مصدر قانوني: وثائق نصرالله لا تنطوي على أهمية قانونية بل تؤشر الى معركة سياسية طويلة الأمد

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أكد مصدر قانوني بارز أن "أمرين استوقفاه في كلمة أمين عام حزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله التي ألقاها أمس الأحد".

وأوضح المصدر في حديثة لصحيفة "النهار" ، أن الأمر الأول هو استشهاد نصر الله "بفيلم جرى عرضه في القناة أثناء الكلمة، وظهر فيه نائب رئيس لجنة التحقيق الدولية السابق الضابط الالماني غيرهارد ليمان أيام رئاسة القاضي ديتليف ميليس للجنة، وهو يتسلم رزمة من العملات قال نصرالله انها "ثمن بيع بعض الوثائق الخاصة.

وأشار الى أن الامر الثاني "عرض وثيقة تشير الى أن لجنة التحقيق أيام كان المدعي العام الحالي للمحكمة دانيال بلمار رئيسا لها، نقلت 97 جهاز كومبيوتر من طريق الناقورة الى اسرائيل وليس من طريق مطار أو مرفأ بيروت".

وعليه، قال المصدر عينه أن "الوثيقة ظهرت على شاشة المنار ممهورة بختم الـ (UNTSO) التي انشأتها الأمم المتحدة عام 1948، من اجل مراقبة وقف إطلاق النار في الشرق الاوسط".

ورأى أن "ما صدر عن نصرالله لا ينطوي على أهمية قانونية"، ملاحظا أن كلام الأخير"يؤشر الى معركة سياسية طويلة الامد".

التعليقات 30
Default-user-icon Pakito (ضيف) 13:54 ,2011 تموز 03

This same expert, and all March 14 are experts, also said that the 4 innocent generals who were jailed for 4 years were also guilty as hell. Also, these same experts almost hanged Lahoud, Franjieh, Qandil, Imad Marmal, Elie Ferzli, Wahhab,... because these experts confirmed that they are guilty as hell.More importantly, these experts also confirmed without a shadow of a doubt that neither Israel nor the US had anything to do with the assassination, mainly because the Israelis are God's chosen people and the US are a land of laws and democracy and legal wars... Thank you experts. Keep up the good work, and good luck.

Default-user-icon Pakito (ضيف) 14:06 ,2011 تموز 03

The only claims that make sense are those fabricated by Saad Hariri himself as well as Hariri Mafia & Co. SARL and his Christian Sunnis. Yeah, justice will be found, in 2047, God willing.

Default-user-icon Danny B (ضيف) 14:14 ,2011 تموز 03

Thing that the man with the funny hat and dress is shitting in his trousers.
After his divine victory in 2006 he is not seen in public and being hidden in his rut hole.
Maybe the lack of Sun causing his to loose his mind?

Thumb joesikemrex 14:35 ,2011 تموز 03

Stop behaving like a criminal if you have nothing to huge

Thumb joesikemrex 14:36 ,2011 تموز 03


Default-user-icon Youssef Haddad (ضيف) 15:30 ,2011 تموز 03

Again, we do not need to wait for the outcome of the Tribunal to know who are the criminals. The Iranian and the Syrian regimes have proven that they eliminate anyone who stands in their way including unarmed protesters from their own people. Hezbollah and its allies in Lebanon are tools in the hands of these regimes. This is the big picture.

Default-user-icon Rafic aoun (ضيف) 15:37 ,2011 تموز 03

can't argue with an "expert"......

Default-user-icon Bubba (ضيف) 16:13 ,2011 تموز 03

Whatever happened to Hassan's "evidence" of the Israeli drone shadowing Hariri's movements. After it was brought to Hassan's attention that some landmarks that did not exist before February 14 05 appear in his video the thing disappeared never to be mentioned again.

If Hassan had any concrete evidence he would keep it under wraps and uncover it at the trial in front of the whole word. It should stand up to scrutiny. After all the STL will be covered live for everyone to watch and make up their own mind. Unless Hassan wants to convince us that everyone in the world is a CIA agent and a friend of Israel.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 16:23 ,2011 تموز 03

Find who is paying all that money ?? and why ??? you will find the killer (s)

Default-user-icon Lizard King (ضيف) 16:37 ,2011 تموز 03

I'm not sure if Nasrallah didn't lose a whole lot more credibility by now than this STL ("Sexually Transmitted Liberation"?). Even if we disregard anything we don't have 100 % for, we know that in Autumn 2006, at a time when Lebanon was struggling to recover from the destruction of the Summer War that HIZB-ALLAH had helped instigate, Hizb took over downtown and crippled any chance of economic recovery. Who is the traitor here, then? We know that in May 2008 it was Hizb who massacred people left and right. So who are the "khuwana" here, eh? We know that in 2011 it was Hizb who toppled the legitimately elected government, and installed their own puppet, in part to try to escape justice. We know it is Hizb that is holding Lebanon hostage to avoid being prosecuted for their crimes: "Stability or Justice". So who are the khuwana here, eh?

Thumb Marc 16:39 ,2011 تموز 03

Nasrallah can be so childish sometimes, it is not even funny! How can any one follow this guy is beyond me ?

Default-user-icon Ali (ضيف) 17:20 ,2011 تموز 03

It is amazing how Nassrallah the Murshid can control and brain wash his followers. A bit of common sense would indicate that had the investigators wanted to transfer any information to Israel they would have done it using means other than physically transporting the computers. Email, external storage devices, photos, PDF, just to name a few. People follow this guy because they are blinded by the same prejudice and hatred he shares. Nassrallah: "You can fool some people most of the time BUT you cannot fool all people all the time."

Default-user-icon Georges (ضيف) 17:38 ,2011 تموز 03

Really Mr. "A Legal Expert"

What is it that you Consider as proof ? Ya3neh you have an official paper from the Israeli border testifying the import of 97 computers, and second you have Video footage of Lehmann accepting cash?! Usually proof is what?

Funny enough, Today it is the STL needs to provide answers, not Hezbollah. I'd love the STL is going to get out of that one!!

Default-user-icon Fadi (ضيف) 17:54 ,2011 تموز 03

What do the STL need to prook, my ass that this footage is true, just like other footage that the d--khead nasrallah always displays. It's hezbollah that murdered rafic hariri, nasrallah is a pig and will always sniff like one.

Default-user-icon Justin (ضيف) 18:30 ,2011 تموز 03

Why doesn't English Naharnet say who this "legal expert" is? "Nasrala says that Robert Bauer was with the CIA". Execuse me Naharnet, but Robert Bauer has a book explaining his years with the CIA terrorist organization. It is The burden for the accuser to explain any discrepancy and not just rule guilty. This court is definitely a political court and reminds of the trials that appeared in the South US in the 1960's against blacks.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 18:34 ,2011 تموز 03

it was a mistake from hassan,those computers belong to armistice officers based in jerusalem since 1948,they have nothing to do with STL.
i am really amazed how he can make such a mistake,it's clear on the paper the letters UN ARMISTICE not STL

Default-user-icon John (ضيف) 18:48 ,2011 تموز 03

This has so many holes. It should never have proceeded. They were pressured for political reasons.

Default-user-icon Abbas (ضيف) 19:09 ,2011 تموز 03

Find who ordered the cleaned up of the scene of the bombing (hint his name starts with Jamil Sayed) and destroyed evidence before the investigation ?? and why ??? you will find the killer (s) .

Default-user-icon Toufic (ضيف) 19:12 ,2011 تموز 03

Shiite brother still trying to pass for a Christian no one said that the generals are innocent and they were jailed because of a law Jamil Sayed rammed through parliament.

Missing startrip 19:15 ,2011 تموز 03

This has nothing to do with evidence. Nasrallah is playing to his zombies who'll believe anything he says. If he tells them to eat his poo, they will.

If he really wants to counter the tribunal, he should address the evidence. Anything else is just smoke screens.

Default-user-icon iNcorruptible (ضيف) 19:16 ,2011 تموز 03

What a pointless, vague article with no real information nor data.

Default-user-icon ziko (ضيف) 19:28 ,2011 تموز 03

so whats new...nasralla lying again

Default-user-icon anonym (ضيف) 19:57 ,2011 تموز 03

what everybody really fails to see is that all the "evidence" presented by both sides stl, hizb the world is nothing but "circumstantial" evidence , there will never be anything concrete from any side hence no one will ever know the who and the what, and instead of playin it smart and saving this already messed up country from further chaos and destruction , some of our political leaders notably the m14 insist on finding the "truth" to pursue their political goals.

this was never about rafik al hairiri and the 20 other of his desciples but rather about power and control and it always has been.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 02:37 ,2011 تموز 04

Wow Manar and Nasrallah so stupid that they couldn't figure out how to doctor the documents to change the organization's name to something relevant to the investigation, pure hilarity...

Thumb erasmus16@gmail.com 08:37 ,2011 تموز 04

The 4 generals were freed, not because they are innocent, but because of insufficient proof.

In Syria and Hezbollah Land, they would have been tortured till they would have admitted anything their torturers asked them to admit.

This is the difference between a democratic system, and a barbaric one.


Default-user-icon Farouk (ضيف) 08:42 ,2011 تموز 04

It's a pity Nasrallah does not want to compromise. He soon will find himself encircled by three enemies: Lebanon's sunni's to the north, a new Syrian regime to the east and Israeli army to the south. By not giving up four people he might lose it all...but hey, Hezbollah's line always has been one of all or nothing...

Thumb erasmus16@gmail.com 08:47 ,2011 تموز 04

Nasrallah's evidence is increasingly proving to be all false:

1. Labeling Cassese as a friend of Israel
2. The UNTSO computers
3. The so-called evidence of an Israeli involvement in the Hariri assassination

This TV appearance is sounding more and more as an act of desperation...

What's interesting is that Nasrallah admitted that:

1. The individuals mentioned in the indictment are senior Hezbollah operatives

2. That Hezbollah operates as a state within the Lebanese states by affirming that the accuses cannot be arrested by any Lebanese government

Finally Nasrallah made the false claim that there is no animosity between Sunni and Shia. What happened then, in 2008 in Beirut where Hezbollah and their allies attacked Sunni West Beirut and killed many Sunnis, pillaged and burnt Sunni institutions.

HE also tried to stir confessional hatred by claiming that M14 Christians are hoping for Sunni-Shia antagonism. Is he trying to turn all Moslems against Christians (unless they're Orange)?

Default-user-icon Arzak Ya Libnan (ضيف) 09:51 ,2011 تموز 04

Just a quick thought. Let us assume that HA had nothing to do with the murder of RH,why did they go all out in 2008 over their inteligence equipment? obviously it is not helping them with the information gathering.Nasrallah has his back against the wall and he knows it. if HA and Syria did not actually murder Rafic as they say,and it was Israel,then they worked with Israel to let it happen.No 2 ways about it. Jamil al Sayed is guilty of direlection of duty at the least.and he was jailed in accordance to a law that he came up with.Karma is a Bit$h and it came back to bite him.Back in the Syrian Lebanon days,you couldnt fart without intel agents picking up the scent. so one way or another Syria,and HA,are involved in this crime.They either did it, or covered up for it.The first speech by Nasrallah everyone of you was like "yeah this is the truth"(the video with the spy planes)then when people had to think for you and show you the defects,you just forget and wait for the next video to nod

Default-user-icon lebexpat (ضيف) 10:04 ,2011 تموز 04

an expert "HINTED" al nahar daily ? this is ridiculous , specially considering that Hariri family control majority of shares in al nahar daily . Evidences presented by nasrallah requires more than HINTS , and Hidden anonymous experts talking to a biased newspaper .

Missing peace 11:26 ,2011 تموز 04

lebexpat, there is nothing conclusive in the so called proofs that towel head presented...
what does it show or prove? nothing...
he will need more than that in front of a court of law to prove the implication of israel in the murders!