واشنطن تفرض عقوبات على ثلاثة من حزب الله بينهم نصرالله بسبب دعم الأسد

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فرضت الولايات المتحدة الأميركية مرة جديدة عقوبات على حزب الله طالت أمينه العام السيد حسن نصرالله بسبب "دعم" النظام السوري و"العمليات الإرهابية" التي يقوم بها.

وأفاد بيان لوزارة الخزانة الأميركية أنها "فرضت عقوبات على نصرالله ومصطفى بدر الدين وطلال الحايك".

وإلى نصرالله عرفت الوزارة بدر الدين أنه أحد المتهمين بقتل رئيس الوزراء الأسبق رفيق الحريري فيما قالت عن حامية أنه مسؤول خلايا حزب الله في الخارج.

وقالت الوزراة أن الحايك وبدر الدين يساعدان "في تنفيذ عمليات حزب الله الإرهابية في الشرق الأوسط والعالم".

يشار إلى أنه في العاشر من آب قررت واشنطن اضافة حزب الله الى قائمة المنظمات الخاضعة للعقوبات بسبب ارتباطها بالنظام السوري بسبب "دوره المركزي" في دعم النظام السوري.

ودائما ما ينفي حزب الله نفيا قاطعا أي علاقة لمقاتليه في الأحداث في سوريا.

التعليقات 14
Missing ydafylsa 19:41 ,2012 أيلول 13

Thought they were alreaday on the terror list!

Missing gabby3 20:11 ,2012 أيلول 13

First Hamas pulled away from the Hezz and ASSad. Now ASSad is swirling down the toilet. The Hezz are next. Nassy will come up with some BS speech in a day or two. Then he will change commanders so the new commanders will not be the ones named. He will play games.......but the black turban rat brigade is going to get smashed slowly. It will be enjoyable for the people of Lebanon to see after being terrorized by them for so long.

Default-user-icon Nayef (ضيف) 05:27 ,2012 أيلول 14

william did u have by any chance too much ginger lately ?i think u should go back to your doctor and change prescriptions.your too hyper,"israeli memhoun,or shlomo wink wink ? ya sater ya rab alla yikoun bi-awnak ya william ya miskin.....

Thumb bigsami 20:19 ,2012 أيلول 13

A picture is worth a thousand words......

Come on folks (HA lab monkeys), if that does not show you what HA stands for, then you obviously belong in Syria under Assad's dictatorship and NOT Lebanon! HA does NOT give a rat turn about the country and it's future. They are preparing to send our country into a hell (wars). God help us!

Thumb bigsami 20:20 ,2012 أيلول 13

A picture is worth a thousand words......

Come on folks (HA lab monkeys), if that does not show you what HA stands for, then you obviously belong in Syria under Assad's dictatorship and NOT Lebanon! HA does NOT give a rat TURD about the country and it's future. They are preparing to send our country into a hell (wars). God help us!

Missing spartacus 20:20 ,2012 أيلول 13

the article is lenghty, and somewhere it says also that the E.O. has entered into effect in august. The content was in an old press release of the US Treasury. It's old news.

Even the Americans btw say that it will have no practical effects. Zero consequences.

The first and foremost objective of this fuss is to have it on the press, to push the idea that Hizbollah is is involved in Syria. Naharnet provided for this aim.

I assume the Treasury must have some solid evidence of Hezbollah involvement in Syria, collected by the CIA. I would have appreciated to know what they know, instead of all this circus.

About evidence of foreign involvement in Syria, here's a link about CNN crew suspected of being implicated in a terrorist act in Homs. I hope the public will put CNN on the blacklist.


Missing roger@10452 20:21 ,2012 أيلول 13

I guess Hassouni can't go to Detroit anymore on vacation...

Default-user-icon and the one who empowers hezbolah.. (ضيف) 20:22 ,2012 أيلول 13

shud add mr michael aoun to this same list...

Missing gabby3 20:34 ,2012 أيلول 13

Go after the Hezz drug operations in South America and West Africa. They will pinch Hizbcocaine where it hurts most.

Missing allouchi 20:48 ,2012 أيلول 13

Watch out ya Berri...You have a lot of family and businesses in Detroit so you better behave or you might lose your Green Card and join Noussralla...

Missing people-power 20:57 ,2012 أيلول 13

Good move USA.

Next..... put Aoun on the list for supporting terrorists (HA) and for giving Christian cover for Hizzie political domination in Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Atef (ضيف) 21:08 ,2012 أيلول 13

US is only admitting that Hizbullah are strong by this none valid statement:)

Hmmm time to put the black stamp for US embassy staffs and send them with lady geagea out from here:) KSA baby boy is already out:)

Thumb bigsami 21:12 ,2012 أيلول 13

Hizbullah and its leader Nasrallah have sought to depict their organization as a social and political party, as well as a resistance movement............ A resistance....LMAO! A mere limb of the devil himself......IRAN!

Thumb Bandoul 22:52 ,2012 أيلول 13

The only thing the Iranian mercenary group aka HA is resisting is the will of the Lebanese people.