"الحرية والعدالة" يرفض الإنقلاب ولن يتعامل معه ودعوة لتظاهرة للإسلاميين بعنوان "جمعة الرفض"

Read this story in English W460

نددت جماعة الاخوان المسلمين في مصر الخميس باقامة "دولة بوليسية" في البلاد غداة عزل الجيش للرئيس الاسلامي محمد مرسي الذي ينتمي الى صفوفها.

وفي الوقت نفسه دعا مؤيدو القوى الاسلامية الى التظاهر باعداد كبيرة الجمعة احتجاجا على "الانقلاب العسكري". ودعت "الجبهة الوطنية للدفاع عن الشرعية" التي تضم ابرز القوى الاسلامية في البلاد مناصريها الى التجمع "سلميا" خلال "جمعة الرفض".

وقالت جماعة الاخوان المسلمين في بيان "يرفض الاخوان ارهاب الدولة البوليسية باعتقال رموز الجماعة والحزب واغلاق القنوات الفضائية واقتحام القنوات الفضائية" في اشارة الى حزب الحرية والعدالة الذي يمثل "الاخوان المسلمين" سياسيا.

واضافت في البيان "نقف ضد الانقلاب العسكري ضد الشرعية والدستور" مؤكدة "عدم التعامل مع السلطة المغتصبة".

كما اعلن الاخوان "رفضهم القاطع لكل صور العنف ضد المظاهرات ويؤكدون التزامهم بالتظاهر السلمي".

واضاف البيان "يحمل الاخوان كافة مؤسسات الدولة" مسؤولية "حماية المظاهرات السلمية".

التعليقات 10
Thumb benzona 21:16 ,2013 تموز 04

Is it just me or there's nothing good on TV this summer?

TV Show Countdown List

Name Return date Days till return

Marvel's Avengers Assemble 2013-07-07
Continuum 2013-07-07 2
Covert Affairs 2013-07-16 11
Suits 2013-07-16 11
Unforgettable 2013-07-28 23
Hell on Wheels 2013-08-03 29
Breaking Bad 2013-08-11 37
Voice, The 2013-09-23 80
South Park 2013-09-25 82
Homeland 2013-09-29 86
Doctor Who 2013-11-23 141
Vicious 2013-12-24 172

Thumb benzona 21:18 ,2013 تموز 04

Joshua, I'm just glad Youssef Chahine is not alive to see what happened to beloved country. he would have suffered... because getting back on track will take years of reconstructions of all types.... from policies to infrastructures.

Missing helicopter 21:26 ,2013 تموز 04

I wonder if Adel Imam was jailed for his movie "Al-Erhabi" poking fun at the MB. I heard there was legal action against him, but do not know what happened to that.

Thumb scorpyonn 21:18 ,2013 تموز 04

Because of all of these Islamic governments, We have slid back into medieval times and are becoming more primitive as technology advances. How ironic.

Missing helicopter 21:24 ,2013 تموز 04

To them and to many others in the Middle East, Democracy is the equivalent of 3 wolves and one rabbit deciding what is for lunch ...... too bad for the rabbit if it is outnumbered or outgunned.

Missing lebcan 21:52 ,2013 تموز 04

let see 85 Million people... 52 Million eligible voters and Last election 54% Voted for Morsi... thats 28 000 000 Votes!!! for Morsi...
You Hypocrite... IT WAS A COUP!!!
Only the Liars would shut down satellite stations... to silence the Majority...

Missing VINCENT 00:37 ,2013 تموز 05

So lets see. Democratic form of government. Got it. Democratic elections must exist in a democratic system. Got it. Elections are important part of democracy, but not the only factor. The winner even by a margin of 1% can pursue policies based on his/her platform. Saahtain a albo. Morsi got elected by the majority vote. Got it. Morsi than maneuvers to give himself more than his entitled and given executive powers. He then interjects religion (here Islam) in the business of running a government and managing a country by concentrating given powers arising from a democratic election in the hands of the Muslim Bros. Attempts to and shuts down access to the reminder from crucial government institutions acting and committing himself in most undemocratic way.

Missing VINCENT 00:37 ,2013 تموز 05

Being elected democratically does not mean that the democratic process has been achieved, and now the President can take a 180 degree turn to autocratic leadership with individual control over all decisions and little input from the rest. I thought this is what the platform of the Egyptian revolution was which successfully brought down Mubarak. So, you think this guy Morsi is going to come and do the same thing with impunity? Of course it is not a Military Coup. Is this a military rule or answering the plea of some 20 million people who got robbed of their revolution. Just get this idiot our of there.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 01:02 ,2013 تموز 05

Fake democracy when the military cancels elections results a year later. Good job people of Egypt cheering on the same military that oppressed you for years.

Thumb terminator 14:00 ,2013 تموز 05
