صحيفة بلغارية: شريكا منفذ هجوم بورغاس تدربا في لبنان وتقاضيا 100 ألف دولار من حزب الله

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ذكرت صحيفة "24 تشاسا" البلغارية الجمعة ان الشريكين المفترضين لمنفذ الهجوم ضد الاسرائيليين في بلغاريا في تموز 2012، تلقيا في استراليا وكندا تحويلات مصرفية بقيمة اجمالية من مئة الف دولار اميركي.

وكتبت الصحيفة التي تقول ان مصدرها هو "اجهزة استخبارات دول شريكة ومؤسسات مالية دولية"، ان مصدر الاموال هو الجناح العسكري لحزب الله وانها كانت مخصصة لتنفيذ الهجوم في مطار بورغاس الذي اوقع ستة قتلى و35 جريحا في 18 تموز 2012، وكذلك لمهمات استطلاعية في دول اخرى.

وردا على اسئلة وكالة فرانس برس، امتنع مكتب الاستجواب والنيابة ووزارة الداخلية البلغارية عن الادلاء باي تعليق.

لكن صحيفة "24 تشاسا" وصحيفة "برسا" ايضا نشرتا الجمعة تفاصيل من التحقيق حول الشريكين المفترضين وكلاهما من اصل لبناني ونشرت وزارة الداخلية اسميهما وصورهما الخميس.

وتفيد التفاصيل ان ميلاد فرح (32 عاما) وهو مواطن استرالي معروف ايضا باسم حسين حسين، وحسن الحاج حسن (25 عاما) الذي يحمل الجنسية الكندية، عبرا الحدود البلغارية بواسطة اوراق ثبوتية صحيحة، لكنهما اقاما في هذا البلد واستأجرا سيارات بواسطة رخص سوق اميركية مزورة.

وقد تم طبع هذه الرخص المزورة في الجامعة الدولية اللبنانية في بيروت بحسب صحيفة "برسا" التي اوضحت ان فرح وحسن تابعا فيها دراسات في الهندسة في 2010.

وقد تشكل محطة اذاعية استخدمها المتواطئان المفترضان وكانت بادارة حزب الله في لبنان، دليلا اخر على تورطهما في الهجوم، بحسب صحيفة "24 تشاسا".

وفي نهاية 2010، شارك المتواطئان المفترضان في تدريب عسكري في لبنان حيث التقيا عضوا في حزب الله حكم عليه اخيرا في قبرص لمشاركته في التحضير لتنفيذ هجمات ضد مصالح اسرائيلية، كما كتبت صحيفة "24 تشاسا".

وافاد التحقيق بوجود علاقة بين حسن الحاج حسن ومنفذ الهجوم الذي لم تتحدد هويته بعد، لكن تم العثور على اثار بيولوجية تابعة له على ادوات تعود للحاج حسن، بحسب الصحيفة.

واعلن المسؤول في وزارة الداخلية البلغارية سفيلتوزار لازاروف لصحيفة "24 تشاسا" ان "التحقيق تقدم" والشريكين المفترضين سيحاكمان في بلغاريا.

واعلن وزير الخارجية كريستيان فيغينان الثلاثاء ان بلغاريا تلقت معلومات من مصدر قضائي من الولايات المتحدة وكندا ولبنان.

والعناصر التي جمعها التحقيق حول الهجوم والصلات التي يقيمها الشريكان المفترضان لمنفذ الهجوم مع حزب الله اسهمت في قرار الاتحاد الاوروبي في 22 تموز بادراج الجناح العسكري لحزب الله على لائحة الاتحاد الاوروبي للمنظمات الارهابية.

وبحسب الصورة التي نشرتها الوزارة يظهر ميلاد فرح (32 عاما) المعروف ايضا تحت اسم حسين حسين، وهو مواطن استرالي ذو بشرة داكنة وعينان عسليتان.

وبحسب الصور التي نشرتها وزارة الداخلية ايضا، يظهر حسن الحاج حسن (25 عاما) وهو مواطن كندي ذو بشرة فاتحة وعينان عسليتان تعلوهما رموش كثيفة.

التعليقات 37
Missing people-power 16:07 ,2013 تموز 26

Where's Taqiya Thrower? Why not try to put your spin on this? Another Mossad conspiracy?

Thumb lebanon_first 16:12 ,2013 تموز 26

What do M8 dudes have to say to this? Mowaten... where are you? What is your version?

To resist israel, you have to kill jewish beachgoers in Bulgaria?
The victims are in fact cannibals returning from a liver and heart feast?
The road of jerusalem passes by Vargas?

Tell me how you can still support the HA milicia as it does terrorism in Bulgaria. What is the alibi.

Thumb Senescence 18:11 ,2013 تموز 26

To be fair it could have been for anything, like living expenses and the like. Cells and such are known for autonomy. So long as there is no direct proof of the money being used for bombs and indeed no direct proof that they were order by top officials from within HA to purchase elements needed for making bombs, then this finding is moot.

Thumb Senescence 01:48 ,2013 تموز 27

Not really. I concede to solid proof. My hesitance and request of an absolute sort of proof simply stems from the grave implications that follow -- which should not be decided on loosely based evidence.

Thumb Senescence 01:51 ,2013 تموز 27

Also, politics plays a big role in things as well, as evidenced by One(Guest), admittedly from Bulgaria, below.

Missing people-power 02:26 ,2013 تموز 27

Endless ignorance should be a sin. Let me get this right...... You are citing the comment from some here, who "claims" they are Bulgarian as "evidence"????

Wow, that's all I can say.

Missing people-power 02:28 ,2013 تموز 27

A new revelation in crime solving. Anonymous comments on Naharnet is now "evidence" absolving Hezbollah of their terrorist crimes.

Thumb chrisrushlau 21:36 ,2013 تموز 26

If you care about Lebanon, strive for democracy there. One person, one vote. It is not too late.

Missing helicopter 23:32 ,2013 تموز 27

One person one vote is good only when you have Constitutional based foundation that guarantees the right and liberties of all. Otherwise you will end up with the majority always subjecting the minorities to their rules and values. This is what happened with Egypt's Morsi.

Thumb geha 16:14 ,2013 تموز 26

it is established beyond any doubt that hizbushaitan is an Iranian terrorist organization whatever anyone tries to say.
they are no resistance and they execute the orders of the Iranian turbaned man.
it is time for us to take back our country.

Thumb chrisrushlau 21:38 ,2013 تموز 26

Take it back from the majority. Give it a try, it might work, right? It's easy to be careless with other people's lives.

Thumb chrisrushlau 21:39 ,2013 تموز 26

from the majority?

Missing helicopter 23:39 ,2013 تموز 27

Would it not be nicer to be blinded by equal right and liberties for all citizens based on constitutional grounds than to be blined by Secterian majority thinking.

Missing un520 16:16 ,2013 تموز 26

A short-lived career in terror indeed. All washed up after their first job, in which they even managed to kill their terrorist friend and a muslim bus driver. My guess is that Mossad will not wait for the state of Dahiye to hand them over for a trial. They will hunt them down and kill them, in which Hezbollah will cry out "terror".
Remember guys, always look over your shoulders....

Thumb chrisrushlau 21:38 ,2013 تموز 26

Mossad is experiencing difficulties disentangling itself from its dirty sheets at the moment. Please stand by.

Missing --karim_m3 17:04 ,2013 تموز 26

If this is indeed true, the man should be locked up for the rest of his natural life.

Default-user-icon One (ضيف) 17:33 ,2013 تموز 26

I'm bulgarian.The previous government stated that there are no proves of the involvment of Hizbulla in this bombing.Now,with the new government,very insecure political situation and protests going on for more than a month in Bulgaria i guess EU(not alone sure)is using the situation and playing the desired scenario.I don't know if Hisbulla is a terrorist organization what i'm saying is i doubt the proves for Burgas attack that EU is using against them.Don't think this will make it better as we see what scenarios lead to in other arabic countries.Hope Lebanon will not follow same destiny and people think more that before all they are lebanese,leave the other crap out of their minds and keep peace in this amazing country with beatiful people.

Thumb lebanon_first 23:17 ,2013 تموز 26

Thanks for ur post

Missing people-power 02:23 ,2013 تموز 27

Oh yes, sure, we believe you are Bulgarian, just because you say so. Nobody lies here.

Either way, if you are not in the security forces there, then you have not seen the evidence. But your "doubt" about the proof is VERY credible, especially since you are Bulgarian, so your guess is probably better that someone else's guess who doesn't live there, regardless of the fact that the Bulgarian government says there is clear proof of Hezbollah involvement in the crime.

Thumb Senescence 22:26 ,2013 تموز 28

You can google his claims of unrest and dissatisfaction with the government yourself. Political maneuvers in such cases is expected absolutely. Read his post again, I suggest.

Missing greatpierro 17:36 ,2013 تموز 26

The bad part of this is that the terrorist hizbullah organization (as it is now known) has done this in order to provoke Israel into a fight.thr terrorist Hizbullah organization cannot prove Israel in south Lebanon due to the presence of the unification and the Lebanese army so they try something else.

Thumb chrisrushlau 21:45 ,2013 تموز 26

So Hezbullah kidnapped the two Israeli soldiers so Israel would invade Lebanon again, kill of thousands of people randomly, and prove to the world what a bunch of genocidal racists they are. And now UNIFIL and the Lebanese army (LOL) are preventing that.
Hezbullah, I would guess, wants civil rights for Shias in Lebanon. Period. One person, one vote. Forget this "equality" of al Rahi where the one quarter who are Christians get equal representation as the three quarters who are Muslim. It's not going to work ever.

Missing beirutbastard00 01:39 ,2013 تموز 27

Even in America it's not one person one vote, ultimately it's the electoral collage that decides. So why would you advocate that in a country as unstable as Lebanon?

What Lebanon needs is a senate, and an agreement on HA's arms... And we will compete with Dubai.

Default-user-icon One (ضيف) 17:39 ,2013 تموز 26

Wow,admin should approve the comment..let's see if he's neutral and how much your freedom of speach is freedom

Thumb general_puppet 17:39 ,2013 تموز 26

The two are Mossad agents that the infiltrated Hizbullah so that they could commit terrorist acts and tarnish the Glorious parties image :-)

Thumb thepatriot 17:40 ,2013 تموز 26

FT and momo are in constant denial mode! They always blame the source, israel, the US, Nosra, or the big M14 conspiracy machine.... pffff...they're a waste of time... brainwashed and trying to brainwash with their stupidity...

Thumb bigsami 18:19 ,2013 تموز 26

Don't forget "Wahhabism"....a favorite.

Default-user-icon Koshando Flijiabon (ضيف) 18:11 ,2013 تموز 26

So the armed wing is the one that wired the money! The report confirms, just like our NostraDamsel warriors and know-it-alls confirm, that the bank documents have been stamped with the seal of the military wing. Now this is high class intelligence work as supported by high class comments of our Damsels NostraGabbyMarch14, NostraThePatriot and NostraGeha, among others. takbir

Missing abraham 19:03 ,2013 تموز 26

The brightest commentators of this section are so ignorant, there is no end to it
Which newspaper reported it, of course no name
which wire service reported it. of course no name
We live in an age when anyone can write and post anything without coraberation.
what a naïve bunch of know how people

Thumb Lebanon4life 19:29 ,2013 تموز 26

Khalass time for Christians to reunite and to form a new front in face to these radicals islamists whether the belong to hezbollah or al nusra !! Why do we have to suffer because of those idiots time for partition

Default-user-icon Khardamando Zuguleyley (ضيف) 12:08 ,2013 تموز 27

As impossible as it may be, the Christian Sannis of Dr. Arreet 7akeh, Drs. Arteena Satleh, should first convert back to Christianity before any talk of reunion. It's only logical. But hey, the docs of al jadbanet al loubnaniya and logic do not mix. takbir

Thumb chrisrushlau 21:33 ,2013 تموز 26

GeaGea says Lebanon lives in a Hezbullah prison. Shias are the majority, and they are oppressed by massively-financed armed groups. So the proper place for those groups is in prison, according to law.
The foreign minister of Bulgaria right now says the evidence linking the bus bombing to Hezbullah is woefully inadequate.
On the other hand, the EU is terribly embarrassed by the Egyptian coup so it needs something to look noble about, albeit, as usual, without substance.

Missing un520 22:50 ,2013 تموز 26

Well, just let the investigators talk to the two men concerned then. Help out the Bulgarians clear Hezbollahs noble reputation.

Thumb chrisrushlau 21:42 ,2013 تموز 26

"from the majority" was my comeback to a comment up above. I was trying to say to you, there in Texas, that you didn't really believe this about "they" having more information than they'd released to the public. People used to say during the Vietnam War that the leaders in Washington actually knew all kinds of reasons why the war was going well despite appearances. Actually what they knew is that even in 1954 they knew it was a lost cause, that the communists had the overwhelming support of the people against the colonialists.

Missing un520 22:25 ,2013 تموز 26

Oh dear awireless. Clinging to every straw in denial. From yesterdays news:
The two were identified as 32-year-old Australian Maliad Farah, also known as Hussein Hussein

Missing un520 22:46 ,2013 تموز 26

And when the itanlian mafia transfers money, its from their account number MAFIAbank-000001 right? Oh come on, you are just being childish and silly. Face it, your heroes Hezbollah are best at fighting in rabit holes. Out in the big world they are still amateurs.

Missing un520 22:52 ,2013 تموز 26

In your dreams shiahs as the majority. The sunni, druze and christians are the majority, and they want the multi-confessionallebanese army to defend all lebanese territory, not a shiah militia.