الجيش يدعو العرب والاجانب لزيارة لبنان: نؤمن كل اشكال الامن والاستقرار

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وجهت قيادة الجيش مديرية التوجيه، بالدعوة الى العرب والاجانب من اجل زيارة لبنان، في موسم الاعياد، مشددة على انها ستؤمن كل اشكال الامن والاستقرار في البلد.

وفي بيان اصدرته، ظهر الاحد، دعت قيادة الجيش، "الأشقاء والأصدقاء (العرب والاجانب) الى زيارة وطنهم الثاني لبنان للاقامة في ربوعه متى يشاؤون".

واكدت على أنهم "سيحظون بأقصى درجات الرعاية والإهتمام، والسهر على أوضاعهم المختلفة من قبل الجيش وسائر الأجهزة الأمنية التي تتابع مهمتها بكل عزم للحفاظ على مناخات الحرية والأمن والاستقرار التي تنعم بها البلاد" .

و"لمناسبة حلول عيدي الميلاد ورأس السنة، تتوجه قيادة الجيش بأحر التهاني لأفراد المؤسسة العسكرية ولجميع اللبنانيين المقيمين والمغتربين والرعايا الأجانب والأخوة العرب الموجودين في لبنان".

وتمنيت قيادة الجيش في بيانها "عاما جديدا يحمل إلى الجميع بشائر الأمل والأمان والإزدهار".

يُشار الى ان الإمارات كانت قد دعت مواطنيها، السبت، إلى عدم السفر للبنان في الوقت الحاضر إلا للضرورة القصوى، نتيجة للظروف السياسية الصعبة والحساسة المحيطة بلبنان الشقيق.

التعليقات 18
Thumb JabalElFersan 15:48 ,2012 كانون الأول 23

A7la jaish bi dini kela. Allah ye7mik ya watan!

Thumb eli-g 16:36 ,2012 كانون الأول 23

With all due respect to the army, but,do they think this is assuring the tourist to visit Lebanon?
the army making the pitch for tourism?
this is scarring them more.what it actually says is that there is trouble in paradise and you should stay away.

Missing greatpierro 17:45 ,2012 كانون الأول 23

let the army take full control of the airport and pull out the weapons from tripoli

Missing gabby13 18:24 ,2012 كانون الأول 23

What if we want tourism in Dahye.....then what?

Thumb geha 18:28 ,2012 كانون الأول 23

since when the army meddles with tourism?
have they heard the threat issued today against turks?

Default-user-icon aloush (ضيف) 18:51 ,2012 كانون الأول 23

and the reply to this Lebanese army communique came swiftly from the Iranian islamic terrorist Fakih party in Lebanon using the families of it's terrorists captured in Aazaz Syria.

Missing ya_kord 19:29 ,2012 كانون الأول 23

the reason why this summer tourists didn't come to lebanon had little to do with tripoli and more to do with kidnappings and hold ups on cars that the army nor police were willing to do anything about (I wonder why? which regions weren't they willing to enter??)

Missing samiam 19:39 ,2012 كانون الأول 23

of course, you neglect the HA sponsored Meqdad clan and others going on kidnapping sprees this summer. And, while you are at it, where do you want the tourists to come from? You have already eliminated the gulf countries and Europeans won't come here with security issues. I am assuming you want the farsi terrorists here whose currency has gone down 80% this past year, because there isn't anyone else out there.

Thumb lebanon_first 20:16 ,2012 كانون الأول 23

The lack of arab tourism in Lebanon is due to the GCC countries making a political statement because darling Saad was kicked out of power, and using their leverage to prevent their citizens of coming.

Missing peace 20:35 ,2012 كانون الأول 23

don t you think it s rather due to the climate of insecurity that prevails thanks to this wonderful gvt? and the fear spread by M8 on dangerous salafis? LOL....

Thumb lebanon_first 22:59 ,2012 كانون الأول 23

If that was the case, European tourists would not have come. But european countries did not put travel warnings. The travel warnings of gcc are political manoeuvers of countries who want us in their sphere of influence.

Missing peace 23:48 ,2012 كانون الأول 23

but also look at how M8 talks about gcc countries... no wonder they forbid their citizens to come... it all goes back to M8....

Missing phillipo 23:01 ,2012 كانون الأول 23

Does this mean that the Lebanese Army will be able to protect me when I request to go to see the ruins at Baalbek? I bet they can't remember the last time soldiers were there.

Missing mohammad_ca 02:08 ,2012 كانون الأول 24

oh yeah has nothing to do with jabal m7sen, da7ye thefts, b3albak clan fights, jnoob militias...absolutely nothing to do with any of those...

Missing biney.supply 07:23 ,2012 كانون الأول 24

Lebanon scares me

Missing damascene 08:39 ,2012 كانون الأول 24

No the last time I checked people didn't come to lebanon because there were persian traitors who created an armed group and threatened to kidnap everyone. Lebanon needs to seriously build another airport, going through Dahyeh is a big liability.

Thumb dasphinx 11:59 ,2012 كانون الأول 24

Our country is a mess. Lebanese people are dreaming about leaving. Why would any foreigner want to come? To visit the new Saints in Da7iyeh?

Missing phillipo 14:21 ,2012 كانون الأول 24

Are these the same security agencies who have today allowed 3 people to be kidnapped from Baalbek?