الائتلاف السوري المعارض يدين "عدوان الدولة الاسلامية في العراق والشام"

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دان الائتلاف الوطني لقوى المعارضة والثورة السورية "عدوان" الدولة الاسلامية في العراق والشام و"ممارساتها القمعية"، معتبرا انها تتناقض مع "مبادىء الثورة السورية"، وذلك بعد يومين من سيطرة مقاتلين جهاديين على مدينة اعزاز في شمال غرب البلاد اثر معركة خاطفة مع الجيش الحر.

وجاء في بيان صادر عن الائتلاف "يندد الائتلاف الوطني السوري بعدوان داعش (دولة الإسلام في العراق والشام ) على قوى الثورة السورية والاستهتار المتكرر بأرواح السوريين" ويعتبر ان ممارساتها "خروج عن إطار الثورة السورية يضعها في تناقض مباشر مع المبادئ التي تسعى الثورة المجيدة إلى تحقيقها".

وهي المرة الاولى التي ينتقد فيها الائتلاف بهذا الوضوح تنظيما جهاديا، بعد ان اكتفى في مراحل سابقة بالتمايز عن المجموعات الاسلامية المتطرفة التي تقاتل النظام، من دون رفضها.

وندد الائتلاف ب"ارتباط التنظيم بأجندات خارجية، ودعوته لقيام دولة جديدة ضمن كيان الدولة السورية، متعدياً بذلك على السيادة الوطنية"، و"تكرار ممارساته القمعية واعتداءاته على حريات المواطنين والأطباء والصحافيين والناشطين السياسيين خلال الشهور الماضية".

كما انتقد احتكام "داعش" الى "القوة في التعامل مع المدنيين، وشروعها بمحاربة كتائب الجيش الحر كما حدث مؤخرا في 18 آب بمدينة اعزاز بريف حلب".

كما اشار الى ان مقاتلي الدولة توقفوا "عن محاربة النظام في عدة جبهات"، وانتقلوا الى "تعزيز مواقعهم في مناطق محررة، بحيث يشكل وجودهم فيها خطرا على المدنيين واستعادة لتاريخ قمع حزب البعث وجيش نظام الأسد وشبيحته".

واكد الائتلاف ان "الشعب السوري الحر يميل الى التوازن والاعتدال واحترام التعدد الديني والسياسي ويرفض التكفير الأعمى والفكر الإقصائي وما يبنى عليه من سلوكيات إجرامية بحق المواطنين من مسلمين وغير مسلمين"، مشيرا الى "أن أخلاق الثورة وقيمها تعكس أخلاق الإسلام وقيمه الإنسانية السامية".

وسيطرت "الدولة الاسلامية في العراق والشام" مساء الاربعاء على مدينة اعزاز التي كانت تحت سيطرة الجيش السوري الحر بعد معركة استمرت ساعات مع "لواء عاصفة الشمال" اوقعت قتلى وجرحى في صفوف الطرفين.

وتم التوصل الى اتفاق على وقف اطلاق النار في مدينة اعزاز السورية القريبة من الحدود التركية بين "الدولة الاسلامية في العراق والشام" (داعش) و"لواء عاصفة الشمال" المنضوي ضمن الجيش الحر، وذلك بعد يومين من سيطرة داعش على اعزاز اثر معركة خاطفة مع لواء عاصفة الشمال.

وتم الاتفاق برعاية "لواء التوحيد"، ابرز مجموعة مقاتلة ضد النظام السوري في محافظة حلب (شمال)، والمنضوي تحت الجيش الحر، بحسب ما ابرزت نسخة عن الاتفاق حصل عليها المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان.

وجاء في نص الاتفاق ان الطرفين "الاول دولة الاسلام في العراق والشام، والثاني لواء عاصفة الشمال" اتفقا على "وقف إطلاق النار فوراً، وخروج جميع المحتجزين بسبب المشكلة خلال 24 ساعة من تاريخ توقيع الاتفاق، ورد جميع الممتلكات المحتجزة لدى الطرفين".

كما اتفق الجانبان على "ان يضع لواء التوحيد حاجزا بين الطرفين لحين انتهاء المشكلة في اعزاز"، وان "يكون المرجع في أي خلاف هيئة شرعية معتبرة من الطرفين".

وظهر على النسخة توقيع أبو عبد الرحمن الكويتي عن داعش، وتوقيع النقيب المنشق احمد غزالة ابو راشد عن طرف عاصفة الشمال. كما وقع شخصان آخران بصفة شاهدين هما أبو توفيق عن لواء التوحيد وابراهيم الشيشاني الذي يعتقد انه يقود مجموعة يطلق عليها اسم "المهاجرين والانصار".

وتكررت الحوادث والمواجهات المسلحة خلال الاشهر الاخيرة في سوريا بين مجموعات من الجيش الحر واخرى جهادية.

التعليقات 31
Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 10:25 ,2013 أيلول 20

"لا تسألني كيف وليش , ما حمانا غير الجيش, حمص ودرعا ودير الزور, ما بدهم إلا الدكتور"

Missing karim_m1-- 10:31 ,2013 أيلول 20

The Syria Opposition condemns jihadist attacks on rebels? LOL are they schizophrenic? The rebels ARE jihadists. The rebels ARE Al Qaeda. The rebels ARE terrorists. FSA-Al Qaeda is attacking itself.

Thumb irus_da_virus 10:55 ,2013 أيلول 20

I can understand why people like you cant comprehend the fact that fsa and qaida are different groups,after all you have been indoctrinated for years to follow the commands of the one dictator, the entire Syria is al baath and the entire baath is assad.There can not be a person in Syria who is allowed to differ from what assad says and hence you obviously can not comprehend that FSA and qaida are not the same.

Missing karim_m1-- 11:06 ,2013 أيلول 20

I was resisting the Syrian occupation since before people like you were born. While the people you worship (i.e. the February 14 Saudi-Wahabi coalition) were shining their boots and serving them Barazek, we were getting hosed down with water sprays and being beaten up by their cronies. It's only when they finally left Lebanon and the occupation ended that you decided to begin "resisting" them.

People like you and your masters know nothing of dignity and proper peaceful resistance. FSA-Al Qaeda is nothing but another terrorist organization created and funded by the same terrorist entity (i.e. the kingdom of terrorism) that owns the February 14 clowns.

Missing peace 11:41 ,2013 أيلول 20

"were shining their boots and serving them Barazek" just like M8 now... why criticize a thing you still do? LOL!

"we were getting hosed down with water sprays and being beaten up by their cronies"
you forgot the lebanese prisoners in syria which your beloved aoun told their mothers to FORGET! LOL

"proper peaceful resistance." = it was peaceful but your beloved bashar shot them like rabbits, you wouldn't have taken arms to defend yourself? LOL!!!

and a weak mind like yours cannot figure that the opposition is split just like bashar wanted it by encouraging islamists... you cannot understand that fsa and alqaeda are two seperate things... poor you....

Thumb lyom 23:31 ,2013 أيلول 20


Default-user-icon Legion (ضيف) 11:05 ,2013 أيلول 20

Keep telling yourself that

Thumb Senescence 14:10 ,2013 أيلول 20

Flamecatcher, reality disagrees. At least 50% are hardliners, and one must bare in mind that it's not binary, the opposition. There's a spectrum that must be follow. From 50% on, it's not hard to imagine how much force the secularists make. During the first phases I would have agreed, and was a proponent of arming them and let them battle it out, whoever wins has the right to rule. Nowadays, I don't think believe that. A political solution followed by a united sweeping of terrorists is the way to go imo.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 17:15 ,2013 أيلول 20

It's amazing how you come out in force here and not a word on the tripoli bombing. Walk even Assad said the jihadists were the minority at the beginning of the revolution up until late last year. His murder and rape would turn anyone into an extremist. And the rest were only too willing to come in from all over.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 17:16 ,2013 أيلول 20

And I don't care what they do in Syria. But at least there MIGHT be a chance they stop attacking and bombing and assasinating Lebanon. Which is being done by Assad with absolute proof.

Thumb lyom 23:30 ,2013 أيلول 20

They WERE not Qaeda. They WERE not terrorists. Bashar created this hell by refusing to speak with folks who wanted change after 50 years of boring Assads. Qaeda and terrorists took advantage of the vacuum.

Missing samiam 09:13 ,2013 أيلول 21

don't even bother to explain things to them--they have been taught not to think and anyone not with against the farsi trinity is automatically m14/jihadist/takfiri/zionists/martian.

sad state of affairs, isn't it

Thumb thepatriot 11:19 ,2013 أيلول 20

karim... pardon me... but you're an imbecile! You won't understand facts because your ideology is soo deeply rooted in your thick tiny skull!
Also understand that many people who are m14 today simply are against the syrian influence in Lebanon. Some m14 leaders turned their backs to the syrian regime (and for some they paid the price with their life), and others always opposed it. You also have people, like me, who will always support those who oppose the syrian regime... Aoun at a time (even though he was already a nut case)... m14 today! You choose to follow people like Aoun I suppose, only because they oppose m14...despite the fact that he became a syrian boot licker... ew!
As for the wahabi this and wahabi that... please... it is ridiculous... no one wants anything to do with wahabism... you are troubled in your mind man...

Missing putin1 11:34 ,2013 أيلول 20

I think you are having problem understanding Karim: Not because his wording are difficult to understand but because your faith limits your brain to believe beyond the petro-doolar you are receiving. Again,what Karim is saying: we defended Lebanon when Lebanon needed a defense. But when we are faced to choose between cannibals and Baath, the choice is obvious. And all of this sugar coating of the "some rebels" are good is rubbish. Look at the Egyptian brotherhood: FSA at best is a Muslim brotherhood yet: they were classified CRIMINALS in Egypt

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 17:19 ,2013 أيلول 20

Oh you choose Assad sending bombs with smaha. You choose Assad organizing the tripoli bombing. At least we know where your loyalty lies. And Lebanon is not it for sure.

Thumb irus_da_virus 11:51 ,2013 أيلول 20

Karim: you don't know how old I am and you assumed that I support M14, two major assumptions that your rant you call an opinion is based on. The only people serving barazek and who made the downtown into a world class ghetto are the supporters of the Syrian Baath in Lebanon. So please don't tell me that in your past you resisted Syrians but now your ok with the assad and his inglorious bastards because your truly don't believe that the Syrians have an alternative, you remind of a politician who spent years in France fighting against the Syrians and lobbying in the US only to magically make peace with his enemy for some reason no one can understand

Thumb irus_da_virus 12:07 ,2013 أيلول 20

I agree that we cant have another enemy on the door, this includes the Syrian Baath who have proven recently with their explosive messages that they are no friend of lebanon, mishel smeha, sheikh gharib in tripoly, ALL are from the Syrian regime. These guys are not our friends!!

Thumb irus_da_virus 12:54 ,2013 أيلول 20

Southern: I think we all wish that a better change can occur for the Syrians and I wish i can be as optimistic as you are but looking at how the regime reacted to the initial and peaceful demonstrations, i don't get encouraged that we as Lebanese can induce any change with this regime and yes i agree with you that we don't need Afghanistan and neither do the Syrians, they also will not let that happen.

Default-user-icon promtad (ضيف) 13:32 ,2013 أيلول 20

South: I think we all wish to change the best that can happen to the Syrians and I wish I could be optimistic as you, but looking at how the system reacts to the initial peaceful demonstrations

Missing imagine1979 13:45 ,2013 أيلول 20

I will start by saying i'm sorry, i usualy donnot leave messages bit today i'm fed up...
Karim i was in 7august when the army and moukhabarat came under the guidance of ur new friends (jamil el sayed and others) and did what u all remember (at least i hope u still remember this..) i was there with a bunch of people, from tayyar (then), kateeb, even yassar democrateh and guess what a lot of us cannot understand what happened to u guys? What changed? Surian regime is not the one that stoled our liberty? put us in jail? Followed us(via his lebanese allies of choukran souria..) now all that vanished?
How can u not accept the fact that this regime that huerted us so much during more than 30years is not to be hated by his own population?
U know what this regime dod to us, can u imagin what it was to live in syria under this regime? All the syrian tha were "suicided"?, all those jailed for year..and still u deny them the right to fight for their freedome?

Missing imagine1979 13:46 ,2013 أيلول 20

I can understand why march 8 is with the regime (always was)and i can even understand why some of march14 would be woth it (kamenn kenno helafe2onn),but people like u?why? How did u turned to be like this...
For the sake of all those who died fighting for freedome in lebanon, for the sake of our comrade beatten and jailed for saying souriya tla3eh barra,for the sake of history not to blame us, please stop being dumn...
I'm sorry again,i know i hv to understand and accept different points of views, but guys like u karim really make me sick...

Missing imagine1979 15:00 ,2013 أيلول 20

How productive southern, really thank u for ur unvaluable coments...
But guess what lebanese resistance was not all the same, there was people fighting against israely invadors in the south for lebanon and freedome, and other shoutting them in the back while doing so...
As a southern u should know that.. But i guess that history rewritten by hez....
And u know what south lebanon army (jech lahed) and hez looks a lot alike, both persecuted true resistants, both had lebanese ID (jech lahed was a part of tbe lebanese army) but both has allegeance to external powers and were readdy to kill other lebanese for those powers and both of them thought they were fighting for "their" lebanon....
I donno if u really lived in south... Maybe u forgot.. Maybe i got it wrong..

Missing imagine1979 15:54 ,2013 أيلول 20

Al manar a small french secret service fabrikated more than 100 000 dead 2years of represion and thousand of missing people...
Don't worry ma fi chi bi souria..
Like those idiots in lebanon saying for 2 years"there is no syrian refugies in lebanon" bass nezhinn, "we are against making camps for the refugies, and now that we have arround 1million of nezhin in lebanon living in shit thay just woke up....
What a nice world...

Missing imagine1979 15:58 ,2013 أيلول 20

And flamethrower hashem minkara u know the nice guy in tripoli wou implyed charia during civil war and still preaching for it guess who sent him back from syria, cheker el abssi came from there to, even fabricated "abou adass also"and the list is long..
This is without counting all the jihadist they sent to irak.. Like benladen and the us in afganistan against the red army...
Maybe assad can call some of his fanatic friends to see if he can ease them a litle bit....

Thumb lebanon_first 16:08 ,2013 أيلول 20

Our last protection against the al Qaeda is a strong FSA. Not the criminal regime of assad or the iranian milicia.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 16:43 ,2013 أيلول 20

the only way to save Lebanon is to get rid of Bashar and qaeda. easy to say. I know.

Thumb lyom 23:34 ,2013 أيلول 20


Missing formerlebaniz 00:58 ,2013 أيلول 21

I have one question for the Assad defenders here. One question I would like an answer to. The two clerks that the Syrian officer worked with to kill in Tripoli they are not radical islamist al-Qaeda terrorists or whatever? or are they secular clerks that are fun loving just misunderstood?

Missing formerlebaniz 02:36 ,2013 أيلول 21

Yeah.. How many thumbs down are you going to give this post and not answer it?

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 01:01 ,2013 أيلول 21

But the government said all the rebels are terrorists? They say there are 1200 groups then they say they're all Al Qaeda. Why would there be so many groups if they are all from one group? Don't think about it too hard if you're a brainwashed supporter of Assad because it will hurt your head.

Missing samiam 09:17 ,2013 أيلول 21

the ENEMIES of lebanon include SYRIA and their allies since they have done more to destabilize Lebanon than all other groups combined. Stop points to zionists as the only enemy. How many pro syrian politicians have been assassinated again? Now compare that figure to the anti-syrian politicians that were assassinated?

I am assuming at 12 years old you can do basic math, and then you can make up stuff on people like Samaha.