Sources: Hariri Won’t Hold Meetings with Lebanese Officials in Paris

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Sources close to former Prime Minister Saad Hariri denied that he would hold meetings with Lebanese officials in France.

In remarks to An Nahar daily Sunday, the sources said that Hariri is currently in Riyadh.

“He is not scheduled to hold any meetings in Paris unlike what the media said,” the sources said.

Media reports had said that Hariri will hold talks with March 14 officials who were converging on the French capital to attend the wedding of former Culture Minister Ghassan Salameh’s daughter.

The reports had also said that Hariri could meet with Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat.

Comments 7
Thumb canaanite 02 October 2011, 09:15

Harriri is useless... as a major party leader, you would expect more..

he is letting M14 down and allowing M8 to consolidate power and non-state arms..

Geagea and Gemayel should assume leadership of all M14 and start inviting Hariri to party bloc's meetings...

Thumb geha 02 October 2011, 12:22

unlike Joumblat, Hariri who has a gun to his head refused to cave in.
would you rather he is killed like his father?

Thumb Chupachups 02 October 2011, 12:49

i think he should tell us what is really happening.

he should say it as it is and not be afraid.

If hezbollah or syria has warned him about his death, then let him say it

Thumb jabalamel 02 October 2011, 14:06

it's because no one wants to meet with him

Default-user-icon Zoukam (Guest) 02 October 2011, 16:07

It looks like cheikh Imbecile (the leader of a pack of idiots who accept to be led by an imbecile) is still at his word that he will only return to Lebanon through Damascus Airport. But life is so friggin boring without his hilarious stuttering speeches. Considering that he is a certified Imbecile (just ask his nanny, Feltman), my suggestion is that he is flown to Ankara and be told that it is actually Damascus, then be placed on a connecting flight to Beirut. Believe me, he will never notice. WE WANT CHEIKH IMBECILE, AND WE WANT HIM NOW. WE ARE BORED TO HELL WITHOUT HIM.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 02 October 2011, 17:06

Why the sad saad doesn't speak anymore !? the poor guy , he lost everything . even his voice ..

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 02 October 2011, 17:06

Why the sad saad doesn't speak anymore !? the poor guy , he lost everything . even his voice ..