شبان يقبضون على مشتبه "بانتمائه إلى المخابرات السورية" في طرابلس

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إشتبه شبان في طرابلس بشخص سوري بأنه تابع للإستخبارات السورية فعمدوا إلى القبض عليه وتسليمه إلى استخبارات الجيش في حين أفادت معلومات أنه "تم تعذيبه".

وفي التفاصيل أفادت قناة "الجديد" أن عددت من الشبان أقدموا "على الاعتداء بالضرب والتنكيل على شخص من التابعية السورية للشك بانتمائه للاستخبارات السورية".

أضافت أنه "القي القبض على ي. ي. في سوق النحاسين أثناء استعماله هاتفه الخلوي من قبل شبان في المنطقة اجبروه على اظهار بطاقة هويته وعندما عثروا على بطاقة للاستخبارات السورية بحوزته قاموا بتعريته وضربه وربطوا حبلا حول عنقه وجروه في الشارع بعدما كتبوا عبارات على جسده".

وسلموه في ما بعد "الى استخبارات الجيش اللبناني".

من جهتها قالت الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" أن مجموعة من الشبان قبضت على "رجل مشتبه به على الصعيد الامني" عند اشارة المرور في شارع عزمي في طرابلس وسلمته الى مخابرات الجيش.

التعليقات 15
Thumb EagleDawn 17:15 ,2013 نيسان 22

Well done boys!

Missing peace 17:36 ,2013 نيسان 22

what a nice post the roar reflecting perfectly the M8 way of thinking... sunnis are bad by definition...

Missing beiruti99 18:38 ,2013 نيسان 22

The roar, what a filthy comment. These "laws" are thug laws and have nothing to do with religion just like the example you gave on wife beating.

Shameful that lebanese havent learned ANYTHING.

Thumb banima3roof 23:54 ,2013 نيسان 22

he looks like he is wearing swimming shorts. in either case, it is a shame what these people did to him, but it is expected in a state where hizbullah is stronger than the state and has its own judicial system. it has come to the point where everyone wants to take justice in their own hands just like hizbullah. what is hallal for hizbullah is hallal for all the lebanese!

Thumb jabal10452 17:23 ,2013 نيسان 22

He had a Syrian intelligence ID on him? WTF? Is this how spies are supposed to operate?
He must be a Homsé for real (sorry people I just couldn't help it).

Thumb jabal10452 17:36 ,2013 نيسان 22

Of course I don't believe that! Didn't you get my sarcasm? Even a homsé intelligence agent would not have an intelligence ID on him while working the field. Isn't intelligence all about stealth?

Thumb jabal10452 17:23 ,2013 نيسان 22

He had a Syrian intelligence ID on him? WTF? Is this how spies are supposed to operate?
He must be a Homsé for real (sorry people I just couldn't help it).

Missing beiruti99 18:41 ,2013 نيسان 22

How many have been tortured in lebanon the past 40 years. Doesnt anyone fear God in this forsaken land?

Missing beiruti99 05:50 ,2013 نيسان 23

Not worthy of a lebanese? So its worthy of a syrian? Lebanese have tortured each other as well as others for a long time now. Its the norm, not the exception so why is it not "worthy of a lebanese" when this is exactly how lebanese are? Lebanese have just as many thugs and criminals if we go by percentage as the syrians do. At least the syrians have many kind warm hearted down to earth men and women to make up for their bad apples while we mostly have arrogant self absorbed self worshiping racists. 2al not worthy of a lebanese 2al, who are you trying to fool? Even when the lebanese racist condemns a fellow lebanese criminal, he finds a way to be arrogant and racist and inaulting towards a people.

Missing karim_m3 08:15 ,2013 نيسان 23

Wahabi terrorist savages.

Missing karim_m3 12:21 ,2013 نيسان 23

So let me guess this straight. They claim he was a "Syrian intelligence officer" based on an ID he was carrying? An intelligence officer who was carrying an ID that IDENTIFIED him as an intelligence officer? Do the savagely terrorists in Tripoli realize how pathetic their Al Qaeda propaganda is?

Default-user-icon Yasmina (ضيف) 14:32 ,2013 نيسان 23

Once again such a pity to go over all your posts where each person is trying to blame a sect for the inhumane acts we thrust upon those we are threatened by. Shame on those who categorize anger and rage, as well as disorderly conduct as a sectarian quality. We have far greater issues here, each entity or group of individuals believes they are entitled to take the law into their own hands, and then they wonder why we are viewed upon as self righteous, violent beings, with no sense of ethical boundaries or values. Regardless as to whether or not he was a Syrian Spy or intelligence agent, it is not the place of a citizen to try him or punish him.

Default-user-icon Yasmina (ضيف) 14:34 ,2013 نيسان 23

Where the greatest Lebanese vice is we constantly expect to be treated better than we treat others, shame on us.

Default-user-icon Yasmina (ضيف) 14:35 ,2013 نيسان 23

Where the greatest Lebanese Vice is we constantly expect to be treated better than we treat others, shame on us.

Missing beiruti99 16:46 ,2013 نيسان 23

Only in sunni land? Wake up worse things happened in maronite lands, shiite lands and atheist lands. You can not portray muslims in worse lights than others, not when it comes to lebanon and the middle east. Ever heard of badr and sadr secterian militias? They are shiite! East beirut during civil war was the place where muslims got their genitals cut off by maronite militias and lebanese army men got tied by the legs to two cars that drove off in high speed cutting off their legs. Maronite militias comitted mass rape and massacres all over lebanon, one of the most incidenrs would be the sabra and chatila massacres where women were slaughtered with axes while being raped all of this in front of their children who also got slaughtered, some raped as well.
Wake up. There are horrible human beings from all religions. What religion do you think the american rapist who raped and murdered the 14 year old iraqi teenager was from?

Have you no shame in you?