الجيش الاسرائيلي "يستنفر" على الحدود اللبنانية الجنوبية

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تشهد الحدود اللبنانية الجنوبية، الجمعة، استنفاراً من قبل الجانب الاسرائيلي، بعد يوم من اعلان تل ابيب عن اسقاط طائرة من دون تيار في اجواء حيفا، قادمة من لبنان.

فقد افادت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام" ان الجيش الاسرائيلي رفع من استنفار قواته على طول الحدود الجنوبية، مشيرة الى ا ن الجيش اللبناني وقوات "اليونيفيل" زادا "وتيرة اعمال المراقبة تحسبا لأية تطورات عسكرية".

ولفتت الى ان الاستنفار ترافق مع تحركات مكثفة للجيش الاسرائيلي ع. كما سجل تحليق مكثف للطيران والمروحيات المعادية فوق مزارع شبعا ومناطق العرقوب، وفق الوكالة.

يُشار الى ان هذا الاستنفار يأتي يأتي بعد يوم من اعلان الجيش الاسرائيلي انه اعترض واسقط طائرة دون طيار قادمة من لبنان حاولت اختراق المجال الجوي الاسرائيلي على بعد اميال من شواطىء مدينة حيفا.

الامر الذي دفع بـ"حزب الله" الى اصدار بيان نفى خلاله أن يكون قد أرسل "أي طائرة بلا طيار باتجاه أجواء فلسطين المحتلة".

التعليقات 6
Thumb benzona 15:01 ,2013 نيسان 26

With Nasrallah @ the commands. Unless they are 50cm long drones, the kind of toys you buy for 100$.

Thumb justice 17:16 ,2013 نيسان 26

Before you talk and lecture others on democracy and the constitution, may I suggest you change your avatar of a dictator to something more in line with what you falsely seem to be preaching. Perhaps, you will be more credible.....

Missing samiam 20:59 ,2013 نيسان 26

can we get them to beef up the border between us and syria?

Missing the-far-away-commentor 10:48 ,2013 نيسان 27

all united against the enemy all under the constitution that represent the people rights and the the rights of protecting our own country where we where born ( not all ) and where we might die and where we grew up and where we coexist together against any kind of enemy or nation or individual or terrorist groups but however the government isn't doing its job right and wants to sell himself dragging all Lebanese with him making Lebanon and non powerful country and just a smell farting country that's why some people with pride the yellowhammers stood up for protection its own country or its own village where you could only find small houses and fields nothing more they want a peaceful live not forced neither governed by the wrong

Missing the-far-away-commentor 10:48 ,2013 نيسان 27

and u know i thing Lebanon needs Lebanese who lived outside Lebanon con governed the country and bring what is best com on same people for ages ???? they have so many troubles in their mind and memories and treason's and cheater that's why till today each want wants his revenge or justice or whatever but you know i don't fucking care i just want good opened minded people religions who knows whats good from bad to rule the country remember the presidents and everyone in it work for us they are our employer and we are the investors of our country that is a company with our own money and taxes

Default-user-icon Daniel (ضيف) 23:32 ,2013 نيسان 27

(Hsile Sellasie was the (Christian) emperor of Ethiopia for many years. He is dead of course, but his follower here is apparently a gifted humorist, whose comments are brilliant parodies of themselves.
He should be congratulated rather than attacked.