تقارير: وسائل اعلام اميركية تنشر قريبا قائمة اغتيالات إيرانية تشمل الحريري وجعجع وجنبلاط

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كشفت مصادر اعلامية اميركية "أن وسائل الاعلام الاميركية، تنشر في الاسابيع المقبلة، المزيد من التفاصيل حول الشبكة الايرانية التي تعمل على استهداف سياسيين وديبلوماسيين حول العالم، لتشمل القائمة مسؤولين لبنانيين داخل لبنان وخارجه".

ووفق المعلومات، فإن ايران تعتبر هذه الشخصيات معادية لمصالحها ومن بينها رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري، رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع ورئيس جبهة "النضال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط.

واوضحت اوساط اعلامية اميركية لصحيفة "الراي" الكويتية الخميس ان "تفاصيل جديدة ترشح من الادارة حول "لائحة الاغتيالات الايرانية" التي تغطي دولا حول العالم، والتي يبدو انها كانت تضم ايضا مسؤولين لبنانيين داخل لبنان وخارجه".

واضافت الاوساط نفسها ان "تخوفا يسود بعض المتابعين للموضوع من امكانية استئناف ايران محاولاتها نظرا لتعثر المفاوضات النووية في بغداد، التي انعقدت الاسبوع الماضي، والعودة الى السلبية التي تترافق مع لهجة تصعيدية من الجانبين".

كذلك تعتقد الاوساط ان "فيروس شعلة" الالكتروني، الذي اصاب عددا من اجهزة الكمبيوتر الايرانية، قد تراه ايران بمثابة محاولة تجسسية اخرى من الغرب ضدها، وان طهران قد تسعى للرد عبر "اعادة تفعيل عملائها، الذين ينتمون الى شبكات اجرامية حول العالم، و"حزب الله"".

وعن لبنان، نقلت الاوساط الاميركية عن مسؤولين رفيعين في الادارة انه "تم كشف مخططات لاغتيال سياسيين مثل حالة رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري، ما اجبره على ترك لبنان قسرا بعد تحذيرات امنية عربية وغربية اليه خوفا على سلامته".

ولفتت الاوساط الى "محاولة اغتيال جعجع، وقالت ان مسؤولين اميركيين عاينوا مسرح الجريمة، ونقلت عنهم قولهم ان المكلفين تصفية جعجع استخدموا نوعين من الاسلحة القناصة، الاول لاختراق الزجاج المضاد للرصاص والثاني لقتل السياسي اللبناني".

وهناك ارتباط واضح بين كل عمليات الاغتيال في لبنان وخارجه، حسب الاوساط الاميركية، التي تختم بأن "لائحة الاغتيالات الايرانية مازالت قائمة في لبنان، وهي تستهدف الحريري وجعجع والنائب وليد جنبلاط، وسياسيين آخرين".

تجدر الإشارة الى أن رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري كان قد كشف منذ حوالي الاسبوعين عن أن لائحة استهداف عدد من القيادات والشخصيات السياسية من قبل جهات متطرفة هي جدية وخطيرة.

وقد تبلغت الأوساط السياسية اللبنانية رسائل من عدد من الدول مفادها أن عناصر أصولية دخلت لبنان لاغتيال عدد من الشخصيات.

يُذكر أن رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع تعرض لمحاولة اغتيال في اوائل شهر نيسان الماضي. كما تبلغ سابقا النائب سامي الجميل إحباط محاولة لاغتياله.

التعليقات 42
Default-user-icon لبناني عتيق (ضيف) 10:11 ,2012 أيار 31

Is there a picture "disgusting" like that Naharnet?

Missing helicopter 14:46 ,2012 أيار 31

One that you would be in Mr. Lebnany A3teek.

Default-user-icon balady (ضيف) 17:37 ,2012 أيار 31

I recommend that you upload your own to this site

Default-user-icon Luxembourg Bob (ضيف) 11:17 ,2012 أيار 31

So geagea bent over to pick a flower and the bullets flew over his head. He held two press conferences in one day afterwards where his stories contradicted each other.

On top of this he displayed the bullets takes from the walls where they hit when he was apperntly shot at. Isn't that tampering with evidence and the supposed crime scene???

Heheheh.....I cannot believe how dumb people can be.

Thumb ado.australia 20:16 ,2012 أيار 31

Relax luxembourg bob... The u.s. has published the names that were published by All- Rai... The Kuwaiti paper. It must be true!

Thumb joesikemrex 09:59 ,2012 حزيران 01

All you Aoun lovers......

Missing helicopter 03:23 ,2012 حزيران 01

M8 puts all assassinations in one of two categories. 1) Failed attempts that they say are fabricated by the would have been victim. And the successful ones (and they all are M14 leaders) that they deny committing them. That makes them criminals and liars.

Default-user-icon NR (ضيف) 11:28 ,2012 أيار 31

So what all these assassinations will do for Tehran ? If it's to reply to the assassinations of the iranian scientists, shou khass Geagea, Hariri Jumblat and M14 ?

Thumb jcamerican 12:44 ,2012 أيار 31

It is going to be open season in Lebanon for hunting politicians. We know now who to blame before it happens.

Default-user-icon Patsha Fossaly (ضيف) 14:24 ,2012 أيار 31

Such news means that they are targeted by their own friends, the US. wa min al 7ob ma qatal

Default-user-icon rudes 2.0 (the improved version) (ضيف) 14:25 ,2012 أيار 31

Oh no the soldiers of the "Faqih" wouldn't commit such crimes! They are angels [from hell]. It is time to stop believing crap loads of conspiracy theories, and start facing the reality that your "divine militia" is. I don't care whether you are with hezbolla or aoun: same lack of brains, different religion.

Missing allouchi 14:42 ,2012 أيار 31

bubbaman, you are an idiot and an imbecile just like your name applies.

Default-user-icon Afraid (ضيف) 14:55 ,2012 أيار 31

Any Chaos in Lebanon, we blame the US first, then Iran if it dosen't benefit the US & Israel. Lebanese, the far far majority are hard wired to think like that. The sad thing is, we can't do anything about it.

The can cause havoc and problems in Lebanon anytime they wish, and nobody can do anything about it! "La raison du plus fort, est toujours la meilleur".

Missing mansour 14:58 ,2012 أيار 31

i love the pictures of your beloved RAT KING Nasrallah hiding in his hole....where he sleeps shits and prays!Long Live The Syrian Civil War!

Thumb jcamerican 15:18 ,2012 أيار 31

This is why they rule the world by giving candy.

Default-user-icon May7 (ضيف) 15:22 ,2012 أيار 31

Good to see the usual Syrian & Iranian bootlickers have come out of their sewers

Thumb beiruti 15:22 ,2012 أيار 31

This is, if accurately reported, simply Iran protecting its Syrian investments. Who in Lebanon has been more outspoken against the Assad Regime than Geagea, Jumblatt and Hariri? If the Assad Regime survives, all who raised up their heads and voices against it will be killed by the Regime and its allies, like Iran and Hezbollah. Lebanon is not involved? Such a joke, of course it is involved. Since half of the Lebanese political class is joined at the hip with the Assad Regime, it was fantasy to imagine that Lebanon would not be involved if the Assad Regime were targetted. Either the Lebanese retainers will go down with Assad or they will be compelled to engage in retribution assassinations against fellow Lebanese. It is the price paid by Lebanon for taking patronage money from outsiders.

Missing lebaneserevenge@yahoo.com 16:00 ,2012 أيار 31

The Iranian government is the most evil in the world, and if there is to be peace in the Middle East, three things need to happen. Wipe out the Iranian leaders. Wipe out Bath Assad. Wipe out Hassan Nasrallah and HizbShai'toun. Very simple and needs to be done. Once that happens, the Iranian people will rejoice, so will the Syrian people, so will the Lebanese people and so will the Israeli people. Anyone with half a brain, who looks back on the past 35 years, clearly knows the leaders of what two countries have caused so much trouble and killed so many people, not only in the Middle East, but elsewhere? Iran and Syria, and their proxy Hizbollah. End of story.

Default-user-icon bangbang (ضيف) 16:13 ,2012 أيار 31

the blood thirsty hate preachers(iran, hizb) havent had enough yet.

Default-user-icon bangbang (ضيف) 16:19 ,2012 أيار 31

i havent heard of a western regime slaughtering their own children, but i heard of a regime that did exactly that last friday, and guess what? this regime was discribed as the closest to democracy by ur aoun.

Default-user-icon Fill min hal balad B'terta7 (ضيف) 17:15 ,2012 أيار 31

My take on the Photo:
- Al-Hakim Ka'anno Bela3 Baydato
- Al-Hariri Ka'anno halli 7do (Jumblat) 3am bi-Fassi, a'm baram wejjo
- Jumblat, mish 3m ye'adar y'waeff Drat

Thumb Lebanon4life 17:18 ,2012 أيار 31

Hy guys I am not sure wheater I am right here, but I wanted to ask you if it is possbile to visit Lebanon that summer. I have been following the situation but I can't estimate if it would be too dangerous to travel there. What do you think ?

Missing allouchi 17:25 ,2012 أيار 31

To be honest, my brother is visiting next month but he's only staying for a couple of weeks because all the negative input he's getting from family and friends in Lebanon. In short People in Lebanon are EXTREMELY worried.

Thumb Lebanon4life 17:32 ,2012 أيار 31

ah okay thanks for the information. But is there no chance that things in Lebanon might calm down in the next few weeks ?

Missing allouchi 17:32 ,2012 أيار 31

karim_m1, you are just like a little girl that's sooo scared by the monsters of Wahabism, Salafism and every word that ends with "ISM'... don't be so scared little girl, come to daddy :)

Missing allouchi 17:43 ,2012 أيار 31

@ Mr.Libanon, no one knows and hard to say...sorry :)

Default-user-icon Greenie (ضيف) 17:47 ,2012 أيار 31

FT Will always defend his mother Country.
El A7la min FT houwe el ahbal Karim callin for democracy and freedom etc etc .
Hizbollah ou Democracy?
Aoun ou freedom ?
long way to go son.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 18:55 ,2012 أيار 31

It is ALWAYS the interest of the US foreign policy and their Arab puppets (and their media propaganda)to turn Arabs against Arabs, Arabs against Iranians, and Shia against Sunnis. WHY? Every poll has shown that MOST Arabs (who are mostly Sunnis) see ONLY America and Israel as Enemies...not Iran. So for years the Pro-Israeli west and their Arab puppets want to distract the Arab masses. The fact that most Arabs have always viewed America and Israel as the enemy shows that not only the propaganda has not worked, but the years of Pro-American Arab rulers are numbered.

Missing allouchi 19:22 ,2012 أيار 31

John, nice theory but it's just that...Iran is fueling the resentments of the Arabs against it by Arming and controlling military groups in Arab countries, Annexing Arab lands in the gulf, by inciting riots in Arab countries like the Hajj few years back, Bahrain now, trying to take control of Lebanon through Hizballa etc... in addition to all that, Iran wants nuclear power/weapons at all cost but however I do see how our enemy Israel will benefit from all that but it's Iran’s doing first and foremost...

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 19:55 ,2012 أيار 31

Allouchi...the fact is that MOST Arabs (who are mostly Sunnis) STILL consider US and Israel as enemies..not Iran. Yes, there is resentment by some Sunnis toward Iran, but there is much more toward the Arab Sunni puppets, which caused the overthrow of Mubarek, Bin Ali, and Saleh. The Sunnis threw out the Arab world were cheering Iran, Hamas, and HA when they resisted Israeli aggression and their Puppet dictator leaders were denouncing the resistance (like the Gulf kings, King Huessein, and Mubarek).

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 21:45 ,2012 أيار 31

Allouchi...the fact is that MOST Arabs (who are mostly Sunnis) STILL consider US and Israel as enemies..not Iran. Yes, there is resentment by some Sunnis toward Iran, but there is much more toward the Arab Sunni puppets, which caused the overthrow of Mubarek, Bin Ali, and Saleh. The Sunnis threw out the Arab world were cheering Iran, Hamas, and HA when they resisted Israeli aggression after their Puppet dictator leaders were denouncing the resistance (like the Gulf kings, King Huessein, and Mubarek).

Missing allouchi 20:13 ,2012 أيار 31

anonymetexasusa, I agree with you we don't want ANY form religious or extremists’ government in Lebanon and I don't care where they come from or what they represent..I am just against people who keep using the Wahabism and Salafism to scare us into making the wrong decisions and siding with the wrong movements and also in labeling all Sunnis as Wahabists or Salafists.

Missing allouchi 20:43 ,2012 أيار 31

rudes, you lost the bet... lol

Missing spartacus 20:47 ,2012 أيار 31

Allouchi, nice try. Wahabism is there and Salafism is on the rise. It's everywhere, and the fact that Geagea is shamefully on the payroll of King Abdallah does not mean that the Maronites are with him. Christians get along pretty well with the Shia, tnx to Aoun's wisdom. What would be the good decisions, besides? voting for Strida and Sami, and calling in Saad from his vacation in Sardinia? Let him be on his yatch or on the Alps, and let Miqati do something about this country. And don't drag Lebanon into Syria's trouble. Get a real program for the next election, instead of fueling Syrian militia on Lebanese soil.

Missing allouchi 21:13 ,2012 أيار 31

spartacus, yes we all know that Wahabism is there and Salafism is on the rise that's no news but the vast majority of Sunnis are neither. Aoun keeps using these excuses because he doesn’t have anything else to use, he’s a Hizballa follower and politically corrupt. The tactic to scare us so we follow him may have worked once before when he became PM and then bombed west and east Beirut but now his Sunni scare tactics will not work on most of us but I do see that it works on you which is fine...no biggy...also your dear general Aoun needs to stop blaming everything on everyone else and just man up and do something anything :)

Missing spartacus 21:22 ,2012 أيار 31

Anonym, the defense strategy is to be discussed at the national dialogue. if you want Hezbollah to give their weapons to the State, try to be coherent. The North and Tripoli are rearming, the Sunni are ready to show that they are capable to use violence, bravo. This we knew already, and we know that will lead nowhere but toward civil strife. Besides, I think that M14 can have tis own electoral program, instead of waiting for the fall of the regime in Syria as UNIQUE goal and strategy. Saniora, Amin Gemayel (I guess) would prefer a more Lebanese politics, but Geagea and Saad are bending to the Gulf diktat and playing the Salfist card.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 22:02 ,2012 أيار 31

Allouchi...the fact is that MOST Arabs (who are mostly Sunnis) STILL consider US and Israel as enemies..not Iran. Yes, there is resentment by some Sunnis toward Iran, but there is much more toward the Arab Sunni puppets, which caused the overthrow of Mubarek, Bin Ali, and Saleh. The Sunnis threw out the Arab world were cheering Iran, Hamas, and HA when they resisted Israeli aggression after their Puppet dictator leaders were denouncing the resistance (like the Gulf kings, King Huessein, and Mubarek). I find it strange how my replies are printed hours later after the printing of numerous replies of others who only involved in mindless name calling.

Missing youssefhaddad 23:17 ,2012 أيار 31

The Iranian and the Syrian regimes continue to use Hezbollah and other allies to fight their battles and promote their agendas in the region.
A struggling Syrian regime and a cornered Iranian regime wish to ignite sectarian strifes in lebanon in hopes to corraborate their claims of fighting extremist sunnis and to create a new hot spot to diverte the worlds attention.
Killing the opposition leaders is one way to achieve these goals.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 01:12 ,2012 حزيران 01

To the Zionist Yousef Haddad... The PEOPLE of the middle east hate Zionist occupied America and the NAZI Zionist Jewish state. You zionists are still in mourning over the loss of Mubarek. It does not matter what happens to the lousy Syrian regime or the Iranian regime. AMERICA has been KICKED OUT of Iraq and soon Afghanistan. Also, ALL the Arab puppets will follow Mubarek in the near future.

Default-user-icon Toasty Mouhammas (ضيف) 00:53 ,2012 حزيران 01

At every opportunity, every decent Lebanese should target these criminals who have brought nothing but disasters onto Lebanon. Anyone who terminates these pests should be honored and respected and thanked till kingdom come.

Default-user-icon guest (ضيف) 00:55 ,2012 حزيران 01

You or one of your family member or friends might got a scholarship from Hariri's father what a shame that some of the lebanese people are paying this great man like this,

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 01:17 ,2012 حزيران 01

M8 won the (proportional) popular vote in 2009, even though they lost in parliament. The reason M8 and allies took power in 2009 is because Jumblatt and others switched sides.