جعجع: أحد أسباب محاولة اغتيالي هو وضعي المسيحيين في قلب الربيع العربي

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رأى رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع أن "الفريق الآخر" له مصلحة بإبعاده عن الحياة السياسية معتبرا أن أحد أسباب محاولة اغتياله هو وضعه "المسيحيين في قلب الربيع العربي".

وقال جعجع في حديث إلى محطة "العربية" مساء الخميس "الفريق الآخر هو من له مصلحة بإبعادي عن الساحة السياسية وللأسف منذ 1975 وضع لبنان يتأثر بالإقليم" وذلك لدى سؤاله إذا كان الفريق داخلي أم خارجي.

وكان قد كشف جعجع الأربعاء الفائت أنه تعرض لمحاولة اغتيال قنصا عندما كان في مقر سكنه في معراب عبر قناصين استعملا بندقيتي "شتاير" من عيار 12.7 و14.5، كما لجآ إلى وسائل متطورة وغرفة عمليات "لم تقدر أجهزة معراب على رصدها".

وأبدى جعجع في حديثه لـ"العربية" اعتقاده في جدية التحقيق من قبل كل من رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان والحكومة نجيب ميقاتي وقائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي والمدير العام لقوى الأمن الداخلي اللواء أشرف ريفي ورئيس شعبة المعلومات في قوى الأمن الداخلي العميد وسام الحسن.

إلا أنه قال أنه "عند النزول (في المرتبات) يحصل خروقات" متابعا "توقفت عملية إعطاء داتا الإتصالات منذ 15/1/2012 فهل أصبح للدتا خصوصية الآن؟إذا كان هناك اختراقات للتحقيق فهي على المستوى السياسي".

وأسف لأن "الخصومة السياسية ليس لها حدود لدينا في لبنان ولا أحد يتحلى بحد أدنى بالموضوعية" جازما أن "التحقيق لليوم لم يحدد عيار الرصاصة وكل ما يحكى عن مصدر البنادق لا يعني شيئا".

وردا على سؤال أردف رئيس "القوات" "إن وضعي للمسيحيين في قلب العالم العربي هو عامل إضافي لمحاولة الإغتيال فهناك من يعمل على معاملتهم كذميين وهناك نظريتنا المعروفة".

وهل هو خائف على رئيس الحزب التقدمي الإشتراكي النائب وليد جنبلاط من الإغتيال قال جعجع "في قراءتي لعقل الفريق الآخر نعم أنا خائف جديا إلا إذا كانوا يعتبرون أن الإنتقام لا يؤثر في الأوضاع".

وعن التحركات التي قيل انها ستلي محاولة اغتياله استنكارا جزم أن "القوات اللبنانية حزب منظم جدا إلى أبعد حدّ ولا أحد يتحرك على الأرض وكان اهتمامي أول يوم هو ملاحقة الفاعلين ومن ثم قلت لأمين عام حزب "القوات" ألا يتحرك أحد على الأرض".

وحول احتمال عودة الصراع الداخلي عشية الذكرى الـ37 للحرب الأهلية استبعد جعجع ذلك "لأنه على الأقل هناك فريق 14 آذار الذي أصبح أكبر من السابق انطلاقا من عوامل عديدة مصر على الحفاظ على السلم الأهلي ولو في بعض الأحيان على حسابه".

وردا على سؤال شدد على أنه "لن نحمل على الإطلاق السلاح فهناك حد أدنى من الدولة تضبط الوضع بحد أدنى ولكن لا أخفي أن الفريق الآخر يعطل بسلاحه العملية الدميقراطية ولكن ننتظر لسنتين وأكثر على أن لا نقع في المحظور".

وعن جهوزيته للحوار قال "أنا من الأشخاص الجاهز في كل الأوقات للتباحث في كل شيء ولكن أقله لا بديل في الوقت الحاضر عن مرتكزات الطائف وطبعا يريد الإتفاق "عمليات تجميلية" فمعقول أن يكون لدى الوزير صلاحيات أكثر من رئيس الجمهورية؟" طالبا ممن "لديه مشروع بديل عن الطائف فليضعه على الطاولة".

وأشار في السياق عينه إلى ان "الفريق الآخر لن يجلس على الطاولة قبل سقوط النظام السوري وقبل أن يترك سلاحه".

وفي الوضع السوري الداخلي لفت إلى أنه عندما يتوقف النظام "عن استعمال العسكر سيسقط فورا" مضيفا "أنا أرى أن الأزمة في المنطقة ستمتد طويلا ولا أعلم إن كان هناك ضربة جوية في المنطقة ولكن أي ضربة على إيران ستنعكس حربا على لبنان".

وذكر رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" ختام أن آلام المخاض العربي ليست خافية عليه مستدركا "ولكن يجب انتظارها كي تأتي الولادة ولا شك في نهاية المخاض سنصل إلى شرق حر تسود فيه الديمقراطية الحقيقية وهذه ستكون قيامة الشرق الفعلية".

  • 22:56 ,2012 نيسان 12

    جعجع: آلام المخاض العربي ليست خافية علي ولكن يجب انتظارها كي تأتي الولادة، ولكن لا شك أنه في نهاية المخاض سنصل إلى شرق حر تسود في الديمقراطية الحقيقية وهذه ستكون قيامة الشرق الفعلية

  • 22:55 ,2012 نيسان 12

    جعجع: عندما يتوقف النظام السوري عن استعمال العسكر سيسقط فورا وأنا أرى أن الأزمة في المنطقة ستمتد طويلا ولا أعلم إن كان هناك ضربة جوية في المنطقة ولكن أي ضربة على إيران ستنعكس حربا على لبنان

  • 22:52 ,2012 نيسان 12

    جعجع: الفريق الآخر لن يجلس على الطاولة قبل سقوط النظام السوري وقبل أن يترك سلاحه

  • 22:52 ,2012 نيسان 12

    جعجع: أنا من الأشخاص الجاهز في كل الأوقات للتباحث في كل شيء ولكن أقله لا بديل في الوقت الحاضر عن مرتكزات الطائف وطبعا يريد الإتفاق "عمليات تجميلية" فمعقول أن يكون لدى الوزير صلاحيات أكثر من رئيس الجمهورية؟ من لديه مشروع بديل عن الطائف فليضعه على الطاولة

  • 22:50 ,2012 نيسان 12

    جعجع: لا أعتقد أن لبنان سيعود إلى صراع داخلي لأنه على الأقل هناك فريق 14 آذار الذي أصبح أكبر من السابق انطلاقا من عوامل عديدة مصر على الحفاظ على السلم الأهلي ولو في بعض الأحيان على حسابة، لن نحمل على الإطلاق السلاح فهناك حد أدنى من الدولة تضبط الوضع بحد أدنى ولكن لا أخفي أن الفريق الآخر بسلاحه العملية الدميقراطية ولكن ننتظر لسنتين وأكثر على أن لا نقع في المحظور

  • 22:44 ,2012 نيسان 12

    جعجع: القوات اللبنانية حزب منظم جدا إلى أبعد حدّ ولا أحد يتحرك على الأرض وكان اهتمامي أول يوم هو ملاحقة الفاعلين ومن ثم قلت لأمين عام حزب "القوات" ألا يتحرك أحد على الأرض

  • 22:44 ,2012 نيسان 12

    جعجع: في قراءتي لعقل الفريق الآخر نعم أنا خائف على وليد جنبلاط جديا إلا إذا كانوا يعتبرون أن الإنتقام لا يؤثر في الأوضاع

  • 22:40 ,2012 نيسان 12

    جعجع: إن وضعي للمسيحيين في قلب العالم العربي هو عامل إضافي لمحاولة الإغتيال فهناك من يعمل على معاملتهم كذميين وهناك نظريتنا المعروفة

  • 22:39 ,2012 نيسان 12

    جعجع: الخصومة السياسية ليس لها حدود لدينا في لبنان ولا أحد يتحلى بحد أدنى بالموضوعية، التحقيق لليوم لم يحدد عيار الرصاصة فكل ما يحكى عن مصدر البنادق لا يعني شيئا

  • 22:37 ,2012 نيسان 12

    جعجع: توقف إعطاء الداتا منذ 15/1/2012 فهل أصبح للدتا خصوصية الآن؟ إذا كان هناك اختراقات للتحقيق فهي على المستوى السياسي

  • 22:36 ,2012 نيسان 12

    جعجع: أنا متأكد أن رئيسي الجمهورية والحكومة وقائد الجيش واللواء ريفي والعميد الحسن جديين في التحقيق ولكن نزولا (في المرتبات) يمكن ان يكون هناك لا جدية

  • 22:34 ,2012 نيسان 12

    جعجع: الفريق الآخر هو من له مصلحة بإبعادي عن الساحة السياسية وللأسف منذ 1975 وضع لبنان يتأثر بالإقليم

  • 22:33 ,2012 نيسان 12

    جعجع: الجهة المنفذة ليست فردية بل طبعا جهة سياسية محترفة وكبيرة ويقدر عدد المشتركين أقله بـ6 أشخاص فإذا هي منظمة

  • 22:32 ,2012 نيسان 12

    رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع في حديث عبر قناة "العربية": غيرت نمط حياتي بعد محاولة الإغتيال كي لا تتمكن الجهة من فعل ذلك مرة ثانية

التعليقات 52
Default-user-icon Imad (ضيف) 00:20 ,2012 نيسان 13

I do not believe the story of Geagea assassination attempt. He fraudulently refers to himself as DOCTOR. How can we believe him?

Default-user-icon Ponte Villagio (ضيف) 01:10 ,2012 نيسان 13

And his farce must go on as long as there are those who smile and clap at every ridiculous and meaningless phrase that leaves his twitching lips like the retards that they are. Not even Saint Charbel, the patron saint of the Lebanese Takfiri Forces, would dare make a claim such as the latest one by the retard himself. Soon, we shall hear of him oozing oil. Halleluiah.

Default-user-icon melissa (ضيف) 01:24 ,2012 نيسان 13

karim, you are the moron...

Missing gcb1 01:48 ,2012 نيسان 13

He should stop speaking in the name of Christians and start speaking in the name of the Lebanese. The sectarian divisions of the Civil War should be long gone.

Default-user-icon John Williams (ضيف) 02:44 ,2012 نيسان 13

Ask Egyptian Christians about the Arab Spring or better yet, the Muslim Brotherhood. This is the stupidest thing I have read on Naharnet and that is saying something. Baldy GaGa speaks so get the copyrights quick and sell it for all that it's worth. It has a shelf life of 2 seconds so hurry. Naharnet shouldn't print ridiculous,irrelevant garbage .Somebody should get fired.

Missing cedars 03:23 ,2012 نيسان 13

If he was not a regional player, he would not have been setup for the church bombing by the terrorist regime as part of political leaders eliminations plan, and the latest attempt on his life as well as the next attempts. So Karim go bark elsewhere.

Thumb arzz 08:10 ,2012 نيسان 13

also setup to kill Danny and Tony I guess huh?

Thumb jcamerican 11:25 ,2012 نيسان 13

That was Hizballah. Danny and Tony were getting too friendly with the Syrians and Iranians, so Hizballah got jealous and liquidated both of them.

Default-user-icon Orpheus (ضيف) 13:05 ,2012 نيسان 13

You really need to stop using words like "I thought" and "I think" and "perspective". People might think you actually have a brain. And then you would be held responsible for what you say. And that can only be bad for you.

Missing forces 12:18 ,2012 نيسان 14

go write him a thank you note little boy. like it or not and I know you detest it, if it wasn't for Geagea and the LF you and your family would be selling corn by the side of the road, btw what size are your feet I'll send you some syrian made slippers and a checkered shirt since you hate him so much

Missing forces 12:36 ,2012 نيسان 14

So you follow aoun because LF did all this, OK fair enough, he ran a militia and not an army so things may have been done with or without his blessing, He has however apologised in 2008 for the atrocities during the war 'on national tv'. Now that was war time and I go back to my views that whilst LF did some bad things during this time they did more good and as the sole protectors of the christian population during that time have earnt at least that credit. We can revisit the past at every opportunity and I caqn certainly bring out De general's skeleons, there is no benefit. I think during the last phase he has done everything in the name of democracy and has not wavered in his stance, unlike aoun,jumpblat and some others.

Missing forces 12:36 ,2012 نيسان 14

What has aoun done since returning, we were all in favour of him returning and becoming president and finally providing lebanon with hope( that was called a second chance), unfortunatley he has not contributed to the countries benefit, however you are happy to follow him out of spite for Geagea not reason.

Default-user-icon N (ضيف) 04:13 ,2012 نيسان 13

Hakim for president

Thumb geha 04:32 ,2012 نيسان 13

@ m8 blind followers:
it is amazing how much you are looking for civil war!
instead of condemning this attempt, you are putting oil on the fire.
it si becoming clearer by the day who is behind this attempt, and soon the murderors will find a just reply.

Thumb geha 08:16 ,2012 نيسان 13

it is correct: I forget constantly that your do not even have an IQ, thus you cannot understand simple comments :)

Missing forces 12:02 ,2012 نيسان 14

thanks for your enlightened view champ. Let me share with you my view on your champion old man aoun and why we love him so. LF Kataeb and everyone else who called themselves Christians at one point or another has had issues with franjeih and the marada as these guys have history and this history is very clear, we know what colour they are and what they stand for. aoun on the other hand played no part in lebanon whilst he was general and all of the sudden he was claiming his throne over the lebanese, we know how that turned out don't we?

Missing forces 12:03 ,2012 نيسان 14

That my friend is a small snippet as to why we are not the biggest aoun fans. his history started when 'with the blessing of the LF' became president and has not done a single thing for lebanon since. So all you aoun supports by following him because you have been wronged by the LF, you are only cutting off your noses to spite your face. start putting Lebanon first and if Geagea says something that is to the benefit of the country try to be mature enough to admit this. That is called being a grown up ok pal?

Missing forces 12:22 ,2012 نيسان 14

thanks pot for calling the kettle black.. Where are all your meaningful and informative comments, you like calling people names from behind your computer yet don't have anything to add to the discussions, go back to msn little boy and chat with your friends. you do have friends ..don't you?

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 05:52 ,2012 نيسان 13

If it had been Nassy the Hezz would have been burning tires, smashing buildings and killing Lebanese in the streets like when the raped Beirut.
Because it was Geagea their rat mouthpiece al-Manar mock and ridicule.
The M8 government will not allow an investigation to conclude with any charges.

Thumb arzz 08:08 ,2012 نيسان 13

yeah lady geagega is a big timer now. Better get in line and watch out :)

Thumb arzz 08:09 ,2012 نيسان 13

yep. The lady does not represent this christian.

Thumb arzz 08:11 ,2012 نيسان 13

bwahahahahahahahahah .. bwahahahahahaha

Thumb geha 08:18 ,2012 نيسان 13

whether your IQ understands it or not, the fact remains he is a regional player, unlike some traitor general....

Thumb arzz 08:37 ,2012 نيسان 13

in your dreams moron

Thumb geha 09:37 ,2012 نيسان 13

they tried to test your IQ but they could not find a brain in your head.

Thumb arzz 08:53 ,2012 نيسان 14

morons like geha do not deserve a reply, except maybe only to point out that they are morons

Thumb arzz 08:38 ,2012 نيسان 13

Just to spite LF losers: I say GO GENERAL.

Missing forces 12:11 ,2012 نيسان 14

you are right he is VERY General isn't he?

Thumb kesrweneh 08:51 ,2012 نيسان 13

are you sure ur from Kesrwen man?? we have so few Geagea lovers here (prooved by 2 elections in a row)... i think ur unique in your own way

Thumb geha 09:36 ,2012 نيسان 13

let us see the upcoming one then you can talk. fpm is llosing so much ground by the day :)

Thumb kesrweneh 08:53 ,2012 نيسان 13

Again he's milking it! the scenario didn't work and no one believed it.it reminds of a defective machine: at some point of the process something goes wrong but it continues to do the next steps of the process regardless of the fact that those steps are now useless

Thumb geha 09:38 ,2012 نيسان 13

let us see if this happened with aoun what would your reaction be?

Thumb kesrweneh 10:38 ,2012 نيسان 13

depends on what u mean by "this"? if it's a real attempt like the one geagea conducted against him during the war I will be sad angry... if "this" means i try hard to make people believe I count for something by creating a nice scenario and then the scenario fails creating hundreds of joke in the process I will be disappointed. so as u see it's all in the relativity

Thumb geha 10:48 ,2012 نيسان 13

you are a certified blind person.

Missing th21 11:58 ,2012 نيسان 13

The day I join the FPM is the day I lose my sanity.

Missing peace 12:58 ,2012 نيسان 13

funy how M8 supporters always praise and applaud any murder attempts on M14 people and even call for their deaths...

typical nazi behavior...

if they were "democrats" as they claim and pretend to be, they would condemn ANY attempts on political leaders whoever they are, oh! but they are always M14 or people criticizing them, no wonder why they support this...
they just want to ignite civil war by provoking the other camp and then feigning to be the offensed virgin.....

Thumb kesrweneh 13:57 ,2012 نيسان 13

peace ur just not getting it! we do ont believe the scenario, even the enlightened LF (yes there are some) didn't believe it and this is why we're not condemning it. do you really believe the flower story?? come on!! just as a reminder when Pierre was killed GMA wasn't even allowed to present his condolences coz mme Gemayel had issues with him, so who's the Nazi now?

Missing peace 16:17 ,2012 نيسان 13

it doesn t change the fact that some M8 supporters here never condemned the previous crimes and even applauded them.....showing the true nature of M8 followers based on petty revenge and killing opponents

Missing peace 18:47 ,2012 نيسان 13

read correctly you illetrate... it s written "M8 supporters here": meaning those who post comments here...

so keep your whining for yourself...

Default-user-icon cedarthegreat (ضيف) 17:44 ,2012 نيسان 13

To all the Aouni gronks wake up to yourselves. If the assassination attempt was staged as you claim then why is your beloved telecommunication minister senhauie and the 3 Hezbollah appointed judicial authority panel only willing to provide telecom data to the internal security forces before 15th of January but refusing requests for data from 16th January till April? Also Dr. Samir Geagea already spent time in jail unlike all the other cowardly civil war politicians. Atleast he never fled his comrades and family in battle like your cowardly Aoun. All the hypocrisy of Aoun and SSNP thief son in law Bassil. To the so called Kesrweneh, yes you won the last 2 elections, but please keep it factual as the last election result was only a victory with around 54% with help of your MOM friends Hezbollah. Lebanon and patriotic leaders like Dr. Samir Geagea will overcome you and all the enemies of Lebanon. We are here to stay!

Missing peace 18:49 ,2012 نيسان 13

"so please shut up and have some sense."

and you , just learn how to read what i have written and stop insulting people who are not from your side proving the intellectual level of M8 followers like you...

Missing gcb1 18:58 ,2012 نيسان 13

Let's not get started on who insults who. Supporters of both sides seem to insult, insult, insult to get their message across, not realizing that this only degrades their intellectual level.But hey, such is the political culture of Lebanon. Lost are the days of dialogue and compromise, of eliminating misunderstandings and explaining our viewpoints. All you followers just call this guy a kalb and the other guy a hmar, because that person doesn't agree with you. How childish.

No wonder Lebanon hasn't had any progress since the civil war. It is because the civil war is not yet over; it is now manifested itself in the political culture of Lebanon.

Missing gcb1 19:00 ,2012 نيسان 13

There are some M14 figures that have good points, and there are M8 figures that also have good points. In a debate, both sides tend to be correct in what they affirm, and wrong in what they deny.

Missing cedars 19:11 ,2012 نيسان 13

Let us clam down and read/state the facts who are the thugs in the Country, Can we assume that the Zionist/US are killing and assassinating Anti-Syrian political figures in Lebanon? (i.e. Hajj, Eid, Harriri, Mufti, Hawi, Kassir, Mouawad, Gemayel, Tueni, Hamadeh, and more..)
Simply put no and stop being blind, and acknowledge history and geography that the only Thugs in the Country have always been M8 and the Syrian regime dogs period. Now, call me a Zionist and I am damn proud of it, but my blood will always be against those who killed the LEBANESE figures above simply because you fooled us once and shame on you, but we will re-arm again just like you and we won't let you fool us again because it would be a shame on us for believing you twice.

Missing gcb1 19:19 ,2012 نيسان 13

Sure you can assume that Israel was responsible for some of the assassinations. You think US/Israel never in their history tried to divide a population so as to weaken it? Sure Syrian hegemony of Lebanon was bad, but to deliberately accuse M8 after every assassination attempt is only serving the interests of those that like to see Lebanon divided.

You're proud of being a Zionist? You're proud of Israel dropping 4 million clusterbombs AFTER the ceasefire in 2006 on both Muslim and Christian neighbourhoods? When Israel promised immunity and protection to the Christian-majority South Lebanese Army, they left them to dry after the 2000 Israeli withdrawal of Lebanon. You think Israel has the interest of the Christians, let alone all Lebanese? You think the US has these interests? The only interests they have is the security of Israel, at all costs.

Default-user-icon cedarthegreat (ضيف) 04:55 ,2012 نيسان 14

If that's the case then why is it that no leader from M8 was killed??? If the Israelis are behind this so called fantasy theory then would haved killed both M14 and M8 leaders to divide the country. Wake up and smell the coffee if you really care for justice in Lebanon

Missing cedars 00:57 ,2012 نيسان 14

My point is this, no one is dumb to realize and see the way how the top rulers of Baath party for 50 yrs eliminate civilians if they detect for example that they pray too much, fearing they are Muslim extremists, the same fashion Mughnieh, Ghazi and his brother Ali Kan3an were eliminated, why the dirty Khadam lives in Paris? bottom line we know who assassinated all the Lebanese figures the same fashion we've always done it in Syria, but we wanted things formal so let the STL do their job and let the world see what the locals still can't see after 30yrs of war. On the cluster bombs, we just got the land mines in Wadi Khaled and Bekaa, what difference does it make between the two evils?

Default-user-icon cedarthegreat (ضيف) 04:58 ,2012 نيسان 14

Stop fooling yourself. Why is that all data available before January 15th and not after? The truth is plain simple.

Default-user-icon Cedarthegreat (ضيف) 05:02 ,2012 نيسان 14

If someone tried to assassinate a key politician in any country then they would also be in the media. What wrong with people like you? Ok you hate the LF and that's your problem but please don't try forge history with fantasy theories.

Default-user-icon cedarthegreat (ضيف) 05:10 ,2012 نيسان 14

Sounds like you are the one has has the fantasy Hollywood theory. The bullets fired have been taken to forensics and the attempt confirmed by politicians not in March 14 such as Sleiman, Mikati, berri, and all security agencies. Also the sniper weapon used was only issued to a handful of countries and yes Iran bought a few of the approx. 45 sold internationally. I'm not coming up with fantasy accusations here but lets start by calling for fair unbiased justice. That is by providing the internal security forces with the telecom data from January 16 onwards not just before. Until that happens then for me and all sane Lebanese believe the attempt to be true. Have a nice day!

Missing forces 12:08 ,2012 نيسان 14

i saw your mum under a spot light last night :)
now that i have your attention, either add something informative and constructive, (even flame does this from time to time, albeit i may not agree) or SHUT UP, i think i can speak for the majority here on this, and for the come backs. I love you too

Default-user-icon Dutch Guy (ضيف) 19:13 ,2012 أيار 05

If you want to know my opinion you are all very bad, all Lebanese are just fanatics christians, moslems, all of you are just very bad if you belive in God you will never commit this things . Just remembar you should not kill and you should love the next one. All of you are just hipocrits!!!!!!!!!! SHAME ON YOU ALL LEBANESE!