8 آذار "ممتعضة" من مواقف سليمان: انها ضمن "الحملة المنظّمة على حزب الله"

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لم تلقَ المواقف التي أطلقها رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان في عيد الجيش، أصداء ايجابية في صفوف 8 آذار، اذا اعتبرتها بعض المصادر الصحفية أنها تأتي "في ظل الحملة الخارجية المنظّمة على حزب الله"، وأنها "لن تمر بلا ردّ".

ونقلت صحيفة "الجمهورية"، الجمعة، عن مصادر مطلعة على موقف حزب الله أنه "لم يرتح الى مواقف رئيس الجمهورية، ولن تمر بلا رد"، لافتة الى أنها أثارت "استياء شديداً في أوساطه التي فضّلت عدم التعليق عليها في انتظار كلام الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله (الذي سيطل الجمعة)".

وفي خطاب ألقاه سليمان في الاحتفال في عيد الجيش اللبناني الـ68 الذي أقيم في الفياضية، الخميس، قال الرئيس انه "أصبح ملحا درس الاستراتيجية الوطنية للدفاع وإقرارها في ضوء تطورات المنطقة، والتعديل الطارئ، على الوظيفة الأساسية لسلاح المقاومة الذي تخطى الحدود اللبنانية".

وشدد على أن "الشهادة الحقيقية هي فقط في سبيل الوطن وفي سبيل الدفاع عن وحدته وأرضه وعزته، وأن ما يريده الشعب اللبناني هو التضحية من أجل لبنان، وما لا يريده هو أن لا تروي دماء أبنائه ترابا غير تراب الوطن المقدس".

الى ذلك، اعتبرت المصادر أن مواقف سليمان "جاءت في ظل الحملة الخارجية المنظّمة على الحزب منذ فترة، والتي توّجت بالقرار الأوروبي القاضي بإدراج جناحه العسكري على لائحة الإرهاب، بعد قرار مجلس التعاون الخليجي".

من جانبها نقلت صحيفة "النهار"، عن اوساط بارزة في 8 آذار أن هناك "جملة مآخذ" على كلمة سليمان منها انه "تجاهل الدعم الذي وفرته المقاومة لقائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي عدا عن تجنبه ذكر المقاومة في سياق الحديث عن عدوان تموز 2006 وشهداء الجيش والوطن".

ورأت الاوساط أن في هذا الامر يعدّ "اسقاطا لمعادلة الجيش والشعب والمقاومة واستبدالها باعلان بعبدا الذي ينص على تحييد لبنان عن الصراعات الاقليمية".

التعليقات 19
Thumb geha 08:07 ,2013 آب 02

yes, hiabushaitan does not like the speech of the president and sends rockets against the army and the presidency. so what is new?
they have been killing leaders who are against their actions systematically physically eliminating them.
this is a terrorist Iranian militia acting on our soil.

Thumb general_puppet 08:19 ,2013 آب 02

What els can you expect from the Iranian militia and their puppets. The president gave a good speech, he told the truth and kept the tone down.

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 08:43 ,2013 آب 02

Either we go it alone kill, murder, assassinate, trafick, drag the country into wasteful senseless wars, follow blindly the orders of wali al fakir, or else you are against us ! I'll hang a toilet paper roll out of my balcony and turn of the TV when HA makes his speech!

Missing samiam 09:28 ,2013 آب 02

what a shock--M8 protesting 1 nation, 1 army.

we know with whom they don't stand

Thumb geha 09:57 ,2013 آب 02

dear wolf
- actions from FSA on our soil comes as a response to hizbushaitan involvement in Syria, killing Syrian people.
- Israel threat is real, but it is high due to hizbushaitan weapons in the arms of this terrorist Iranian militia.
- spy infiltration is there, as any other country, from all over the world, and that is common.

our only hope is for this terrorist Iranian militia to stop sacrificing our country to execute the orders of their Iranian masters.

Missing phillipo 10:59 ,2013 آب 02

Geha - don't you think that if the Israeli threat was real, they would have taken advantage of the opportunity to attack when so many of Hizballahs fighters were/are in Syria.
The Government of Lebanon, wisely led by President Suleiman, has nothing to fear from Israel, and it's about time that the whole population there realised that the mucky waters are only being stirred up by Nasarallah, holed up in his underground bunker.

Default-user-icon george (ضيف) 10:29 ,2013 آب 02

I cant believe how lame are those who think its HA who sent these rockets. A 3 years old child would behave this way if he got offended in such a speech .. but a professional party like HA are more clever to take this speech in to consideration and deal with it in a more political way.
Some people are just carrying "Hezboshaitan and those childish words for the sake of JUST TALKING"

Thumb zahle1 17:12 ,2013 آب 02

I agree, they are more professional than that. It would be too obvious for them to do this, and if they were really mad, they would just take him out like everyone else they see as a threat.

Default-user-icon majid (ضيف) 10:53 ,2013 آب 02

What did the president say that was wrong.. pls tell me.. im dying to hear your version fadson

Thumb Chupachups 11:45 ,2013 آب 02

lets hope not

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 11:52 ,2013 آب 02

What did he say wrong? That we empower the army? That we make the elected go t the sole decision maker of war and peace? That there should be no one, not only HA, with more weapons and power than the institution? You say Aoun wants 10 fold what the president said. Do the minimum you can do is support what this man said, and which is a first step of realizing Aoun's 10 fold dream.

Missing ___-wolf-___ 12:29 ,2013 آب 02

I for one support the Lebanese President's speech , secondly the Lebanese Army are our only true protectors of our Holy Cedar Land & its Citizens.
Thirdly our LAF are more honest , trustworthy , & most importantly very well loved by its people than any country in the ME, where as compared to the IDF it is the complete opposite , they would rather invade , enslave , & massacre on a wholesale level from children to the elderly ! That was proven from Menachem Begin , General Sharon right up to the 2006 war with Lebanon ! Schools were targeted , the Red Cross was targeted innocent civilians even slaughtered even to this very day due to use of Cluster Bombs.
Signed Wolf....

Thumb Maxx 13:21 ,2013 آب 02

So the Quwat al Îhtilal al Îraniyah got offended that the President of Lebanon, on the Day of the Lebanese Army, stressed the importance of Lebanon and Lebanon's safety. Hmmmkay...

Missing ___-wolf-___ 15:24 ,2013 آب 02

I for one will agree for peace deal with Israel , but there should be terms ;
1) take back ALL Palestinian Refugees currently in Lebanon! There is more than enough places in the West Bank by giving them the illegally built apartments & other housing settlements by relocating the Jews in the West Bank to Israel . If there not enough apartments then the Jews should build more for as part of a compensation package.
2) give us back Sheeba Farms
3) place all 1.2 million Syrian refugees from Lebanon to the Golan Heights ( legally it is for the Syrians) then yes I would like most true Lebanese will willing for a sign of a peace treaty !
Signed Wolf ....

Missing phillipo 15:33 ,2013 آب 02

-wolf -
1. A refugee is someone who has been displaced from his home, not their children, grand-children and great-grandchildren, so just how many are still alive who left their homes at the behest of the local Arab leadership in 1948?
2. The Sheeba Farms, even according to the United Nations, belong to Syria and not Lebanon, so when Syria and Israel sit down to peace talks this matter shall be discussed between them, as part of the agreement concerning the whole of the Golan Heights.
3. Once there is peace in Syria, this discussion can only be between Syria and Lebanon, Israel not being a party to it.
Apart from that, I agree that there is no reason why Israel and Lebanon can't sign a peace treaty, except for Hizballah's stance on never recognising Israel's right to exist. Once again an internal Lebanese matter.

Missing ___-wolf-___ 16:33 ,2013 آب 02

You have just beat me to it , that was exactly what I was going to say to this so called phillipo ! The Palestinians to this day regardless of age or generation they are still classified as refugees by the UN they hold no passports in Lebanon & elsewhere in the ME, as far as for the international community are concerned they still have the right to claim their return to the Palestinian state but phillipo has just proved the reflection of the rest of the Jewish population they simply stole their land & ours. On top of all that they are still building illegal settlements in the West Bank ! In other words we would like to have peace with full rights for all but it seems the Jews don't want to! What pity low act cunning sect of a people they are!
Signed Wolf .....

Thumb Maxx 20:44 ,2013 آب 02

The first Lebanese martyrs against Israel were Communists (Sana' Yusif Muhaydli is the very first Lebanese "resistance" martyr). Hizb do not actually own a monopoly over the South Lebanon liberation, although that's what they try to brainwash the population to believe. Quite the contrary, in 2000 the Hizb, after years of handing people who make jokes about Hafez to the mukhabarat, of systematically persecuting non-Shiites living in places like Da7yeh and after sending hundreds of young men to their deaths in the South, Israel unilaterally pulled out of South Lebanon, and so Hizb, like your average dictator, sought to jump onto the reins of power and hold on jealously and to the death. Israel haven't killed as many Arabs and Muslims in 65 years of existence as Hizb and Bashar have done in the past 28 months alone (one hundred just on your namesake date). Fa, 3ifné, inta w âshraf el nès te3ulak.

Missing ___-wolf-___ 04:29 ,2013 آب 03

To tex & M11
You are both true Lebanese, I only hope there many like you ! Just the very Roots of our Holy Cedar Tree is Enough to protect , keep on fighting your cause for Lebanon ! No matter who is a Zionist Mod or not ! The Cedar is written in the old scriptures & is worth fighting for it is blessed by our Lord himself ! I for one am like you & you are like the rest of our rest of our brothers' regardless of sect as long as they are from the Lebanese inheritance !
Signed Wolf !!!!!..........

Missing ___-wolf-___ 04:54 ,2013 آب 03

Akh you Yahudi , how much can I express my feelings towards you without hatred towards you all .
Put away you artillery , your drones, even your nuclear warheads we are too close ! All you will be doing is illuminating not only us ( your Neighbours') but also yourselves !
This peace conference at the moment with the White House , what is it about ? If it does not include the return of ALL Palestinian Refugees to their rightful land then it is a waste of time ! Take them , take them back to their ancestry birth land & house them in the West Bank ! Resettle the Jews in Israel & there shall be enough room for all without a doubt ! Give back the Golan Heights to ALL Syrian Refugees as it is their Land ! I'm very serious as with all other Arabs with same problems as our Holy Cedar Land , now here is our HAND where is yours ? Do you want an everlasting peace ? Well that is our stand !
Signed Wolf .......,,!!!!!!!!