جماعة "جبهة النصرة" تتبنى تفجيري دمشق ليوم الخميس

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أعلنت جماعة اسلامية تدعى "جبهة النصرة"، لم تكن معروفة حتى اندلاع الحركة الاحتجاجية في سوريا، مسؤوليتها عن التفجيرين اللذين وقعا في دمشق الخميس واسفرا عن مقتل 55 شخصا.

وذكرت الجماعة في بيان حمل الرقم (4) بثته على موقع اليوتوب انها: "قامت بعملية عسكرية في دمشق ضد اوكار النظام استهدفت فرع فلسطين وفرع الدوريات" الامنيين.

وبررت الجبهة في بيانها هذه العملية نظرا "لاستمرار النظام في قصفه للاحياء السكنية" مضيفة "وقد صدقناه وعدنا بان نرد عليه القصف بالنسف".

وقتل 55 شخصا على الاقل وأصيب 372 آخرون بجروح في انفجارين متزامنين هما من اعنف الهجمات منذ اندلاع الاحتجاجات قبل اكثر من عام، هزا دمشق صباح الخميس، واكدت السلطات انهما "انتحاريان" يندرجان في اطار "الهجمة الارهابية عليها" في حين اتهمت المعارضة نظام الرئيس بشار الاسد بالوقوف خلفهما.

وكانت "جبهة النصرة" التي لم تكن معروفة قبل الاضطرابات في سوريا، تبنت في اشرطة فيديو وبيانات منشورة على مواقع الكترونية اسلامية عمليات تفجير في دمشق وحلب، ابرزها انفجاران استهدفا في 17 آذار مركزين امنيين في دمشق وتسببا بمقتل 27 شخصا بحسب السلطات، وانفجار في السادس من كانون الثاني في دمشق ادى الى مقتل 26 شخصا، وانفجار في حي الميدان في دمشق في 27 نيسان/ابريل اودى بحياة احد عشر شخصا، بالاضافة الى تفجيرين في حلب في 12 شباط قتل فيهما 28 شخصا.

التعليقات 10
Missing peace 18:13 ,2012 أيار 12

a new group invented by bashar!

Default-user-icon tag (ضيف) 20:19 ,2012 أيار 12

cool so:

Civilians get bombed= bashar did it.
people get sniped= bashar did it.
Government offices are blown= bashar did it to himself.
Civilians killed during battles with opposition = bashar did it.
terrorists groups are created= by bashar.
mutulated bodies of soldiers dumped into the river= bashar did it.
I pissed around the corner = bashar forced my bladder.

Wow seems to me everyone else is just really innocent here.

Thumb jcamerican 21:01 ,2012 أيار 12

Bashar should have used this method earlier, it seems more successful than shelling, plus he can pin it on terrorists. Next time Bashar will be staging his own kidnapping, so he can leave the country without a trace.

Missing lebcan 22:18 ,2012 أيار 12

FT why would the people of Syria want to harm there own case for freedom... believe me it is the Baath & Persians ... or truly an outside terrorist force who cares for no ones opinion ... but I'm more convinced its the Baath & Persians

Default-user-icon TITUS (ضيف) 01:30 ,2012 أيار 13

This is what the Criminal Assad regime and its partners in crime the Iranian terrorist criminal street gang Hezb Ebola, and its Iranian Pay master the Supreme Criminal have been doing all along. This is there Modus operandi to hold on to power and opress their people (of all faiths and sects), they train and arm terrorist groups like the PFLP by the Al Quds Force and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards (in Syria) and set them off on the countries of the Middle East, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Saudi,... to wreak havoc for the benefit of the Turbaned Neanderthals in Tehran and Qom.

Default-user-icon TITUS (ضيف) 01:32 ,2012 أيار 13

Assad couldn't give a rat's ass whether Syrian civilians die he's been butchering them for the past one year now elderly, women, and Children included. This barbaric soviet style regime creates the terrorists, the environment and orchestrates whatever. These Tyrants have utter contempt towards their own people and would kill them off all if they had to just to stay in power and stay un accountable to all their crimes and corruption.

Default-user-icon TITUS (ضيف) 01:40 ,2012 أيار 13

Make no mistake about it, the Source of all instability sectarianism and terror in the Middle East remains the Criminal Khamenist regime and its protege criminal Assad Family regime, other extremist although are a problem, they are but pawns to the organized terror by Iran the Syrian regime or inspired by them (and are easily dealt with once these two are "decommissioned"). The best way to defeat terror and Usher in Peace and prosperity to the ME and the world is to go after the regimes in Tehran/Qom and Damascus.

Default-user-icon The Other (ضيف) 06:06 ,2012 أيار 13

The opposition didn't resort to any violence until months of killings, tortures, kidnappings and shelling of cities and towns. What do you expect them to do? Sit there and die without a fight? It's illogical for someone being attacked and abused to not fight back. If Assad had even attempted to meet some opposition demands and not killed thousands of civilians this wouldn't be turning into a civil war.

Missing mohammad_ca 15:19 ,2012 أيار 13

Yes an undated video from an unknown group claiming responsibility for unspecified attacks is the same as dated videos showing tanks shelling homes, really are you the smartest person in your houshold? Congratulate your parents for me please.

Missing mohammad_ca 15:20 ,2012 أيار 13

FlameThrower: The syrian people are unified??? And the regime??? Have you heard of the defections that have been happening? And the protests? And the attacks? By the way it is "spun out of control" not "spinned" there is no such word in the English language...