Moscow Slams Saudi for Rejecting Security Council Seat, Paris Says Shares Riyadh 'Frustration'

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Russia on Friday sharply criticized Saudi Arabia for rejecting membership of the U.N. Security Council, slamming the kingdom's "strange" argument that the body had failed over the Syria conflict, as France said it shared Riyadh's “frustration.”

"We are surprised by Saudi Arabia's unprecedented decision," the foreign ministry said in a statement.

"The kingdom's arguments arouse bewilderment and the criticism of the U.N. Security Council in the context of the Syria conflict is particularly strange," it added.

Meanwhile, France said it shared Riyadh's frustration, noting that it has “an ongoing dialogue on the subject of Syria with Saudi Arabia."

"We share its frustration after the Security Council's paralysis," French foreign ministry spokesman Romain Nadal said, noting that France is proposing reforms to the council's veto rights.

France in September proposed that the five permanent Security Council members no longer have the power to veto resolutions when they involve "mass crimes."

Permanent members Russia and China have used their vetoes on the Security Council to block resolutions against the Assad regime.

"Over the last two-and-a-half years, the Security Council has not been able to take a position on Syria," Nadal said.

At the U.N. General Assembly in September, French President Francois Hollande proposed reforms to the council that would see permanent members give up their veto rights in the case of mass crimes.

"This is a simple answer that would improve the Security Council's effectiveness and probably also its legitimacy and ability to assume its responsibilities in maintaining global peace and security," Nadal said.

For its part, Turkey lashed out Friday at the United Nations for failing to resolve international crises and said Riyadh's decision must be respected.

"The United Nations are losing quite a lot of their credibility," Dogan news agency quoted Turkish President Abdullah Gul as telling journalists in Istanbul.

"I understand that Saudi Arabia's decision aims to draw the international community's attention to this situation ... We must respect their decision," said Gul.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has repeatedly called for a reform of the 15-member Security Council to give Muslim nations more clout.

Saudi Arabia's angry rejection of the seat one day after winning it is a United Nations first that stunned members of the body Friday.

But diplomats said there had been no official notice from Riyadh of its refusal to take up the seat on January 1. It was possible the conservative kingdom could change its mind, they added.

"This is totally unexpected. We all had to look into the council history for a precedent and there is not one," said a Security Council diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity.

"Campaigning and securing a seat normally takes years of preparation which makes the announcement even more surprising."

Saudi Arabia was one of five nations elected by the U.N. General Assembly to start a two-year term on the 15-member Security Council. The others included Chad, Chile, Lithuania and Nigeria. All had stood unopposed.

"There was nothing controversial about the election. But the government has made it clear in recent weeks that it is concerned about Syria and the Palestine issue," said a second U.N. diplomat.

"They will have to write to set out their official position and then the U.N. will have to decide the next step," the envoy added.

"There could be a new election, but it is possible that Saudi Arabia can be persuaded to change its stance."

The United Nations secretariat and U.N. General Assembly president had no immediate comment.

Saudi Arabia won a seat for the first time in Thursday's election.

"Work mechanisms and double-standards on the Security Council prevent it from carrying out its duties and assuming its responsibilities in keeping world peace," the Saudi foreign ministry said in a statement explaining its move.

"Therefore Saudi Arabia... has no other option but to turn down Security Council membership until it is reformed and given the means to accomplish its duties and assume its responsibilities in preserving the world's peace and security," it added.

Comments 21
Thumb mckinl 18 October 2013, 17:14

The Saudis ...

How can one explain the depth and breadth of their hypocrisy on display?

Whoever is in charge of their foreign policy implementation is insane.

But then again they are run by criminally insane princes ...

Thumb mckinl 18 October 2013, 17:38

So you think that by impuning Russia that excuses the KSA?

What I know is that Russia is trying to stop the bloodshed in Syria.

I also know that the KSA is paying for the bloodshed in Syria.

Missing 18 October 2013, 19:31

Mck - the russians have been supplying a criminal regime with the weapons to kill its people. KSA is a belated player into the Syrian mess and has recently tried to focus the military aid to the FSA. Unfortunatelly, I believe the genie is out of the bottle and it will take long to supress the extremist elements and to unite the opposition. It may also be an impossible task.

Thumb primesuspect 18 October 2013, 17:27

God bless Lebanon's allies 4 their courage.

Thumb mckinl 18 October 2013, 17:44

The French ...

Trying to remain relevant while pursuing a colonial foreign policy ...

Is this the new face of the Socialist Party in the EU?

Hollande is completely mad.

Missing peace 19 October 2013, 00:01

how colonial? don't use words you do not understand! LOL

Thumb lebanon_first 18 October 2013, 17:47

God bless king Abdallah for his love of peace.

Imagine Iran as the leader of the arab world. We would have ended up with an armed milicia like HA in every country.

And for you haters of Saudi out there. Dont forget when Iran's party, Hezbollah, invited Israel to bomb Lebanon, KSA put 1Billion dollars. 1,000,000,000 USD in the lebanese banking system to prop our currency.

And After that they helped us rebuild our country.

And they are sponsoring in lebanon a peace loving party (mustakbal), who in spite of its misgivings (stealing solidere and the like), is the most moderate sunni party in the arab world, and a model on how modern sunnism should be.

I respect Saudi's decision. It is brave.

Thumb mckinl 18 October 2013, 17:57

A brave Saudi decision would be to stop supporting the terrorists in Syria and other countries.

Thumb lebanon_first 18 October 2013, 18:01

The biggest terrorists of the 21st century are the Assad Family.

Thumb mckinl 18 October 2013, 18:05

@ lebanon_first

"The biggest terrorists of the 21st century are the Assad Family."

Not even close ... try the US and the UK for their illegal war in Iraq. Started with lies and concluded by organizing sectarian violence.

Hundreds of thousands killed, more wounded and over 5 million displaced in and out of the country.

Thumb lebanon_first 18 October 2013, 18:18

Mckinl. My frame of reference is not september 11(qaeda) or irak(Bush).
My frame of reference is Lebanon. I sympathize with the world at large, with the iraki victims, with pals, with world trade center victims. But I judge terrorism in function of what happened to My country, Lebanon.
Assad and its proxies created more terrorist acts in lebanon than anyone else. For that, I consider them as the number one ennemy of Lebanon.

Thumb ado.australia 18 October 2013, 18:27

Leb 1st... Iran is not Arab. Neither is Lebanon.

Mustaqbul is not brave or a political party to praise. They stole and preach sectarian foriegn agenda. Just because they are moderate and not fanatical is not reason for praise. I'm not against the mustaqbul party because they are Sunni. In fact I'm was more willing to forgve and be pro mustaqbul after Hariri was martyred... But they are more sectarian than they had ever been during their finacial rape of Lebanon. Just ask the khoury family who own the St George Hotel. Look at the behemoth mosque in down town Beirut next to the st George churches. The ashrafieh riots were mustaqbul supporters that destroyed churches. Suadi arabia supports extremists and are anti Christian!

Thumb lebanon_first 18 October 2013, 20:14

ado. By definition, sunni parties are extremist. In Egypt, they were choosing between salafists and moslem brotherhood. In Tunisia, they choose al nohda. In syria, there is tahrir el cham, fath el islam and al nosra and ISIS and other junk like that.

Compare that to our home grown Mustakbal. True. They are thieves. But Christian lebanese are thieves too. All lebanese are sooo commercially minded that once in power, they commit abuses. True they want to promote islam and they did their disneyland mosq un downtown.
Sunnis are a majority in the region. Let's get over moaning about it. We either 1- split or 2- be a large, respected christian minority with power shared with Mustakbal and the chiites.
3- stay in unrest forever in HA's definition of a country.
Mustakbal did not do promote the achrafieh riots. It is a bunch of sunni thugs.

Thumb mckinl 18 October 2013, 18:40

Russia is trying to end the bloodshed in Syria with talks ...

The KSA is escalating the bloodshed with more money and foreign fighters ...

Missing phillipo 18 October 2013, 19:27

The first thing that needs to be done with the Security Council is to CANCEL THE VETO.

Thumb lebanon_first 18 October 2013, 20:16

Cancelling the veto would prevent the US from protecting darling Israel from attacking and bullying pals and its neighbors...
Are u sure u would like that?

Missing phillipo 19 October 2013, 08:04

It would also have enabled action against Syria, and saved thousands of lives.
Why is it that all you can think of is Israel,? Try and get a full list of all the vetoes in the UN Security Council, and you would see just how different the whole world could have been.

Missing phillipo 19 October 2013, 08:04

It is ridiculous that 14 states can vote for a certain resolution, no matter what, and just one can stop it being implemented.

Default-user-icon walid (Guest) 18 October 2013, 20:12

Formidable et digne

Default-user-icon turkisher beirut (Guest) 19 October 2013, 00:17

I love KSA fully support sistertown always on

Missing -karim_m1-- 19 October 2013, 12:13

Saudi Arabia is the founder of modern-day terrorism.