الأسير يعود من ريف القصير: نلت شرف إطلاق النار على المجرمين

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عاد إمام مسجد بلال بن رباح في صيدا الشيخ أحمد الأسير الأربعاء إلى لبنان بعد أن دخل إلى بلدة القصير السورية "لنصرة الأبطال الحقيقيين" في المعارضة.

وكتب الأسير عبر حسابه على موقع "تويتر" قائلا "زيارتي لريف القصير كانت لنصرة الأبطال الحقيقيين والتنسيق معهم ولمعاينة الواقع".

واستدرك "لكن أبيت العودة قبل أن أنال شرف إطلاق النار على المجرمين".

وكان قد دعا الأسير الثلاثاء "كل من قال بأن الثوار في القصير لا يحتاجون إلى مقاتلين- للذهاب إليهم بنفسه والتأكد منهم مباشرة... وليتوقف الجميع عن المزايدة بهذا الصدد".

أضاف "زيارتي لريف القصير زادتني يقيناً وإصراراً على موقفنا الشرعي الذي اتخذناه لنصرة أهلنا في سوريا عامة وفي القصير خاصة".

وظهرت صور للأسير يحمل سلاحا مع مقاتلي المعارضة السورية ويطلق النار من على سطح بناية ويمشي في خندق وحوله بستان.

وكان قد أعلن الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله مساء الثلاثاء أن الحزب "لن يتردد" في مساعدة لبنانيي القصير في مواجهة "المسلحين".

وردا على هذه المشاركة في القتال السوري، أصدر الأسير الأسبوع الفائت فتوى للقتال في القصير.

التعليقات 31
Thumb geha 17:55 ,2013 أيار 01

funny man :)

Missing samiam 18:23 ,2013 أيار 01

Why didn't he just stay there....

he can't say that he is against HA's involvement and goes in there and fight himself--he is also being a hypocrite

Thumb Bandoul 18:24 ,2013 أيار 01

@banima3roof, Asir may have risked his life and certainly he is free to risk his life by parachuting from an airplane without a parachute or going on Safari in Africa without a weapon or protection but he has absolutely no right whatsoever to engage in an non-commissioned and non-sanctioned act of war in a foreign country no matter what his reasons are. The same goes for the terrorist thugs HA, Jam3a, Ikhwen, Nusra and all like fanatics getting paid to shed blood they have no business whatsoever shedding. What becomes of us when we start rationalizing and sympathizing with terrorists? Guess what, we become no different than them and I know without a doubt you are not one of them ya banima3roof!

Missing beirutbastard00 18:41 ,2013 أيار 01


Missing elche 15:27 ,2013 أيار 02

Faudrait déjà que ton petit rigolo pense à enlever le cran de sûreté. Décidément, il nous aura bien fait rire celui-là ces deux dernières années. Lool

Missing beirutbastard00 18:40 ,2013 أيار 01


Missing beirutbastard00 18:46 ,2013 أيار 01

In war, rarely do the moderates have a real voice. If moderates had the same ambition for power these liars have, there would b wars.

The moderate voice is only heard after the extremist is tired of fighting. And given the fact that no one will win in Syria, they will soon tire and give in to moderates. Nshallah.

Missing beirutbastard00 18:47 ,2013 أيار 01

*no wars

Missing paulassaf 18:59 ,2013 أيار 01

hahah i love how antagonistic this an is towards nasrallah, hahah bravo BRAVO

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 23:37 ,2013 أيار 01

Both should keep their noses and that of Lebanon out of the mess in Syria. We have enough problems without these two egomaniacs pushing Lebanon to the brink.

Missing solh 19:01 ,2013 أيار 01

This guy is out of his mind

Missing shootingstar 20:02 ,2013 أيار 01

Show off. God Help Lebanon and the Lebanese people.
Sad Case.

Thumb phoenician 20:04 ,2013 أيار 01

Oh my God what more proof do we need that partition is the answer.

Thumb primesuspect 20:13 ,2013 أيار 01

He's following Nosrallah's path. In 5 years he'll have his political faction with terrible ministers as well.

Lebanon is going thru its darkest times....

Thumb primesuspect 20:17 ,2013 أيار 01

Allah yi7meek hermano. I agree with everything you said.

Thumb primesuspect 20:18 ,2013 أيار 01

200%. Assir is just another sellout on the long list.

Missing peace 22:10 ,2013 أيار 01

asir is just a consequence of the presence of hezbollah in lebanon... those who criticize asir and defend hezbis are just stupid hypocrits... by defending hezbis they should have known that a day or another a party of this kind will be formed to counter balance the influence of hezbis, it is just a matter of logic and maths!
so FPMers who criticize asir just make me laugh at their stupidity... they are defending the "islamic" resistance and criticize another "islamic" party !! double standards to suit their hypocrisy and propaganda ....LOL
asir is just to be rejected as hezbis should be too!

Missing peace 14:00 ,2013 أيار 02

poor FT i only see one retarded and desperate FPMer whose sole arguments now are to insult others....

you and your party are failures... and your idiotic brain cannot see that asir and nasrallah are TWO islamists... brave little soldier sheep.... i pity your ignorance.

Default-user-icon John Marina (ضيف) 23:15 ,2013 أيار 01

Your readers give too many comments to this thug. Worse you turn around and publish it. Your respected newspaper however demotes itself and respect of educated readers when it publishes comments coming from mentally sick readers.

Missing rudy 16:26 ,2013 أيار 02

yeh because posting under a guest account calling everyone mentally sick is much better

Missing freeleb 23:46 ,2013 أيار 01

Why did you come back scum.

Thumb lebnanfirst 01:16 ,2013 أيار 02

Sorry @banima3roof but in this instance we do not see things the same way. In my view Assir displayed no courage in going to Qusayr and posing for those self serving photo ops. We do not need his brand of Islam or philosophy in Lebanon any more than we need HA brand or philosophy. They faces of the same coin that, if allowed to grow and foster, will lead us Lebanese into total destructn of our country.

I can/will not buy into allowing Sunni extremist to flourish in opposition to Shiite extremism. We are struggling hard to rid ourselves of HA's extremism and don't need Assir's violent philosophy on top of it.

Default-user-icon Syrian (ضيف) 13:31 ,2013 أيار 02

What Sunni extremism are you talking about ? Did you actually hear Assir's speech ? He even called upon Christians, Druze and Free Shia to join in helping the Syrians http://youtu.be/BlhJ5IXm6PE

Standing up to Hezbolla/Shia extremism is what both Sunnis and Christians in Lebanon must do, now is the time to take a firm stance. Who knows when Iran would give the order for HA to start killing Lebanese inside Lebanon...

As Syrians said 2 years ago, and Lebanese should now, "Death is better than humiliation"

Default-user-icon Zorba (ضيف) 01:41 ,2013 أيار 02

Does he need a shaving kit?

Missing helicopter 02:26 ,2013 أيار 02

“My visit to Qusayr's countryside increased my certainty and insistence on the religious stance I have voiced in support of our people in Syria.............
Based on that statement ("our people" to him means Salafists and not Lebanese) he shold be stripped of his Lebanese citizenship and awarded a Salafi citizenship in its place. Then kicked out of the Republic of Lebanon and deport him to the Republic of Ummah Salafeyat. Same with Nsrallah, ecept he shol be deported to Welayat Elfaqih.

Default-user-icon jbech (ضيف) 11:02 ,2013 أيار 02

He's more heroic than the coward Nasrallah sending others to do his dirty work . Bravo Asir ! We salute you (and I'm christian btw).

Missing rudy 16:31 ,2013 أيار 02

and yet aoun called it a terrorist organization in 2002

Missing rudy 16:34 ,2013 أيار 02

ROBERTSON: What is the danger to world peace? We are engaged in a war on terror and yet the Syrians are in the United Nations Security Council how can that be?

AOUN: It's a big contradiction that we have to solve in the world. Because people, the terrorist regimes, they are still, you know, having good stature in the world. And there are terrorist regimes like Syria that are generating terrorist organizations. Therefore, I propose a plan that first, to disarm the organizations; second, to democratize the regimes; and then to help them to develop their country.

from the 2002 interview

Thumb dasphinx 11:52 ,2013 أيار 02

Assir... one Nasrallah is bad enough we don;t need another one. This photo shoot and PR move did not impress anyone.

Missing elche 15:29 ,2013 أيار 02

Le cran de sûreté père Noel, le cran de sûreté...

Thumb benzona 23:47 ,2013 أيار 02
