قوات النظام السوري تسيطر على بلدة في ريف دمشق وأنباء عن مجزرة سقط فيها أكثر من 400 قتيل

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سيطرت القوات النظامية الاحد على بلدة جديدة الفضل في ريف دمشق بعد خمسة ايام من المعارك الضارية قتل خلالها ثمانون شخصا على الاقل في اشتباكات وقصف و"اعدامات ميدانية"، بحسب المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان.

وقال المرصد في بيان بعد الظهر "سيطرت القوات النظامية بشكل كامل على بلدة جديدة الفضل ومحيطها" الواقعة جنوب غرب دمشق، بعد خمسة ايام من المعارك.

واشار الى انه تمكن من توثيق "اسماء 80 شهيدا بينهم ثلاثة اطفال دون سن الـ18 وست سيدات و71 رجلا"، بينهم العديد من المقاتلين.

وكان المرصد اشار السبت الى مقتل 69 شخصا في المنطقة في اربعة ايام.

وعبر مدير المرصد السوري رامي عبد الرحمن عن تخوفه من ارتفاع عدد القتلى، مشيرا الى صعوبة التوثيق بعد دخول القوات النظامية الى البلدة المختلطة اصلا بين مسيحيين وسنة ودروز، ولكن التي نزحت منها اعداد كبيرة من السوريين.

ونقل عن ناشطين في المنطقة ان القتلى "سقطوا خلال اشتباكات وقصف واعدامات ميدانية".

وبث المرصد شريط فيديو على موقع "يوتيوب" يتضمن صورا مرعبة لجثث رجال وشبان مشوهة ومدماة، مع وجوه لا يمكن تبينها.

واوضحت ناشطة في ريف دمشق تقدم نفسها باسم ايناس في معلومات وزعتها عبر سكايب، نقلا عن ناشطين، انه تم العثور على عدد من هذه الجثث في "احد المستشفيات الموجودة داخل جديدة الفضل"، مشيرة الى ان بعضها عليها آثار حرق، والبعض الآخر آثار ضرب وتعذيب.

من جهتها أعلنت لجان التنسيق عن "ارتفاع عدد القتلى في مجزرة جديدة عرطوز الفضل الى 476".

التعليقات 25
Missing abraham 21:53 ,2013 نيسان 21

hey hakim did you read your buddies abdelrahmans report
it says when the syrian troops entered jdaidat, they found mutilated bodies, the important word is found

Missing george710 22:45 ,2013 نيسان 21

You are so biased do you not remember what happened on September 16th 1982. Or were you still in your mother's belly. You remember what you want to hear and forget what you don't.

Missing abraham 05:10 ,2013 نيسان 22

george boy
I was there when that happened, if you want a refreser lessons I'll be glad to give it to you

Thumb primesuspect 22:46 ,2013 نيسان 21

Hizballa & shabi7a.... are to be thanked for the massacre.

Thumb jcamerican 23:19 ,2013 نيسان 21

Have anyone noticed why all of the sudden, syrian troops are making advances not the rebels. Could it be related to Boston bombing. Maybe the west had a change of heart.

Missing george710 23:25 ,2013 نيسان 21

Yea America just gave Assad the green light on chem weapons.

Thumb smarty 23:36 ,2013 نيسان 21

May their souls rest in peace. what a horrific scene.

Default-user-icon patriot10 (ضيف) 23:39 ,2013 نيسان 21

is it like this sharia works ?

Thumb jabal10452 23:41 ,2013 نيسان 21

News agencies are reporting 532 people killed throughout Syria today. 450 in Jdeidet al Fadl alone of which 150 were FSA fighters. Who killed 150 FSA fighters? Their allies? I think not.

Thumb jabal10452 12:45 ,2013 نيسان 22

FT: We know that there is latent animosity between the FSA and the Nusra, and that it will come to the fore if or when the opposition "wins". But for Al Nusra to be massacring FSA fighters on this scale and at this point in time defies logic. Remember that the Islamists are also after the hearts and minds of ordinary Syrians.
This massacre bears the hallmarks of Assad and his goons. I have no proof of this in the legal sense, but the Baath's track record is a pretty reliable indicator.

Missing patriot10 00:31 ,2013 نيسان 22

this butchers is the same people that scream loudest in lebanon about running the country.

Thumb scorpyonn 00:42 ,2013 نيسان 22

We should commission the Los Zetas or Gulf Cartel in Mexico to capture and eliminate Assad. I think they can contrive of the most gruesome and hideously painful way of making him face what he did to his people in his futile and narcissistic bid to hold onto power. They are famnous for their slow and excruciatingly painful way of killing people- and then dissolving them in acid!!

Default-user-icon Jefrissonne Devolterre (ضيف) 01:00 ,2013 نيسان 22

Once again I find myself agreeing with gabbaguybo2468 and Nostrabenzona that their "ASSaad" regime is about to... well... umm... duh... continue until at least their next... well... umm... duh... prediction of its collapse? Now the new broken record has shifted to the broken track of Hizbullah fighting with the 350,000 strong well equipped Syrian forces who are using fighter jets in their battle, too! By the way, for those who have not yet heard the latest news, Hizbullah also killed John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King. Believe you me they did.

Thumb rover98 01:50 ,2013 نيسان 22

Those that think Lebanon will remain insulated its already too late as the shia and some christians have at the very least turned a blind eye and at the worst joined in the many massacres in Syria and when the people fight back they call them terrorist. Muslims have a long memory.

Missing topace 04:33 ,2013 نيسان 22

Wipe the FSA / jihadist terrorist for good ! Go HA , go in Bashar all the way in ..... These Sunni "extremists" deserve our utmost attention , make sure ALL are destroyed ! Not one to be left alive !!!!

Missing freeleb 04:42 ,2013 نيسان 22

Hey strider accordioman might enjoy that .

Missing abraham 05:15 ,2013 نيسان 22

hey freeleb
The Arab Spring was a beautiful idea, but when you sleep with the devils a.k (S.Arabia, Qatar and Turkey) you don't get far
I always said, watch what you wish for, because the devil you know is much better than the devil you don't know

Default-user-icon AmerigoV (ضيف) 05:19 ,2013 نيسان 22

Israel killed terrorist that blow up buses with women and children, and then hide behind women and children. Gazas Muslims kill their own people they trow them of tall buildings or shoot them in hospitals point blank. One Muslim assasin is born every minute, damn shame they can't get along with the rest of the civilized world.

Thumb jabal10452 12:32 ,2013 نيسان 22

AmerigoV: I'm just about the only one on this forum who keeps advocating peace between Lebanon and Israel, and my arguments are regularly met with scorn. People like you, with your dehumanizing and racist comments ("one Muslim assasin [sic] is born every minute") do a great job in undermining my arguments. Keep at it. With people like you, our future looks rosier than ever.

Default-user-icon Umpappa Dansyougo (ضيف) 05:24 ,2013 نيسان 22

This means there will be about 400 less beards that have been emanating stinking Sunni sanni stench, and this is always a great thing for the environment. allouchti, geha, primesuspect, you hopeful sprouting Sunni jihadists, just clip your beards for all the good reasons.

Default-user-icon Enoch (ضيف) 06:10 ,2013 نيسان 22

Muslims killing Muslims, a dream come true...

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 07:20 ,2013 نيسان 22

FT - December 1986, Bab El Tabbaneh, Tripoli, Lebanon. Hundreds of civilians were slaughtered by Syrian forces. Hundreds more were disappeared never to be heard of them again. The chief of syrian intelligence was none other than Mohammad Ibrahim al-Shaar ( محمد إبراهيم الشعار‎). He is now the interior minister.

Thumb geha 09:45 ,2013 نيسان 22

funny how m8 try to justify these murders.
hizbushaitan is definitely involved with this as this is their current area of operations.

Missing sensei961 11:53 ,2013 نيسان 22

Well guys this war will go on and on, until the point were super-powers (including israel) are convinceded that enough destructions have been made, so the reconstruction of syria and extractions of its wealth can begin...unfortunately this is needed for large corporations to have more business create more jobs and turn the wheel of economy, and as usual we arabs are stupid...

Missing peace 16:42 ,2013 نيسان 22

and here again mowaten and FT to defend bashar s regime and justifying his crimes by saying that the rebels do worse... they are so comic....