الجيش: نحتفظ بحق اللجوء للقضاء في ما خص فبركة افلام عن مقاتلين لجانبنا بعبرا

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اعتبرت قيادة الجيش اللبناني أن عملية "فبركة افلام عن وجود مسلحين يقاتلون الى جانب الجيش في عبرا فضيحة اعلامية"، مؤكدة أنها تحتفظ لنفسها "بحق اللجوء الى القضاء".

وفي بيان صادر عن القيادة، الخميس، لفتت الى انه "في وقت كان الجيش اللبناني يخوض معركة شرسة ضد مجموعة مسلحة تعمل على نشر الفتنة والعبث بأمن البلاد، فوجىء الجيش بحملة إعلامية وسياسية لبنانية رخيصة، من خلال فبركة أفلام وتسجيلات صوتية وصور مركبة، حول دخول الجيش الى منطقة عبرا ووجود مسلحين يقاتلون الى جانبه".

وأكدت أن الجيش قاتل وحيدا في صيدا. وعن وجود بعض المدنيين المسلحين، ذكرت القيادة أن "عناصر مديرية المخابرات يرتدون اللباس المدني، إذ سبق أن حصل ذلك في عدة أماكن، وأي تجاوز أمني أو أخلاقي من قبل جندي أو وحدة عسكرية فسيكون عرضة للتحقيق العسكري الداخلي، ولاتخاذ أقصى الإجراءات التأديبية".

وكانت بعض القنوات الاعلامية قد بثت مقاطع فيديو يظهر فيها مسلحون باللباس العسكري وعلى ايديهم شارات صفراء، وهم يشاركون الجيش في قتاله في وجد عناصر امام مسجد بلال بن رباح الشيخ أحمد الاسير، في عبرا في صيدا.

وقد أدت هذه الاشتباكات يومي الاحد والاثنين في عبرا في صيدا، الى سقوط 18 قتيلاً و20 جريحاً من الجيش اللبناني، فضلاً عن مقتل أكثر من 20 عنصر من عناصر الاسير.

وقد تم توقيف العشرات من عناصر الاسير فور انتهاء المعارك، في حين لا يزال الاسير متوارياً عن الانظار.

الى ذلك، أسفت القيادة لما وصلت اليه بعض وسائل الإعلام اللبناني الى "مستوى من التضليل الذي يكشفه أي خبير تقني بسهولة، وهي مع عائلات الشهداء والجرحى، لا ترى في هذه الحملة المشبوهة إلا اغتيالا ثانيا للشهداء، وبدم أكثر برودة".

واعتبرت قيادة الجيش في بيانها، أن هذه الافلام وهذه الحملة "فضيحة إعلامية"، مؤكدة أنها "لن تسكت عن التعرض لشهدائها إعلاميا، وتحتفظ لنفسها بحق اللجوء الى القضاء اللبناني المختص، كي يعود الحق الى أصحابه، وينال المعتدون على الجيش جزاءهم العادل".

من جانب آخر، زار قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي، رئيس الحكومة المستقيل نجيب ميقاتي الذي ثمن "دور الجيش اللبناني وتضحياته للحفاظ على لبنان ، كل لبنان ، أرضا وشعبا".

وشدد على ضرورة أن يتعاطى الجيش مع جميع المواطنين "بشكل متساو وعادل"،داعياً الى"تحييد المؤسسة العسكرية عن التعرض لها، لأنها مؤسسة تخضع للقانون وتعمل تحت إشراف الدولة اللبنانية بكاملها".

وتم البحث في فتح قيادة الجيش تحقيقاً في بعض الأفلام والصور التي يتم تداولها عن الأحداث في صيدا والتي تشكل إساءة الى صورة المؤسسة العسكرية وإنضباطيتها.

التعليقات 63
Missing --karim_m1 14:24 ,2013 حزيران 27

Even the Lebanese Army is starting to call out the lying terrorists at Future TV and their MTV jihadist sidekicks.

Missing allouchi 14:33 ,2013 حزيران 27

kaka the idiot Sunni hater..

Thumb benzona 14:58 ,2013 حزيران 27

Carolus Magnus, you sound like someone who got recently banned.

Thumb benzona 15:34 ,2013 حزيران 27

People of the world, every boy, evey girl :

20 minutes ago Military source to AFP: Army Commander General Jean Qahwaji ordered probing an amateur video that shows several troops kicking and humiliating an arrested man, probably linked to cleric al-Asir, during an interrogation.

21 minutes ago Al-Jadeed quoting a military source: The army group responsible for beating a citizen in Sidon has been referred to investigation.

Thumb benzona 16:02 ,2013 حزيران 27

Roar, you reason like bigjohn.

Complètement à côté de la plaque.

The army is behaving like savages and DISHONOUR the fallen and courageous soldiers against Assir. Yes, DISHONOUR them.

Missing rudy 14:59 ,2013 حزيران 27

let them show what was fabricated and how

Missing freemind 15:40 ,2013 حزيران 27

nothing easier... i already spotted some as being fabrications (i am a producer/filmmaker). technique: unclear picture + post-recorded audio which amplifies/distorts what we see.
the other video that shows soldiers kicking an arrested man is real. and Kahwaji ordered probing the video.

Missing rudy 16:56 ,2013 حزيران 27

great. please share the video and what you're talking about since most of us here would not be able to recognize it on our own.

Missing rudy 17:22 ,2013 حزيران 27

also, regarding the pictures that clearly show men in civilian clothing carrying weapons and talking to army members, or men with beards (which last time i heard was not standard army practice)

Thumb benzona 15:12 ,2013 حزيران 27

What's up Phoenix? Oooops,I meant flamerblamer.

Missing trigger 15:24 ,2013 حزيران 27

although I hate future tv, but it was newtv that broadcast the manar video with the civilians and started this, then the stupid other channels followed suit

Thumb benzona 15:24 ,2013 حزيران 27

Chou 3amb tihkè, they are made in KSA by Hariri employees.



Missing freemind 15:40 ,2013 حزيران 27

nothing easier... i already spotted some as being fabrications (i am a producer/filmmaker). technique: unclear picture + post-recorded audio which amplifies/distorts what we see.
the other video that shows soldiers kicking an arrested man is real. and Kahwaji ordered probing the video.

Thumb bigsami 22:12 ,2013 حزيران 27

True or not....we all know the scums HA would do such a thing because they are nothing but evil!

Thumb benzona 22:45 ,2013 حزيران 27

Hezb Ebola, hezb Asrael.... All I know is that they do not represent. God's will in any of the 3 religions of the book.

Who would use an AK47 as a logo for God. A Russian made weapon.... Not even Arab or Farsi for that matter. Des fous!

Thumb bigsami 22:14 ,2013 حزيران 27

The loved Farsi BSThrower again racking up all those nice votes. Wlak get the hint and scram. Planty of Farsi blogs that would welcome your BS.

Missing allouchi 14:32 ,2013 حزيران 27

I hope that the illegal Farsi militia of Hizb did not fight against anyone...this Lebanon and Qusayr/Syria...there were eye witnesses that stated that Hizb thugs were seen on front lines...Army always investigates but NEVER reveals the results we need transparency...is that too much to ask?!!!

Thumb bigsami 22:18 ,2013 حزيران 27

Yawn.....again the_bore with useless crap!

Thumb sophia_angle 14:34 ,2013 حزيران 27

the army should take high legal measures n set them as example so all media know that freedom is responsibility !! not lying to support their own political point of view n agendas

Default-user-icon Bon appetite (ضيف) 14:35 ,2013 حزيران 27

The army has become a branch of hizb. The case of the tail wagging the dog.

Thumb benzona 14:59 ,2013 حزيران 27

Thanks Bon appetit. I'm actually having my lunch as we speak.

Thumb geha 14:39 ,2013 حزيران 27

let the army put all of us in jail for saying the truth.
pictures and videos on all websites as well as several hundred witnesses are there to confirm hizbushaitan actions in saida.
they want to cover up once more for hizbushaitan, then they will see hundreds of assir popping up each day.
they are pushing the people to civil war by all means.

Thumb benzona 15:02 ,2013 حزيران 27

I have witnesses within my family who saw them. And they are no M14er partisans but sympathizers of Ossama Saad (the thug, my opinion).

The army is lying, is it for the greater good or because they fear for themselves. Attacking us is easier than tackling the real cancer in Lebanon, you know.... The Hezb Ebola.

Thumb benzona 15:17 ,2013 حزيران 27

Well, go trust your politicized media. You're incredibly witty.

I trust people more than paid mouthpieces.... M14 or M8.

Thumb benzona 15:14 ,2013 حزيران 27

Yes, Geha loves Assir and wishes to marry his 5 year old daughter.


Chou hayda, you're so childish roar.

Thumb geha 18:43 ,2013 حزيران 27

yes that would be "le comble"!
you the Iranian thugs want to exile each and every Lebanese from our country.
you have no shame to do as hitler did.
murder all opponents or force them to exile. nasrallah=hitler.

Thumb geha 18:45 ,2013 حزيران 27

I HATE asir.
why cant you put it in your stupid mind?
is it that terrible for your mind to accept that there are Lebanese people who hate all sorts of extremists especially if they carry weapons and impose their opinion on us?
so stupid.

Default-user-icon Meanwhile in Syria (ضيف) 15:01 ,2013 حزيران 27

As you sheep are all blindly looking the other way to a bunch of wannabe terrorists, the Hezbollah "resistance" is committing atrocities in Israel - euh Syria.

Hassan Nassrallah is a magician and illusionist !

Missing theobserver 15:03 ,2013 حزيران 27

so now the people who wanted a strong state and a strong army are attacking the lebanese army who have just offered martyrs against armed extremists thugs , and are siding with the fanatics just because they hate hizbullah !
It's blind reactions like this that is pushing to civil war!

Missing allouchi 17:12 ,2013 حزيران 27

theobserver you are missing the point, NO ONE is backing up Assir against our Military!!! Hell no way… we just want a Strong military that treats all illegal militias the same..ALL MILITIAS....Hizb created a strange phenomena called Legal Arms Outside the government institutions to fight Israel, in Syria, in Cyprus, in Bulgaria and Nigeria etc...No one should be armed but the State..NO MORE EXCUSES....One state on Military.

Default-user-icon Julian (ضيف) 15:11 ,2013 حزيران 27

“The army command reminds that the intelligence bureau's members wear civilian cloths" The videos show armed civilians with beards. Do they also have army members with beards? For camouflage when they fight hizbullah (which they never dare to do?)

Thumb geha 18:51 ,2013 حزيران 27

no way jose: real pictures of hizbushaitan elements with their yellow banner have been registered and they show undeniably their participation in the fighting.

Missing rudy 15:19 ,2013 حزيران 27

i agree! lets see the IP addresses and see who's who

Thumb benzona 15:22 ,2013 حزيران 27

Part of the ip address.... Because if it's a full one,they'll send their Lebanese or Syrian Chabiha and real with us and our families.

Thumb benzona 15:22 ,2013 حزيران 27

And deal with us and our families.

Thumb benzona 22:48 ,2013 حزيران 27

FT, already gathering 'intelligence' to have me eliminated as soon as I land in Beirut?

Yes, I live in Europe since 1989 thanks to the troufion Aoun.

Default-user-icon Bek (ضيف) 15:20 ,2013 حزيران 27

Guys do not waste your time. Leave the losers in their orgasmic state. Remember the old proverb( t ( الفار اللذي كحس المسن).

Thumb benzona 15:23 ,2013 حزيران 27

Disturbing truth?

Thumb benzona 15:31 ,2013 حزيران 27

Roar, I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it's for or against.

Thumb geha 18:55 ,2013 حزيران 27

You back terrorist: hizbushaitan.
we back Lebanon.

Missing samiam 15:31 ,2013 حزيران 27

I don't know if the videos are true, but hizb iran was involved in the fighting and did set up checkpoints. I know of 4 people personally who were stopped at roadblocks that looked like they were army checkpoints, except for the green armbands. The first thing that these guys did is look for camera, so getting pictures out would be a rarity.

Additionally, if you look at the damage from surrounding buildings, you will see that a lot of damage was on the side facing the 'harra', and not from the direction of assir's compound. if you don't believe it, drive down to saida yourself and examine the damage instead of letting the talking heads dictate what they want you to believe. The fact that berri came out and said that neither hizb iran or amal were involved in the fighting is a red flag.

Just drive down and check out if you don't believe me (or up in the case of mowaten)

Thumb benzona 15:36 ,2013 حزيران 27

I confirm your statement.

Missing wahabislayer 15:43 ,2013 حزيران 27

So I guess all the M14 cheerleaders above who have been calling on HA to hand over the weapons to the army have now turned against the army. Ok I totally agree the army is bad and cant be trusted. They lie and are a bunch of crazy trigger happy men. So Hezbollah please keep your weapons as we dont want it to fall in the hands of these people.

Default-user-icon IP (ضيف) 15:49 ,2013 حزيران 27

I know some of the Naharnet staff personally. They are above the influence of the army, political parties and any other propaganda mouthpiece medias.

They will never release the IPs of anyone and will even protect idiots like you who spread racist hate and insults and calls for violence like you.

Default-user-icon IP (ضيف) 17:28 ,2013 حزيران 27

So you admit to spreading racist hate and insults but refuse to accept calling for violence.

Fine, I retract my previous accusation of you calling for violence and sincerely apologize for going out of my way to show what a troublemaker you are. You're "half" a troublemaker.

Thumb geha 18:47 ,2013 حزيران 27

all your comments are aggressive and hateful

Default-user-icon Lontanos Fakakish (ضيف) 16:00 ,2013 حزيران 27

What fabricated? Al-Mustaqbal al-Ta3ees does not fabricate. Marwan Fabrikante Hamadeh swears on the grave of his honor that he and his step-son Mohammad Zuheir al-Siddiq do not fabrikate. Also, the four innocent generals killed Rafic Syria, Syria's best Rafic, and so did Imad Marmal, Emile Lahoud, Suleiman Franjiyeh, the Qandil Brothers, Wiam Wahab, and of course, it goes without mention, General Michel Aoun. Fabricated? What fabricated? What's not fabricated are the boks, labta and sermeyeh bi ra2bet al-Mustaqbal al-Ta3ees and all Sanni regimes that pimp them. t3isho wa teklo ghayra. takbir!

Missing allouchi 16:39 ,2013 حزيران 27

roro, you're acting like a little kid accusing so many that disagree with as Assir lovers...shame on you...man up little kiddy cat...if you can..

Default-user-icon JCWIlliams (ضيف) 17:04 ,2013 حزيران 27

The Asir thugs started it and murdered Lebanese Army personel. There is no way to put a good spin on it. Asir was acting up like a boil that eventually was going to pop, it did. They did Lebanon a favor by bringing it on themselves. Now, Where is the boss man? He should have to pay with his life. Anyone hiding him is guilty of treason against Lebanon and aiding an abetting a criminal.

Thumb benzona 22:52 ,2013 حزيران 27

So far, evidence point that they didn't start it. They retaliated. Their mistake is that they shouldn't have done so.

Missing allouchi 17:12 ,2013 حزيران 27

theobserver you are missing the point, NO ONE is backing up Assir against our Military!!! Hell no way… we just want a Strong military that treats all illegal militias the same..ALL MILITIAS....Hizb created a strange phenomena called Legal Arms Outside the government institutions to fight Israel, in Syria, in Cyprus, in Bulgaria and Nigeria etc...No one should be armed but the State..NO MORE EXCUSES....One state on Military.

Default-user-icon Suzanne (ضيف) 10:07 ,2013 حزيران 28

(CONT'D) The proof you all live a VERY LOW STANDERD OF LIFE, Lebanon can't even insure your basic needs in life let alone medical or decent wages. My point is you all should be fighting for your own benefits and not for the Crazy leaders you all follow! Honestly they don't care about you or your security, or your health, or if you have food!

Thumb christianimmigrant 17:29 ,2013 حزيران 27

i hit thumbs up because of your avatar. love the Bach

Thumb geha 18:50 ,2013 حزيران 27

no fabrications: hundreds of different videos are on the net for those willing to really see.
this is why the army announced the arrest of those in that video in particular because they could no more cover it up.

Thumb geha 18:53 ,2013 حزيران 27

you are so blind guys: the tension is rising so fast and it might explode anytime soon now thanks to your iranian militia.

Thumb geha 18:54 ,2013 حزيران 27

don't bother: they know what they did, but they just deny it.
it is like all their assassinations: deny, deny, deny.

Thumb benzona 22:50 ,2013 حزيران 27

Indeed. You can name them (or him) Monsieur non.

Missing realist 20:02 ,2013 حزيران 27

" fabricated" sounds like the Assad army rhetoric lol

Missing formerlebaniz 00:38 ,2013 حزيران 28

Fabricated! It's a conspiracy against the army! BEWARE! Now we have Video Editors at Future TV that are better than editors in Hollywood! That's true, these guys are SO good that they end up fabricating videos for FutureTV instead of making millions in Hollywood.... give me an f'n break I worked in video editing before it's almost impossible to fabricate such videos. If it's a picture I would say ok possible lets check it's authenticity but video.. no.

Default-user-icon Suzanne (ضيف) 09:19 ,2013 حزيران 28

Please help me understand, where is the wrong if Hizballah helped the army since they ARE more experienced and qualified in guerrilla warfare? And since when is it a crime to aid your country men?how unpatriotic of you! From what I understand M14 wants to turn this around, IT IS WRONG OR A CRIME TO JOIN AND HELP YOUR NATIONAL ARMY, BUT ITS NOT A CRIME TO ATTACK THE Army. Sounds like the are trying to turn the spot light off Assir and cover up for their buddy by focusing on The Huge crime of aiding the National Army! Seriously guys!
You don't have to be a fan of Hizballah, but logically & ethically how can we insult them, unless you are just prejudice and an angry hater!

Default-user-icon Tarek K (ضيف) 10:25 ,2013 حزيران 28

Dear Suzanne... Do you know what a state of law means? If i kill a thief i must go to trial even if i am helping the police. If what you are saying was valid then why is the army trying to hard to justify itself? Did you see the Hezbollah check points stopping civilian cars from continuing their way? (Killing Samer Hanna in a cold blooded manner helped the army a lot to understand it cannot mess up with Hezbollah...)

Default-user-icon Suzanne (ضيف) 11:03 ,2013 حزيران 28

LOL for a minute I thought you were talking about a normal country!!!
So funny that you Lebanese really act like you have a normal state of affairs. You have a speaker of the house (Berri) who literally took over forever, other ministers that collect salaries and live in Saudi, Crazy Leaders who attack each other every moment they can! No electricity, sometimes no water, a mountain of trash in Sidon God only knows why, 60% of your people don't have health care, nor decent medication, or if it is any good unaffordable due to the poverty level, a government who monopolizes the cell phone industry and you pay outrageous amounts to just talk on the phone. LITERALLY YOU ARE SCREWED EVERY SINGLE DAY BY YOUR GOVERNMENT! The least of your problems is Hizballah yet you people want to make it the one and only problem in Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Tarek K (ضيف) 15:37 ,2013 حزيران 28

It seems you do not live in lebanon and that's why you cannot have an idea of what we are going through here because of the Hizbullah is behaving and where they are leading the country. The heavy losses of our economy because tourists will not come, the losses of the 2006 war in billions, the murders attempts, the murders, the bomb attacks ... You are far away and have an outsider look so somehow I understand your comments...