سليمان لكيري: لحماية المدنيين في سوريا ومحاسبة مرتكبي استعمال الكيميائي سياسياً

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رأى رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان أنه "يجب محاسبة مرتكبي استعمال الكيميائي في سوريا بعيدا عن التدخل العسكري"، داعياً الى "حماية المدنيين بالنزاعات المسلحة ولا سيما المسيحيين".

وأعرب سليمان خلال تلقيه اتصالا من وزير خارجية الولايات المتحدة الاميركية جون كيري عن "إدانته لاستعمال السلاح الكيميائي وضرورة محاسبة المرتكبين من قبل الامم المتحدة ومجلس الامن بعيداً من اي تدخل عسكري اجنبي، وايجاد حل سياسي للنزاع الدائر في سوريا".

ولفت في السياق نفسه الى "اهمية حماية المدنيين في النزاعات المسلحة الى اي طائفة انتموا والمحافظة على حقوق جميع المكونات الحضارية التي تتشكل منها المجتمعات، ولا سيما المسيحيين".

وشدد على "المخاطر المحيطة بالأماكن الدينية وبنوع خاص ببلدتي معلولا وبلودان وغيرها من البلدات"، داعياً الى "دراسة السبل المناسبة الكفيلة بتوفير مثل هذا الامان في اطار القانون الدولي وحدوده".

وتطرق الرئيس سليمان مع كيري الى "اهمية مساهمة الولايات المتحدة بإنجاح اعمال "مجموعة الدعم الدولية للبنان" التي ستبدأ في 25 ايلول الجاري لدعم استقرار لبنان واقتصاده ومؤسساته وجيشه، والجهد القائم لمواجهة العبء المتزايد جراء النزوح من سوريا".

وكان تلقى سليمان تلقى اتصالاً من كيري الأربعاء، تم في خلاله البحث في العلاقات الثنائية بين البلدين على كافة المستويات وفي شتى المجالات، وتطور الاوضاع في المنطقة ولا سيما منها الازمة الناتجة من استعمال السلاح الكيميائي ومواقف الادارة الاميركية منها والمساعي الديبلوماسية الجارية في هذا المجال.

وتنتظر الولايات المتحدة تغطية من الكونغرس الاميركي لاتخاذ قرار توجيه ضربة عسكرية ضد النظام السوري ردا على هجوم مفترض بالاسلحة الكيميائية في 21 آب، طاول الغوطة الشرقية والغوطة الغربية ومن ضمنها المعضمية.

التعليقات 15
Missing lebanese_uae 14:27 ,2013 أيلول 11

the strange thing is that you don't want to see that the one who "massacre the ones who opposes them" is your Hezb and Syrian Regime
why don't you change the flag and your name to "Iranian or Syrian" .. it fits better for your washed brain and blind eyes

Missing rory909 14:46 ,2013 أيلول 11

The only problem I see in all of you is that no one wants to stop the killing ur rahter have a Muslim die then a Christian? I would love to hear your toughs on that and even more, more then one hundred thousand Muslims died and when lets say"10" christian's are killed then its the takfriries and i dont know what! Guys wake up

Missing VINCENT 02:16 ,2013 أيلول 12

Rory: A true Christian does not differentiate senseless killing of innocent people between religious lines. If you read the commentaries of the "responsible/concerned" readers of Naharnet, you will see that we've condemned the senseless killing of all innocent Syrian, whether Sunni of Shiite. In Syria Muslims and killing Muslims where both sides have their respective proxies in the region. The Christians in Syria do not. Do not pay any attention to the remarks on this cite by those who have made in their daily routine equivocate the situation in Syria.

Default-user-icon dddd (ضيف) 14:49 ,2013 أيلول 11

Mr Pres. as christians we dont need protection from anyone... educated and enlightened and true muslims know very well that they need christians to stay not to Kandaharize Lebanon... Muslims need christians unless they prefer radicals.

Missing putin1 18:29 ,2013 أيلول 11

Trust me, Most Sunnis of Syria and Lebanon will agree with you. Our problem is not Our Sunnis. Our problem the people who support Saudi Arabia and Qatar and implement these filth into our progressive society. Including Christians, namely Geagea, are among the people who conspire to kill and eliminate Christians from ME. A murderer sleeping with the Saudi: a recipe for a crime!

Missing VINCENT 02:18 ,2013 أيلول 12

dddd, yes, but our concern is regarding the Islamists, Jihadist, Muslim Bros. Al-Qaeda types. Practically the same genre of people who killed 1.5 million Christians Armenians by the hands of the Turks.

Missing rory909 14:54 ,2013 أيلول 11

Flamethrower I'm sure you don't know what your talking about @ all because if u went to the UAE and so the lebanese community there you would understand and last time i checked im pretty sure that the UAE is stronger bigger richer and safer then lebanon.

Missing ado_ 18:12 ,2013 أيلول 11

like sarkozy, the son of a jewish mother told Batrak al Rahi, " christains have no place in the middle east". Imagine if he said that about jews?
Qatar owns france and who do they support!

Henry Kissinger's plan to give the palestinians lebanon and relocate the lebanese christians to canada is still USA policy. President Frangieh threw an ash tray at him when hearing of his plan! now it becomes clearer why he invited syria for help in 1975.

look at the christains in iraq, in egypt... and mustaqbul party dares patronise lebanese christains on the threats that we have experienced!

"our church bells will always ring in Lebanon"... Bachir Gemayel

Missing putin1 18:25 ,2013 أيلول 11

Well said my friend! I hope your account won't be deleted for saying the truth and support the Christians. Small-brainwashed people do NOT understand that saving the ME Christians is for the safety and prosperity of every human being in the ME. However, they still might delete you. I said what you said and got deleted

Missing putin1 18:21 ,2013 أيلول 11

Kissinger of USA said it and Sarkozy in 2010 said it (Kissinger is Jewish, Sarkozy is half Jewish) NO PLACE FOR CHRISTIANS in ME. Thanks to Assad, the father, Lebanon Christians were saved. Iraq and Egypt communities have 70% eliminated. However, I am sure the son will be as good as the father. God bless Baath!

Thumb benzona 19:44 ,2013 أيلول 11

You've been reported for disrespect.

In the country I live in, you'd be arrested and judged jailed or fined for writing what you did.

Missing VINCENT 01:59 ,2013 أيلول 12

Was it a war mongering and/or Zionist agenda when the U.S. took out Milosevic?. You undermine your position and statements when you make such remarks. Zionism is in hour head.

Missing VINCENT 02:05 ,2013 أيلول 12

Southern. "Lebanon would be the next if those saudis/usa(warmonger)/zionists backed terrorists take over." The Saudis, yes. The U.S. is only interested in securing its investments in the M.S. same as Russia. As shown by the recent poles, the American people do not care one way or another about taking or giving away countries. You should be more respectful towards a noble Lebanese President, unless of course you are Iranian.

Missing VINCENT 02:08 ,2013 أيلول 12

Your argument is very lacking.

Missing VINCENT 02:19 ,2013 أيلول 12

You mean happy?