الجميل يناشد سفراء العالم وقف "الإعتداء" على معلولا السورية وسحب المسلحين منها

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أجرى رئيس حزب "الكتائب اللبنانية" امين الجميّل سلسلة اتصالات طوال هذا النهار لوقف "الاعتداء" على احد اقدم القرى المسيحية في الشرق حيث لا يزال اهل معلولا في سوريا يتكلمون الآرامية لغة المسيح.

وفي هذا الاطار اتصل الجميّل بكل من "مساعد الامين العام للامم المتحدة للشؤون السياسية السفير جيفري فيلتمان وبممثل بان كي مون في بيروت السفير ديريك بلامبلي وبسفراء الفاتيكان وفرنسا وبريطانيا والولايات المتحدة الاميركية".

وقد طالب الجميّل جميع هؤلاء بان "تتخذ حكوماتهم الاجراءت السريعة لوقف الاعتداء على معلولا وسحب المسلحين من البلدة ودور العبادة فورا".

وتمنى الجميّل عل السفراء ابلاغ رؤساء دولهم المجتمعين اليوم في قمة دول العشرين في سانت بيترسبرغ بفداحة الاعتداء.

كما حذر من ان يؤدي الاعتداء الى اغراق الاحداث في سوريا في مسار طائفي وفتنوي اكثر فاكثر مما يؤثر على صلابة موقف المجتمع الدولي حيال الوضع السوري.

وقال مكتب الجميل أنه "تجاوبت مختلف هذه المرجعيات الدولية مع نداء الرئيس الجميّل" كاشفة أنه "ينتظر ان تصدر مواقف عربية ودولية حيال هذا الاعتداء في ضوء الاتصالات التي بدات تجري بين العواصم الاوروبية والفاتيكان ونيويورك".

كما كشف المكتب أنه تلقى طوال النهار "نداءات استغاثة من اهالي بلدة معلولا تتمنى حصول تحرك سريع لانقاذ البلدة التاريخية واهلها وتراثها الروحي".

وسيطر اسلاميون من مقاتلي المعارضة السورية الاربعاء على مركز عسكري عند مدخل مدينة معلولا المسيحية شمال دمشق.

وتعد معلولا الواقعة على مسافة 55 كلم شمال دمشق، من ابرز البلدات ذات الغالبية المسيحية في سوريا، ويتقن سكانها اللغة الآرامية. وتعرف البلدة بالعديد من الكهوف التي لجأ اليها المسيحيون في القرون الاولى للمسيحية هربا من الاضطهاد.

التعليقات 30
Thumb bustany 22:22 ,2013 أيلول 05

We have been talking about Maaloula and other Christian sites that been targeted for the first time in 40 years. Hmmm what have happened for the first time in 40 years??? The Baath and Assad lost power over part of the country therefore the "West-loved Muslim Brotherhood" are doing the deed Israelis wanted to do for long time: Killing Christians and Alwaites. God bless!

Default-user-icon ezzo (ضيف) 22:25 ,2013 أيلول 05

Rebels/terrorists same thing at this point. Any legitimate rebel factions have been eroded by the crazies from Saudi Arabia at this point. They are the ones killing Christians, and yep you guessed it, Hezbollah are the ones defending them.

Thumb insideman123 22:41 ,2013 أيلول 05

Come on M14ers, make up your mind.
You either wanna support Al-Qeada or you don't.
You cheer when they behead members of the Syrian Army yet you cry when they do something you hate. Hypocrites

Missing hb9z 00:23 ,2013 أيلول 06

enough with al qaeda business man.....what do the rebels gain from killing monks and orphans ? nothing...ethnic cleansing never occurs in the heat of a battle , its always programmed and pre meditated. look at the balkan wars. the damour massacre, the jabal massacres in 83 , sabra and chatila, were not random acts and occured after the battles...so yes I feel sad for the war taking place in those villages and they should do like the kurds did....

Thumb ado.australia 02:15 ,2013 أيلول 06

So the Christians should do what the Kurds did? And leave for Iraqi Kurdistan or, in the christain case, leave for Beirut??

Do ou remember the signs held up during protests in Homs when the "revoloution" was just starting over 2 years ago..... "CHRISTAINS TO BEIRUT AND ALLAWITES IN THE GRAVE"??????

Premeditated enough for you? Or was that an Assad long term trick?

Missing samiam 00:44 ,2013 أيلول 06

dude, give it up. just because someone is against the farsi alliance doesn't make them al queda supporters. your brainwashed minds can't fathom only works on two gears.

how about this? don't like farsi's, hizb iran, ASSad, alqueda, salafi, jihadis, m8ers, and the syrian army. oh yeah, not an m14 supporter either.

doesn't that blow your mind?

Thumb benzona 00:56 ,2013 أيلول 06

Ne te fatigue pas, ils n'en valent pas la,peine.

Missing hb9z 00:08 ,2013 أيلول 07

thats right, assad and the jihadis can go to hell....take khaminei with you

Missing karim_m3- 23:43 ,2013 أيلول 05

Gemayel now realizes that the ultimate goal of FSA-Al Qaeda is the eradication of the Syrian minorities.

Sa7 il nom.

Missing karim_m3- 23:45 ,2013 أيلول 05

LOL! Al Qaeda sympathizers and their pathetic damage control.

Thumb Chupachups 00:40 ,2013 أيلول 06

This is all a plan by the west to make the Middle East purely Islamic, since this will help them divide and conquer the Islamic nations. Christians will leave for the west, a lot of countries will open their doors for them. Then the west can continue their projects in the Middle East with ease.

Thumb ado.australia 02:07 ,2013 أيلول 06

And the only bastion of for Jews and christains will be the beacon of light, Israel! However, Christains will my be allowed to visit.

Thumb Senescence 07:05 ,2013 أيلول 06

ado.australia: I've read on some places the government in Israel that is, is discriminatory towards Christians. Though I thought that was just bias against Israel in the articles. Mind you back your claims with some links or at least the name of the show or the channel or some other such hint as to its source?

Thumb ado.australia 11:07 ,2013 أيلول 06

Endless... this is one link. There are many more.

be quick before the post gets deleted again.


Thumb Senescence 03:54 ,2013 أيلول 07

Much appreciated ado.australia, thank you.

Thumb falanges 08:30 ,2013 أيلول 06

and whats the project? please explain

Default-user-icon blessed are you (ضيف) 02:52 ,2013 أيلول 06

Jesus Christ is Lord of heaven and earth.

“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you"

Thumb primesuspect 03:05 ,2013 أيلول 06

there's nothing going on in there.

Thumb primesuspect 03:07 ,2013 أيلول 06

some filthy politicians are good at putting oil where water is needed. the only way out for the shabihas (both lebanese and syrian) is to let it all get out of control. the war is lost for them...

Thumb primesuspect 03:08 ,2013 أيلول 06

he's a clone of bigjohn...... a brainless.... weirdo

Thumb primesuspect 04:03 ,2013 أيلول 06

....@(O_O)@ oo oo ah ah!

boring bigjon the australian white nurd. we both live in the southern hemisphere... but por dios, don't get close to me. i dislike racists and segregationists!

Thumb primesuspect 04:19 ,2013 أيلول 06

not only dealer.... but also user! and abuser!!!!

Thumb lebanon_first 07:54 ,2013 أيلول 06

Good job Cheikh Amine. I hope they listen to you

Default-user-icon dddd (ضيف) 09:36 ,2013 أيلول 06

it's classical, whenever there are muslim majority they cant tolerate christians, and when there is a christian majority ( europe US ) they give muslim nationalities and equal rights!
muslims in majority are still 1000 years behind!
Sad but true

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:28 ,2013 أيلول 06

gabby that's a lie, sharia doesnt apply to non-muslims in iran. they can therefore produce, sell, buy, drink alcohol for instance without "being killed" as you claim nor anything, it's legal for them.
also religious minorities have guaranteed seats in parliament, 9 seats are reserved for catholics and armenians, 3 for jews, so dont go spewing lies with your hate and propaganda.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:30 ,2013 أيلول 06

the only thing they are required not to do is proselytizing activities

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:15 ,2013 أيلول 06

ask and ye shall receive banikharoof

Missing ya_kord 13:51 ,2013 أيلول 06

here's the problem with all Lebanese parties, they are sectarian.This is a Syrian village no matter what their religion, civilians dying no matter what their sect is. unfortunately ppl in Lebanon will worry about Christians or ppl from their sect somewhere in the world instead of focusing just on Lebanon and its people. besides I really doubt Syrian Christians felt bad for us when their president Hafez had zahle under siege, actually he had all of Lebanon's Christians under siege

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:58 ,2013 أيلول 06

what those idiots are too uncivilized to know, is that the Christians of the Levant fought against the Crusaders, whereas some Muslims fought alongside them!!

Missing hb9z 00:05 ,2013 أيلول 07

the armed lebanese factions in 1975 were a creation of necessity...not will of all the people ...pretty much like the american revolution was , a creation due to the need to protect the people from oppression....didn't the torries leave the US during the revolution and move to canada??
so when armed militias take to the streets in the absence of government, not every body is going to be supportive but the fact is that it was the only reason we have a lebanon still and not a NEW palestine , these militias are the reason hizballah exist because we could have been the greater SYRIA without them and the hizballah would soldiers in the official syrian army .....and if you don't approve of what happened , may be you should have went and blew up the cairo accord in 1969 that allowed the palestians to get armed in lebanon....