قبرص: ادانة عضو بحزب الله في قضية التخطيط لهجمات ضد اسرائيل

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دانت محكمة قبرصية الخميس رجل اعترف بانه عضو في حزب الله بتهمة الضلوع في التخطيط لشن هجوم على مصالح اسرائيلية في الجزيرة المتوسطية.

واعتقل حسام طالب يعقوب (24 عاما) الذي يحمل الجنسيتين اللبنانية والسويدية، في مدينة ليماسول في تموز الماضي.

وادين بخمس تهم من بينها الانتماء الى منظمة اجرامية والمشاركة في عمل اجرامي وتبييض الاموال.

التعليقات 10
Thumb geha 18:39 ,2013 آذار 21

shia bring destruction wherever they go, affecting Lebanon in the process.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 18:52 ,2013 آذار 21

Lets not go crazy. It's not Shia. It's fanatical Shia. They are just as scary as fanatical Sunnis and fanatical Christians. Just goes to prove that HA has nothing to do with being a resistance and has morphed into a terrorist organization that targets innocent civilians. But to blame an entire sect for the actions of a few Is deplorable.

Thumb geha 18:58 ,2013 آذار 21

I apologize: you are correct.
surely I meant hizbushaitan the shia extremist organization.
they remind me too much of the hassasine. (you can check about those on Wikipedia.

Default-user-icon I AM (ضيف) 18:44 ,2013 آذار 21

He said his main reason for coming to Cyprus was business-related -- to buy local fruit juice.

That explains it all........

Default-user-icon Hajj Radwan ESQ (ضيف) 18:57 ,2013 آذار 21

Hassin has again turned the Lebanese Shiites and the rest of us by proxy into international pariahs. But Shiite terrorists has a stellar record in this department as Atwa, Izz-Al-Din, Hammadi did it to all the Lebanese before back in the mid 80s before anyone had heard of Bin Laden or Atta.
And that's why girls and boys you can't travel direct from Lebanon to North America and why whenever you hand over your Lebanese passport to a foreign customs agent he reacts as if you threw hot coals at him.
Now repeat after me Fida al Sayyed, while al Sayyed replies Fida el Fakih.

Default-user-icon whatever (ضيف) 20:43 ,2013 آذار 21

There's a typo. It should read: Saint Yaacoub...

Missing samiam 22:29 ,2013 آذار 21

and convicted means convicted, therefore guilty.

Denial--not just a river in Egypt...

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 23:35 ,2013 آذار 21

Haha. Love that one.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 23:34 ,2013 آذار 21

How origional. Did you think of that one all by yourself?

Thumb dandoun 07:43 ,2013 آذار 22

yup..some people r trying really hard ..to say hizb did this hizb did that ....ya 3me...shu badkun ...go do something useful ..all this that is going on , is cause the gov't has found oil ...ma 7adan badu lebanon to b one of the richest arab country ..grow up people ...just a little