عون يدعو من سمح بمد شبكة حزب الله في زحلة سابقا إلى إيجاد الحل "قبل أن نصل إلى 7 أيار" جديد

Read this story in English W460

تمنى رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون على وزراء الإتصالات السابقين أن يجدوا حلا لقضية شبكة حزب الله الهاتفية في منطقة زحلة وذلك "قبل أن نصل إلى 7 أيار جديد".

وقال عون ردا على سؤال بعد اجتماع التكتل من الرابية عصر الثلاثاء "أسأل (الوزراء السابقون) مروان حمادة والياس المر وفواد السنيورة ماذا فعلوا في 5 و7 أيار فنحن لم نؤسس شبكة الإتصالات هذه ولا أقدر أن أحل كل المشاكل منذ التسعينات وكان قد تركوا لي مشاكل في عام 1988 منذ عام 1975".

وتابع "نسألهم هم أن يجدوا الحل قبل أن نصل إلى 5 أيار و7 أيار جديد".

وكان عون قد قلل من أهمية الأمر في مؤتمره الصحفي إذ قال "درسنا الأحداث التي حصلت في الشمال والجنوب أي في جزين ومشاكل أراضي في الشمال وأيضا في زحلة على خط هاتف هناك توتر وحكي لا يميت أحدا وإن شاء الله تبقى القضية "قصة حكي".

وردا على سؤال عن ردة فعل عدد من أهالي زحلة قال "فلينزلوا إلى الطرقات ويقطعوها".

وكان قد أعلن عدد من نواب زحلة الإثنين رفضهم القاطع لمد شبكة اتصالات لحزب الله في المدينة طالبين من رئيسي الجمهورية ميشال سليمان وحكومة تصريف الأعمال نجيب ميقاتي بالطلب من الحزب إزالتها "وإلا لن تمر" و "هناك أناس تستطيع إزالتها".

إلى ذلك تحدث عون عن عدم إقرار المراسيم المتعلقة بالنفط قائلا" نعرف من يدعو إلى اجتماع الحكومة لكني سأترك مجالا بعض الشيء بعدما مدد وزير الطاقة (والمياه جبران باسيل) الفرصة لشهر ونتأمل أن يرتدع من يجمد الموضوع لأن الأمر كارثة على لبنان ولا نفي بوعودنا تجاه أهم الشركات العالمية".

وشرح أن "لا حرب على لبنان بسبب النفط بل خروج الطاقة من المياه اللبنانية يؤمن استقرارا لأن الشركات هي من الدول الكبرى التي تصنع السلام وتصنع الحرب".

أضاف "استقبلنا السفير الأميركي الجديد (ديفيد هيل) وتكلمنا ببعض المواضيع المهمة ويبدو أن هناك مواضيع يمكن التكلم بها منها طبيعة الحكم وصحة الممارسة وقال أن التمديد لمجلس النواب هو مخالفة للدستور".

واستنتج من اللقاء مع هيل الذي جرى الإثنين أنه "يبدو أننا أمام مرحلة جديدة مع السفير الأميركي نتمنى أن تكمل".

إلى ذلك سأل عون مستهزئا "ماذا يمنع أن نستأجر مخيمات للنازحين مقابل السرايا كي يفهموا (من في السرايا) أن المشكلة كبيرة".

واستدرك قائلا "لكن عقولهم محتلة ومن عقله محتل لا يمكن أن يكون حرا وجعلونا كلنا موضوع تفاوض في أحداث سوريا ومن ينتظر التقسيم في سوريا مخطئ وهي ستعود دولة مدنية كما يقولون".

هذا ولم يخف رئيس التيار "الوطني الحر" أن "هناك عراقيل على طريق الإتفاق الروسي الأميركي لكنه يكمل كونه بدأ بأهم نقطة وهو تسليم الأسلحة الكيميائية وهي تريد مقابلا ومن يحلم بغير ذلك فهو مخطئ" آملا بالإنفراج القريب.

  • 17:10 ,2013 أيلول 17

    عون: لا حرب على لبنان بسبب النفط بل خروج الطاقة من المياه اللبنانية يؤمن استقرارا لأن الشركات هي من الدول الكبرى التي تصنع السلام وتصنع الحرب

  • 17:09 ,2013 أيلول 17

    عون: ماذا يمنع أن نستأجر مخيمات للنازحين مقابل السرايا كي يفهموا (من في السرايا) أن المشكلة كبيرة ولكن عقولهم محتله ومن عقله محتل لا يمكن أن يكون حرا وجعلونا كلنا موضوع تفاوض في أحداث سوريا ومن ينتظر التقسيم في سوريا مخطئ وهي ستعود دولة مدنية كما يقولون

  • 17:06 ,2013 أيلول 17

    عون: هناك عراقيل على طريق الإتفاق الروسي الأميركي لكنه يكمل كونه بدأ بأهم نقطة وهو تسليم الأسلحة الكيميائية وهي تريد مقابلا ومن يحلم بغير ذلك فهو مخطئ وإن شاء الله الخطوة الثانية هناك انفراج

  • 17:04 ,2013 أيلول 17

    عون: يبدو أننا أمام مرحلة جديدة مع السفير الأميركي نتمنى أن تكمل

  • 17:04 ,2013 أيلول 17

    عون: استقبلنا السفير الأميركي الجديد وتكلمنا ببعض المواضيع المهمة ويبدة أن هناك مواضيع يمكن التكلم بها منها طبيعة الحكم وصحة الممارسة وقال أن التمديد لمجلس النواب هو مخالفة للدستور

  • 17:03 ,2013 أيلول 17

    عون: درسنا الأحداث التي حصلت في الشمال والجنوب أي في جزين ومشاكل أراضي في الشمال وأيضا في زحلة على خط هاتف هناك توتر وحكي لا يميت أحدا وإن شاء الله تبقى القضية "قصة حكي"

  • 17:03 ,2013 أيلول 17

    عون: نعرف من يدعو إلى اجتماع الحكومة لكني سأترك مجالا بعض الشيء بعدما مدد وزير الطاقة الفرصة لشهر ونتأمل أن يرتدع من يجمد الموضوع لأن الأمر كارثة على لبنان ولا نفي بوعودنا تجاه أهم الشركات العالمية

  • 17:01 ,2013 أيلول 17

    رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون في مؤتمر صحفي: لا أحداث محلية ولا عمل ولا حكومة تعمل لأنها ترفض تحمل مسؤولياتها في أي لحظة بالرغم من أن مجلس الشورى بت في قضايا ضرورية والقضية خطيرة لدرجة أتحفط عن التكلم عنه وكأن هناك مؤامرة لمنع لبنان من استخراج نفطه ولا نبرئ من لديه سلطة القرار

التعليقات 74
Thumb lebanon_first 17:25 ,2013 أيلول 17

why lunatic? because he is blaming Mikati for not convening government and signing on the oil decree to give him time to buy mina properties before oil exploration starts?

Thumb benzona 18:41 ,2013 أيلول 17

This oil decree should never be signed. They're going to steal it.
If they do, until we have decent people governing Lebanon, I hope Israel or anyone will sabotage it.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:15 ,2013 أيلول 17

he always hopes for israel to harm lebanon, if he's not israeli then he's a miserable stooge.

Thumb benzona 19:36 ,2013 أيلول 17

Southern, you forgot to mention an important part of the message. No oil with Bassil and naziallah around.

Movaten, you honour M8 by insulting those who think different. Keep insulting you're doing it well!

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:04 ,2013 أيلول 17

i dont take honor lessons from someone who says he hopes israel will sabotage lebanon. take a hike traitor.

Thumb benzona 20:08 ,2013 أيلول 17

It's not my duty to lecture and educate you. You can blame your parents for failing to do the right thing. Sorry dude!

Default-user-icon vero (ضيف) 17:25 ,2013 أيلول 17

Let him shut up and spare us his press conferencees after his weekly meeting, he has no added value for the future of Lebanon, he never had in the past

Thumb lebanon_first 17:25 ,2013 أيلول 17

You make sense ya general. Only revise your ungodly alliance with the party of Iran...

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 17:41 ,2013 أيلول 17

Honestly friend. that is the only thing you see wrong with his actions? his alliance with HA? that's it?

Thumb lebanon_first 19:59 ,2013 أيلول 17


Aoun is the only one who talks about files that interest me:

Stop syrian refugee inflows
Do new elections for parliament
Start with the oil decrees
Send to the private sector all those employees Berri bloated EDL witn

I dont agree about his past. I dont agree how he bombed geagea and weakened the christians so we be at the mercy of medieval hassan and assir.
And I dont like his allies. Assad and Nasrallah. However I like his domestic agenda.

Missing putin1 17:41 ,2013 أيلول 17

Listen, if he is not with Iran, he is with Saudi Arabia. Now, unless he is interested so much in petro-dollar, he is better off with Iran. Iran is a progressive form of Islam. Iran did not sell the Arabic cause as Saudis did last century to the British and they still do. Iran never attacked any Arabic country while Saudis paid Saddam to attack Iran. The spread of Shiaaism is a lie because Shiia is not a preaching religion (while Christianity and Sunnis are: regardless of the method of preaching).

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 17:56 ,2013 أيلول 17

your an idiot. How about you not be with either and BE WITH LEBANON! as far as religion is concerned, everyone is free to worship whatever the hell the want but not force their beliefs on their neighbor and we can all live in peace and co-exist. ever thought of that? or is it your goal to incite sectarian hatred?

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:39 ,2013 أيلول 17

putin1: you sya facts, and you're faced with juvenile comments. sad illustration of the debates here.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:39 ,2013 أيلول 17


Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 19:07 ,2013 أيلول 17

One of Khomeini's most important aspects after the Islamic revolution overthrew the shah was the export of the same Islamic revolution. So that is NOT fact. A progressive form of Islam? It's a carbon copy of saudi except women can drive. Woohoo. How with the times they are. While most gcc countries you can drive. Not be forced to wear an abaya. Drink. Go clubbing. Swim. But Iran is progressive. Hahaha.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:22 ,2013 أيلول 17

where did he export it? what countries have had an islamic revolution on the model of iran? ......

on the other hand, look at the export of wahhabism, egypt, libya, sudan, yemen, irak, afghanistan, (syria next?)
look at the crimes committed in all these countries against other sects, the slaughter of christians, shias, copts, alawites etc etc etc...

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:27 ,2013 أيلول 17

"It's a carbon copy of saudi except women can drive."

geeze arzak, you're making a fool of yourself here.
-in iran the parliament and government is elected and makes most the laws, in saudi it's absolute monarchy
-in iran non-muslims do not need to obey sharia, they can drink alcohol for instance, and generally produce buy sell consume non-halal products.
-women are not the property of men
-there are reerved seats in parliment for christians and armenians (9 seats) and for jews (2 or 3 seats)
those represent a weight in parliament that is about tens times their % in the population.
-there are 36 synagogues in teheran and i dont have the figure for churches,but they were never attacked. in saudi all other religions are simply banned.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 19:46 ,2013 أيلول 17

Elected? Like Ahmadinejad was re-elected? And for your info. Khameni is the supreme leader. Can veto anything this "elected" parliament votes for. Something like hmm let me think. A KING!!!
It is illegal to buy or produce alcohol in Iran. Period. Home brewing is common. As it is in saudi but illegal non the less.
There are churches in 99% of Sunni countries. With the sole exception being saudi. In fact in other gcc countries the sheikhs and Amirs paid for said churches.
Sharia is THE law in Iran as it is in saudi. Doesn't matter if you are Christian. Muslim or atheist.
Just because he couldn't export it does not mean he didn't want to. Go look up his speeches about the export. Or if you like I can post a few for you.
And I'm making a fool of myself?

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 19:48 ,2013 أيلول 17

I can also post you a few Shia sheikhs who say the same crazy stuff about women as the Saudis. Yes. Iranian Shias.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 19:49 ,2013 أيلول 17

Last but not least. Minorities are not attacked in Iran? Can you tell that to the Baha'is? Or how about the Sunnis in Baluchistan?

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 20:22 ,2013 أيلول 17

Mowaten, and I use that term very loosely. Neither you or putin1 are lebanese. If you were, you would not speak so highly of another country without ever, and i mean ever, trying to speak of what it takes to make your country better from within. Show me one comment you have ever written on here is about Lebanon and not a militia. One comment for one second can help Lebanon as whole. you want to debate? let's debate on how we can make our country a state we can be proud of! not a state so loyal to other countries that they fight their wars for them and spill the blood their Lebanese children while preserving the blood of the petro dollar collectors. How about you talk about that for once you traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:25 ,2013 أيلول 17

yes and Ahmadinejad lost the last one, and he won the previous one. the "green" movement was a twitter movement which originated outside iran (thousands of tweets actually came from israel) so get your facts straight.
there is a supreme leader yes, but he only interferes on top matters. yes, it's not a democracy, but there is a huge difference between saudi where the king makes all decisions on a whim.
also in saudi they hold all the wealth of the country in one family (of thousands of princes, ya latif)whereas in iran wealth is distributed in a much more decent way.
also, dont give me "full stops" when you're wrong, you only make a fool of yourself even more
" Christian and Jewish citizens are allowed to consume, manufacture and trade alcohol."

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:26 ,2013 أيلول 17

hulk-smash: we're not lebanese because we dont lie about iran? rofl, go take a hike you paid shill are the least lebanese here.

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:28 ,2013 أيلول 17

arzak: and i can find some christian priests in the states who say the same crazy stuff, so what?
it's not what a few nutcases say, it's how the country functions. in saudi it's the nutcases who run the country, and they have full absolute power, and that's the problem. i dont have anything against saudi people, i actually feel with them because their leadership is a hideous monstrosity.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 20:53 ,2013 أيلول 17

mowaten- ghas min 3an ra2bitak wou ra2bit imak ana Libneneh. I love my country and don't need to get paid to speak of love for my country. There is no denying that you are a shill, anyone with half a brain can tell that from your comments.

BTW- how does it feel now that your bosses are at the end of their roptes? Lebanon will come out of this stronger when all the dust settles and you will have to look for an honest job instead of being a paid shill.
rou7 ballet el ba7er.

Thumb shab 17:37 ,2013 أيلول 17

Fix the country, then dig for oil. Not before.

Thumb benzona 18:42 ,2013 أيلول 17

That would be wise! No oil before the thieves and assassins are out!

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:39 ,2013 أيلول 17

you bear your name well, bs-artist.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 19:10 ,2013 أيلول 17

“What did former Premier Fouad Saniora and then Ministers Marwan Hamadeh and Elias al-Murr do on May 5 and 7, 2008?” he asked.

Umm. They tried to dismantle said communication network?? I don't get his point.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:18 ,2013 أيلول 17

what danger does the telecom network pose for lebanon? none
what danger does it pose for israel? a huge one, without it HA is practically neutered.

siniora's illegitimate cabinet (not constitutional since it did not include representatives of all sects) tried to do israel a huge gift, but they failed. miserably. as usual.


Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 19:38 ,2013 أيلول 17

Danger to Lebanon? You are free to have HA listen in to your conversation. Free to have your own right to privacy invaded. Let alone by a non-governmental institution. But you do not speak for me. I am free too. With my own choices. Which do not correspond to yours.
And he is talking in the context of not allowing HA to continue. So what is the question? They did what he is saying HA should not do. To avoid another may 7.

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:02 ,2013 أيلول 17

the HA telecom network is distinct from other networks, there is no privacy involved. the very reason why they built an entirely separate network was to prevent israeli eavesdropping.

a strong state, that does not bow to israeli demands would legalize the network, not declare war on its resistance and put the entire nation at risk

Missing VINCENT 20:05 ,2013 أيلول 17


Please elaborate how does the installations and expansion of the H.A. network help the Lebanese to rid the Palestinian and Syrian problem, and, meanwhile, diminish Israel's influence on Lebanon? By the way, you really shouldn't be saying "that it poses a huge danger to Israel". If this is the intent, then H.A. once again openly and notoriously inciting Israel to attack Lebanon. Also, if indeed Israel is pumping oil that arguably does not belong to them, what has Lebanon, Iran or Saudi Arabia done anything about it? I don't like people taking advantage and/or stealing from me, and I am pissed off. Unless the region they are pumping from does not clearly belong to either country, and "first come first serve" is fair. If so, who has prevented Lebanon from setting up the offshore oil drills? Who has held back Lebanon?

Missing samiam 23:07 ,2013 أيلول 17


you are truly an idiot. i don't think i have ever seen someone rationalize a illegal and immoral act as much as you congrats.

"what danger does the telecom network pose for lebanon? none"

SERIOUSLY, what country in the world lets a militia set up its own telecom network within a country? And while we are at it, this people/army/resistance thing that is spoken of, where in the world is this done?

Thumb Maxx 01:53 ,2013 أيلول 18

"what danger does the telecom network pose for lebanon? none"
Mowaten Irani: Please tell me you were being sarcastic. Because surely not even brainwashed traitors like you could be so ignorant: Remind me again, who murdered half of our Lebanese politicians while communicating on said illegal phone network in order to not be detected like they were when they murdered Hariri?

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 06:33 ,2013 أيلول 18

Sure. I'm sure you were an engineer that knows the exact purpose of the network and installed it single handedly. Keep coming with your own fictional excuses to defend them.

Thumb benzona 18:42 ,2013 أيلول 17

Long live the resistance, the zahle resistants resisting the terrorist organization known as Hezbollah.

Default-user-icon Zahle-lion (ضيف) 18:47 ,2013 أيلول 17

He claims to protect Christian rights, but it's clear he has zero influence on his allies. Just like the puppet he clearly is.

Default-user-icon MarioK (ضيف) 18:53 ,2013 أيلول 17

What a turncoat this guy is! Truly sickening.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:54 ,2013 أيلول 17

israelis started pumping in a field that is between us and them. every year we waste it's millions of cubic meters sucked out.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:55 ,2013 أيلول 17

it's the prime minister, miqati. no need to name him since we all know it as you say.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:57 ,2013 أيلول 17

it wont remain underground, it will be sucked out by israelis. i'd rather burn it them let them have it, not just because i hate them, but because that income will finance the future bombs they'll drop on us.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:57 ,2013 أيلول 17

because he is not a child like you. in politics you meet everyone, even your opponents.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:58 ,2013 أيلول 17

he made one prediction and was wrong. ok.
how many predictions did you all make? assad in done in two months! in two weeks! his days are counted.... blablabla

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:00 ,2013 أيلول 17

also, even assuming an portion of it will be lost in corruption, it would still mean tens of billions of dollars, enough to compensate for what hariri stole.

Default-user-icon Zahle-lion (ضيف) 19:00 ,2013 أيلول 17

Wolf, just remember who was in power in Lebanon when those so called trials took place. While I am no fan of Geagea, any trials or verdicts that took place during the dark period of Syrian occupation is more than suspect. If anything, those trials indicate that Geagea was perceived as a threat by the Syrians.

As to the inter-Christian fighting, there is plenty of blame that can be shared by both sides.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:01 ,2013 أيلول 17

first, this was never his slogan, and second he was being sarcastic, but that too fell on deaf ears.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:02 ,2013 أيلول 17

he was speaking of the US, China, Europe, who need oil and who would be prepared to give us guaranties if we sell them oil.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:03 ,2013 أيلول 17

what's the link between that and christian rights!? you really have a very lose definition of "proof" i see

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:05 ,2013 أيلول 17

HA is not terrorist by Lebanese standards. only for traitors who follow israel and the US it is. for us lebanese it is the resistance, and it's communication network is an essential element in their capacity to resist israel. trying to dismantle it, under a decision by an unconstitutional cabinet is not courage, it's working for the enemy.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:07 ,2013 أيلول 17

no he is trying to avert it. it's those who are trying to create a new may 2008 who are morally bankrupt. this communication network causes harm to no one but israel. trying to dismantle it serves no national interest.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:08 ,2013 أيلول 17

wow, what a pointless rant. not even worth answering.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:10 ,2013 أيلول 17

protect them from what? a telecom network is threatening them?
the only reason they are doing all this reaction is to try to harm hezbollah, not defend themselves from an invisible threat.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:14 ,2013 أيلول 17

yep, last i checked bsharreh is under HA control.

Thumb erasmus16@gmail.com 19:16 ,2013 أيلول 17

Regarding the oil, and like Fatma Gul, once you sign the contracts and the commissions are paid, it's too late. In the current situation, oil contracts will go to the entity willing to pay the most bribes.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 19:21 ,2013 أيلول 17

Research Aoun's bombardment of qulay3at. So Aoun can ally with other war criminals and like Berri and Nassrallah but not Geagea. Shawkeh bi 3aynak mbayan Geagea.
P.S. he was not convicted of the church bombings even under Syrian tutalege. And he went to jail for refusing Syrian hegemony over Lebanon when he was offered ministerial portfolios and refusing. In your eyes if he had accepted he would have avoided jail. And been a clean man for accepting Syria.
But you hate on him for being a killer during a civil war. And prop up the others. There are better uses for the oxygen you are wasting.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 19:55 ,2013 أيلول 17

Roar let us get one thing clear. I do NOT support this man or any other man. I support my principles which are Lebanese through and through.
In regards to this man. Throw him back in jail for all I care. As long as Berri. Nasrallah. Jumblat. Franjieh. Aoun. Etc. etc. are thrown in with him. He is not the only one who killed. Either judge them all or none. That's just double standards. He went to jail for the sole reason he did not now to the Syrians and take the ministerial portfolios he was offered. If he did he would not have seen a day behind bars. THAT is my point. Hope you understand it now

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 19:56 ,2013 أيلول 17

He did not bow. Not now.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 23:55 ,2013 أيلول 17

Ok wolf. You are so so clever. Wow. My shoe is jealous of your iq.
Aoun still held into his power after a legitimate govt was elected (as all were under the Syrians) he is power hungry. Started a war he was nowhere man enough to start and opened more gates of hell on us. He sold his principles that he constantly mentioned in France and his recalled orange book. He left the battle field and left the real soldiers of the laf get slaughtered while he was on his way to moulin rouge. And the forgot about the ones rotting in Syrian jails. He is a coward who left his wife and kid to save his own skin. Not worthy of being called a general.
Go ahead and keep thinking I am an lfer. I won't lose one wink of sleep.

Thumb beiruti 19:24 ,2013 أيلول 17

Given the current state of affairs in the region, can there be an any more irrelevant player than Michel Aoun, as a hanger on to a War Criminal Regime that is on its way out of power?? Than Michel Aoun whose claim to power in Lebanon is the number of seats his party holds in a Parliament whose mandate expired 3 months ago? Only in Lebanon could this irrelevant person hold a press conference and the press actually show up.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:36 ,2013 أيلول 17

al resistance we all know you're a fake, dont even bother.

Missing karim_m3- 21:17 ,2013 أيلول 17

God bless General Aoun for his staunch patriotism, defense of Lebanon's democracy, and opposition to February 14-sponsored Wahabism.

Default-user-icon LebaneseTruth (ضيف) 21:22 ,2013 أيلول 17

Aoun has abondoned the Christians in order to appease Iran and Syria with hope that he will one day become president even though he keeps getting older..instead of tackling the Hezbollah trying to take over Lebanon issue, he tries to play the blame game like always. All you supporters of his should turn in your Lebanese passports and join Bashar's war in Syria

Missing peace 21:22 ,2013 أيلول 17

"HA is not terrorist by Lebanese standards." no, just an outlaw not respecting lebanese laws when it is not in their interests...

"for us lebanese it is the resistance" please do not take your fantasies for reality... you must say for some lebanese...even the minority of lebanese!

"an essential element in their capacity to resist israel" outside any control of the lebanese state which makes them outlaws!! we have an army to defend the state not a bunch of iranian paid mercenaries!

"trying to dismantle it, under a decision by an unconstitutional cabinet is not courage, it's working for the enemy."

no it is working for the state of lebanon and its security... stop using your israeeli pretext each time one is against your militia!!! pure propaganda... as usual with mooooowaten!

Missing peace 21:24 ,2013 أيلول 17

"trying to dismantle it serves no national interest."

yes it does! it serves the country by asserting the power of the state and its institutions... having a party outside any control of the gvt is just weakening it and proving how unlebanese they are by taking the role of the state!

Missing formerlebaniz 22:56 ,2013 أيلول 17

Let them have their own telecom circuit at least this way Israel won't have to hack into our normal networks and do Hizbullah's instead. Beside one day they will be no more and we can use this telecom network for high-speed internet!

My only concern is the M14 leaders that will be killed using this telecom network which obviously the government won't be able to investigate.... oh well the sacrifices we have to take for high-speed internet!

Thumb Machia 00:13 ,2013 أيلول 18

It is time to call for an internal truce. Michel Aoun is right to speak about our oil and gaz reserves. I don't care about his motives as long as they coincide with the interests of Lebanon.
It is time to stop talking about what drives us apart as Lebanese and focus on what our interests as individuals are.
We are wasting so much time shouting at one another about the Syrian conflict. We are loosing very precious time and forgoing great opportunities to put our house in order.
We all want a secure and prosperous Lebanon. Let's push the politicians whom we elect to work for us first (they can then work for their paymasters in Iran, Saudi or the US).

Default-user-icon MonkeyBiz (ضيف) 04:54 ,2013 أيلول 18

This is a joke. Let the people block roads to confront Hizb. Where does the government stand on this? Just because the expansion didn't happen on your watch Aoun doesn't mean that you wash your hands from it. You are part of the current government. If you can't resolve the problems of the Lebanese citizens, then you should find another job (sangareh maybe?).

Missing cedars 06:27 ,2013 أيلول 18

Not Paying Electricity is also part of the defense strategy? Using the Gov. telecom infrastructure to build a private tenant in the same Lebanese space is similar to the Palestinians attempting to take over and overrun the country in 1975.

Thumb primesuspect 07:00 ,2013 أيلول 18

and it ended badly for the Pals!

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 07:33 ,2013 أيلول 18

you are truly dense.. when did i say he does not have blood on his hands?
he is the only one who apologized to what he did during the war.. can you show me berri apologizing? how about hasoon? jumblat maybe?
again.. and no matter what camel you are sitting on.. he was offered ministerial portfolios.. he refused under syrian tutelage and THAT is the only reason he is in jail..
did he admit he bombed the church? nope..did he admit to 90% of the things you accuse him of? nope.. but he did not deny he was a warlord in a country full of warlords.. and killed.. as did all..
only an ignorant person would see someone apologizing for having blood on his hands as you do and someone who DOES NOT apologize but with blood on his hands as a hero.. you are lacking..
and next time you can click reply.. so i can see your post.. not mistakenly wander across it.. thats why they put the button there.

Thumb sophia_angle 09:30 ,2013 أيلول 18

i am just asking; is not in times of all the ones, who are now want to take out HA weapons, HA grew n got strong? we all know cancer must be treated early why you waited all these years n not done something? GMA in 1988 asked you all to join in fighting syria n take off all illegal arms why did you all fought him?? you have changed your mind? ok this happens everyone can change his mind. Now do you have a plan how you are going to take off the arms of HA? can you inform us how? if you got a nice plan better than of general we are glad to see it with your wide minds

Thumb sophia_angle 14:06 ,2013 أيلول 18

well ya lbf, you need to adjust your facts n dont jump periods of times n to wrong conclusions, if u hate him that does not give the right to mislead the facts, first all were opposing him second jaja made a deal with hrawi n the letter is on the web now u can search for it he joined the syrians to attack general. Please let your opinion be based on true facts not on senses this way you will not build an argument so i won't reply coz it will be your opinion. will all my respect to you

Thumb sophia_angle 16:06 ,2013 أيلول 18

Vive le General ya kbir inta !!!