اوباما يلغي قمته مع بوتين بعد منح اللجوء لإدوارد سنودن وموسكو تعرب عن خيبة أملها

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أعلن البيت الأبيض الاربعاء ان الرئيس باراك اوباما قرر الغاء قمته مع نظيره الروسي فلاديمير بوتين المقررة مطلع ايلول في موسكو.

وقال الناطق باسم اوباما في بيان "بعد دراسة معمقة (...) توصلنا الى نتيجة مفادها ان العلاقات الثنائية مع روسيا لم تسجل تقدما جديدا لعقد قمة اميركية روسية مطلع ايلول"، مشيرا خصوصا الى قضية ادوارد سنودن.

وكان البيت الابيض المح في الاسابيع الماضية الى احتمال الغاء هذه القمة بسبب تدهور العلاقات بين موسكو وواشنطن خصوصا بعد منح اللجوء المؤقت الى المستشار السابق للاستخبارات الاميركية ادوارد سنودن.

من جهته قال يوري اوشاكوف المستشار الدبلوماسي للكرملين "نشعر بخيبة امل من جراء قرار الادارة الاميركية الغاء زيارة الرئيس اوباما الى موسكو" المقررة في ايلول.

واضاف ان "الرئيس الاميركي تلقى دعوة لزيارة روسيا وما زالت هذه الدعوة قائمة".

التعليقات 12
Thumb bigsami 17:25 ,2013 آب 07

Let's not be hypocrites either Mr. O. How many Russians defected to the US and we did not extradite them back despite so many requests to do so? Many. So those who live in glass houses should not toss stones.

Thumb Senescence 20:45 ,2013 آب 07

"America, even if not perfect, remains the freest country in the world"
You jest. A police state more like. The US was assessed as being the 7th freest. New Zealand is #1 in that regard.

Thumb Senescence 01:07 ,2013 آب 08

10 years ago. I'm sure you're up-to-date with developments accrued during the last decade(violent government overreach and shameful disregard for the 4th amendment, as an example(e.g.http://preview.reuters.com/2013/8/5/exclusive-us-directs-agents-to-cover-up-program-1)), but at least you have freedom of speech going for ya. Not on the internet though, heh.

"The index is based on measures of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, individual economic choice, freedom of association, freedom of assembly, violence and crimes, freedom of movement, homosexual rights and women's rights. Other components of the Freedom Index include human trafficking, sexual violence, female genital mutilation, homicide, freedom of movement, and adoption by homosexuals". And it's quite recent (jan 2013) so it supersedes past assertions in an ever-changing world.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:44 ,2013 آب 07

"Let's not be hypocrites" hahahaha what else can they be?

PS: "WE did not extradite them" ? so you consider yourself an american? that explains a lot.

Thumb bigsami 18:54 ,2013 آب 07

Motormouth I'm a American-Lebanese and proud of it...unlike a conditioned Persian Lebanese want-a-be ingnoranus that you are known to be. lol!

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:38 ,2013 آب 07

unlike me? of course you're not like me, but not the way you think. i neither have iranian nationality nor claim iranian allegiance as you do with the US. furthermore, while the US is an enemy of lebanon, which supplied the weapons that israel used against us and our people, iranian gave us the means to defend ourselves, making them our ally.

now you can try to justify it to yourself any way you can, try to insult/demonize me or iran, it wont change the hard fact and i dont care about your opinion, you're just a tool.

Thumb bigsami 19:58 ,2013 آب 07

Sqot ya conditioned Persian slave. Not interested in hearing/reading your useless posts. Your foul reputation follows you here by the look of all those constant DOWN votes. Scram!

Thumb Senescence 20:48 ,2013 آب 07

There is much to be leaked still (reportedly 20000 files copied to some Brazilian(?) journalist) etc. The country is repulsed by a lack of respect for civil rights and even for the constitution. It was indeed a strong blow to the US's already smudgy image.

Thumb michael715 22:23 ,2013 آب 07

USA gave asylum to terrorist Akhmadov responsible for Beslan School massacre. Russia gets Snowden. Seems like Putin understands how diminished the US has fallen

Thumb benzona 23:57 ,2013 آب 07

You forgot jokar Tsarnaev..... And his brother. They rewarded America very well for their generosity ;-)

I love poutine for his way of handling his national affairs.... Not the international ones.

Missing VINCENT 01:24 ,2013 آب 08

I am not so sure about that. China, when becomes he No. 1 largest economy of this planet, we then have wait and see if they also have the stomach and the will to become the strongest militarily and/or be able to maintain cheap labor w/o the people revolting for better human rights, etc. In the U.S. Presidents and Congressmen come and go from different political views, etc. I rather be the No. 2 and coast under the radar w/o detection.

Missing VINCENT 01:41 ,2013 آب 08

Mr. Mubarak Hussein Obama was groomed, prepped and package to become a U.S. President for agendas different than foreign policy. After all, he had the audacity to accept a "Novel Peace Prize", if I am not mistaken, prematurely w/o having done anything. I guess saying prematurely implies he was and/or is on his way to achieve world peace. I guess we have to wait and see. Libertarians, not to mistake them with liberals, rather have the U.S. away from foreign conflicts. I am not so sure such is possible with U.S' thirst for oil and hesitance to drill indoors.