روسيا سلمت الولايات المتحدة خطتها للإشراف الدولي على الاسلحة الكيميائية في سوريا

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سلم مسؤولون روس الولايات المتحدة خطة لوضع ترسانة سوريا من الاسلحة الكيميائية تحت اشراف دولي فيما يعكف دبلوماسيون من موسكو وواشنطن على التحضير لاجتماع مهم يعقد في جنيف.

ونقلت وكالة ايتار-تاس الروسية للانباء عن مصدر روسي قوله "لقد سلمنا الاميركيين خطة لوضع الاسلحة الكيميائية السورية تحت اشراف دولي، ونتوقع ان نناقشها في جنيف".

وسيلتقي وزيرا الخارجية الاميركي جون كيري والروسي سيرغي لافروف في جنيف بعد ظهر الخميس.

وقال مصدر روسي في جنيف بحسب ما اوردت وكالة ايتار - تاس ان هذا اللقاء قد يستمر اكثر من يوم واحد.

واضاف هذا المصدر ان "اللقاء سيبدأ على ما يبدو الخميس ويختتم الجمعة لكنه قد يستمر حتى السبت".

واعلنت روسيا انها عرضت على حلفائها السوريين وضع مخزونهم من الاسلحة الكيميائية تحت اشراف دولي وتفكيكه، وهو الاقتراح الذي قبلته دمشق الثلاثاء.

وقال جون كيري الاربعاء بينما كان يتحدث في نقاش عبر الانترنت نظمته غوغل، ان لدى لافروف "افكارا مهمة حول الوسائل التي يمكننا بموجبها التوصل الى ذلك"، مضيفا "اذا تمكننا فعلا من توفير امن كل الاسلحة الكيميائية السورية عبر هذه الوسيلة، فانها بوضوح الوسيلة المفضلة وسيشكل ذلك خطوة حقيقية".

ويبدو ان ترحيب واشنطن بهذه المبادرة ابعد احتمال توجيه ضربات ضد النظام السوري المتهم بانه مسؤول عن هجوم كيميائي في 21 اب قرب دمشق اوقع مئات القتلى.

التعليقات 17
Thumb benzona 18:22 ,2013 أيلول 11

I saw this picture 3 days ago on naharnet ;-D

The question is : do we need pictures to illustrate news reports?

Thumb benzona 19:30 ,2013 أيلول 11

Ma akhaffak Roar. Mish ma3'oul.

Thumb benzona 18:22 ,2013 أيلول 11

Ma hèk ya Helweh ? Relax max.

Btw,, I'm still waiting for your number.

Thumb benzona 19:31 ,2013 أيلول 11

Banima, I know .... It was a joke.

Thumb lebnanfirst 19:13 ,2013 أيلول 11

As much as one fervently wishes that is is over, it is by no means over yet. Suspicions that Assad is using this to buy time abound in the West and with good reason. Past precedence lends credence to those suspicions. If no follow through takes place in a timely manner the risk of US strikes will reach a higher pitch and this time the congress will be hard pressed to vote down the military authorization.

That said, hope springs eternal.

Thumb benzona 19:29 ,2013 أيلول 11

Actually, you are a doll.

Thumb benzona 19:38 ,2013 أيلول 11

I'm not into phones pretty girl. Get whatever phone matches your car's colour. That's my only advice.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 19:40 ,2013 أيلول 11

So true roar. The situation in Syria is to the benefit of both powers. Russia is mucho happy Chechens are going for their jihad duties there and leaving the Russian internal scene quite while getting killed. USA is enthusiastic that Assad is weak and will never regain control of what is now and will be a failed state for a while. And both are happy al Qaida is getting jabs, upper cuts and a bloody nose. This is a win-win for both. And they are going to ride the wave all the way to the sunny shores.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 19:56 ,2013 أيلول 11

A huge part if what you say is true. But in a lot of ways surprise me. I would understand Russia trying to knock the eu down. But why would the USA? Especially with so many pro-American countries. That for the life of me cannot understand.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 20:37 ,2013 أيلول 11

no i get that part Roar, but in this day and age USA needs allies.. i agree that, at the end of the day, its all about the Benjamins.. but USA would be playing a dangerous game.. economical supremacy with no allies in their time of need is a dangerous thing.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 20:39 ,2013 أيلول 11

i think what america is trying to do is keep the EU dependent on it.. but if they keep playing these games they are bound to wise up sooner or later.. America MUST be considering the long time benefits/disadvantages of this.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 19:53 ,2013 أيلول 11

Or just get on Facebook and steal someone's pic. Hahaha. Too easy.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 20:03 ,2013 أيلول 11

no it is a Lebanese flag.. not a person who i stole his/her pic.. there is a huge difference...

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 20:33 ,2013 أيلول 11

i would be happy if you choose any pic except of a person who you stole it from. but in the end, hey.. its not about me... if you are happy stealing peoples pics.. go right ahead.. but it should come with a disclaimer..
first thing you should do is apologize to the chinese girl for spreading her picture probably without her consent.

Thumb Machia 22:34 ,2013 أيلول 11

At the end of the day Israel got what it wanted: A chemical weapons free Syria, a weakened Assad regime that is still defending Israel's occupation of the Golan, a massacre of Al Qaeda/Nusra/etc. militants, a Hezbollah and Iran sucked in the Syrian conflict. All this would certainly lead to a deal with Iran on its Nuclear weapons program.
The only losers here are the Syrian civilians and Lebanon of course.

Thumb jabal10452 23:16 ,2013 أيلول 11

Those Russians are good chess players. I give them that.

Thumb benzona 23:48 ,2013 أيلول 11

but the super computer is smarter than kasparov!