كونيللي بعد لقائها عون : اتهامات حزب الله للسفارة محاولة لتحويل الإنتباه عن التوترات الداخلية فيه

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رأت السفيرة الأميركية في لبنان مورا كونيللي أن اتهامات حزب الله للسفارة هي محاولة لتحويل الإنتباه بعيدا عن التوترات الداخليه للحزب.

وعليه، قالت كونيللي بعد لقائها رئيس تكتل التغيير والإصلاح النائب ميشال عون في الرابية الأربعاء: " لقد أثرت مع العماد عون القلق بشأن الاتهامات الموجهة من شريكه في الائتلاف ضد سفارة الولايات المتحدة الأميركية"، مضيفة: "نحن نرى هذه الاتهامات كمحاولة لتحويل الانتباه بعيدا عن التوترات الداخلية في حزب الله"

كما أكدت كونيللي أن بلادها ستقيم "الحكومة الجديدة من خلال تركيبتها وبيانها الوزاري والإجراءات التي سوف تتخذها"، متوقعة أن "تستمر الحكومة الجديدة في احترام التزامات لبنان الدولية، بما في ذلك الالتزامات المتعلقة بقرار مجلس الأمن رقم 1701 والمحكمة الخاصة بلبنان. "

هذا وتوقفت كونيللي عند الأحداث التي تشهدها سوريا ، مشددة على ضرورة أن "ينخرط النظام السوري في حوار ذو معنى مع المعارضة".

وأضافت: "نحن ندعم حق الشعب السوري في حرية التعبير، ونريد أن نرى النظام يضع نهاية لقمعه لهذا الحق".

وفي هذا السياق، أشادت كونيللي بعد اللقاء بـ"الخطوات الإيجابية التي اتخذتها السلطات اللبنانية للوفاء بالتزامات لبنان الدولية بحماية المواطنين السوريين الذين يعبرون الحدود الى لبنان للفرار من العنف في سوريا".

التعليقات 24
Thumb thepatriot 14:52 ,2011 حزيران 29

What a waist of time. Aoun has 0 power, and 0 influence. He's the puppet of Hassoun!

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 15:19 ,2011 حزيران 29

I am with thepatriot. Why would a US Ambassador waste her time with someone who once referred to her, derisively, as a "laughing cow". Plus this guy is not his own man. He is a paid agent for those who keep him in his house in Rabiah, keep his Tayyar operating and his OTV on the air, as well as paying the salaries of his zelm, his hangers on and courtiers. This Aoun is no man, no decision maker.

There is a rule here in the South. Never talk to the monkey when you have business with the organ grinder.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 15:21 ,2011 حزيران 29

conelly responding to hassan from rabieh is a very important sign,we have to follow up.

Default-user-icon grumpy (ضيف) 15:23 ,2011 حزيران 29

Ambassador Connelly should tell Mr Big mouth in plain and clear language that his continuous support to HA and his irresponsible and his low life conduct with respected politicians and national personalities will result in sanctions aginst him and his family ,banning him from travel to the west and list him as terrorist,that's the only language this loony understands.

Missing lebanswer 15:34 ,2011 حزيران 29

Grumpy, I love how you wrote 'Ambassador Connelly". How about you bow down to her too, maybe then she'll give you the green card or Israeli asylum, whichever you've been craving more. Did you lose a brother in 2006 to hate HA that much? Or did HA kill your brother for being a traitor in 2008? I've met people that lost family in 2006, they still praise the resistance for getting our land back, but you are a traitor who shoul've been spanked a few times oh little one.

Default-user-icon Ombre (ضيف) 15:38 ,2011 حزيران 29

How would she know what the Lebanese do not? Then she is either full of nonsense (which is the most probable explanation) and insults the Lebanese for thinking they are dumb, or she runs a den of spies, which is always true, as all US embassies, and perhaps all other embassies, too, are dens of spies on the countries where they are located.

Default-user-icon Adonis (ضيف) 15:52 ,2011 حزيران 29

lol she's hillarious. USA agressive foreign policy is an attempt to divert attention from tension in USA empire that is going down. What is remarkable, i wander how long will policy makers in Washington keep ignoring their horrible trends of huge debt, unemployment, foreclosures and such. One would expect that USA goes back to it's roots and cuts spending on military.

Default-user-icon grumpy (ضيف) 16:02 ,2011 حزيران 29

Lebanswer,hold on your seat boy ,calm down,sorry you can't get your booze in Nabatiyeh ,courtesy of HA and their rigid Un -lebanese ways ,

Default-user-icon moallek (ضيف) 16:03 ,2011 حزيران 29

To lebanswer and Ombre: It could be that the US Embassy and may be other embassies are dens of spies but what is sure is that Hezbollah is a den of thugs paid by Iran and Syria to destroy Lebanon. Unfortunately for you your wages will not be paid to you very soon and you will not even have the possibility to hide in Syria or Iran. Get losts.

Missing peace 16:14 ,2011 حزيران 29

lebanswer could you stop calling people who are against the terrorist organization hezbollah of being traitors or israelis just because they speak against the hezb?

it s typical of dictatorship manners to call everyone against the power of spies or traitors or... just see staline hitler and all the other dictators...

in this case you have than more than a half of lebanese who are traitors, just think about that!

Default-user-icon Le Phénicien (ضيف) 16:21 ,2011 حزيران 29

MRS connelly , by going to Rabie to meet with the strong. Christian man , the US might find solutions to their prooblems in Lebanon and the ME area !

Nô need to meet with the other liars and broken Arms .

Default-user-icon grumpy (ضيف) 16:36 ,2011 حزيران 29

Lebanswer, I can understand your frustrations,you can't get anymore booze in Nabatiyeh,courtesy of hA,there will be more restrictions on the way,my Iranian friends tell me that all the time ,so come down and relax freedom got big heart and will accept anyone without prejudice unlike your filthy hateful ayatollas.

Default-user-icon moallek (ضيف) 16:38 ,2011 حزيران 29

Bravo Le phénicien ! You now agree that your clown general is one of the liars and broken arms as you said!

Default-user-icon Muhamad (ضيف) 16:45 ,2011 حزيران 29

Geagea and Aoun killed more christians than Alqaeda killed Musloms, they both have a high score of killing their own people, just like the Syrian Assad regime and the Zionist regime illusion, creating difficult situation for the Jewish interest in the middle east including Hezbollah hate wars hijacking Lebanon into regional war. The region in need for change by puting these criminals to trial. Mr. Geagea, what about your best man Alrasi who used to kill any christian in his way or what about your relative in your home town killing each other for decades. Lebanon best economey and peace when Aoun was in France and Geagea was in Jail.

Default-user-icon lesch (ضيف) 16:46 ,2011 حزيران 29

no need to meet any liar. especially not the HA pet Aoun. By the way, why do you still call him general? Wasn`t he the one who fought the Syrians and let his people die to make him escape and hide like a rat in the french embassy? Embassies dens of spies? what about south Beirut?

Missing lebanswer 16:53 ,2011 حزيران 29

Oh well here comes "peace" now, so who exactly labels HA as terrorists? Only the US and Israeli governments. Not even the Europeans have decided on that yet. Shame on your existence. And "Grumpy", I live in Jbeil actualy, too much alcohol to bear and respect other religions' rituals you ill-mannered person, such as not drinking because when speaking of "Un-lebanese" ways, do remember that the majority of Lebanon is muslim and it's against their religion.

Missing lebanswer 17:03 ,2011 حزيران 29

Lesch, South Beirut is a den of spie huh? Over 600 people have been accused or questioned for spying out of which, 3 from HA were accused. That's below 0.5%. Stop spreading your propaganda and bs. How much do your ousted leaders pay you or are you a retard by nature? HA and FPM are in control now, and all you could do is show your anger on this keyboard and I laugh. Poor you.

Missing startrip 17:38 ,2011 حزيران 29

The US will not engage with Hezbllah and accurately considers it a terrorist group of thugs. Aoun is being used as a messenger to shuttle warnings to his boss.

Default-user-icon John (ضيف) 18:33 ,2011 حزيران 29

CIA spying to benefit Israel? Is that hard to believe?

US foreign policy is crumbling. US is being kicked out of Afghanistan and the Taliban will again rule that country. Saddam is now replaced with pro Iranian regime and America is being kicked out...good job. Now you have the Arab spring, which is led by Egypt and the grass roots movement is against every leader aligned with the terrorist American/Israeli government.

And, those idiots who think that killing a resistance leader (whether Islamic or Leftist) against Israel is an "accomplishment", the killing of the leader of HA about 20 years by Israel accomplished one thing...it made HA 100 times stronger.

Missing peace 20:17 ,2011 حزيران 29

may i remind the iranian agent lebanwser that aoun used to call hezb a terrorist group (and that for many years...until he came back here strange isn t it?) before being paid millions by them to join them...
so at the time he was a US israeli agent then given your logic!!!
aren t you then not ashamed to be allied with a former us israeli agent?

may i remind this same hypocritical guy that in nabatieh there are also CHRISTIANS! so they have the right to drink alcohol! even muslims if they want to cannot find alcohol because of a party who has ILLEGALLY decreted that nabatieh is not lebanon so no alcohol ther eas in the rest of the country....

and a party that doesn t comply to the laws of a state, has more weapons than the army itself and decides by itself to launch wars or kill citizens YES IT S A TERRORIST GROUP....

Missing lebanswer 03:34 ,2011 حزيران 30

Peace you retard, get the point. They do what we want, they do what we want. Haven't you noticed that since '06 when their intel found out most M14 politicians wanted to prolong the war on them? Yes we all have, they do what they want, when they feel like it and nobody can stop them. They ban alcohol in Nabatiyeh, I don't think it's right, I love my booze but at the end of the day but again. they do what they want. Go down and start a protest, seriously. And ask M14 leaders to fill up gas tanks and pay $50 for every citizen like they did in March. You can sing and rant for a good few hours, and then they'll keep doing what they want again. Damn it sucks to be M14 hahaha.. You traitor you!

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 03:38 ,2011 حزيران 30

lebanswer I am so sorry to tell you that there are lebanese abroad i do not know the count but they are at least over a million and most of them are christians. they left lebanon because they did not want to get involved in religion wars.also to work and make a living.they are still lebanese citizens holding lebanese ids. as for drinking .. I respect your relegion only if you respect mine. You only have rights against your own people not the rest of the sects that do drink. It sounds to me like you are one of them who wants the christians out of lebanon. christianity in lebanon was there 600 years before you people came. I dont care what religion you are. Dont step on my religion., you started it. so please mind your religion and we mind ours.

Default-user-icon lesch (ضيف) 07:11 ,2011 حزيران 30

oh Lebanswer, filling up gas tanks and paying little money? good boys. But nevertheless they are terrorists. And it's a pitty you can't follow us intelectually. south Beirut as a den for spies was referred to HA. They are spying Lebanese, they are threatening everybody not following their ideology of "resistance". True, it's resistance against Lebanon and free people. But you will never understand.

Missing peace 11:49 ,2011 حزيران 30

what a logic lebanwser has! typical of m8 thinking... the hezb do what they want , meaning they can be above lebanese laws, make their own laws, kill people as they want because they do what they want!!! they can steal lands of christians if they want, they can take whole lebanon if they want is that it???

yes lebanon has to get rid of a party that do what they want and uses weapons out of the control of the state! may i remind you that aoun in france always stood against that terrorist group...

and then he asks for a state? what state do you want? a state where a party do what they want? it is what you reproach m14 of!! be logic and come back to earth and think before telling stupidities...

i will not use the word traitor as far as you are concerned, i won t use the same insults that you use because you have nothg to say, but i may say that you only think like a sheep, repeating words of your idol without using your own brain...