جعجع: ما حصل مؤخرا كان ضغطا من سوريا على سليمان وميقاتي اثر توقيف سماحة

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رأى رئيس "حزب االقوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع ان احداث اليومين الماضيين هدفت الى الضغط على رئيسي الجمهورية ميشال سليمان والحكومة نجيب ميقاتي لان النظام السوري لم يكن راضيا لتوقيف الوزير والنائب السابق ميشال سماحة.

وأشار في مؤتمر صحافي عقده اليوم الجمعة في معراب الى ان "حقيقة الأمر ان احداث اليومين الماضيين ادت الى ترهيب كل المعارضين لسوريا بالأخص اللاجئين السوريين".

وأوضح جعجع أن النظام السوري "كان ينتظر ان الحكومة في لبنان تشاركه احزانه وتقوم بكل ما يمكن لتساعده، وايضا للضغط على الافرقاء اللبنانيين المعارضة للنظام السوري".

واعتبر أن "على رئيس الجمهورية ورئيس الحكومة مسؤولية تاريخية جداً والا سيشهدان على ايامهما اضمحلال الدولة في لبنان وربما انتهاء لبنان كوطن، والمطلوب بعض الخطوات لانقاذ الوضع مما وصل اليه".

وطالب جعجع في مؤتمره، بـ"اعلان حالة طوارئ ولو جزئية لمنع كل ظهور مسلح وكل اخلال بالأمن بالقوة، والتفتيش عن المخطوفين واطلاق سراحهم بالقوة وتوقيف كل الخاطفين".

وطالب بـ"توقيف كل من ظهر مسلحا، واتخاذ كل التدابير المطلوبة لمنع قطع طريق المطار، واذا كانت الحكومة غير قادرة على هذا التدبير فيجب عليها فورا فتح مطار القليعات".

ووصف الوضع في البلد بالـ"مهزلة والحكومة الحالية تحول حالها الى مهزلة ولكن لا يحق لها التلاعب بمصير اللبنانيين، ومن غير المقبول ان تتحكم اقلية بمصير الأكثرية الساحقة من اللبنانيين".

وشدد جعجع على أن "مجرد القول ان عائلة لها جناح مسلح هو ضرب للدولة اللبنانية"، مشدداً على ان "قضية المخطوفين قضية محقة ولا يجب ربطها بما حصل باليومين الماضيين".

اقدم مجهولون مساء امس الخميس على خطف مواطناً تركياً في منطقة الشويفات، واقتادوه الى جهة مجهولة.

ويُشار الى ان هذا المواطن هو التركي الثاني الذي يُخطف في لبنان، وكانت قد اعلنت عشيرة آل المقداد الاربعاء عن خطف عدد من السوريين الموالين "للجيش السوري الحر" ورجلاً تركياً يدعى أيدن طوفان، رداً على اقدام مجموعة ادعت انها من "الجيش السوري الحر" على خطف اللبناني حسان المقداد الاحد في سوريا.

وقد خطف 11 لبنانياً في 22 ايار الفائت في سوريا اثناء عودتهم من رحلة حج الى ايران.

وتابع "نحن ليس لدينا ثقة بالحكومة ولا تمثلنا" وتمنى على كل مواطن لبناني بغض النظر عن انتماءاته السياسية ان يراجع ضميره ويفكر بمستقبله، "جماعة 8 آذار بين ميشال سماحة وما رأيناه بالأمس وهذا تعريفهم الفعلي".

وفيما يتعلق بعملية توقيف ميشال سماحة، سأل جعجع "كان هناك عملية ارهابية فكيف تريدون ان تحصل المداهمة بقضية بهذا الحجم؟ قضية تهدد الامن القومي كيف تريدون ان تحصل المداهمة؟".

وعن التسريبات بقضية سماحة، اعتبر انه "لو القضية شخصية فكانت ضد القانون، لكن قضية لها ابعاد سياسية وتطال الأمن اللبناني كان لا بد من ان تصدر وقائع معينة قبل ان يأخذ الطرف الآخر الرأي العام الى جانبه، واحد من ابعاد القضية سياسية وهناك عملية وضع الرأي العام امام الحقيقة لمنع تشويه الوقائع".

وشدد على أن "الاحكام اللاحقة مهما كانت لن تؤثر على الوقائع، بعض الاستنتاجات من تقييم هذه الوقائع، اولا اين أمن العام والجمارك على الحدود من واقع مرور عبوات متفجرة؟ ومن اعطى اذنا في ذلك اليوم بالذات لمرور سيارة سماحة دون تفتيش على معبر المصنع؟".

وسأل جعجع في مؤتمره "الا يعني ذلك وجود خلل في عمل تلك الاجهزة؟ الم تكمل الاجهزة الاخرى عملها كما كانت تعمل بظل الوجود السوري؟".

وشدد على ان "سماحة ليس مجرد فرد بل شخص بمجموعة سياسية هي قوى 8 آذار وتصرفه يعطي صورة عن هذا الفريق، هل رأيتم من هم السلفيين والقاعدة في لبنان؟".

وقد إعترف سماحة بالتخطيط لتفجيرات خلال إفطارات في شمال لبنان بأمر من رئيس مكتب الأمن الوطني في دمشق اللواء علي مملوك، وذلك بعد توقيفه صباح الخميس الفائت بمداهمة منزله في الخنشارة من قبل شعبة المعلومات في قوى الأمن الداخلي.

وادعى مفوض الحكومة المعاون لدى المحكمة العسكرية القاضي سامي صادر، السبت على سماحة وعلى مملوك وعلى العقيد في الجيش السوري عدنان، لاقدامهم على تأليف عصابة مسلحة بقصد ارتكاب اعمال ارهابية.

التعليقات 36
Missing roberto46 15:41 ,2012 آب 17

Well said slash ,what we dealing here is with one eyed people Mate.I think Dr Geagea is a wise man we all make mistakes and he did and paid for it. Hasan hides behind schools and hospitals and killed 1200 of his own people in 2006, if he is not a murderer who is..

Thumb geha 16:00 ,2012 آب 17

main objectives that have been achieved by hizbushaitan and amal and behind them the syrian regime:
- they diverted the discussions babout hizbushaitan weapons. Lesson learned: no more dialogue sessions.
- they captured FSA activists on behalf of the syrian embassy. lesson learned: the syrian embassy should be close.
- they closed the airport road once more. lesson learned: open kleiat airport and let them close this one.
- they clearly stated their disregard to the state of law. lesson learned: prepare for what is coming.

Thumb geha 16:04 ,2012 آب 17

the more the syrian regime approaches its collapse point, the more hizbushaitan, iran and their cronies syrian leftovers in Lebanon become insecure, and make a show of force.
the more closer the war with israel becomes, they are trying to secure their background by force.
they are up for a major surprise soon.

Missing renren 16:05 ,2012 آب 17

He is the only politician in Lebanon who is brave enough to name things by it's name ,

Thumb jadski 16:45 ,2012 آب 17

him, and Jumblat. Jumblat is a little more sly and calculative tho ... he waits for the right time to snap lol. always an interesting and eye-opening man. Misunderstood tho.

Missing sergio 16:16 ,2012 آب 17

tell me please who didn't kill by the Haweya during the war, Amal, PSP, mourabitoun, kaoumi souri, Marada, Kataeb, Palestinians they all did. which one of the warlords did not ? not saying Geagea is a saint but look at your leaders you just lick Iran & bashar's boot at least Geagea did his time jail he was brave enough to stand trial unlike Clown running to France.

Missing forces 19:17 ,2012 آب 17

they both were given the same options, join, leave or face the consequenses.. the rest is history.

Missing forces 19:21 ,2012 آب 17

btw flame, convicted by the same oppressors mishou ran away from.. the same currupt syrian backed oppressors that persecuted the christians whilst he was in his orange shorts sipping champagne by the pool.. to his credi though he did call them names.( from far away).

Missing hitech 16:28 ,2012 آب 17

Labeling Samir Geagea as a killer is like labeling Abraham Lincoln who killed 1 million people in the US civil war as a killer. This is just ridiculous. At least among all the leaders he is not a hypocrite, at least he had the humility to apologize publically for this mistakes. Among all the current Lebanese leaders, this guy is a class of his own, way above the rest. I used to hate him, but now I take my hat off to him everytime he speaks.

Missing forces 18:39 ,2012 آب 17

flame 21st Sept, 2008 Lebanese forces martyrs day mass.. look it up.

Thumb phoenician 16:33 ,2012 آب 17

Ouwet was born to protect Lebanon for all Lebanese from the palastinians,unlike hizb that was born to achieve to one islamic UMMA an islamic revolution iranian style. Dont you think for one moment that you will be able to achieve that NEVER.

Thumb jadski 16:40 ,2012 آب 17

Seems like we are always getting into arguments about who's side we should be on, Syria/HA/Iran (no thank you, i believe in progress) vs West/SA (still not really , i have a sister and not into women oppression) or with Palestine and their plight. My Question is ... who is siding with Lebanon ? where is out Identity ? we always talk about it but it is has a myth.

Thumb jadski 16:41 ,2012 آب 17

it has become a myth **

Default-user-icon Lebanon_First (ضيف) 16:44 ,2012 آب 17

I used to hate this guts of this guy ... but the evidence is obvious: he is top notch, a class above all the rest, he has proven he is a true leader. We wish there are more like him in Lebanon. Courageous, articulate, analytical, solid vision, not a flip-flopper, long-term thinking, ... all what is missing to most other politicians in Lebanon.

Thumb joeleb 16:59 ,2012 آب 17

You can't blame Geagea and only Geagea for killings during the 1075-1990 war, everyone was a murderer, including your Isteez and Hizbullah! How come they became angels and were given control of the country and Geagea thrown into jail? It's because he refused to be Syria's dog so they framed him and threw him in jail.
You are right, Lebanon is this way because of him and the likes of him. Lebanon is a country where you can still talk freely and grow and were women have the right to drive and not be forced to cover up and a country that still values itself etc etc. Had it not been for the likes of Geagea and Bashir Lebanon would have been divided between the Syrians and the Palestinians. Would you have been happier then?

Missing Rambo 16:59 ,2012 آب 17

If you ever made a mistake you should be condemmed to life so just tell me who's in Lebanon is a saint? and Which leader from Nasrallah to Berri to Aoun and other are not criminal, they may not have been dragged to court and convicted under Syrian authority but they they all have blood on their hands. That what happen in wars. One thing is clear so... You are stuck in the past and sound like you belong there. You don't believe people learn from mistakes and change over time. You have no future or future vision and you are either an old grumpy person or a teen don't know what you talking about. Open you mind and see with both eyes to catch up with time.

Default-user-icon A frustrate Lebanese (ضيف) 17:23 ,2012 آب 17

I sometimes wonder what is the use of paying salaries to an army who has no right to be in the south to defend Lebanon, no right to get the criminals who abduct people on our territory, and have their own military wing ( what a joke) stop paying salaries to those who cannot open the airport road and had to leave so they do not clash with murderers, what is the use for all that ?....
Save the money and develop electrical power and infrastructure as in any case we have the bandits of Hizbullah who will protect us from Israel.
What a banana country
You asked the Lebanese who left Lebanon to come back and invest in what and in what country ???
What next now wil the armed wing of those criminals free their criminal foe MICHEL SAMAHA from the hands of the justice and send him back to his masters in Syria ???
Good job guys keep the good work.
A frustrated Lebanese

Thumb joeleb 18:07 ,2012 آب 17

FT...oh please do go on...and you mean to say that Hizbullah and Amal didn't...oh that's true, you are brainwashed, and they are ashraf el nas, they gave their captives massages and put them in hotels, just like they did in the May events when they invaded Beirut and other areas and killed and destroyed without a blink...and that was only a few years ago, about a decade and a half after the war ended right?
Before you start judging others look at yourself...
On another note, I don't understand how brainwashed you and other are to not be see things the way they are...March 14 is not made of angels either, but they don't even come close to March 8!

Default-user-icon maroleb (ضيف) 18:09 ,2012 آب 17

Bravo Hakim your the best...amazing and fantastic press conference today...God Bless you and be with you...!!!!...

Thumb lebanon_first 18:31 ,2012 آب 17

I dont like geagea. But I would take him anytime over the smaha, amal, zaayter and mcDad rule.
Biggest mistake was for the christians to give up their weapons. We should have closed our border and separated. Now we are stuck with the single neuron who can only think of israel(Hassan), the garbage bag that time cannot decay (Nabih) and these new brand wild west desperados.

Missing forces 19:12 ,2012 آب 17

so does having foreign intevention ie. syrian, iranian, israel, us or any other kind.We would love the 10452 option but having the syrio/iranian armed brigade hinders us from achieving that unless we take up Bashir's ideology and take it by force, that wouldn't solve much i don't think. you kinda missed the point on that one, don't try preaching to us our values, try to learn them it might do you good..

Thumb lebanon_first 19:14 ,2012 آب 17

I was against partition. I beleive in Lebanon. And I like to have a pluralistic society. But unless the chiites and sunnites hold their thugs and play by the rules, we cant be together. a christian thug, smaha was put in jail. Mokdads succeeded to start a movement that put hundreds of people out of work just by mentionning the "armed wing of the family" shouldnt tehy be jailed? mawlawi? assir? Chiites and sunnites have to stop drawing red lines and ALLOW the law to seize their thugs. Else most christians prefer partition.

Thumb lebanon_first 20:06 ,2012 آب 17

Aoun bashing is not the solution. It is not about Aoun. In fact both Aoun and Geagea want the same thing. They want christian rights. And today we have to unite as christians and fight for the good of the country because we are the only sane people left in the country.

Missing forces 18:47 ,2012 آب 17

flame you are mistaken, as a member of the opposition he is doing just that, opposing to inadequate/in-appropriate an in-effective policy, unlike m8 opposition he isn't burning tyres he is however putting forward suggestions on how to handle the situation. I think this gives the lebanese people alot more confidence in him knowing that he would at least have solutions to problems that arise, unlike the current government who has turned Lebanon into the wild west. I understand that is very hard to accept through your bitterness for the man, but at least give credit where it is due, unlike mishou he hasn't proclaimed to the lebanese people world war three 'as if the lebanese have a say on syrian affairs' but has provided clear direction on how to handle certiain events.

Default-user-icon LebExile (ضيف) 18:48 ,2012 آب 17

very well said the1phoenix - agree 100%

Missing forces 19:15 ,2012 آب 17

galiboun no matter what happens you are always going to be an idiot without a constructive argument, just another name calling sheep on a leash..

Default-user-icon Afif (ضيف) 19:25 ,2012 آب 17

Geagea is such a drama queen:)

Default-user-icon Mahdi (ضيف) 19:44 ,2012 آب 17

I beg your pardon? Dude, did you even read the article, or is it the English language that you have a problem with? Ja3ja3 is saying, on the contrary, that Slaymèn and Miqati are actually being Lebanese for a moment, and that THAT is why Baschar hates them. Ja3ja3 is trying to get into the good books of Slaymèn and trying to get Miqati to do what Riad Hijabi did (i.e., defect away from being an Asad toything). If you don't know how to read, BlameThrower, then what the F*** are you doing on a newspaper's comment box? Kteer zih2an w fadi bélak?

Thumb thepatriot 20:53 ,2012 آب 17

Yes he used to be violent, made mistakes, and crimes... but anyone who dissagrees with 1 word in this speech is nothing but a traitor to Lebanon. I used to hate Geagea, but nowaydays he is spot on!

Thumb michael715 22:07 ,2012 آب 17

SG has spoken out against his former captors in a very respectful way. We could all learn from his words of wisdom. The time to move forward is here. The past should be put into history books. The future is what we are writing. Will Lebanon have a next chapter or an Epitaph?!?!?
BASHAR and his crazy family must go Go GO!

Thumb jadski 22:46 ,2012 آب 17

the only one amplifying animosity between shia and sunnis is HA. Pointing a gun to our head is not something we will forget anytime soon, and neither should u. btw ... seems like u have a lot of free time. need a job ?

Missing roberto46 01:49 ,2012 آب 18

I have one thing to say to all the Syrian dogs and Iranian slaves in Lebanon like it or not Geagea is here to stay.I would rather vote and support Geagea anytime at least his Lebanese...

Thumb anonymouslb 04:37 ,2012 آب 18

Qui serait d'accord pour une pétition demandant d'interdire à tous les seigneurs de la guerre dite "civile" de s'exprimer à travers les média?
How many would agree to a petition for banning all our warlords from all media?

Thumb andre.jabbour 05:01 ,2012 آب 18

If you include my former friend General Michel Aoun and Sayyid Nasreallah (post civil war era) I'd be happy to sign it.

Missing lebaneserevenge@yahoo.com 06:55 ,2012 آب 18

I am sorry to see the Syrian people suffer, but why did they stay so quiet for 45 years, and allow the Assad clan to control them, and to control Lebanon? God is paying Bath Assad back, for what they did to Lebanon....kharma's a bitch, right Bashar? All those Lebanese who were murdered, raped, abused, tortured, displaced, massacred, all those years, by this ruthless and EVIL Syrian family and regime, will soon have the justice they have been praying for all these years, delivered to them....hundreds of thousands of Lebanese, both in Lebanon and worldwide, will rejoice and shed tears of happiness, when the word travels around the world, that Bashar and his family have been annilihated and the other regime members are dead as well. That day, is fast approaching, no doubt about it. The vengeance that will be taken on him, his family and his regime members, will be gruesome, for sure, like never seen before....watch and see....and...Iran, is next...just a matter of time....

Default-user-icon Pierro (ضيف) 12:21 ,2012 آب 18

Dear Galiboun,

When the French Army was in Algeria war crimes were committed. That does not make the french criminals because when men go to war they often behave like animals. We have seen this in all conflicts and wars, through mankind history. In Lebanon all sides did make crimes.

It is time in Lebanon that we forgive to those who asked for forgiveness and start talking to each other in order to walk side by side in this country. For those who did not ask for forgiveness we should request a mea culpa. We cannot afford to accuse endlessly each other as this is leading to the chaos we have now.