جنبلاط يحذّر من قانون انتخابي طائفي: ألم يكن باستطاعة ايران التفاوض بشأن المخطوفين اللبنانيين؟

Read this story in English W460

تساءل رئيس "الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط أنه "ألم يكن بإستطاعة ايران التي فاوضت من فاوضت للافراج عن رهائنها في سوريا أن تشمل برعايتها التفاوضية الأسرى اللبنانيين في أعزاز وتسعى لاطلاق سراحهم؟" محذّراً من "قانون انتخابي طائفي يعيد اللبنانيين قروناً الى الوراء".

وأشار جنبلاط في موقفه الأسبوعي لصحيفة "الأنباء" التابعة للحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي الى أنه "أصبح واضحاً أن مصالح الدول الكبرى لم تلتقِ بعد لانقاذ الشعب السوري، في حين أنها إلتقت جزئياً للافراج عن الأسرى الايرانيين المحتجزين لدى المعارضة، في حين أنها لا تزال متناقضة فيما يتعلق بالافراج عن الشعب السوري بأسره الذي يأخذه النظام الحالي رهينةً بأكمله".

وتساءل "ألم يكن بإستطاعة الجمهورية الاسلامية التي فاوضت من فاوضت للافراج عن رهائنها أن تشمل برعايتها التفاوضية الأسرى اللبنانيين في أعزاز وتسعى لاطلاق سراحهم بعد أشهر طويلة من الاحتجاز"؟ مضيفاً " ألا تقدم هذه الحادثة دليلاً للفرقاء اللبنانيين أن الدول لا تعير إهتماماً إلا لمصالحها المباشرة وأنها لا تُعنى بقضايا لبنان واللبنانيين إلا من زاوية إستثمارها لهم لخدمة أهدافها السياسية وغير السياسية"؟

ودعا جنبلاط في هذا السياق "الأطراف اللبنانيين الأساسيين دون إستثناء بضرورة عدم الوقوع مجدداً في فخ الالتزام مع الأطراف الخارجية، لأنها بكل بساطة لن تهتم إلا لملاحقة مشاريعها الخاصة ولو على حساب اللبنانيين وحريتهم وجثثهم إذا إقتضى الأمر".

وبالنسبة لقانون الانتخابات، دعا جنبلاط الى "إنشاء مجلس شيوخ تتمثل فيه كل المكونات المختلفة وتكون من صلاحياته الرئيسية القضايا الوطنية الكبرى، ويسعى لتبديد هواجس الأطراف المختلفة ومخاوفها من بعضها البعض"، مضيفاً أنه "آن الأوان للبنانيين أن ينالوا قانوناً إنتخابياً يجمع بينهم ويوسع مساحات الالتقاء المشتركة عوض أن يذهبوا بإتجاه إقتراحات تؤبد إنقسامهم الطائفي والمذهبي وتعيدهم قروناً إلى الوراء".

يُذكر أن الأربعاء الفائت، اعلن التلفزيون الايراني ان مقاتلي المعارضة السورية افرجوا عن 48 زائرا ايرانيا خطفوا في آب الماضي قرب دمشق.

وفي السياق نفسه، كان قد خطف 11 لبنانياً في أيار الفائت في أعزاز وذلك بعد عودتهم من رحلة حج في رحلة ذلك. وقد تم الإفراج عن لبنانيين اثنين في آب وأيلول، إلا وأنه ما زال مصير التسعة الآخرين مجهولاً.

التعليقات 35
Thumb jabalamel 16:06 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

druze can do better than him

much better

Missing cedartree 16:49 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

I am sure that Shia will do better than Nassralla and Berri and Christians than Geagea and Aoun, etc... These politicians will lead us to hell. They consider their followers as sheep. Lebanon has not progressed in years, in fact the situation is getting worse. It does not matter who rules , 14 or 8. Think about it.

Thumb jabalamel 17:48 ,2013 كانون الثاني 15

the filthy zionist is "sure"

you were sure that would end war in 3 days in 2006...and than it turned out that after day 33 only sure thing was that you're going down..

so when you are "sure" it's an evidence of the opposite.

Thumb jabalamel 17:49 ,2013 كانون الثاني 15

i can agree with berri.
he should be kick to m14 :)

Default-user-icon Tom (ضيف) 16:12 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

shame on you. We are all Lebanese and brothers. This law is a sectarian law and will further take this country into the sewers of segregation and turmoil.

Default-user-icon Socius (ضيف) 16:13 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

Iran isn't your daddy. You have interests in common with each other. But they are not there to deal with every single issue you have. Take some responsibility and get things done in your own. What efforts have you made so far to release your 9 prisoners? I see you casting blame, but hear nothing of any efforts on your part.

Default-user-icon tom (ضيف) 16:16 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

By the way this law will not go through. If you understood Lebanese politics this is just a hot air ballon to get amateurs busy with it until a lost minute law is approved.

Default-user-icon Lebanon2001 (ضيف) 16:21 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

Well Christians are now less than 40 % and they are over presented with the orthodox law. So who told you druze are 5%, if we do the polls again well see who's true size is.

Missing Cyanide 16:27 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

you too.. another idiot. when are you guna learn to stop taking sides against each other over politics.. seriously man. there is a country called lebanon.. not states for sruze w sinni w sh3i w masi7i w ballout. side up together against all the theives thats robbing your lives.. not against one another

Missing gcb1 17:48 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14


There is more to the world than Zionism. You should look it up.

Default-user-icon Tom (ضيف) 16:36 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

I a dure Shi'a can do better than Nasralla. For sure. Man all those politicians are corrupt. Jumblat puts forward a good question " why didn't Iran negotiate the release of the Lebanese hostages. They go 44 iranians back while they gave them 2000 prisoners. They could have negotiated the release of 10 Lebanese. Think about it.

Default-user-icon Islamic Caliphate (ضيف) 16:36 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

christians are screwed soon. terror terror everywhere...but nowhere to escape ....muahahahah...you can get whatever electoral law you want but you will not escape the rule of Allah. the sword is coming.

Missing cedartree 16:47 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

That is a sectarian remark. Not nice. We are all Lebanese and should look upon each others as brothers. This law is a disaster to Lebanon and will keep us in this sectarian system that will lead us all to oblivion.

Thumb jabalamel 16:53 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

the filthy zionist scum took another nickname and now is preaching to patriotic lebanese about sectarianism

Missing cedartree 16:56 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

What about his comment on Iran. All but ignored that comment. The poor Lebanese pilgrims are in captivity and Iran swaps 44 of its nationals for 2000 Syrian prisoners. They for some reason did not include the Lebanese in the deal. What a Shame. Tells you that Lebanese should look out for each other and do not rely on the outside for support.

Thumb bigsami 17:12 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

JaBabble..aka FARSI BSTHrower......get a life ya mustool!

Thumb bigsami 17:56 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

gcb1 your dealing with an uneducated group who were brought up by families that are frozen in time and see things black or white with no deviation whatsoever. They can't rationalize nor use more then 1% of their brain - it's forbidden! AKA perfect HA candidates for conditioning and recruiting.

Missing gcb1 17:46 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

This Orthodox law will only divide us. Political partiies would only have the incentive to serve citizens of their own sect, and it would increase sectarianism. Those that support this law are sectarian-minded individuals that are bringing Lebanon back to the mentality of the civil war. It is shameful and a disgrace.

Why don't we create a law that would give rise to the politics of ideas, rather than the politics of sect?

Thumb jabalamel 17:52 ,2013 كانون الثاني 15

there is something else than zionism in life, but not on naharnet pages.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 17:54 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

whatever is the reason behind what jumblat said....this is the right way to go forward,bravo walid beik well said but continue to say the same.

Missing lappeaudecouille 18:46 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

Look we have to all understand one fact. To become a secular country we all have to be united under one cultural hegemony. We unfortunately in Lebanon have different cultural hegemonies realated to our respective religions and that will always be the case. The turbulence stems from the fact that we as a nation are a mix of different cultures with different values. Remove all sunnis and christians from Lebanon and you will have another Iran. Remove all Christians and Shiaas from Lebanon and you will have another Saudi Arabia. Remove all Shiaas and Sunnis from Lebanon and you will have another France. And in the three cases you will probably live in peace. So please stop talking about how sectarian this electoral draft law is. The fabric of our country needs it. We will all be happier from the inside.

Thumb shab 18:47 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

Maybe they weren't "pilgrims" enough

Thumb jabalamel 17:52 ,2013 كانون الثاني 15

and you are retarded enough to be hired by mossad

Default-user-icon +oua nabka + (ضيف) 18:54 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

the lebanese actual system is a ta2ifi system , and who denies this is living in lala land , so the orthodox law does not change anything it gives every party its real size and this is democracy

Thumb bananasplit 22:49 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

"“Why don't we create a positive shock and make a leap towards a unique Lebanese Electoral Spring that liberates the parliament from sectarian representation?” This sounds like a great idea - but how can it really be implemented in Lebanon? Maybe we cannot get rid of sectarianism over night, but we need to start somewhere...

Thumb Bandoul 22:52 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

The filthy jabalamel irani loyalist is preaching to other Lebanese about being patriotic...

Thumb jabalamel 17:48 ,2013 كانون الثاني 15

the filthy zionist scum is using my language against me.

so uncapable to think anything on his own

so pathetic.

Thumb Bandoul 22:58 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

The end result of proposing a law that violates the Taef Accord such as Orthodox Gathering, is civil chaos and resentment. In some instances, some laws degrade and/or become defective over time and must be amended by the competent authorities responsible for it. If the Taef Accord has become defective in that it no longer accurately represents the proportionality of each sect on the ground then the Lebanese government has a responsibility to reform it instead of creating new laws that violate it. That's what responsible and democratic governments do. Better yet, remove all religion from government and move into the 21st century already!

Thumb bananasplit 23:15 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

It would seem to me that most people would support removing religion from gov't if their individual rights could be preserved and guaranteed by the state. As we have weak civil institutions we fall back on the only thing we (mistakenly) think can support us-sectarianism. Lebanon is in a state of arrested development, not having been able to evolve much beyond a feudal society - weird mix of capitalist economy and feudal politics. We are still run by a bunch of mafioso's who depend on maintaining the status quo and until we really decide we've had enough they'll just continue,,,I really want to believe what Junblatt is saying, but can we really expect anything of value from the same bunch of psychopaths?

Missing thatisit 00:34 ,2013 كانون الثاني 15

Well said WJ - the lebanese are taking a huge step backward by even thinking about something so deeply sectarian and anti constitutional as this orthodox law. i want to be able to pick whoever I want regardless of who they are or what their religion is .. as long as he is from an area where I live and ork and hopefully understand the local needs. These guys then should work together for the betterment of lebanon and the lebanese

Missing ssnp01 02:32 ,2013 كانون الثاني 15

Well said Walid Beik..

Missing ssnp01 10:07 ,2013 كانون الثاني 15

Learn how to spell ya accordionman .Jumblat is your master..

Default-user-icon FadyM (ضيف) 13:49 ,2013 كانون الثاني 15

All political leaders in Lebanon are trying to protect their own turf and interests...and Jumblatt is no different!

Thumb jabalamel 17:51 ,2013 كانون الثاني 15

see how zionist filth, under different nickname congratulate jumblat.

you put too high hopes in him

but yo put too high hopes on anything

Thumb jabalamel 17:53 ,2013 كانون الثاني 15

the filthy zionist first disapproved the election law and than realized the dividing potential of it, so now he supports it

did you ask your mossad supervisor before changing tune?