Mustaqbal, Shaar, Rifi: Blame for Tripoli Blasts Falls Only on Those Who Staged Them

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Mufti of Tripoli and the North Malek al-Shaar, former Internal Security Forces chief Maj. Gen. Ashraf Rifi and a Mustaqbal Movement delegation agreed on Sunday that the blame for the Tripoli blasts “falls only on those who staged them,” after at least one resident of the mainly Alawite Jabal Mohsen was arrested on charges of involvement in the attacks that targeted two Sunni mosques in the city.

“We will never discriminate between a citizen and another based on religious and sectarian belonging, and I clearly tell my brothers the Alawites … that we appreciate them and that they are a part of this city's social fabric,” Shaar said after meeting with a Mustaqbal delegation led by ex-MP Mustafa Alloush.

“We only have a problem with the outlaws and with those whose allegiance is not to this country and its people, but we will overcome all these obstacles through our patience, placidity and good cooperation,” Shaar added.

For his part, Alloush stressed after visiting Rifi that “there is no collective blame.”

“This is an individual accusation against a small group and against anyone proven to be guilty by the investigation,” he added.

Al-Mustaqbal newspaper reported Sunday that several members of the Arab Democratic Party -- the main political and armed force in Jabal Mohsen -- were behind the August bombings in Tripoli that left at least 45 people dead and more than 500 injured.

“Tripoli's residents, from all groups and sects, are one body against terrorism,” Alloush said.

Meanwhile, Rifi said that “the blame for this grave crime falls only on those who staged it, as Tripoli showed a very high level of patriotism in the wake of the two major blasts and shunned vengeance and impulsive reactions.”

“The innocent people (in Jabal Mohsen) are our people,” Rifi insisted.

“We must place our confidence in state institutions and we have full confidence in the ISF and that its work is based on scientific evidence and high impartiality,” Rifi added.

Informed sources told al-Mustaqbal newspaper that seven members of the Arab Democratic Party carried out the attack that targeted al-Salam and Taqwa Mosques on August 23.

Youssef Diab was behind the bombing at al-Salam Mosque, while Ahmed Merhi was behind the attack at the other one, they said.

On Friday, armed clashes broke out in Tripoli's areas of Bab al-Tabbaneh, Jabal Mohsen and Syria Street over Diab's arrest, wounding an army soldier and a young man identified as S.M.

On Saturday, State Commissioner to the Military Court Judge Saqr Saqr ordered the arrest of several suspects over their alleged involvement in the bombings.

Saqr charged on August 30 three suspects in the twin bombings of Tripoli in addition to a Syrian army Captain and another Syrian man over the booby-trapped cars.

Comments 7
Thumb primesuspect 13 October 2013, 20:24

Well said guys!

I expect the moronic brigade to thumb me down.... that's the only thing M8 and fanbase can do ===> destruction, segregation, racism.

Default-user-icon @primesuspect (Guest) 14 October 2013, 02:36

your avater is stupid and shameful and you a disgrace

Thumb general_puppet 13 October 2013, 22:12

_..-_.Flamethrower_.__..- no one cares about and avatar, and no one cares about moronic comments posted by turncoat Iranian/Assad bootlickers like you, roar, momo and southern. Stop wasting your time spewing dribble.

Thumb benzona 13 October 2013, 22:31

LoL at the details « -.- _._ » what kind of loser gets banned 10x and crawls back begging for more. Answer, someone who doesn't respect himself. Have some self esteem for God's sake.

Thumb general_puppet 13 October 2013, 22:59

_..-_.Flamethrower_.__..- and the rest of the Axis cheerleaders are the kind of Losers that think Lebanon is a Syrian district and the southern tip of the "Iranian crescent".

Thumb benzona 13 October 2013, 23:21

I suppose Iranian hashish makes people hallucinate. Unless its strictly the effect of syro-iranian promises of more petrodollars for selling Lebanon to these terrorists!

Thumb benzona 13 October 2013, 22:26

Prime suspect is right. You insult people, the perfect description of M8ers!
When you are tired of arguing with them, you blow them up, murder them and ultimately desecrate their bodies!

Death to Bachar,
Death to Nasrallah,
Death to their allies in crime!