جعجع: "حزب الله" يتمتع بالحكمة الكافية لعدم الانزلاق الى حرب واسعة عقب الضربة الأميركية المفترضة

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رأى رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع أن "إيران و"حزب الله"، يتمتعان بما يكفي من الحكمة لتفادي الانزلاق الى حرب واسعة عقب الضربة الأميركية المفترضة"، مردفاً أن "الكلام حول دور "جبهة النصرة" بما يحصل في معلولا هو "مجرد حكي".

ولفت جعجع الى أنه "متعاطف بشكل كامل مع معلولا"، مردفاً أنه "في الوقت ذاته لا أستطيع إلا أن أعبّر عن أسفي الشديد لكون بعض الفرقاء اللبنانيين يستعملون عذاب أهلها لأغراض سياسية ضيقة".

وأضاف أن "خطأ، بل خطيئة، أن يعمد البعض الى المتاجرة بآلام سكان هذه البلدة التاريخية، ووضع ما يجري فيها ضمن سياق غير واقعي وغير حقيقي".

وبالنسبة لتحميل البعض عناصر "جبهة النصرة" المسؤولية عما يحدث في معلولا، رأى جعجع أن "الكلام حول دور "النصرة" هو "مجرد حكي"، يندرج في سياق دعاية منظمة"، معتبراً أنه "لا يمكن بدقة تحديد هوية المجموعات المسلحة المعارضة التي تقاتل في معلولا".

وأوضح "كلنا ضد جبهة النصرة، لكن ان يتم في كل مناسبة استحضارها للتخويف والتهويل، فهذا من لوازم الدعاية الإعلامية – السياسية".

واستهجن رئيس حزب "القوات" محاولة "التيار الوطني" توظيف ما يحدث في معلولا "لمصلحة منطقه السياسي"، معتبراً انه "من المعيب ان يكون التيار متحالفاً مع نظام لا يتورع عن استخدام السلاح الكيميائي ضد شعبه".

وفي السياق نفسه، يستغرب جعجع قول وزير الطاقة في حكومة تصريف الأعمال جبران باسيل إن "ما يجري في معلولا يأتي في سياق تفريغ الشرق من مسيحييه"، معتبراً أن "هذا النوع من الطروحات ليس سوى دعاية تعبوية، تُستخدم من أيام (الرئيس العراقي السابق) صدام حسين وصولا الى بشار الأسد، في إطار سعي الدكتاتوريات الحاكمة في الشرق الى الإيحاء بأنها أنظمة علمانية تحقق الأمان للأقليات".

وأشار الى أن "الحل الوحيد لإنقاذ معلولا وكل سوريا يكمن في تغيير النظام واستبداله بآخر منفتح وديموقراطي"، مردفاً ان "وجود بعض المتطرفين هنا وهناك، هو مجرد تفصيل في مسار الحركة التاريخية الإصلاحية التي تشهدها المنطقة".

ويفسر جعجع، على طريقته، موقف البابا المعارض لتوجيه ضربة عسكرية لسوريا، مؤكداً أن "هذا الموقف هو مبدئي ومستوحى من ثوابت الفاتيكان الذي لا يمكن ان يدعو الى القيام بأعمال عسكرية، وبالتالي لا يجوز وضعه في إطار سياسي".

وسيطر مقاتلون من المعارضة السورية الأحد، على بلدة معلولا المسيحية شمال دمشق.

وفي هذا السياق، أفاد المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان أن "المعارك ادت الى سقوط 17 قتيلا واكثر من مئة جريح من مقاتلي المعارضة وعشرات القتلى والجرحى في صفوف القوات الحكومية واللجان الشعبية الموالية لها".

واندلعت المعارك في معلولا الاربعاء اثر تفجير رجل اردني من جبهة النصرة نفسه في حاجز القوات النظامية عند مدخل البلدة. وتلت ذلك اشتباكات عنيفة وكر وفر، بحسب المرصد. ثم استعادت قوات النظام الحاجز وهاجمت المقاتلين في محيط البلدة.

وبالنسبة للضربة الأميركية على سوريا، لا يخفي جعجع لـ"السفير"، حماسته لما أسماه "تدخل دولي وازن" ضد النظام السوري"، معتبراً أنه "يظل خيار الضربة أفضل من بلاش، فإن لم تنجح بإسقاط النظام، أقله نضمن بذلك ان الأسد لن يستخدم مرة أخرى السلاح الكيميائي".

وفي غضون ذلك، رأى رئيس "القوات" أن" الهجوم الاميركي المتوقع على سوريا لن يقود الى حرب إقليمية شاملة"، مرجحاً ان "يأتي الرد على الضربة من داخل سوريا حصراً".

وأكد أنه "لا يتوقع حتى إشعار آخر رد فعل من إيران و"حزب الله"، لأنه يفترض انهما يتمتعان بما يكفي من الحكمة لتفادي الانزلاق الى حرب واسعة".

يُشار الى أن واشنطن تحمل النظام السوري مسؤولية الهجوم الكيميائي في ريف دمشق في 21 اب الذي خلف مئات القتلى، وفي حين يدرس الرئيس الاميركي باراك اوباما توجيه ضربة الى سوريا، فهو يبحث عن دعم دولي من أجل المضي في الهجوم.

وفي سياق منفصل، يتمسك جعجع في حديثه للصحيفة عينها، بالدعوة الى "تشكيل حكومة حيادية من خارج اصطفاف 8 و14 آذار"، لافتاً الانتباه الى ان "التجاذب بين هذين الفريقين تفاقم بعد اندلاع الحرب في سوريا، ما يعني ان الحاجة الى حكومة حيادية أصبحت أكثر إلحاحاً من أي وقت مضى، وإلا فإن أي حكومة سياسية فاقعة ستنقل الوضع المتفجر في لبنان والمنطقة الى طاولة مجلس الوزراء".

وينفي جعجع ان يكون خطابه الأخير بمثابة إعلان ترشيح لرئاسة الجمهورية، قائلا إنه "عندما أريد ان اترشح سأفعل ذلك بوضوح وبفخر، ولن أستحي، إنما حتى الآن لست مرشحاً، أما مستقبلا فيبنى على الشيء مقتضاه، وقرار الترشيح سيكون مرتبطاً بموازين القوى السائدة في حينه، والمهم إجراء الانتخابات الرئاسية في موعدها، لأنه إذا طال الفراغ موقع الرئاسة، ستصبح الجمهورية ككل في خطر حقيقي".

يُذكر أنه وبعد استقالة حكومة نجيب ميقاتي في آذار الفائت، تم تكليف تمام سلام تشكل حكومة جديدة الا أن جهوده لم تنجح في ذلك، اذ أنه يسعى الى تشكيل "حكومة المصلحة الوطنية"، متعهداً الاستقالة بحال استقالة اي مكون من مكونات الحكومة، وفي حين تطالب قوى 14 آذار بحكومة حيادية تريد 8 آذار حكومة سياسية وقال رئيس "الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط أنه "لن يصوت على حكومة من لون واحد".

التعليقات 32
Thumb general_puppet 08:58 ,2013 أيلول 09

Geagea, I disagree it has nothing to do with being wise. Iran has no need to get involved, not when they have their militia to do their dirty work and Lebanon to pay the consequences.

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 09:08 ,2013 أيلول 09

hello:) long time no see!

Thumb justice 09:43 ,2013 أيلول 09

R-FT: haters such as these voted you down for merely saying hello! They are well known empty sectarian lowlifes.

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 10:52 ,2013 أيلول 09

dearest justice, bless you! These people (person) are performing their jihadist duties. It is the only way they know how to resist:) God Bless the resistance and its environment!

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 09:01 ,2013 أيلول 09

LOL @ Gaegae!!!! May I remind the honorable doctor who protected the christians of lebanon and Iraq from extermination other than the Syrian regime. May I remind the bald genius that Bassil, Aoun, and the FPM are the only party protecting us christians in the levant. General Aoun visited Maloula, did you? No, you were busy kissing up to Harriri and Bandar. Contrary to common belief, the Syrian Arab Army did not withdraw from Maloula and let in these Harriri-Bandari takfiris to show the world that christians are being attacked and to garner public support just before the impending strike. The Syrian Arab Army that will destroy the invaders and Israel fought with unprecedented bravery against a handful of takfiris to retain this christian village, but was overwhelmed by their state-of-the art firepower and their toyota jeeps. You win some and you lose some!

Thumb general_puppet 10:05 ,2013 أيلول 09

Hello RFT... I had a good laugh at the comments from Son-in-Law #1's article, The Aoun Idolizers were having a fit :-)

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 10:47 ,2013 أيلول 09

Hello dear friend:) Yes, I read some of the comments this morning. Flamethrower and his many selves were having a party out there while I was @G20 with Alona trying to drum up support for Bashar;)))

Thumb general_puppet 11:53 ,2013 أيلول 09

Take it easy mr roar or you will give yourself heart burn. Btw is there any truth to the rumor that you are now idolizing mr -.>-Flamethrower-_<?

Thumb Senescence 09:23 ,2013 أيلول 09

"Commenting on the assault on the historic Christian Syrian town of Maalula, Geagea said: “I sympathize completely with the town, but I must express my deep regret that some Lebanese factions have exploited its suffering for petty political gain.”

Delicious irony.

Missing karim_m3- 09:33 ,2013 أيلول 09

Why would Geagea care about Maalula? It is a Christian town and Geagea follows the Salafist creed.

Fal ya7kom al ikhwan!

Thumb justice 09:39 ,2013 أيلول 09

It seems as a shia Mr. Karim cares more about us than Gaegae!

Fal ya7kom hizbullah!

Default-user-icon Lavazon Jamajim (ضيف) 10:02 ,2013 أيلول 09

Mr. Jesus, the site you reference is known for having a degree of accuracy that is directly proportional to the degree of successes of Dr. Arreet 7akeh's predictions raised to the 20th power. Keep reading it. It will make you see the unseen more clearly. takbir

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 10:57 ,2013 أيلول 09

yes he did. He was a decorated war hero and his son is currently following in his footsteps.

Missing peace 11:13 ,2013 أيلول 09

"Whats soon?" ask your beloved aoun: he always said assad would take over the next tuesday! LMFAO @you too!!!!

Thumb Senescence 13:18 ,2013 أيلول 09

Just to put things into perspective, this is what Mr. Gaegae won't speak against: live leak. com/view?i=d32_1378719979 (terrorists from the opposition terrorizing christian nuns Maaloula).

How can any leader of any sect not speak against the terrorization of its preachers and institutions? At least Bassil said the FPM would take a stand, while Gaegae only said he sympathizes with these poor nuns and went on to bash FPM. C'mon, poor show.

Missing george710 14:11 ,2013 أيلول 09

God save the empire.

Thumb _-_wolf_-_ 14:32 ,2013 أيلول 09

Enough of your deletion Naharnet , if someone has an opinion that does not suit your political views then you are in breach of " freedom of speech " .......
Not even the most conservative news channels such as Fox News would even contemplate to delete an opinion that is to the extreme far Left ! But you guys at Naharnet are a bunch of " Control Freaks " called " Narcissists " !!!
Signed Wolf !!!!!!!

Thumb thepatriot 15:19 ,2013 أيلول 09


" “Next Tuesday you will tell me if the crisis in Syria has persisted. I believe that it is over.”

Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun stated on Tuesday that another one-way ticket awaits former Prime Minister Saad Hariri if he returns to Lebanon, noting that the Syrian crisis is over. :) idiot!

Thumb zahle1 17:09 ,2013 أيلول 09

I am no Aouni, but they are 100% right about what the takfiri want to do in the Levant and even Egypt. There is no doubt their goal is to drive Christians out of the Middle East. This is why I am no longer an LF supporter. They hate Aoun so bad (whom I don't trust) to such an extent, that even when the FPM is saying and doing the right thing in this situation, they still have to disagree. Does the LF really think what is happening to Christians in Syria is exaggerated? These people are getting forced to convert or die. The churches are getting destroyed. They are kidnapping our clergymen. Is the Assad regime doing this? Of course they are not. Do you really think if the rebels win, they will democratically elect a moderate normal Sunni of the likes of Fouad Siniora for example?

Thumb zahle1 18:38 ,2013 أيلول 09

Oneh ma'ak, inshallah that happens.

Missing peace 18:51 ,2013 أيلول 09

let us refresh the alzheimer M8 brains :
the regime they are defending that killed more lebanese than israel itself, has harbored, sheltered, encouraged many islamist terrorist organisations over the decaades to manipulate them and send them to destabilize other countries ( if you take me for a fool i remind you that aoun has always stated this...)
assad , to justify his total war against his OWN people has freed many islamists from his jails to spread even more chaos seeing that he couldn't crush the rebels...
M8 and assad are now waving the threat of an islamist country to better manipulate the public opinions in which of course M8 has fallen into...

this is the hypocrit regime M8 are defending... but between hypocrits no wonder they support the baath regime!

Thumb Senescence 19:37 ,2013 أيلول 09

"to justify his total war against his OWN people has freed many islamists from his jails to spread even more chaos seeing that he couldn't crush the rebels... "
I don't follow, did he provide them with VISAs and free plane tickets? That'd be silly on his part.

Missing peace 19:51 ,2013 أيلول 09

just follow the news and you would know... instead of being ironic.

Thumb Senescence 20:09 ,2013 أيلول 09

Well, peace, here's why I think that particular claim is pretty silly:

Syrian Islamic Front: 13,000-23,000(by May 2013),Al-Nusra Front: 6,000(by June 2013),Foreign Mujahideen: 10,000 (by August 2013).

Now, I don't quite see how Al-Assad released some 30,000-40,000 seasoned fighters and terrorists from Syrian jails(while many of them also have foreign nationalities). These groups have also been labeled as terrorist groups by the international community. Not saying the 140,000 other fighters are terrorists, but one can't but to think they wouldn't really have lasted as long if the terrorist groups weren't there, seeing as how they've been at the center of decisive and many other victories.

Missing peace 23:36 ,2013 أيلول 09

nobody is denying that islamists have flowed into syria, but the thing you do not understand is that the regime encouraged islamic terrorism at the beginning to justify its war against terror and try to get the support of the people! that is why they freed hundreds of islamists lol....

Thumb Senescence 11:41 ,2013 أيلول 10

peace, I see. It seems it has backfired though. A couple of hundred at first I can see how it'd be used as justification for a 'war on terror', but it seems they've probably called their friends in the KSA/Iraq/Qatar/Yemen/etc. and this freeing of Islamist terrorists backfired.

The threat remains real, dangerous, and immediate.

We all know the Muslim Brotherhood/Al-Qaeda/etc. are eying for Syria to fall into chaos. The extremists have already set up excellent training camps much better than Afghanistan or elsewhere and have as I've said previously, some 30-40,000 seasoned fighters in the country already and that's an estimated from earlier this year.

If the extremists break off from the FSA umbrella group who weren't even close to their current efficacy in combating the inexperienced SAA soldiers, I'm willing to bet the FSA wouldn't be able to do much against trained and seasoned veteran fighters of Al-Qaeda/other extremist groups. Just a thought.

Default-user-icon Ghodran Dechambliss (ضيف) 04:10 ,2013 أيلول 10

So when did you realize that the regime that some alzheimerians are defending killed more Lebanese than Israel itself? Would you say after Rafic Syria, Syria's best Rafic, sat in their lap for 15 very short years professing the darouri, shar3i and mou2akat while filling his pockets with stolen money? Or might it be after Dr. Arreet 7akeh trampolined into their arms while scheming against ebn balado? I hope alzheimer's has not hit you, too, faylasouf 3asrak. Do you ever think, Aristotle (if you know what it means to think)? And you have the nerve to be judgmental, huh! If you were my son I would slap the stupidity out of you, which would keep my hands busy for the rest of your pathetic life.

Default-user-icon Trivwal Shattur (ضيف) 07:55 ,2013 أيلول 10

Why is it that the Christians of Syria do not learn how to be smart from the Christians of March 14 and call the takfiris "minnina" a-la-Dr. Arreet 7akeh when they, UNPROVOKED by the Christians of Achrafieh, attacked people and destroyed churches and private property in Achrafieh because some jerks in EUROPE drew caricatures of the Prophet? You hear me? You understand? You have grains? Shouldn't Dr. Arreet 7akeh have sent these Syrian Christians letters with tips and advice instead of sending such letters to Obama?

Thumb eagle_eye 02:38 ,2013 أيلول 10

Well said Samir - something which is not adequately focused on and discussed:

“The only way to save Maalula and the whole of Syria lies in changing the regime and replacing it with an open and democratic one,”

Bashar al-Assad if he is intelligent and honorable would step down. Who in their right mind would want to be in a leadership position when they are not wanted?

True leadership is to serve people, not to control and leach them of their energy and lives. An individual in leadership not serving people to better their life is a thief of other's energies.

Thumb bustany 03:14 ,2013 أيلول 10

You are absolutely right: change the regime to open and democratic one. Ok lets take a look at the possible "replacing regime" in Syria. It is fair to say that it would look at best like the one in Egypt under Morsi. Right? Ok. Now, if Syrians are lucky, they will get a Morsi-like Muslim brotherhood government. Judging from what happened to Egypt and Christians in Egypt under Morsi ( 40% of Christian Egyptians left the country due to harassment and abuse), I would say, your Geagea guy there is "Intentionally Criminal."

Thumb eagle_eye 15:11 ,2013 أيلول 10

Things happen in baby steps. It's a move in the right direction to get democracy on the map in Syria. Any intelligent government or leadership should learn by now that if they don't start upgrading their 'act' into 21st century living they're not going to last long because they're increasingly going to be outnumbered by people throughout the region and the rest of the world. Ever heard of People Power - that's the new era we're moving into.

Default-user-icon Trivwal Shattur (ضيف) 07:46 ,2013 أيلول 10

Nobody knows "ASSad" is finished as much as you, and that he gets finished every Wednesday!!! Believe you me. Perhaps this is the problem with the Hezz and Iran. They just aren't smart! Period. But then isn't it obvious considering that they are neither Farts 14 nor Sanni First, aka know-it-all geniuses?