توقيفات جديدة للمحكمة الدولية خلال شهر... شربل: سنداهم بدون اعلان اماكن التواجد

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توقعت مصادر مطلعة على قرار المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان، صدور الدفعة الثانية من التوقيفات بعد او قبل انتهاء مهلة الـ 30 يوما المحددة بموجب قواعد الاجراءات القانونية، ابلاغ المحكمة بنتائج البحث والتحري عن المتهمين الاربعة الذين طلبت توقيفهم.

ورجحت المصادر لصحيفة "اللواء" ان يكون العدد الجديد بين 14 و17 متهماً جديداً، يعتبرون من ضمن الحلقة الاساس في جريمة اغتيال الحريري، اي المخططين والموجهين والمتواطئين، على اعتبار ان الاربعة، هم الحلقة المنفذة للجريمة.

وفي هذا الاطار، شدد وزير الداخلية والبلديات مروان شربل في حديث لصحيفة "الديار" على ان "مذكرات التوقيف يتم تطبيقها دون الاعلان عنها"، لافتا الى انه "سيتم مداهمة اماكن تواجد الذين صدرت بحقهم مذكرات التوقيف، وانه في حال تعثر إمكانية اعتقالهم او معرفة اماكن تواجدهم سنعود الى القضاء لابلاغه بالنتيجة لان الامر يصدر عن القضاء ويعود إليه الجواب ايضا"ً.

الى ذلك، كشفت مصادر "اللواء" أن الأجهزة المحكمة الخاصة بلبنان، عكفت على دراسة وتقييم ما قدمه الامين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصر الله ، في كلمته المتلفزة مساء السبت، من معلومات تتصل بارتباط بعض المحققين والخبراء فيها بأجهزة المخابرات المركزية الاميركية واتهامه لرئيس المحكمة انطونيو كاسيزي بأنه "صديق كبير لاسرائيل" استناداً الى كلام قاله زميل قانوني له في مؤتمر عقد في هرتزليا في العام الماضي، وكذلك ما بثه تلفزيون "المنار" من تسجيل لفيديو أظهر مساعد رئيس لجنة التحقيق الدولية السابق غيرهارد ليمان ليتناول اوراقاً قال نصر الله انه مبلغ مالي لقاء تسليمه وثائق خاصة باللجنة الدولية.

وتوقفت اجهزة المحكمة بصورة خاصة عند اعلان نصر الله القطيعة النهائية مع المحكمة.

التعليقات 10
Thumb arzz 09:22 ,2011 تموز 04

Whoever it is that killed Hariri deserves to be brought to justice. Whether that is HA, Syria, or the untouchable israel.

But I never see any special tribunal for whoever killed the state of Palestine, and is still occupying the west bank, East Juraselm, Golan and Shabaa. The one that is still oppressing people and doing so believing that it is their God given right.

So in conclusion, no matter what the STL does, ultimate justice will not be served in this region.

Default-user-icon Dgiameel (ضيف) 10:20 ,2011 تموز 04

I like the poster: alma7kama... li ajal loubnan. The only ajal it brought was that of Mafia Hariri & Co., SARl and his Christian Sunnis. Who knew the killing of Mafioso Rafik would after 6 lonnnnnnng years turn out to be such a blessing, opposite to the goals of the assassins, Israel and their pimps, the US.

Missing peace 12:35 ,2011 تموز 04

mowaten change your name please because supporting a militia that doesn t want to obey in any case to the laws of the gvt you can t call yourself as mowaten...
mowaten means obeying the laws of your country... not the laws of a militia! in which case you are outlaw...

this name suits you best= outlaw!

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 13:38 ,2011 تموز 04

Hezbollah can kill who they want when they want! Leave us alone!!

Default-user-icon Sigma Tau Lambda (ضيف) 14:24 ,2011 تموز 04

Who cares even if the number goes up to 3.5 million? The STL is a farce and will remain a farce run by Friends-of-Israel, with March 14 being proud members.

Thumb thepatriot 14:43 ,2011 تموز 04

@Phenicien AKA Hassan Nasrallah
You and all you murderers friends are Going DOWN!
Today, tomorrow, or in 300 years! It's just a matter of time!

Missing peace 18:05 ,2011 تموز 04

bigdig and mowaten:
1/ when someone is innocent he doesn t fear justice and has enough evidence to prove it!!! esp. the STL is based on that rule: so if your militia is 100% innocent they would show to the world the proof of their innocence...
2/ the STL was approved by hezbollah and by everyone in this country but when they saw that, even if the syrian puppets at that time try to clean the murder scene of all evidence to innocent whoever did the bombing, they have gathered enough evidence to indict people.
3/ 62 countries work for the STL : they are all israeli or US? waw! the whole world is against you poor people! think why then!
4/ i can give you facts of the thug methods you use to intimidate people but all you answer is by insults, typical behavior of people that can t defend themselves, typical aounist hezbi reactions....
5/ innocent lebnanese were killed: it seems to you that their lives are worthless , shame on you! as you don t want to know who killed them!

Missing toivas 23:36 ,2011 تموز 04

It is crazy how people can be so easily brainwashed. They tell them that the tribunal is politicized and Israeli, they believe it and start repeating the rethoric like a parrot. They are still talking about colonization as if we were back in the 1920s...

No murderer did ever go to court without saying that they are innocent and without rejecting the trial. Look at what happened in Yugoslavia, Ruwanda and the Red Khmeir.... Criminals will eventually be brought to justice and jailed for the rest of their miserable lives whether they like it or not and this is not something anyone on this blog can change by posting useless comments!

Missing peace 01:34 ,2011 تموز 05

ya chateer ya mowaten irani!

you are just so afraid of the truth and justice! if you had any pieces of evidence to innocent you you would show them and let the world see the truth!

but hezb has nothing that is why they prefer to bring this country to chaos rather than present the so called evidence it has!!

remember towel head promised missiles baad haifa wa baad baad haifa, we are still waiting just like the evidence he pretends to have...

but you are good at reciting what otv or el manar says no doubt on that!
poor you...

Default-user-icon falanges (ضيف) 08:00 ,2011 تموز 05

TO MOWATAN: ok simple question, you say you know who killed Hariri and crew.....can you please tell me. just an answer from you please cause i seriously don t know who killed them.