government of corruption. None of these things waited for an investigation so why does he wait for one now?

He's a Syrian puppet coward who sold his soul in the hope of becoming president one day with Assad's blessing.

Missing cedars 04:07 ,2012 نيسان 11

There were mistakes made by both Aoun and GeaGea, do not dare to bring up the past as both of them screwed up very similar to the Amal/HA battles, very similar to the divisions of the PSPP, also Arslan and Jumblat as well as the rest of every religion and party in Lebanon, and our brotherly Syrian friends were always part of or supportive to one side of the above groups as they ran the Country for 30yrs based on the "divide and conquer" concept.
Lesson learned security is above all, assassination and killing of any Lebanese citizen is not acceptable and is not an exaggeration, every True Lebanese must support the investigation otherwise he/she is a collaborator. Collaborators are made of any foreign entity (Israeli, Iranian and Syrian) that lesson very few has learned it which is why the Country will always be divided.

Missing inveritas 04:30 ,2012 نيسان 11

Do you want the link that condemns Geagea as a terrorist?
Hahaha, they even called him warlord back then. Now people want him to run for president.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 06:06 ,2012 نيسان 11

Syrian Feats in Lebanon – Part IV
By: General Michel Aoun

The explosive that went off at Our Lady of Salvation, killing and maiming many of the faithful, was followed by a climate of terror created by the security agencies under the pretext of maintaining order. Its objective was to accuse the Lebanese Forces, try them in court, then ban them. And so the Lebanese Forces file was opened, Samir Geagea was tried and, even though he was exonerated of this crime, he was imprisoned nonetheless. He remains incarcerated, and to this day no one knows who committed the crime. Yet the repercussions of political terrorism remain hanging over the Lebanese Forces and others to this day, and not even the morally and spiritually protected centers has been spared these repercussions.


Thumb kesrweneh 14:21 ,2012 نيسان 11

Le phenicien I tried to follow ur link but it leads only to a page supposedly written by GMA but with nolink to a serious site. would you happen to have something more credible?

Thumb kesrweneh 14:22 ,2012 نيسان 11

Le phenicien and thenI discovered it's form a HArriri funded organization in Canada...

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 16:17 ,2012 نيسان 11

kesrweneh my fellow Shiite brother in pretending to be a Christian actually this is a very well known previously pro GMA website that stayed with M14 after Aoun betrayed the cause, but you would know that if you were with GMA before 2006. But before then you were too busy beating up Christian demonstrator and kidnapping Syrian opponents and shipping them off to prisons in Syria or murdering them and stuffing them in car trunks. You need to manage your various identities more effectively your flamethrower, inveritas keserwaneh are overlapping.
Another advise my fellow Shiite bro in all that is brain damaged if you want to really pass for a lifelong GMAer go around that site and read the archived article by the likes of Farid E. Khazen, Pierre Raffoul and GMA himself when was pretending to be magnificent you could learn something.

Default-user-icon Enough (ضيف) 07:26 ,2012 نيسان 11

The Great Deserter rambles on, as always a truly informative speaker :-)

Mon General reminded us that he was an army commander, but left out the part where he abandoned the army to it's fate... Ran off to Paris, lived the good life while the other Christian leaders had to deal with the Assad regime... Aoun attacked Syria and Hezballa when he was away and then jumped in bed with them when he came back... Yeah, here stands a pillar of a man, we should all bow to him.

Thumb kesrweneh 09:26 ,2012 نيسان 11

Hello Neighbourgh glad to have another Kesserweneh here. so according to last LF sources ur allies don't wan't you to have a cnadidate in Kesrwen 2013 elections so you don't "burn" the group. how about that!
My friend even most LF dont believe this "the sniper and the flower" movie why would FPM?

Thumb kesrweneh 09:28 ,2012 نيسان 11

Aoun said that? We have absolutely no control on Cahrbel he's totally pro Sleiman. And BTW there is no "surge in crime' just more media coverage

Thumb kesrweneh 09:30 ,2012 نيسان 11

Young man if you don't like anyone who thinks differently then you seek professional help

Thumb kesrweneh 09:46 ,2012 نيسان 11

Syrian you should read more statistics, I know that u Syria is now slowly heading toward modernity and the fact that you are able to access this site prooves it

Thumb joesikemrex 11:11 ,2012 نيسان 11

Nostradamus has spoken

Missing inveritas 17:45 ,2012 نيسان 11

Is this a complement I hear?