المعارضة السورية: الدعم الروسي للنظام السوري يسهم في استمرار العنف

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أعلن عبد الباسط سيدا رئيس المجلس الوطني السوري المعارض في موسكو الاربعاء، أن الدعم الروسي لنظام بشار الاسد هو الذي يتيح استمرار اعمال العنف في سوريا.

وقال سيدا خلال مؤتمر صحافي بعد لقائه وزير الخارجية سيرغي لافروف: "نرفض السياسة الروسية - ايا كانت مسمياتها - لأن هذه السياسة الداعمة للنظام تتيح استمرار العنف".

وأكد أن "الشعب السوري لا يزال يعاني بسبب موقف روسيا في مجلس الامن الدولي"، موضحا أن موسكو استخدمت حق الفيتو" لعرقلة مشروعي قرار ضد النظام السوري.

وأضاف: "نتيجة لذلك تستمر اعمال القتل والقصف ويستخدم النظام السوري الاسلحة التي سلمتها روسيا له لقمع شعبه".

وأوضح أن "المسؤولية القانونية والاخلاقية يجب ان تجعل روسيا تتدخل لارغام النظام السوري على وقف قتل شعبه".

وأقر أعضاء في وفد المجلس الوطني السوري بعد المباحثات مع لافروف أنهم فشلوا في اقناع موسكو بأن على الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد أن يرحل واقامة نظام سياسي جديد.

وذكر سيدا أن الوضع قد يتغير في حال غيرت روسيا موقفها "لانها الحليف الرئيسي لدمشق" اضافة الى ايران.

وأردف: "يشعر النظام السوري بانه يحظى بدعم ايران وروسيا. وفي حال لم يكن هناك دعم ثقافي ومعنوي وعسكري روسي لم يكن في امكان نظام دمشق مواصلة سياساته في قمع شعبه".

وكان سيدا صرح امام صحافيين "أؤكد باسم كل المعارضة الشعبية في سوريا ان الحوار غير ممكن ما لم يرحل الاسد. لكن روسيا لها رأي اخر".

من جهته، قال برهان غليون عضو المكتب التنفيذي في المجلس الوطني السوري، ابرز ائتلاف للمعارضة السورية في الخارج، ورئيس المجلس سابقا "لم نلاحظ تغيرات في الموقف الروسي. كنت هنا قبل سنة والموقف (الروسي) لم يتغير".

وقال منذر ماخوس احد اعضاء المجلس الوطني "لقد تباحثنا في الموقف الروسي ونحن نتفهم موقف (المسؤولين الروس) بشكل افضل. لكن موسكو لم تغير موقفها وهي تعتقد ان (الرئيس السوري بشار) الاسد لا يزال يحظى بدعم غالبية الشعب السوري".

التعليقات 13
Missing justlebanese 14:13 ,2012 تموز 11

seriously, were u expecting a change???ASAD is all what ois left to Russia in ME and will fight fiercly 4 him, dont aim so high, the only way is by dominating the capital

Thumb benzona 15:09 ,2012 تموز 11

I disagree. They aren't fighting for Assad, they're 'fighting' for their prestige and strategic interests in the Mediterranean. The cold war is over for good, and what Putin and Obama are giving us is just a show... nothing else.

Thumb primesuspect 19:34 ,2012 تموز 11

I also disagree... Impossible.

Missing hitech 15:18 ,2012 تموز 11

Why doesn't anyone see the truth that Russia does not want Assad out. They invested billions of dollars in Syria; why would they throw it all away? This is all BS to dither and gain time.

Missing justlebanese 15:21 ,2012 تموز 11

Dear Benzona, I meant by ASAD the bigger picture which is their influence in the region not ASAP in person and FYI the cold war never ended and will not,r u 4 serious when u say its ended :O

Default-user-icon Thanyeh Balla (ضيف) 15:57 ,2012 تموز 11

Who cares? The ASSad regime MIGHT fall in 2012. So says Dr. Kherfen Wmouderyen bin Geagea al Manfalouty.

Default-user-icon Jonah (ضيف) 17:25 ,2012 تموز 11

The Terrorists who hide behind these fake suited opposition salfists are terrorists funded by the Saudi and Qatari totalitariam regimes. These are Arab regimes which do not support democracy and preach about democracy.

Default-user-icon vee (ضيف) 17:47 ,2012 تموز 11

As the secretary of the navy stated in 1860's "thank god for the russians" International Law still has to mean something. Libya, now Syria, who will be next?

Thumb Marc 21:07 ,2012 تموز 11

Russia is still negotiating the price with the west

Missing ingimundar 22:13 ,2012 تموز 11

The reason this NATO mob action is demanding Assad go before any type of Syrian election is that they'd lose it. This is n ot what the shills so busy on this string like to hear. But it's the truth.


Syria is being torn apart by NATO intervention!!!
It has been clear since March of 2011.

And yet 55 percent of the population of Syria supports Assad.
With huge demonstrations. Massive outpourings.
All the while the Western leadership and media continue on touting war in the name of humanitarianism.
Claiming an unpopular leader is on the verge of falling.
A leader who is more supported by his populace then the leader of the US is supported by his!
How insane is this supposed version of reality?
Where black is white/white is black and humanitarianism is a cover for mass killing?

Default-user-icon Al Fares (ضيف) 02:14 ,2012 تموز 12

If 55% of the Syrian people support Assad, how do you explain that he scores 99.98% in each election?

Default-user-icon Boghasso Ophtally (ضيف) 03:59 ,2012 تموز 12

I cannot believe this brilliant fellow was tricked into visiting the virtual country of Russia in SIMS 3 or whatever that game is!!! I do not understand who comes up with these ridiculous names for nobodies: Russia and China! Please show some respect for a gentleman of the stature of Abdel Basset Sayda (isn't al-Asser from Sayda? Does he call him father?), especially that this is no time for kidding about matters of life and death. Children!

Thumb applepie 11:42 ,2012 تموز 12

"The people of Syria have demonstrated a hunger for freedom, and the United States has a solemn duty to support their democratic aspirations. "

Begging your pardon but your beloved United States can *&*^ *&^* *&^*&^!

It is about bloody time that you wake up and notice the United States does not give a damn about you, me or anyone unless where its interests lie.

Yesterday, your precious United States refused to label the Nigerian Boko haram group as a terrorist and they have been bombing churches for the past six months! Just wake up already!

They do not give a damn about the Syrian people and their hunger for freedom. They will only act where their own final interests are benefitted.

I cannot beieve how naive some people can be! Go on... tell me the United States cares for Lebanon and is supporting our army. The only help we ever got were a few gaz-guzzling hummers and friggin' used boots! For god's sake and for the sake of our country wake up!!!!!!!!!!!