منصور يناقش مع علي تأليف لجنة مشتركة لتسهيل عودة النازحين ويدعو لاجتماع عربي لبحث وضعهم

Read this story in English W460

استدعى وزير الخارجية والمغتربين عدنان منصور سفير سوريا لدى لبنان علي

عبد الكريم علي "تنفيذا لقرار مجلس الوزراء في جلسة أمس المخصصة لموضوع النازحين".

وأوضح منصور أن "الغرض من هذا الاستدعاء هو البحث بما يمكن القيام به من عمل مشترك لتسهيل عودة النازحين الى سوريا، وإنشاء لجنة مشتركة لبنانية - سورية لتولي ذلك تتألف من الأجهزة المعنية في هذا الملف في كلا البلدين".

وقال انه "سيطلب دعوة مجلس جامعة الدول العربية على مستوى وزراء الخارجية للانعقاد بشكل غير عادي مخصص لدرس سبل مساعدة لبنان في موضوع النازحين وتقديم الدعم اللازم في هذا المجال".

إلى ذلك أجرى منصور اتصالا هاتفيا بالامين العام لجامعة الدول العربية نبيل العربي، ووضعه "في صورة اوضاع الاخوة النازحين السوريين في لبنان، وانه سيوجه اليه مذكرة في هذا الصدد وتتضمن ايضا رغبة لبنان في دعوة وزراء الخارجية العرب الى عقد اجتماع غير عادي لبحث هذا الموضوع".

واشار منصور الى ان "العربي ابلغه انه وفور تلقيه المذكرة سيعمد الى القيام بالاتصالات اللازمة مع الوزراء العرب لعقد هذا الاجتماع خلال ايام قليلة".

وعن الاجتماع الذي عقده قبل ظهر اليوم الجمعة مع كل من وزيري المال والداخلية والبلديات محمد الصفدي ومروان شربل، قال: "ان البحث تناول إمكان توقيع إتفاق تعاون بين لبنان وهيئة دولية ذات صلة بالوزارات الثلاث الخارجية والمال والداخلية".

يُذكر ان لبنان تسلم في الخامس من ايلول الفائت مهمات رئاسة مجلس وزراء خارجية الدول العربية، في دورتها الـ138 ولمدة ستة اشهر تبعاً للترتيب الابجدي للدول العربية. (اي ان لبنان لا يزال يترأس هذه الاجتماعات).

والخميس اقرت الحكومة، خطة لعلاج العدد الكبير للنازحين من سوريا في ظل اعتراض وزراء "تكتل التغيير والإصلاح" الذين طالبوا بإقفال الحدود ومنع استقبال النازحين.

ويُشار انه ومنذ بدء الازمة في سوريا في آذار 2011، نزح عدد من السوريين الى البلدان المجاورة، حيث بلغ عددهم في لبنان حوالى الـ170 الف نازح، وتتوقع عدة جهات ان يزداد عددهم في الايام المقبلة.

التعليقات 32
Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 14:37 ,2013 كانون الثاني 04

for this time i agree with bassil to close hermetically the syrian border for wahhabies and farsis,if preserving lebanon is "racist", well i am a lebanese racist.

Missing mohammad_ca 16:26 ,2013 كانون الثاني 04

what's more dangerous? Syrian refugees or weapons to hizbocrap?

Missing helicopter 16:57 ,2013 كانون الثاني 04

One is an existing significant threat and the other is a future budding threat, we need to solve the existing one and avoid the future one before it becomes a problem...... it does not mean kick the refugees out but rather control the borders, allow in only the verifiable civilians and make sure they are confined to geographic places and rules once in Lebanon and make sure they return once it is safe for them to do so.

Missing mohammad_ca 17:02 ,2013 كانون الثاني 04

so FT you are advocating for the usage of hizbocrap weapons against M14...3azeem, 3azeem...

Missing mohammad_ca 13:25 ,2013 كانون الثاني 05

yous aid ahmad fatfat should be killed and you advocated weapons for this...do you suffer from mutliple personality disorder ya sheep?

Missing mohammad_ca 14:45 ,2013 كانون الثاني 04

ummm what about disassociation? How the heck are the refugees supposed to trust a committee made up of the ASSad regime and its Lebanese supporters? Sounds like it's the committee that will steal the donations money...

Missing mohammad_ca 16:02 ,2013 كانون الثاني 04

closing the borders has nothing to do with dissociation, do you understand the different between politics and humanitarian crises ya zakzak? The government should deal with the refugees through humanitarian means and that does NOT include having them monitored by ASSad...it's not rocket science, but again, sheep like you do not understand.

Missing mohammad_ca 16:59 ,2013 كانون الثاني 04

FT why is it linked to religion? should we check if the refugees are Muslims or Christians before we let them in? Should we ask the kids if their fathers have beards before we allow them to get food, water and shelter? spoken like an expert humanitarian....

Missing mohammad_ca 16:06 ,2013 كانون الثاني 04

..and the Armenians, right?

Missing mohammad_ca 16:58 ,2013 كانون الثاني 04

FT stop making stuff up, Palestinians were never allowed to integrate into society, their situation is completely miserable, not realizing this is again further proof that you have NO idea what a humanitarian crisis is.

Thumb geha 16:12 ,2013 كانون الثاني 04

and the circus is still going on!
I have been reading a lot about this issue lately, and it is really saddening to see what is being said!
the Syrians are fleeing the fighting in their country, and that's it.
all the hitlerian talks about closing the border are rejected.
same goes for the above article, whereby the Syrian regime should have something to do with Lebanon providing assistance to these refugees.
on the concern these refugees will become like the Palestinians, I do agree this is a valid concern, thus we need to do more to help push the Syrian regime to fall sooner than later.
the real concern are the Syrian planes and rockets flying over our territory, and the army is doing nothing about that.

Missing mohammad_ca 17:01 ,2013 كانون الثاني 04

maybe the Syrians should have never let the South Lebanese into their country when Israel was attacking...how does that sound?

Thumb geha 17:26 ,2013 كانون الثاني 04

you are mixing many things together, but let me dissect your comment for it to become readable:
- feel free to be blindly 'humanitarian' and forget your own sorry state of living in the process: it is a humanitarian process to assist those fleeing a military conflict because they do not want to fight with either side. though it is the responsibility of our military and security forces to maintain public safety.
- international community: Europe and the US are starting to allocate funds for helping these people. KSA is already assisting them a lot, as well as other Gulf countries. on the other hand, where is the Iranian assistance? is it only arms for people to kill each other?
- we refused to be shipped to Canada or elsewhere. why do you want them to be shipped away from their country?

Missing mohammad_ca 02:07 ,2013 كانون الثاني 05

"comparing" has nothing to wo with "hypocrisy" ya ghabi. The Syrians should have shut down the border and the let the southerners be bombed according to your "humanitarian" logic. They could have said the same thing "we can't take care of them they're a burden"...

Missing helicopter 17:01 ,2013 كانون الثاني 04

Lebanon is seeking to establish a joint Lebanese-Syrian committee to deal with the conditions of the Syrian refugees across the country.......
*** Does this not defeat the purpose of allowing refugees into Lebanon? Most of the refugees are here to escape the Syrian regime (or so I thought) then we bring the Syrian regime to them to sort them out? Maybe I need to drink my coffee and re-read this article,

Missing mohammad_ca 17:06 ,2013 كانون الثاني 04

that's what I said above, you are right.

Missing free@usa 19:25 ,2013 كانون الثاني 04

kick the syrian embassador out of lebanon.

Missing mohammad_ca 13:26 ,2013 كانون الثاني 05

..and nasrocrap

Thumb lebanon_first 17:05 ,2013 كانون الثاني 04

I agree with Aoun. Borders should be, if not closed, but strongly monitored. We could for example escort the refugees on a highway from masnaa to the port where they could be shipped to saudi and wait there in camps for their country to be safe again.
HA's 3am bibayyid wijjo with the sunnites, Geagea always bibayyid wijjo anyway with hte sunnites, the only one with balls today is GMA. And I agree with his policy, but he has to water it down a bit, and allow for some humanitarian considerations. Escort and ship refugees would be the best deal.

Thumb geha 17:27 ,2013 كانون الثاني 04

n humanity whatsoever in your proposal and it is contrary to international laws to ship refugees.

Missing mohammad_ca 13:27 ,2013 كانون الثاني 05

by your logic, we should have shipped the southerners to Iran during the Israel bombing in 2006

Missing mohammad_ca 18:05 ,2013 كانون الثاني 04

we should have done the same with Armenians when they came...and also Syrians should have done the same with south Lebanese when Israel was bombing them...sho ra2yak?

Missing free@usa 19:27 ,2013 كانون الثاني 04

MOhammad , I agree with you 100%. we should be compasionate with others.

Thumb lebanon_first 22:03 ,2013 كانون الثاني 04

mohamed: lebanese did not constitute a danger to syria. Armenians never wanted to make lebanon armenia. syrians do constitute a real danger to lebanon. Palestinians almost tore our country apart. u forgot?

geha: i am saying, let us send them to a stable country with money like saudi in coordinaiton with saudi authorities and with their accord instead of putting them in a country where half the population is afraid of them

Missing mohammad_ca 02:09 ,2013 كانون الثاني 05

why? did the lebanese refugees not include hizbolla terrorists? And hos do you know there were no criminals within the Armenians?? they were angels? Collective punishment is inhumane ya first.

Thumb lebanon_first 13:59 ,2013 كانون الثاني 05

I am not talking about a few rogue elements which exist in any population. I am talking about a whole population movement, if 200,000 lebanese go to syria and stay there, it will change nothing in syria. If 200,000 syrian sunnites come to lebanon, we will have another war like the 75 to 90 war. The theory of all love all is beautiful if u are giving opinions out of a stable non sectarian country (ca, usa). But in lebanon, there are other considerations to take in account. Sectarian balance. You are in canada i guess. U think quebeckers would accept the settlement of 2 Million english speakers in quebec?

Missing mohammad_ca 01:04 ,2013 كانون الثاني 06

didn't seem to be a problem when the Armenians came right? Even more we gave them citizenship! We're not even talkinga bout citzienship here we're talking about refuge, humanitarian aid, there should be NO fear about that.

Missing free@usa 19:24 ,2013 كانون الثاني 04

now closed because its convinient for him , but when it was the other way arround he objected on closing the border.

Missing gabby12 17:23 ,2013 كانون الثاني 04

Let's also mark the border while everything is going on. If it weren't for the Shia criminal axis, there would be no refugees and Lebanon would have an official border. Hizbcocaine and ASSad treat Lebanon like their own mafia feifdom.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 17:30 ,2013 كانون الثاني 04

reading some of the comments above clearly shows how us Lebanese don't value life. If any of you want to know what a true humanitarian effort is then look up what the red cross or feed my starving children organizations due. they help people in need period. they don't check religion or political affeliation. they just help people that would die on their own if not helped. that is what needs to be done for these inocent souls crossing the borders. period. end of story!

Missing cedars 03:31 ,2013 كانون الثاني 05

I think this picture and its content is a waste of space, time, and tax money.

Missing cedars 07:21 ,2013 كانون الثاني 05

The idiot went to Libya 50 times to uncover who killed Sadr, what's the outcome after all these expenses and meetings.