الحريري: الوحيدون الذين سيكون مصيرهم السجن هم قتلة رفيق الحريري

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رد رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري ان الاشخاص الوحيدين الذين سيكون مصيرهم السجن هم قتلة الرئيس الشهيد رفيق الحريري وكل شهداء ثورة الارز وأصحاب النفوس المريضة الذين يحمونهم.

كلام الحريري جاء في بيان صدر عن مكتبه الاعلامي رداً على كلام عون الذي علق في مؤتمره الصحافي بعدما رأس اجتماع تكتله النيابي، على ردود الفعل التي أثارتها عبارته one way ticket حيال الرئيس الحريري، فقال: "سنقول لهم one way in من الآن وصاعدا ولن نعطيهم نعمة ترك البلد. يتم العمل على جناح كبير في سجن رومية وسيتسع لعدد كبير منهم ".

وردّ الحريري في بيانه: " من يعتقد أنه يعيش تحت حماية القتلة والمجرمين، عليه ان يتبصر جيدا بحقيقة أن الشعب اللبناني أوعى من ان ينجر خلف الشعارات التحريضية الفارغة التي يطلقها باستمرار. أما في ما يتعلق بكل التعابير التي أطلقها النائب عون أخيرا عن بطاقات الذهاب والاياب وتوسيع الاجنحة في سجن رومية، فنحن نؤكد أننا بانتظار شرف التصدي لأي يد تمتد الى أي من الشرفاء في لبنان".

التعليقات 17
Missing urotherside 08:35 ,2011 حزيران 22

<syrian accent>: wlaa, shino inak 7ayawan.

ok, kidding aside. we need everyone to cool down starting with dictator Aoun.

Default-user-icon Luxembourg Bob (ضيف) 09:13 ,2011 حزيران 22

The wahabi in the armani suit should go back to the desert from whence he came and eat jarad (locusts) and tamir(dates).

Default-user-icon Luxembourg Bob (ضيف) 09:17 ,2011 حزيران 22

Also General Aoun said that only criminals and corruptors will be held accountable, what do they have to fear unless they really are corrupt and criminals....

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 12:20 ,2011 حزيران 22

Stop hiding with your dirt , lies and corruptions behind Rafik Hariri 's " strange " death .. ! enough is enough , those days where the Lebanese use to believe you and have sympathy for you and your father are over ...

You are all going to jail or to exile .. The choice is yours , and solidere and down town will go back to their real Lebanese owner , and the rest will be sold and the money will cover the huge debt of your father and siniora ..

Default-user-icon Moallek (ضيف) 12:46 ,2011 حزيران 22

bigdig tu es un grand con

Default-user-icon jihad (ضيف) 13:03 ,2011 حزيران 22

يا دولة الرئيس نجل الشهيد دولة الرئيس
لا تضع مجرد ثانية واحدة من وقتك للرد على مجموعة الجرذان هذه لأنها مهما قلت فلن ينفع الجرذ جرذ مهما علا شأنه و أصبح لديه من وزراء . على كل حال التاريخ سوف لن يرحمه لأن في رصيده ما يكفي و يفيض من وساخة و ندالة قائد الجيش الذي فر من طائرات حليفه الحالي و الذي اشعل حربا هو الوحيد الذي استفاد منها فهرب حاملا ذيله بين أرجله و معه 40 مليون دولار من خزينة الدولة و هذا سنة 1989 فكيف بهذا المبلغ الآن ؟؟؟ أما بالنسبة للتذاكر فهو الخبير الذي جرب

Default-user-icon moallek (ضيف) 13:18 ,2011 حزيران 22

BigDig tu es un grand con

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 13:47 ,2011 حزيران 22

@ MOALLEK - Tu es le roi des cons ..

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 14:24 ,2011 حزيران 22

the indictment is b4 confidence vote to criminals??

Default-user-icon Aftab (ضيف) 14:42 ,2011 حزيران 22

I believe that they should, provided that they are identified after the "False Witnesses" and their Fabrikantes are thrown in jail, led by none other than Fabrikante Supremo, cheikh Imbecile Saad.

Default-user-icon LePhenicien (ضيف) 15:11 ,2011 حزيران 22

Behold the master of the "False Witnesses", the Fabrikante Supremo and the world's biggest liar, deserter and coward doing what he does best, l00k: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7Cof503i80

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 15:25 ,2011 حزيران 22

The former MP really needs to pivot to the future. It is the name of his political party. The grand bargain here should be that the STL receive full support of the government, even should it issue indictments against Hezbollah, Assad and Khamenei and that a special prosecutor also be set up to investigate corruption in the Lebanese Government going back to 1972. All those who stole from the Ministries, all who put their people into government jobs and public payrolls without any other job but to draw a pay check. All who stole; accepted bakshesh to perform the duties of their public office; all who took 2% commissions on every public project; all who directed and redirected funds against the law to their zlem, should all be held accountable and if appropriate under the law, face the consequences of their misdeeds.
And if they acted at the behest of an occupying power (Syria), then the foreign government and its officials should be required to pay the money back.

Default-user-icon moallek (ضيف) 15:35 ,2011 حزيران 22

Il semble que Le phénicien et bigdig ne font qu'un: un être misérable, laid, difforme et sentant mauvais qui ne sait rien faire d'autre que lécher le cul de son général de pacotille jour et nuit. Un conseil: prenez un bain et sortez au soleil vous sentirez moins mauvais.

Missing joseph 15:54 ,2011 حزيران 22

Hey, Aoun's dillusion at the end of the day will cost him dearly. His perception of how big he is just a proof of the opposite. He surely is not Napoleon. His followers will end up figuring him out. They are slow but I trust that they can do it

Default-user-icon georges (ضيف) 16:02 ,2011 حزيران 22

To le phenicien: the 10 billions that hezballa caused in 2006 and all the interests that came after... all the taxes non payed from the 90s in hezballa regions.. the money that GMA stole form pumas affair in the 80s and all the salaries that he didnt pay to the lebanese army in 86/87/88. you want more? what frangiyei stole from the government and berrei.. ask jumblat to give back all mouhajarin money and all GMA's child in law landscapes that he bought from 5 years till now. Tell them to bring back the money stolen form ministry of power finance and interior communictions in the 90s to, after that we will see if we will sell solidaire and down town

Default-user-icon Someone (ضيف) 00:04 ,2011 حزيران 23

Rafik Hariri...martyr?! LOL! Nothing but a corrupt loser who got what was coming to him!

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 02:20 ,2011 حزيران 23

Guys, you are all fighting for the same reasons, you want that corrupted people be held responsible, well this is what everybody wants, even if i think personally that Rafik hariri has done good things, he has maybe took some for his own pocket, but so has Emile Lahoud, Berri, Jumblat, Qanso, Frangieh, etc.. im not really with anybody but i do like Sami Gemayel, because he is an honest politician, unlike his father, and is very similar to Bachir Gemayel. He went to the Aounies asking for a united christian position towards what might harm them, so as Lebanon, and is trying his best to mend fences with Marada too, he is an open minded person, that is trying to bring down our POLITICAL system that is very bad , which is centralised , and should not be because every region is diverse and each one should work for its own before working for the country as a whole. March 14th and march 8th will always be here and nobody of them are any good for Lebanon and will end up killing us all.