المعارضة دعت جنبلاط وميقاتي لعدم المبالغة في "الوسطية": عندما يعطى عون ثلث الحكومة يجب ألا نستغرب مواقفه

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دعت مصادر باردة في المعارضة رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي ورئيس جبهة "النضال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط الى "عدم المبالغة في استعمال كلمة الوسطية للدلالة على تمايز بين أعضاء الحكومة".

وتعليقاً على موقفي ميقاتي وجنبلاط من تهجم رئيس كتلة "التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون على رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري، قالت المصادر لصحيفة "النهار": "عندما يعطى الاخير ثلث مقاعد الحكومة فيجب ألا نستغرب المواقف التي تصدر عنه"، مؤكدةًَ أن الكلمة النهائية هي للنهج السوري الذي يعبر عنه عون.

وقالت مصادر بارزة في المعارضة لـ"النهار" تعليقا على مواقف ميقاتي وجنبلاط " ان الكلمة النهائية هي للنهج السوري الذي يعبر عنه عون. وعندما يعطى الاخير ثلث مقاعد الحكومة فيجب ألا نستغرب المواقف التي تصدر عنه". ودعت الى "عدم المبالغة في استعمال كلمة الوسطية للدلالة على تمايز بين أعضاء الحكومة".

وكان ميقاتي قد علّق على كلام عون مستغرباً أن يصدر هذا الكلام عن رجل مسؤول مثله، لانه لا يجوز أن نتخطى في نقاشنا حدود اللباقة والاحترام.

وبدوره رد جنبلاط على عون من دون ان يسميه، فقال في بيان أصدره ان أفضل ما يمكن أن تقدمه القوى السياسية المشاركة في الحكومة لضمان نجاح مسيرتها وعملها هو الابتعاد عما يثير السجالات السياسية والاعلامية التي لا تؤدي سوى الى زيادة التوتر، مؤكداً أن جبهة النضال الوطني لن تغطي أو تشارك في أي أعمال انتقامية أو كيدية وأن مشاركتها في الحكومة كانت على هذا الأساس، من دون أن يعني ذلك عدم موافقتها على محاسبة من يخرق القوانين إنما ضمن الأصول والمعايير المعتمدة.

ورفع عون أمس الثلاثاء من منسوب تهجمه على الرئيس الحريري، واصفاً المعارضة التي برزت في وجه الحكومة بالشرسة ولكنها قليلة التهذيب مضيفاً: "بما انهم رفضوا بطاقة One way out، فهناك One way in، لافتاً إلى ان هناك قسماً كبيراً في سجن رومية يجهز لهم".

وابدت مصادر ومراجع امنية رفيعة تخوفها من تداعيات التجاذب السياسي الحاصل، وتدني الخطاب السياسي الذي دأب النائب عون على استخدامه ضد خصومه السياسيين، ولا سيما الرئيس الحريري وفريقه السياسي، مشيرة الى حالة غليان في الشارع السني، سواء في طرابلس او في بيروت، نتيجة اهانات عون.

ولفتت هذه المصادر إلى اتصالات تجري بين القيادات الإسلامية لاتخاذ موقف والرد على مثل هذه الإهانات التي تتجاوز الشخص إلى الطائفة، مشيرة إلى أن الرئيس ميقاتي ليس بعيداً عن هذه الاتصالات.

وهاجمت كتلة "المستقبل" عد اجتماعها الأسبوعي الدوري الثلاثاء كلام عون معتبرة أنه يظهر مدى الحقد والتوتر ويكشف النيات الثأرية الهادفة لإلغاء الآخرين، ورأت أنها سياسة أتقن ممارستها "حزب الله".

التعليقات 17
Default-user-icon Stupid People (ضيف) 10:47 ,2011 حزيران 22

Until we get rid of religion in the world, the world will remain stupid.

Thumb ado.australia 11:02 ,2011 حزيران 22

Who are these "high ranking political sources" that keep commenting? Insulting an entire sect...Give me a break. What is the difference when they "insult the entire sect of Shiites by some of the statements they have made over the past 5 years. All they can do is incite sectarian fears. Aoun is not insulting an entire sect, just the mustaqbul party. If they have not abused their office or ministry, if they haven't been involved in scandalous corruption, then they have nothing to worry about.

Missing peace 11:24 ,2011 حزيران 22

"Following a Syrian withdrawal, it is quite conceivable that the Syrian regime will leave behind many of its instruments of terror and destruction as well as its paramilitary/intelligence apparatus. Therefore, it is imperative that Syrian withdrawal be accompanied by a complete disarmament of all armed elements. Only the legitimate armed forces of Lebanon can be entrusted with providing security to the Lebanese people."

aoun 18 09 2003 at the us senate

what has he done since? he encouraged the arms of hezbollah, justified that may 7 was the fault of the gvt at that time and the actions of the hizb were justified..
isn t he acting like a syrian proxy he used to denounce before??

Default-user-icon georges (ضيف) 11:25 ,2011 حزيران 22

ado you will be always praising the hand that is feeding you.. you are like a shiwawa you sleep under your master's feet and if he doesn't give you to eat you will starve. If Aoun wants to judge corrupted politicians he should be the first one in prison and 2nd nassralla for sucking the countrie's resources and money for more than 20 years in the south and building in public places.Tell me how Aoun was living in france from which money? who stole money for the puma aircrafts and where are they ? who stoled mouhajarin money? i am agreed on a point hariri was a syrian dog in 90s till 2004 but when he changed he was killed why ?hobeyka why he was killed to? he wasnt a syrian agent form the 90s till 2 or 3 month before he was assassinated ? he didnt steal ministry of power and gave it to syria ? every man who changes line dies, kamal Jumblat who killed him, wasnt the syrians? why ? hawi? you want more names ? you are the corrupted and every man working against syrian domination on lebanon

Default-user-icon georges (ضيف) 11:27 ,2011 حزيران 22

is killed, its stunning the way how you are blinded, and away from any logic and truth.. all that i wish is that if there is a God that he will give you some intelligence to analyze and see more clearly and stop lying to yourselves.

Default-user-icon xen (ضيف) 12:06 ,2011 حزيران 22

junblat's killing to all the innocent christian families during the war is an insult to all christians! isn't it or what?
or the ones who died are no one!!!!!!
did people forget those innocent poor families slaughtered for no reason
god will take the necessary action

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 12:12 ,2011 حزيران 22

Al-Mustakbal and it's leaders , past and actual ones , are accountable for the situation of the country and the tresury , for the last 20 years ..

As long as these people are not yet arrested , and their bank accounts , wealth , and personal belonging not seized .. GMA will keep launching verbal attacks on them , till justice is done to Lebanon and to all the Lebanese people .

It's not you PM Mikati nor Walid Joumblat that will make him stop his holy war against corruption and thieves .

Thumb ado.australia 14:04 ,2011 حزيران 22

Georges. Mate, I don't get paid or fed by anyone in Lebanon or Australia. After world war 2, in the liberated europe and France in particular,.. Did they blame Germany? No. Yes Lebanon was occupied but who were the collaberators? In Lebanon almost every group has collaborated with foreigners against Lebanon and it's people. But who got rich on this occupation? Hariri was worth 29billion when he died... $29 BILLION! Everyone thought it was around 9. Not only hariri and his family but the mostly mustaqbul and democratic gathering and amal controlled the ministries with money and work. Yes syrian occupiers got rich and were corrupt as well, but there gone now and they were not lebanese but Syrian occupiers.

I agree that Aoun should start with himself and fpm... Let them all go to jail. Every last one of them if they stole and are corrupt. no one else is willing to start the campaign. One day Aoun might be on the other end. If there is nothing to hide, they will not be afraid!

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 14:23 ,2011 حزيران 22

This one met that one and that one had lunch at this one' for god's sake do you see any thing happening ? no. These people are getting paid big bucks to work for the lebanese people and make life easier for them. Every one should be fired. Its a job for god's sake you should be at your office and work every day.
not dine and wine and travel to syria. Get to work people or let the lebanese people assign different people. The lebanese peopel at least the ones who care for lebanon should storm the liberty saha all of them and let them lazy greedy people know . They should stand up now or starvation. No matter what i say in here its just like ghanni bel tahoun. No one cares.

Default-user-icon Aftab (ضيف) 14:40 ,2011 حزيران 22

Syria this. Syria that. Day and night and day and night and... finally their imbecile leader, cheickh Saad goes and sleeps in Bashar's bed! Nobody is dumb anymore but those who still follow the losers. The Party and the party are both over, losers. To the guillotine soon, unless you flee like Imbecile Saad and Abdul Menhem Youssefar!!!

Default-user-icon georges (ضيف) 15:43 ,2011 حزيران 22

Ado Germany had sanctions and still forbidden from every weaponry technology, Syria occupied Lebanon and sucked every tiny resource in it, why there were no sanctions and why Lebanese were sanctioned instead by Syria when she got out ? did we forget that they closed frontiers for transit and no truck can pass by Syria from Lebanon but all Syrian trucks can do it ? is this a country who wants to help and develop Lebanon ? Hariri I told you he stole but he helped to rebuild beirut, which of the pro-syrians is stealing now and doing something to Lebanon ? noone.. so pls stop, the past was the past and now all it matters is what is happening you are still in 90s and what hariri did and forgetting that all the people who are saying this are still doing the same and still going to damas everytime there is a problem like small children complaining to mama cos elder brothers stole their puppets, no one of M8 accepts the independence of lebanon and they will not they are accepted big syria

Default-user-icon georges (ضيف) 16:26 ,2011 حزيران 22

Complexe de superiorite:Selon les psychologues adlériens, il masque le complexe d'infériorité par une « agressivité » hyper développée, qui conduit au mépris des autres, à la recherche de la domination.

Le complexe de supériorité de l'élite discriminante n'est donc pas une supériorité humaine mais au contraire une infériorité

Nous pouvons donc dire qu'en ce qui concerne l'évolution humaine, tout homme qui se prétend ontologiquement supérieur à un autre, est forcément inférieur à celui qui se considère son égal.

GMA trouve une partie de sa génèse dans les instincts primates:pulsions de domination, d'agression, abus du congénère.
Ce sentiment de supériorité s'oppose à l'évolution de l'homme car pour notre espèce, l'éducation, la morale, la loi et l'esprit du peuple, tendent vers le bien et l'égalité.

En gros GMA est un animal, primate vivant ds les caves.. il aurait du vivre 15000 ans avant.

Default-user-icon Sarita Gonzalez (ضيف) 17:06 ,2011 حزيران 22

in the same way what he accepts that his words are what defined the situation about Syrian, he will have the value to face whten the things fall out of control, and the LEBANESES can be hurt, for actions drived to provoke more violence by lebanese against lebanes

Missing peace 17:58 ,2011 حزيران 22

well said georges!!

and to le phenicien :

refresh your memory by reading the statements that aoun made in the USA... he accused your new master syria what can you answer to justify that aoun whether lied before or is lying now????
in both cases it proves he lied somewhere !!! so how can you trust a liar if you are not a liar yourself hahaha!

or i guess you cannot think by yourself just repeat what your master says just like a gentle little chiwawa....

Missing spill 19:57 ,2011 حزيران 22

It is appalling how ignorant you all are of your own country's history, just as if it had started with your birth. Take time to think and ask around and do not be afraid of the truth. Acknowledging the truth is the only way forward. Lebanon was never an independent country because that requires internal cohesion, something you all lack. The prime ministers and presidents of Lebanon have always been selected by countries abroad such as primarily and consistently Syria, Egypt and SA, and after the arrival of Yasser Arafat his approval was also required to name such and such as prime minister or president. So before you get at each others throat with wild accusations you would be better served to come together and form a country first instead of the present day warlords fiefdoms where you are all living. Ever wonder why 4 millions Lebanese live in Lebanon and 14 millions outside? What kind of country has the number one executive hold another nationality than Lebanese and owe allegiance?

Default-user-icon Samy (ضيف) 20:33 ,2011 حزيران 22

Spill, I agree with you full hearted. I do not excpect anything good to come out from Lebanese as a nation. It is the culture my friend, a culture that dates back thousands of years. Nahr al Kalb is a strong reminder about our sick culture and mentality.

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 00:32 ,2011 حزيران 23
