Israel Minister Slams Abbas as 'No.1' Anti-Semite

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Israel's intelligence minister said Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas is the world's most anti-Semitic leader following the departure of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as Iran's president last year.

"Since Ahmadinejad left the political stage, Abu Mazen is the number one leader in injecting anti-Semitic and anti-Israel poison," Yuval Steinitz told a Tel Aviv security conference Wednesday, using the name by which Abbas is popularly known in Arabic.

"Under Abu Mazen the level of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic incitement in the (Palestinian) Authority has reached new highs, where the bottom line is the destruction of Israel," said Steinitz, a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party.

"As someone who denied the Holocaust in his youth, he today denies the very existence of the Jewish people and their right to their own state," he told the annual conference of the Institute for National Security Studies, according to a transcript on the INSS website.

"As long as we do not see substantive change in the (Palestinian) educational system and media, a peace agreement is an illusion."

In his doctoral thesis at Moscow's Patrice Lumumba University, Abbas questioned the figure of six million Jews killed in the Nazi Holocaust, suggesting the number could have been "fewer than one million".

But, he added, "the controversy over the figure cannot minimize in any way the atrocious crime committed against the Jews".

Israel accuses Abbas's Palestinian Authority of encouraging hostility against Israeli through school textbooks and in broadcasts on its official TV and radio stations.

In U.S.-sponsored peace talks launched in July, Netanyahu is demanding the Palestinians recognize Israel as the national state of the Jewish people.

But the Palestinians refuse, fearing it could preclude the right of exiled Palestinian refugees and their descendents to return to land they fled or were evicted from when Israel was created in 1948.

Comments 5
Default-user-icon Samite (Guest) 30 January 2014, 15:49

Amazing to label Abu Mazen "antisemitic" asif he is of Nordic origin....Aren't the Arabs semites as well? Please educate me..

Default-user-icon Mike (Guest) 30 January 2014, 15:57

Anti Semite?? More like anti zionist he is after all a Semite himself... Palestinians should accept the state of israel as the jewish state and the jews must accept that the land of israel is in fact the land of the Palestine and the Palestinians. Perhaps netanyahu should take a look in the mirror to see what intolerance looks like.

Missing Cyanide 30 January 2014, 16:13

the right for you own state over the Palestinian homes and lands that you didn't even ask if you can have it.. asking for a Jewish state and talking about racism hahha..

Thumb beiruti 30 January 2014, 16:24

Yes, yes for Netanyahu anyone who has a world view other than the Netanyahu world view is anti-Semitic. A bit of news to Mr. Netanyahu -- Palestinians are more Semitic than are most Israelis. The Israelis who come to Israel from Morocco and Ethiopia and even from Europe and Russia are more culturally African and European than are the indigenous Semitic people of the region, the Palestinians.
The fact that Netanyahu is engaged in name calling is evidence of the weakness of his case, not of its strength, for there is no strength, no basis for an occupier of another's land to take the land and impose sovereignty over it. Look at the Geneva Conventions.

Thumb beiruti 30 January 2014, 16:25

Israel operates on the theory of might makes right and fait accompli, establishing facts on the ground and daring anyone to change them. This is the Hezbollah modus operadi adopted from the Netanyahu's of Israel. It is ugly with Hezbollah does it in Lebanon, it is uglier when a state, such as the State of Israel does it as Israel holds itself out as the Light among Nations. Hezbollah, well we all know the darkness that is Hezbollah.