حزب الله يطالب الدولة بكشف داعمي مطلقي الصواريخ: ماضون في طريقنا رغم التهويل

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علق رئيس المجلس التنفيذي في "حزب الله" السيد هاشم صفي الدين على استهداف منطقة الشياح بصاروخين صباح الأحد معتبرا أن "الدولة معنية بكشف الجهات الداعمة والممولة" للعمل إلا أنه جزم أن الحزب ماض في طريقه "رغم كل التهويل".

وقال رئيس المجلس التنفيذي في "حزب الله" السيد هاشم صفي الدين خلال احتفال تأبيني في الجنوب الأجد أن "طريقة الاستهداف والوسيلة تدل على شيء واحد بأن المستهدف جبان، وأن هناك جهات أيضا ينبغي أن تكشف، وأن الدولة أيضا معنية أن تكشف هذه الجهات التي تمول وتدعم وتجهز هؤلاء".

أضاف "هذا واجب الدولة الذي يجب أن تقوم به لكي ينالوا العقاب، ويجب أن ينالوا العقاب، لأن هذا عمل جبان ورخيص".

وشدد صفي الدين على "أننا ماضون في هذا الطريق رغم كل التهويل الذي يريدون من خلاله أن نتراجع وننكفئ ولن نتخلى أبدا أبدا" قائلا أن "التجربة علمتنا والوقائع والحسابات تعلمنا، وتحديدا حسابات ما يحصل في سوريا، فهي تعلمنا أن الثبات والصمود والوقوف في وجه العدوان".

وفي هذا السياق لفت إلى أن "المشهد اليوم في سوريا بالرغم من كل التسليح والتجييش والدعم من أميركا والغرب والأتراك وأموال النفط العربي والإعلام فإنهم لم يتمكنوا أن يحققوا مآربهم، بل إن كل ما حققوه هو الدمار والقتل لسوريا".

وتابع "أنهم حين وصلوا إلى الحائط المسدود، اضطر وزير الخارجية الأميركي ليتحدث أن هناك تقدما للنظام في سوريا، وهذا الاضطرار هو دليل قوة هذا النظام، ودليل خيبة أميركا وأتباعها الذين سيصابون بمزيد من الخيبات في الأيام القادمة".

وختم: "انطلاقا من تجربتنا والحسابات الواقعية فنحن حين يكون لنا موقف فإننا نتحمل المسؤولية ونصنع المعادلة والتغيير مستلهمين القوة والعزم والإصرار والثبات من طريق شهدائنا حتى نحقق كامل الأهداف ونبقى أقوياء أعزاء كرماء في بلداننا وأوطاننا ومناطقنا".

من جهته رأى نائب رئيس المجلس التنفيذي في "حزب الله" الشيخ نبيل قاووق "أن الذين يقصفون الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت، إنما يريدون أن يحققوا هدفا إسرائيليا بامتياز، هؤلاء قد فشلوا إذا أرادوا إخافتنا، أو إرهابنا، والضغط على المقاومة، لأن المقاومة لا تبتز، ولا تسمح لأحد بابتزازها، وهي لا تمارس الإرهاب بحق أحد ولا تسمح لأحد بإرهابها".

وأكد قاووق خلال احتفال تأبيني أقامه "حزب الله" في مدينة النبطية الأحد أن "أي يد داخلية أو خارجية تريد أن تمتد لتطعن ظهر المقاومة فإنها ستقطع".

واعتبر أن "ما يحصل اليوم، هو أن مسلسل ارهاب، يمتد من بغداد إلى دمشق إلى القصير فالضاحية، والجهة واحدة، والهدف واحد، والمشروع واحد، والمصالح اسرائيلية، والإدارة أميركية، والتمويل والتسليح عربيين".

وقال: "إننا لن ننجر إلى الفتنة، ولكن لن نسمح لأي قوة في الداخل أو الخارج، أن تمس بقدرات ومعادلات سلاح المقاومة، فالمقاومة تستعد لكل إحتمالات المواجهة مع اسرائيل، ونحن حيث نقاتل، إنما ندافع عن استراتيجية المقاومة بوجه اسرائيل، وموقف حزب الله في سوريا وريف القصير، إنما هو يتصل مباشرة بحماية استراتيجية المقاومة بوجه إسرائيل".

ورأى أن "قوى 14 آذار لم تتعلم من تجارب الماضي، وهي مازالت تتحين الفرص للنيل من معادلة المقاومة، وفيها من ينتظر الفرصة لطعن المقاومة في ظهرها مجددا، وفيها من لا يزال يربط مصيره بمصير المشروع الأميركي في المنطقة، وهي تتشدد أمام الاستحقاقين الحكومي والإنتخابي، لأنها تنتظر الفرصة لتغيير المعادلات في لبنان واستهداف المقاومة، وهم حتما واهمون، لأن رهانهم خاسر، ولأننا في موقع القوة ونزداد في كل يوم قوة على كافة الصعد".

وإذ أكد أن "المقاومة اليوم في ذروة قوتها السياسية والشعبية والعسكرية"، اعتبر أن "مشاريع 14 آذار باتت تشكل خطرا حقيقيا على الإستقرار والوحدة الوطنية، لأنها مشروع خارجي، والعواصم العربية والدولية التي تحركها باتت مكشوفة، كما أن الذين يحركون 14 آذار، هم أنفسهم الذين يحركون المعارضة المسلحة في سوريا، فهم في خندق واحد، ومحور واحد، والهدف واحد، والمطلوب رأس المقاومة".

وختم "لن يسمح لأميركا أن تحدد، أو تقيد دور حزب الله في المجلس النيابي أو الحكومة".

التعليقات 39
Missing samiam 20:49 ,2013 أيار 26

and then the state should issue arrest warrants, but not go after them.

quid pro quo

Missing peace 20:49 ,2013 أيار 26

well said, double hezbi standards as usual...

Thumb justice 20:57 ,2013 أيار 26

The state issued arrest warrants for HA terrorists in the late Harriri murder, did you support the state and got those "saints" to appear in front of the justice system? No, your mercenary Mustapha Badreddine ( the main suspect in this case) is leading the "divine" liberation of Al Qusayr instead. You and your likes are nothing but filth. You destroyed my beautiful country and its future!

Missing mfawaz 21:00 ,2013 أيار 26

Wow...what he actualy said was here is some rope for you to hang yourself. You may call names, but it is obvious that the resistance knows who did it, but is allowing the government to deal with them. As for your crying about massacares, please log on to you tube and see what the so called FSA has done to people. Furthermore, mercernaries, are people that take money for hire...ie..50,000.00 each rebel gets. Go play with the little kids, your an idiot.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 21:41 ,2013 أيار 26

Make up your damn mind. Is it 50000 or 75000? And log onto YouTube and see what the govt has done. Or do you just like watching one side because your feeble mind can't grasp at both sides?

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 22:43 ,2013 أيار 26

You keep repeating that FT. And while you're at it click your heals three times and akeed it will come true. This was an oppressive bunch of butchers before the uprising. Remained butchers when the uprisings began largely peacefully. If you don't want to see videos of Syrian soldiers kicking and throwing cinder blocks of the heads of people and telling them to say la illah ila bashar that's your prerogative. Doesn't change the reality.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 22:52 ,2013 أيار 26

FT - you disappoint. You know that you are lying.

Thumb lebnanfirst 23:09 ,2013 أيار 26

Invited a friend for dinner a couple of nights ago who holds opinions similar to yours (yes, we are still friends). He surprised me by stating for the first time that he now believes Assad can not stay in power after all this and that maybe if offered a face saving exit he will leave. He also stated that HA has no business going into Syria, again for the first time! He still supports Aoun but is slowly recognizing the imminent danger to Christians in Lebanon due to the politics espoused by Aoun, HA and M8.
We agreed that the influx of Salafis and hard line Sunni Islamists is now a clear and present danger to Lebanon and the Christians.
That said, my friend is wise enough not to believe as you do because he realizes that HA's is predisposed to doing the same vis artists, free thinkers etc. given the chance. At least he is realistic about the FPM/HA alliance. Please, you are smarter than defending the flip side of the Islamist extremist coin.

Missing peace 01:15 ,2013 أيار 27

dreaaaamz.... are my realityyyyyyyyyyy ....

Thumb LebDinosaur 21:13 ,2013 أيار 26

1. "We are idiots if we do not act." Well, they are idiots where they act or not. He got that half-right.

2. "...urging state authorities to identify the supporters of the culprits." Ah, and how come when the state identified Hezb suspects related to the Hariri crime, he refused to hand them over?

Maybe these missiles were aimed at him. I wouldn't be surprised.

Thumb dasphinx 21:17 ,2013 أيار 26

I do not know who backed it or is behind it, but I know for sure who caused it. Hezbollah is the one and only reason why Lebanon does not enjoy peace and prosperity.

Thumb dasphinx 21:30 ,2013 أيار 26

When it is the end of the month and no money in the pocket, curse Nasrallah not the country.

Thumb Elemental 21:20 ,2013 أيار 26

“It is the state's duty … and they must be punished because this is a coward, cheap act,” STATE? I thought you guys were your own little Iranian state within Lebanon, now you want the "state" to help? Be specific which one.

Thumb benzona 21:26 ,2013 أيار 26

Look at the picture, focus on his shoulder.... Then close your eyes and imagine the Djinn whispering evil things. cet homme est le diable incarné, il faut le brûler pour expier ses pêchers.

Thumb dasphinx 21:29 ,2013 أيار 26

Pas le Djinn.. Plutot le Shaytan.

Thumb benzona 21:32 ,2013 أيار 26

Azrael in person indeed!

Thumb dasphinx 21:53 ,2013 أيار 26

Azrael is an angel (though the angel of death). I insist on Shaytan

Thumb benzona 22:27 ,2013 أيار 26

Then Shaytan it'll be.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 23:01 ,2013 أيار 26

FT - why do you keep regurgitating such statements. The government is the main culprit in massacres, murders and human right violations. This is attested it to by almost all human rights organizations. As for the case in which an idiot ate the heart of a dead syrian soldier, this has been condemned by the main opposition factions and the FSA. As for blowing up mosques and masscring pe, this is the specialty of the regime.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 06:08 ,2013 أيار 27

FT - that is the problem with people in your camp. Al-manar (etc) quote human rights organizations when they generate damning reports about israel. Even here in Canada, the most effective weapons we have in fighting israeli discrimination against palestinians are the reports about israeli brutality toward palestinians. Pro-israel groups and propagandists level venomous attacks against these same organizations. As to the rebels, we can all agree to condemn the extremists and I did on several occasions. But when the mainstream opposition comes up (as they did) with a rational roadmap to a democratic, pluralistic society, you should have the courage to state so.

Default-user-icon Neal (ضيف) 21:30 ,2013 أيار 26

you guys remember this : Hezbollah will drag Lebanon into a civil war or at least a sectarian war (Sunni Shiaa ) . it doesn't matter who will win or loose but Lebanon won't be the same after that .

Thumb benzona 21:42 ,2013 أيار 26

There are no winners after wars.... No such things as divine victories after killing human beings.

Thumb dasphinx 21:54 ,2013 أيار 26

It will be a war that involves all of Lebanon since it will be for the choice between the State of Lebanon and the Islamic Wilayat al Fakih. No one could stand on the side in this one

Thumb benzona 22:29 ,2013 أيار 26

Ain't not paid to post messages, are you?

Thumb benzona 22:29 ,2013 أيار 26


Missing ihatepersia 13:51 ,2013 أيار 27

where do i sign up to get paid to post?
i want in.

Thumb beiruti 21:57 ,2013 أيار 26

It was Hezbollah that engaged the rocket attack on Dahyieh for the very reason to allow this guy, Qauaq and the rest to pipe up in the press that "Hezbollah will not be intimidated".
Assad does this very same thing, setting off bombs in Damascus to create the needed provocation.

And from where did Assad and Nasrallah learn the tactic of self inspired misdirection?? Well, from the Israelis, of course. The war in 1982 was started over an attack on an Israeli ambassador in London. And who attacked him? Mossad, for a cassus belli. This is more of the same

Missing peace 23:07 ,2013 أيار 26

yes true the same old arsonist/fireman trick the syrians are expert at....

Missing peace 01:14 ,2013 أيار 27

yes true the same old arsonist/fireman trick the baathist syrians are expert at....

Missing maroun 11:08 ,2013 أيار 27

anyone who believes otherwise is an idiot..they want to justify there involvement in Syria at any cost to lebanon..only a fool follow the evil hizb.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 22:16 ,2013 أيار 26

Sorry if you get involved in wars in Israel and Syria without the permission of the government of Lebanon you can defend your own neighborhoods. Thanks Nasrallah for bringing the Syrian civil war to Lebanon with your interference.

Default-user-icon whatever (ضيف) 22:40 ,2013 أيار 26

I guess it is the same people who killed Hariri and Tueni...etc are responsible for this attack too?

Missing coco199 23:25 ,2013 أيار 26

I don't believe that Hezbollah is trying to provoke a conflict in Lebanon
But some declaration have to make him think at a nightmare if he is going on supporting Assad and fighting in Syria.
a)The leaders of Jihadist movements in Egypt called on the Sunnis in
Lebanon and the Mujahedeen around the world to fight Hezbollah on
Lebanese territory because of the latter’s military role in the battles
in Syria’s Al-Qusayr.
b)Kuwait urged its citizens on Sunday to avoid traveling to Lebanon
and those who are there to “leave as quickly as possible,”
c)European Union moved closer on Monday to sanctioning the Lebanese terrorist organization Hezbollah.

The result will be the isolation of Lebanon in Arab League and in Europe and a Hezbollah - AlQaeda match at home. All the country will be affected.The crisis and unemployment will go higher and based on social issues a sectarian war will emerge again.

Missing hmorsel 00:39 ,2013 أيار 27

since when are the lebanese these idiots from iran slaves. what is everyone afraid of. these cowards are nothing but cowards, with syria in chambles, hizb al shitan cannot alienate the lebanese , its time for people to get up and tell then what we think of these thugs. if we dont then will be their slaves for ever.
I wish there was a stronger president in the us than that coward Obama to nuc iran and get that misrable country off our backs

Missing peace 01:28 ,2013 أيار 27

funny how M8ers used to defend hezbis a few weeks ago pretending hezbis were ONLY in syria just to defend border villages... that bashar did not need their help...we told them that hezbis were already in syria backing the shabbihas... NO! they insulted us by saying it was western propaganda! LOL
now they are fully involved and still find other excuses for not respecting the gvt's disassociation policy.... oh! yes the oqab sakr/asir excuse now... but for people boasting to be better than others and patriots why are they not showing it by abiding by the gvt's policy and set the example!
they even pretended that the syrian affairs were not lebanese concern and that bashar could fully handle it ...
seems now something changed their mind to be so desperate and eager to support bashar's army...
waw! true little puppets they are, manipulated as hezbis want them to be! lalalalala....LOL.....

Missing fidelcastro1 04:03 ,2013 أيار 27

Now Hezb Iran wants the government to protect them ,two days ago the evil of all attacked the government in his five minutes of fame speech .I think Hezb Iran & the scum from Tripoli, should go to their beloved mother land Syria and Fight there, this way they can kill eachother & rid Lebanon of the filth .

Missing syria4life 06:53 ,2013 أيار 27

Its ashame to see how much people are againdy the hezb if it wasnt for them israel would be running lebanon I guess use will be happier then

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 07:57 ,2013 أيار 27

You are the State ya Hibollcrime ! You identified who killed Hariri so quickly you can identify the culprits in this instance too!

Missing people-power 20:05 ,2013 أيار 27

HezbIran, and Nasrocrap, the most hated group and person in the Middle East