حزب الله وأمل يؤكدان على ضرورة دعم وتأييد الجيش "ليبقى ضمانة وطنية موحدة"

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شددت قيادتا حزب الله وحركة أمل على ضرروة "الحفاظ على الأمن والإستقرار بعيدا عن التشنج بين كافة الأطراف والقوى"، مؤكدة على "الدور الوطني للجيش وضرورة دعمه".

وقالت القيادتان في بيان صدر بعد اجتماع تنسيقي بينهما: "تؤكد القيادتان أولوية الحفاظ على الأمن والإستقرار بعيداً عن التشنج بين كافة الأطراف والقوى ، وعلى الدور الوطني الرائد للجيش وضرورة دعمه وتأييده من الجميع ليبقى ضمانة وطنية موحّدة".

وحول مسألة انقطاع التيار الكهربائي، أكد البيان أن "حدة التقنين القاسي وغير المسبوق للتيار الكهربائي في مناطق الضاحية الجنوبية تلقي بثقلها ليس فقط على المواطنين الذين يرزحون تحت الأعباء الكبيرة لفواتير المولدات، بل تطال أيضا المؤسسات التجارية والتموينية وتهدد سلامة الغذاء والأمن الإقتصادي والإجتماعي والمعيشي".

وأضاف: "أننا على أبواب شهر رمضان، حيث تزداد الحاجة الى ساعات التغذية".

وإذ لفت الى أن "شكاوى المواطنين محقة"، طالب البيان "الجهات الرسمية المعنية بأن تستعجل الحلول وتسهل المعالجة وفقا للخطط المقرة في مجلس النواب والحكومة".

كما أكدتا على أن قطع الطرقات وحرق الإطارات لن يزيد إلاّ في تفاقم الأعباء الصحية والبيئية على المواطن الذي يدفع الثمن مرتين.

وحول قضية المخطوفين في سوريا قضية، طالبت القيادتان "الحكومة اللبنانية الوقوف الى جانب الأهالي وحمل القضية بجدية واعتبارها اولوية تستوجب رسم خطة عمل سياسية ودبلوماسية واضحة لمتابعتها".

التعليقات 29
Thumb benzona 18:29 ,2012 حزيران 23

The Shia in Lebanon = the majority of people(Although they're 2nd class citizens) and they are the ones armed to the teeth. Lebanon isn't any different than Rwanda, it's the hutus (majority)that killed the tootsies (minority). The ones who's got the power are the one responsible of the other citizen's security. However, Hizballa is like a wild animal, they went to war in 2006 against the invicible Israeli Armada, this resulted in the destructions we know. Then on May 7, they attacked their fellow Lebanese compatriots that weren't shias. Now, they are helping a brutal Syrian regime... I think they have no lesson to give us. They should clean up their mess first, then we'll gladly listen to them. First, pay your electricity bills in Dahye, and give up your weapons.

Thumb primesuspect 00:15 ,2012 حزيران 24

the so called set-up allowed us to see the true face of the Shia terrorists. From resistence to terrorism, what a downfall...

Thumb primesuspect 00:17 ,2012 حزيران 24

Nothing new. Amal isn't any better. Their leader and his son is a well known thief in America. He should be in KSA getting his hand(s) chopped off.

Missing feekahraba 13:50 ,2012 حزيران 24

You know what, my fart had a bad stink to it, I think I'll blame that on the U S and the west also.

Thumb liefighter 19:07 ,2012 حزيران 24

They got help from an hypocrite dreaming of power, other wise they would'nt be so influent

Default-user-icon guest (ضيف) 19:25 ,2012 حزيران 23

LOVE each others ya lebanese wlo 3aib 3laykom

Default-user-icon antoinette joubert (ضيف) 20:42 ,2012 حزيران 23

Please let sanity prevail. We don't need strife in Lebanon !! we have just being recovering from 2006 devastation...NO MORE!! The Lebanese people are SUFFERING....ALL of them!! Stop the hate and revenge,...it brings NOTHING but more hate!! Our children leave because there are no jobs....there is no future...!!!Please stop this vicious cycle.

Default-user-icon gabby (ضيف) 21:20 ,2012 حزيران 23

The starters of the 2006 war. The rapists of Beirut. The campers of Parliament. The burners of tires. The blockers of roads. Participants in assasinations. Now they want stability?

Thumb phoenician 21:39 ,2012 حزيران 23

Everything about you is a blasphemy,

Your flag,a klashnikov on the aleph of the word ALLAH.....how dare you lile ALLAH needs a machine gun.

Your name Hizbulla.......how dare you like ALLAH needs anyone or any Hizib.

Your main goal is the one Umma(muzlim umma)......how dare you Lebanon has been a Christian country for 2000years and will always be i promise you that.

As for 3rd class citizens,what a load of old cobblers. Back then you were poor and the minority never a 3rd class citizens,it was evil iran who made you feel that way because they had a secret agenda(maximise the shiite population to achieve 1 Umma) just like what they are doing on Bahrain now.

Wake up Sir and smell the coffee and most importantly dont you think for one moment that we are dumb,we know your goal Pal.

Thumb primesuspect 00:16 ,2012 حزيران 24

Definitely, God doesn't need men to fight for him. They hijacked God's name just like they hijacked the lebanese civilians. What a bunch of terrorists

Missing hammoudi 04:43 ,2012 حزيران 24

Keep dreaming, lebanon will NEVER be a christian country. Your living in a delusion. Muslims are the majority in lebanon and its increasing every day as maronites prefer to find luck in paris and the US. Dont kid yourself zyedeh 3an el lezoum. Before the first maronite ever set foot in lebanon, other religions were already here and spain used to be muslim. Reality check, look at the majority and you will see what identity a country has. The new symbol of beirut is not a maronite church but the mohammad al amin mosque built by rafiq hariri, who also built Lebanon after the war, unlike your maronite leaders and people who are only good at talking about how lebanon "is christian". It is Muslim money that built lebanon and Muslim money that keeps it alive. Lebanon can live well without maronites but it wouldnt survive a month without Muslims so stop provoking people and get down from your high horse.

Missing hammoudi 04:48 ,2012 حزيران 24

You dont even live in lebanon. The lebanon in your head dont exist in reality, its a whole diffirent lebanon on the ground. Skout ya chattour and enjoy looking at the mosques when you visit. Enter one, you might like it, get to know Allah, the one and only who has no son or any other partner. Get to know truth away from the lies and paganism of the church.

Thumb primesuspect 06:50 ,2012 حزيران 24

Allah yi se3dak. You don't really know your History. Go back to school and return to us when your education is over. Lebanon = 17 sects if you think that you get the monopoly, you're totally wrong. Christians and muslims are all leaving Lebanon, whether they go to the Gulf or the Western world because of people that have your mentality screwing up people's hopes. I don't come too often on Naharnet but when I come and see such comments I cannot let this pass. So STOP your sectarian nonesense.!

Thumb Marouni 12:08 ,2012 حزيران 24

Your claims are baseless before Arabs invaded Spain , it used to be Catholic. Even during the occupation Spain used to be Catholic. First of all Maronites are very important to Lebanon like every other sect it'S like a mosaique. So please stop preaching hatered
really . Where does all the money from the expats come from hm these expats are mostly Christians.

Thumb normzz 17:16 ,2012 حزيران 24

yesouh bi hebak

Thumb liefighter 19:15 ,2012 حزيران 24

Min wein jeyi ya Hammoudi

Thumb primesuspect 06:52 ,2012 حزيران 24

Did you know that Allah was Russian and born in 1947 (AK47, the logo)? Well, that's what hizballah beleives. ROTFL

Missing peace2012 16:57 ,2012 حزيران 24

Alla Yakddak.. how dare you say such a stupid thing! God's punishment will fall upon your head very soon! sleep well at nights?

Thumb applepie 09:29 ,2012 حزيران 24

@ benzona, prime suspect, tonyfarris.
You guys think you know everything when clearly, you know nothing. That points at a solid career in politics. Go for it! You won't be any different from your current "leaders", iff one may go so far as to flatter them in calling them that.
As for your notion that shia's are second class citizens... Here's a little dictionary.com for you honey. Second class citizens are people with limited legal rights, civil rights, work opportunities... I don,t think anyone could accuse us of that :)
But of course judging by the rest of your commentary you seem to mean by this that we are somehow inferior to your sorry self. I beg to differ and won't even begin to lecture you on the equality of all men under one god because you have managed to make me doubt my beliefs of that when you started typing!

Thumb applepie 09:30 ,2012 حزيران 24

And on a final note, to the phoenician who thinks yhe word hizballah is blasphemous, the word comes straight out of the quran itself "fa inna hizballah homm al ghaliboun" but dont let that give you yet another inferiority complex that you will lose sleep over :) it refers to the believers in Allah

Thumb phoenician 11:15 ,2012 حزيران 24


Typically brain washed muppet,

Ofcourse there was other religion before Christianity in Lebanon and thanks God Jesus arrived 2000years ago to save the world from paganism.

As for referring to christianity as paganists because we say that God has son,let me make one thing clear: Jesus ofcourse is not the biological son of God,God Tjassad in the body of Jesus on earth for you and me my brother to tell us to love and forgive one another and and most importantly to love Him with all our hearts minds and body. Thats how much God love's you my friend he died on the cross for me and you.
But all of that ofcourse is blasphemous for u and we are KOUFFAR

Please read the following:

You blow yourselves up killing innocent people in the name of Allah and you are promised 40 rivers of honey and 40 virgins in heaven. How dare you............yet we are Kouffar

You have mout3a marriage WTF

Thumb lebanon_first 11:15 ,2012 حزيران 24

Lebanon is a christian land. AND Lebanon is a moslem land. Get this in your head. Lebanon is too rich and diverse and colorful to belong to one monochrome sect. And this will not change.
Hammoudi. your problems come from the christians. Your war today is inter-moslem.
And Phoenicians, your problems are not due to moslems. Christians also are expert at fighting together.

Blaming the other sects for one's problems is an easy solution for simple minds. Our sect issues are superficial and manipulated. We have much more in common as Lebanese then we have differences.

Thumb lebanon_first 11:15 ,2012 حزيران 24

First we all love Lebanon. Second we all crave to build a country of institutions for us and our children, but dont know how. Third in spite of our very advanced population, our stupid internal bickering is keeping us back while the world is advancing. Cyprus, Dubai, even Jordan are becoming more developed than us. We have to stop feeling sorry about our sect, and learn to start working together.

Thumb shab 11:30 ,2012 حزيران 24

Religion is poison. Lebanon first.

Default-user-icon Australi (ضيف) 16:48 ,2012 حزيران 24


lebanon will always be a christian, Muslim, Druze country. All three religions have an equal stake in lebanon. to say of think otherwise is extreemist ideology. before 75 all three religions lived in relative peace and prosperity. the real issue here is that all lebanese need to wake up and put each other first. not the regligion or polotics.

Unfortunatley is is much easier to devide into sects, that is what we have done for the last 40 years...

Default-user-icon Wake up (ضيف) 18:12 ,2012 حزيران 24

These comments are exactly why the lebanese will never unite. The comments started out about Hizb and how they are taking the country by force. It somehow became a religious lesson. This is exactly how politician motivate their supporters playing the religion ticket. While you argue about religion the country's falling further behind then you wonder how you got to where you are. No one will win the religious argument. You better focus on how to build a country for all the lebanese instead of arguing who is entitled to what. Separate religion and state! Guarantee religious freedom and economic equality to all and you won't be arguing about who's god is more worthy... Look forward by learning from the mistake you keep repeating!

Thumb liefighter 19:22 ,2012 حزيران 24

I feelan awakening in you man, goahead

Thumb extramildcake 21:24 ,2012 حزيران 24

If it wasn't for the Christians, Lebanon would be like Syria or like Iraq. The Christians and their progress were the reason Beirut was once called "the Paris of the Middle East."

And I'm not even Christian or with the LF or with the Phalange and I know this. Don't kid yourselves. I have many Muslim friends that agree with me.

But it doesn't matter. There are good Christians like there are good Muslims and all of us, whether Christian or Muslim, all of us are the cards in the hands of foreign powers. Everyone please grow brains instead of blaming this on M8 or that on M14.

Default-user-icon ck (ضيف) 23:14 ,2012 تموز 02

if the jews managed to reclaim israel after 2000 years, then by all means we can reclaim lebanon in much less time!! there's no room in this world for islam and its violent approach, islam will eventually fade, better hope it does soon!