آل المقداد تعلن وقف عملياتها العسكرية وإشكال في دارتها بعد طلب الهدوء من قبل نائب من حزب الله

Read this story in English W460

أعلن أمين سر رابطة آل المقداد الحاج ماهر المقداد أنه "منذ هذه اللحظة أوقفنا كل العمليات العسكرية على الأراضي اللبنانية وذلك لأنه لدينا اعدادا كافية من السوريين المتورطين مع الجيش السوري الحر بالإضافة الى الرهينة التركي".

وقال في مؤتمر صحافي عقده في مقر الرابطة في الرويس أنه "لا يوجد اي تنسيق مع أحد" مؤكدا أن "انه لن يتم التعرض لأي خليجي او اماراتي أو سعودي ابدا ونعتبرهم ضيوفا في بلادنا. أهلا وسهلا بهم".

وأشار الى أن " طابورا خامسا دخل الى محطة اليسارية الإخبارية وهي محطة تابعة للحزب الشيوعي اللبناني وتم الإعتداء فيها على العاملين فيها من الجنسية السورية. مبديا "استنكاره لهذا العمل ولا دخل لنا به ولا علاقة لنا ايضا بما حصل من عمليات خطف في شتورة - البقاع اليوم".

وبعدها وصل النائب من كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة" علي المقداد وقال أمام أفراد العائلة رافضا الحديث عن مصطلح العمليات العسكرية قائلا أن "الخطف ممنوع والخطف المضاد ممنوع وهذا كان الأساس".

فتدخل أحد الحاضرين قائلا "بلا حزب الله تاعك خيي بلا حزب الله تاعك".

وقال آخر "لا أحد يتدخل بتحرير ابننا ووليس أي شخص يمر على الطريق نخطفه بل فقط عناصر الجيش السوري الحر".

وقدم أحدهم إلى امام الكاميرا وقال "هل نطفئ الكاميرات أو نتكلم بوجود الإعلام" ومن ثم تكلم وقال لماهر المقداد "كما تمثل أنت نمثل نحن وكل يحتفظ برأيه ونحن كل عمل زعزنة لسنا معه وقلنا أننا نخطف من الجيش السوري الحر وليس لنا دخل ببائع الخضار وسائق "الفان" وحتى المعارض للجيش السوري".

وأشار إلى أن "خوفنا من أن نسترد ابننا وجموحهم لا يوقفهم" ويخطفون من جديد.

وتابع قائلا "إذا كان هذا موقف الرابطة (أي إيقاف العمليات العسكرية) فلست مع هذه الرابطة".

وإذ سمع صوت تكسير بعد ذلك اعتلى النائب السوري أحمد شلاش المنبر وعلا صوت التضارب وتعرضت كاميرات التصوير للتكسير وخرج جميع الإعلاميين من المكان .

وغادر النائب علي المقداد غادر القاعة بعد وقوع الإشكال وهو يرفض العودة. وتحدثت معلومات عن انسحاب عضو المجلس الشعب السوري أحمد الشلاش.

يشار إلى أن العشيرة خطفت أكثر من 20 عنصرا من الجيش السوري الحر وحررت باقين ليس لهم علاقة بالتنظيم العسكري الأربعاء وجرت عمليات خطف من قبل "جناحهم العسكري" في غير منطقة لبنانية.

التعليقات 29
Thumb beiruti 17:39 ,2012 آب 16

Meqdad said that it is not coordinating its kidnapping activity with any side, but then there is a Hezbollah Deputy named Ali Meqdad?? Apparently he is a black sheep in the Klan because he is against kidnapping and so a fistfight breaks out among members of the Klan.

Is it no wonder that the tourist dollars dried up in Lebanon. Now we have Klans roaming about kidnapping some and telling others that they are welcome. What must the "Minister of Tourism", the Minister of Internal Security" or the Prime Minister have to say about a Klan acting with impunity and giving orders and such.

Maybe because they are kin to Hezbollah, that is enough to let them do as they wish.

Thumb gebran_sons 18:04 ,2012 آب 16

The economic cost of Hizbollah (HizbIran) and Tribal thugs is in the billions. Primary victims are the Shia regions where no foreign investment would touch. But also Lebanon as a whole is suffering despite having all the educational, freedom, weather and quality of life requirements to be the undisputed regional headquarter for multinationals serving the Middle East. One R&D Research Center for Intel, Microsoft, Bayer, etc, will bring thousands of permanent high-paying jobs than all the blood-tinted money Hizbollah degrading subsidies provide. If illegal arms are not removed Lebanon will fall into the abyss. Then every community should pay for its choices, and the “Divorce” Jumblat once mentioned should be the theme of 2013 election. Communities have to choose between democracy, freedom and rule of law; and the Basij/Assad model compliment of Hizbollah & Aoun. Both Hizbollah & Aoun are poison to Lebanon. The damage they are causing to Shia and Christians will take generations to heal.

Thumb profile 18:09 ,2012 آب 16

could not agree more! By the way, what is the punishment by law of a confessed kidnapper?

Thumb makhaleh 18:13 ,2012 آب 16

Wow innou HA and now these guys w kidnappings sounds to me like a regime backed militia with the help of HA where is our government and military...if they say they have no ties with any other group then HA is losing power in leb

Thumb shab 18:17 ,2012 آب 16

sick inbreed sect

Thumb Bandoul 18:56 ,2012 آب 16

I respectfully request that you not single out and insult an entire sect for the actions of a few thugs.

Thumb shab 19:53 ,2012 آب 16


Thumb Bandoul 20:53 ,2012 آب 16

@shab, thank you :)

Default-user-icon freeman (ضيف) 18:20 ,2012 آب 16

Al muqdad military wings? ??? Are they serious? Where is the army to confront them?

Default-user-icon noreply (ضيف) 18:22 ,2012 آب 16

ENOUGH!!!!! I want to shout this time. And this time all the Lebanese with a bit of sense should take the streets to voice that they have enough of all the nonsense all the political leaders at pulling on us. And for what? to maintain their zones of influence - hence their own wealth. Enough of a government who cannot do anything against any outlaw in the country even if they go on TV, well known! We just want to live in peace for god's sake! ENOOOOOUUUUUGHHHHH!

Missing Perestroika 18:44 ,2012 آب 16

They are fighting TSAHAL in Beirut for sure! aren't they?
No need for the State guys, "war2it l tafehom" betkaffi!!

Default-user-icon McDad (ضيف) 18:46 ,2012 آب 16

Did you see how they threw out Hezbollah's MP Ali al-Meqdad from their press conference, it's the best locally produced comedy in years. These are not clans they're clowns.

Thumb Bandoul 18:51 ,2012 آب 16

He is a thug with an assault rifle. He feels by wearing a ski mask that he is entitled to intimidate, retaliate or do whatever he pleases. Him and his entire bouta of thugs should be immediately arrested and thrown in prison but I will not hold my breath waiting for that to happen, after all this is Lebanon, moustanka3 el zou3ran.

Default-user-icon George Allswell (ضيف) 18:58 ,2012 آب 16

I'm not related to these guys, but if I was kidnapped in Syria, I would be happy that my family turns the whole country upside down to get me back.

All of us as humans have a GOD given right to defend ourselves and our family and our communities. Especially when other Lebanese kidnapped in Syria, are tortured, never return and die.

All humans right to defend themselves and their familes comes from GOD, and nobody needs a governments approval to protect their lives.

Thumb bigsami 19:00 ,2012 آب 16

They see HA allowed to do what they want....so why not them? That's the problem....Lebanon is like the wild wild west. Everyone can own weapons and do as they like no thanks to the scums HA and what they have allowed the country to turn into.

Thumb benzona 19:06 ,2012 آب 16

Indeed, they belong to the filthiest jail, aka Roumieh. They must be judged for this.

Default-user-icon semittfo career (ضيف) 19:08 ,2012 آب 16

And the idiot prime minister promises that these events will not be repeated. Yes, because "bitmoun" on Al-Meqdad family.

Default-user-icon 420 (ضيف) 19:13 ,2012 آب 16

Hizb Al-Moqdad joins the party! LOL! Yup, we're going to Hell...

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 20:35 ,2012 آب 16

Are we going to have armed family militias now?? All families will need
"armed wings" now. Everyone knows the Hezz and ASSad put them up to this.

Thumb phoenician 20:51 ,2012 آب 16

What more proof does the world need to act now on hizb before its too late, they are nothing but an iranian proxy clan of drug trafficking,assassinations and murder.

Missing formerlebanese 20:56 ,2012 آب 16

Sha3bon iza doriba fihi el 7iza2o sa7a el 7iza2o bi aye zanbin odrabo

Default-user-icon pico (ضيف) 00:24 ,2012 آب 17

yeeee, this is the milk-dud clan, mafeek te7kee heyk:)

libon will always remain a dump with these people

Thumb The-Patriot 02:43 ,2012 آب 17

Al-Meqdad Clan ?? .... a 5 year old kid in lebanon would know that is a hisbulla group disguised under that name , so people wont point there fingers at them and say they are thugs kidnapping and doing and terrorising people .

and lets be logical , who else than hizbulla and amal can publicly and confidently roam on the streets and on camera's without bieng messed with ?? .... what a joke !.

Default-user-icon Arturo (ضيف) 04:27 ,2012 آب 17

Lebanon allows such actions by the Resistance. Al-Meqdad has classified themselves as a Resistance force.

Missing barhoum 05:20 ,2012 آب 17

Lebanon will always be under siege as long as we have thugs in the country.

Default-user-icon john (ضيف) 05:42 ,2012 آب 17

u are stupid people u all desirve to die and burn in hell

Missing the_cow_is_ok 10:36 ,2012 آب 17

Any difference between Meqdad Clan and HA? Same attitude, same mentality, same lawlessness, and same sectarianism. ONly the beard can differentiate them.

Missing roberto46 11:26 ,2012 آب 17

Their days are numbered .I said this before Hezb Iran is hiding behind the scum I mean Meqdad family ,how could a family of filth control the whole country..

Thumb ramzi 14:36 ,2012 آب 17

Love eachother people, learn from our mistakes, lets vote some new people in this time. Stop fighting, this is what everyone wants. Even the hardline comments and cussing on this sight from people, I can tell we are all lebanese that want to live free and fairly.