المرصد: حزب الله يساند الجيش السوري في حصار مقاتلي المعارضة في حمص

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اعلن المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان الخميس ان الجيش السوري يسانده ضباط ايرانيون وعناصر من حزب الله يحكم الحصار على مقاتلي المعارضة في مدينة حمص وسط سوريا.

وقال المرصد الذي يتخذ من بريطانيا مقرا له ويؤكد انه يعتمد على شبكة واسعة من الناشطين والمصادر الطبية على الارض ان "القوات النظامية السورية مدعمة بعناصر من ما يسمى قوات الدفاع الوطني وادارة ايرانية وحزب الله سيطرت على اجزاء كبيرة من حي وادي السايح".

ويقع وادي السايح في منتصف الطريق بين حي الخالدية واحياء حمص القديمة المنطقتين اللتين تسيطر عليهما المعارضة ويحاصرهما الجيش منذ عام تقريبا.

وقال المرصد ان السيطرة على وادي السايح يسمح للجيش السوري "بعزل احياء حمص القديمة المحاصرة عن حي الخالدية المحاصر".

وتابع ان الهدف من ذلك هو "تضييق الحصار على هذه المناطق والسيطرة عليها"، مشيرا الى ان "حياة 800 عائلة محاصرة منذ نحو عام بينهم مئات الجرحى ستكون بذلك مهددة بخطر حقيقي في حالة السيطرة عليها خوفا من الانتقام على اساس طائفي".

واوضح مدير المرصد رامي عبد الرحمن ان ضباطا ايرانيين ومن حزب الله يشرفون خصوصا على عمليات الجيش في المدينة وخصوصا معارك الشوارع.

التعليقات 34
Thumb dasphinx 11:49 ,2013 أيار 02

Bachar is going down and taking Nasrallah and Hezbelshaitan down with him.

Missing beiruti99 17:51 ,2013 أيار 02

Anyone sane would wish for both filthy bashar and the filthy arab kings to go down. May Allah curse them all.

Thumb bigsami 17:56 ,2013 أيار 02

Just wait....the fierce manpower of the West will be coming and with it, crush Assad, HA and hopefully the head of the snake itself, Iran. God rid us all from this force of evil!

Default-user-icon Salafist 2.0 (ضيف) 12:46 ,2013 أيار 02

good luck killing 80% of the syrian people you fool...
assad supporters have reached the lowest levels of humanity. laughing at the death and rape of women and children and celebrating any temperory victory by missiles and chemical weapons. Stripped of any morals. lie in your face and lie to themselves.
Assad regime is 43 years of dictatorship. It will go down and will take hizballah terrorists with him. This is how life rolls
people like josh-bustany do not deserve any better treatment than what the poor syrian civilians are getting on the hands of assad shabbeeha

Missing elche 19:35 ,2013 أيار 02

"it will go down and will take hizballah terrorists with him." Primo, tu peux toujours fantasmer derrière ton clavier, n'empêche sur le terrain tes petites copines sont en train de se faire massacrer. Enfin, tu m'as bien fait marrer quand j'ai vu que tu avais comme pseudo 'Salafiste' et que tu te permettais de traiter le HEZBOLLAH de terroristes. C'est l'hosto qui se fout de la charité. Aux dernières nouvelles, ce sont tes copines qui ont pour hobby les attentas suicide et l'égorgement de civils. Quand on voit la tronche de vos "religieux" qui sont presque tous borgnes ou qui ont des visages balafrés, on se dit que Dieu fait décidément bien les choses. Il a créé ces types ave le mot Terroriste Sanguinaire et Sataniste sur le front. Vous êtes définitivement l'Armée de l'Antéchrist, il n'y a aucun doute là-dessus. Et tu connais bien la fin de l'histoire et c'est pas l'Antéchrist qui gagne...Ciao l'ami

Missing peace 14:13 ,2013 أيار 02

if this war is to spill over lebanon it would only be the responsability of hezbollah and their FPM allies... hezbollah clearly says that they do not care about the inexistent lebanese gvt in their eyes and are in syria to back the regime not the "lebanese" living there... as all the lebanese parties called for disassociation hezb does not respond to it and FPM by their backing are accomplices of hezbis!
as for M14 they clearly stated they disagree with the sunnis radical call for jihad which only engages asir and tripolis salafis...

so if the assad regime is so strong as M8 claims i do not understand why the need of hezbollah if not to preserve their OWN interests....

Thumb geha 15:12 ,2013 أيار 02

do you really believe what you say?
do you really believe that m14 has so much money to give to the Syrian FSA?
do you think the Gulf, if they want to send money, would need m14 to do so?
you are delusional, not to say crazy, repeating this litany you have been thought by the turban man, just to justify sending Lebanese shia to be killed over there, because it suits your Iranian masters.

Missing abraham 15:35 ,2013 أيار 02

peace lover
what do you mean if the war is spilled over to Lebanon
what did you think it's happening in Tripoli
I don't think the Hez have a base there, but surely all those Sunnies and their sympotizers aren't running all those guns accross to Syria for nothing

Missing peace 00:37 ,2013 أيار 03

i wasn t aware that a war was going on in tripoli.... but certainly in your mind it is! lol

Thumb geha 15:41 ,2013 أيار 02

ft re read what I said and do not twist it making it an attack on shia. hopefully you will understand what I wrote.

Thumb geha 16:59 ,2013 أيار 02

calm down or you will bust avein :)
what I actually said the more extremists killed in Syria, the better it is.
and if I said shia, then it was a mistake for which I apologize if I said it this way.
in no way I am sectarian, and as a matter of fact I am against sectarianism as professed by you and mowaten :)

Missing peace 00:36 ,2013 أيار 03

lol.... asir is just the result of the presence of hezbollah ... this militian party does whatever it wants in lebanon disregarding laws and constitution and says it openly! it is mathematical that this presence will trigger a counterbalance... only fools believe the contrary!
those supporting hezbis should also support asir as it is the same islamist party... why tolerate one and not the other if you are logical.... lol!

Missing greatpierro 07:53 ,2013 أيار 03

M14 official stance is no envovement in Syrian events although m14 support the fall of the regime and establishment of democracy. m14 getting cash, weapons and people to support the revolutionaries is propaganda. The few Salafists that are obeying a few mad clerics are no m14.
HA is now officially supporting the Syrians regime militarily. First it was a question of defending the Lebanese villages in Syria. Two days ago Hassan said that HA is supporting the regime.
Who is being hypocritical here FT?
HA is drawing Lebanon at speed of sound into the Syrian war. As we would expect some Lebanese mad Islamists haters of Iran/Syrian/HA will join the party.

We need both m14 and m8 to distance themselves from combats and shorten the distance among them to build a country with bonne entente among communities. What we have seen so far is M8 with the support of HA weapons is trying to anchor firmly Lebanon in the Syrian Iranian axis.

Thumb geha 15:21 ,2013 أيار 02

the Syrian regime and hizbushaitan will not be allowed to take control of that area. as in the Lebanese civil war there was green lines, in Syria too there are green lines, no one is allowed to cross.
this war is there to deplete both sides.

Thumb geha 15:43 ,2013 أيار 02

coward: hummmm... :)
show me an attack on shia made by me.
I do attack hizbushaitan because they are traitors executing the orders of iran. and there is the big difference.

Thumb geha 17:00 ,2013 أيار 02

resorting to insults when you have nothing to say? :)
calm down.....
if hizbushaitan has lost, you do not need to be insulting! :)

Thumb geha 15:44 ,2013 أيار 02

obviously you realize you lost, and your insults are there to prove it :)

Thumb geha 17:18 ,2013 أيار 02

funny ft :) guys if you do not have an ft, you must buy one :) you have to admit he is really funny :)
nerds? that means they are geniuses! thank you ft! :)
at least they know how to tweet! :)

Thumb geha 15:45 ,2013 أيار 02

Actually I agree with you on failed state, but it is due to hizbushaitan taking the country hostage of its Iranian weapons. but rest assured: it is not going to be for long now. :)

Thumb geha 15:46 ,2013 أيار 02

for me assir is the nemesis of hizbushaitan, and you can take him with you when you return to iran.

Thumb geha 15:48 ,2013 أيار 02

by the way in case you did not notice: this article does not even mention Assir :)

Default-user-icon josephani (ضيف) 16:15 ,2013 أيار 02

geha, you humor me. go play in the sand box boy. you have never criticized any for being wrong. you only criticize who you don't like. Have you ever talked about what these takfirs and there supporters doing in Liban and Syria. When ever Shi'a or Christian do omething or say something you jump on the bandwagon to criticize, but never have you commented on the likes of Those who cause strife and instigate hate and violence and as far as Hizballah goes yeah, sure they have weapons but they can give them up when you have salafist dog like Assir ranting "Jihad" and wants to kill all Christians and Shi'a for their beliefs. Christ help the Lebanese people. They will never learn. The Saudi agenda for Liban is to make a saltilte or off shoot of Saudi where they can come and enjoy the luxury of the west. Saudis a re hypocrites and will exterminate Chritian and Shi'as from Liban

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 16:26 ,2013 أيار 02

You live in lala land.

Thumb geha 17:02 ,2013 أيار 02

once more: ft, when you have nothing to say you do not need to resort to insults :)
you lost and you know it, that is why all your comments are insults :)

Missing rudy 17:03 ,2013 أيار 02

phoenix, after the guns fell silent, hafez el assad took charge and after him his son. and that is what got us here.

the alternative to fighting is giving up, taking more oppression and one sided violence and intimidation, until a couple of decades from now, things explode again.

Thumb geha 17:06 ,2013 أيار 02

m8 guys are becoming so desperate that all they have to say is insults. nothing of substance. enjoy your insults: that is all you can do hiding behind your keyboards :)
whatever you say: you have lost and your comments show it.
you are going down and you know it, even if I did not say it, it is so apparent from your insults.
enjoy :) you make us all laugh on this site, so keep it up. the more insults, we know how deep is your loss.

Thumb geha 17:14 ,2013 أيار 02


Default-user-icon Cats Act Like Lions (ضيف) 17:42 ,2013 أيار 02

Pretty soon your little lion will be raped with a stick like Qaddafi was before him.

Missing idris_gray 17:44 ,2013 أيار 02

Wow, it's truly breathtaking that people like you exist.

Missing idris_gray 17:50 ,2013 أيار 02

I see geha making rational and compassionate comments here often. I see nothing but hate and nonsense coming from josephani.

Missing idris_gray 18:27 ,2013 أيار 02

I'm coming to his defense because he seems like a decent human being. I've never seen him spout hateful nonsense in the short time I have been here. You on the other hand, every comment has been spiteful and personal.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 21:30 ,2013 أيار 02

HA is paying back the debt owed to Iran and Syria for helping them rise to power. It will cost them big in the end. It's just that simple folks.

Default-user-icon Feston Bokajdil (ضيف) 22:17 ,2013 أيار 02

URGENT CALL: Al Asseer Wa Fosso 7ami to the rescue ASAP. The Sunnis (aka the filthier than the filthiest filth) are getting their butts pummeled! allouchti, geha, primesuspect, GabbyMarch14, NostraBenzona, you hopeful self-exploding warriors, the JIHAD is calling, and those virgins down there (or up there depending on one's perspective) are in extreme heat and cannot wait much longer for your meat daggers. What better time than now to reproduce crazies? That Sunni gene, aka the Craziness Gene or the Going Berserk Gene or the Lunatics Galore Gene is in full bloom.

Missing greatpierro 07:28 ,2013 أيار 03

Dear Josh, admittedly there are Islamists fighting. However you are ignoring that the revolution was started and led by civilians seeking to live in liberty and democracy after being governed by tyranny for many decades. Your awareness of the danger of Islamists should not overwhelm that fact.