Hizbullah Reports New Progress against IS along Lebanon Border

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Hizbullah's mouthpiece al-Manar TV station reported on Tuesday new achievements by the Syrian army and the party's fighters along the rugged Syrian-Lebanese border.

Al-Manar said that Syrian troops and Hizbullah fighters controlled Ras al-Kosh and Qornet Ras al-Saabeh on the outskirts of al-Jarajeer in the Syrian area of Qalamoun.

Several Islamic State group extremists were killed in the fighting, the TV station claimed.

Last week, Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah announced that his group had begun to fight the IS.

The fighting in Qalamoun had been previously between Hizbullah and al-Qaida-linked al-Nusra Front.

Hizbullah has intervened militarily in Syria on behalf of President Bashar al-Assad, saying it is protecting Lebanon from the threat of jihadists in the neighboring country.

The joint Hizbullah-Syrian army offensive to clear the border area of rebel militias began more than a month ago, and Nasrallah has included updates on the assault in numerous televised speeches since then.

Meanwhile, media reports said Tuesday that an IS leader identified as Abou al-Walid al-Maqdesi was killed overnight in fighting between his group and al-Nusra Front militants in the area of Wadi Hmeid on the outskirts of the Lebanese border town of Arsal.

Al-Maqdesi was in his car along with his wife when he died, they said.

The woman was taken to hospital for being injured in the attack, they added.

Comments 21
Thumb EagleDawn 16 June 2015, 10:11

Last week, Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah announced that his group had begun to fight the IS.

Oh ONLY last week?!!! Who have they been fighting for 4 years now? LOL

Thumb ex-fpm 16 June 2015, 10:15

the takfiris walaw ! In reality, they have been massacring the Syrian civilians and destroying their homes and villages.

Thumb _mowaten_ 16 June 2015, 11:08

but but but... the takfiri fanclub here swore that ISIS was a hezbollah secret invention! how could they be fighting them now?

Thumb EagleDawn 16 June 2015, 11:34

interesting screen name, indeed! you love nassrallah?

Thumb Mystic 16 June 2015, 12:02

Nusra falled in Qalamoun, now it is ISILs turn.

Thumb Mystic 16 June 2015, 12:03

Yes we love Sayed Hassan and the Resistance, your opinions and March 14s gets flushed down the toilet everyday.

Thumb -phoenix1 16 June 2015, 15:02

(1). Mystic, I quote, "Last week, Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah announced that his group had begun to fight the IS." unquote. Now this is truly hard to believe because Hezbollah has been fighting alongside the Syrian regime against namely the FSA, Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, ISIS now IS. But there are countless of other Sunni factions that Hezbollah is also fighting against and on the side of the regime. Since 2013, even the Russians got involved directly by providing logistics and transportation of HA fighters directly to Syrian fronts. Now I am one who certainly doesn't wish you guys any ill, but then let's face it fair and square, Hezbollah by list of choices and options chose to get involved in the Syrian conflict.

Thumb -phoenix1 16 June 2015, 15:07

(2). Mystic. By doing so, obviously Hezbollah chose the side it decided to fight along with, thus automatically chose its enemies as well. Obviously this is a war that has proven to be as unpredictable as the word itself, therefore both Hezbollah and the Syrian regime have been having successes here and reverses there. Now on the Syrian territory next to the Lebanese border, we all know the importance of this axis, this is one stretch of land that is for Hezbollah and the Syrian regime, a matter of life or death. If you guys keep it, you will be able to keep your last lifeline to the capital open, if you lose it, then it means total catastrophe for both Hezbollah and the Al Assad regime, if not its imminent collapse.

Thumb -phoenix1 16 June 2015, 15:11

(3). Mystic. So my dear brother, this isn't a matter of bravado or jingoism or pompousness of any sort to anyone who makes any military advances on the ground, this is purely a matter of either being able to remain around or disintegrate altogether. IS and the other Sunni factions can always fall back, but not you at HA and certainly not the regime, if Qalamoun goes, you people will face a definite stranglehold from your enemies. For Hezbollah especially, you have your backs now against the wall, in fact just like us the Christians had ours in the beginning and during the civil war, thus, no one fights more ferociously than a man whose back is against the wall, that is something I personally know.

Thumb _mowaten_ 16 June 2015, 15:13

"Since 2013, even the Russians got involved directly by providing logistics and transportation of HA fighters directly to Syrian fronts"

Yes because HA fighters need Russians to show them how to get to Syria...

Thumb -phoenix1 16 June 2015, 15:15

(4). Mystic. In this thread, in fact like the others that refer to the Qalamoun battles, I do see a lot of childish behavior. It is sad to see both sides of the M divide engage in such. What I know is that the reality on the ground is far from what is reflected on such threads. Though I understand your position my dear Mystic, and to be honest I am sympathetic to it too, but the truth must be told ya Mystic, this is a conflict Hezbollah chose to enter, it never consulted with any Lebanese party, not any Lebanese administration of any kind, in its usual ways, HA just does what it wants, period. Now the Lebanese Army has refused to be dragged into your ventures, so my being a Lebanese, and I mean a real one, my wish is that since you guys meddled into this mess, do best as you can to keep it away from our army and our land.

Thumb -phoenix1 16 June 2015, 15:20

(5). Mystic. It's not like that we Lebanese cannot fend for ourselves, it's not like we're helpless sitting ducks, it's not like you've chosen to go fight for the sake of Lebanon since 5 years ago, no. You went to fight in Syria because you felt you had the obligation to do so, then you also wrongly felt that this conflict would end soon into your favor too. I still remember that famous press statement that everyone M8 took as its tune at the time, "It would be over by next Tuesday", ayah next Tuesday ya akhi?! Hezbollah to be honest is now truly stuck, Bachar Al Assad is now fighting for his survival and for Hezbollah this war has become a Quagmire. I know that you people wished that it would end soon, and make another declaration of another Celestial Victory, well bro, that isn't to be.

Thumb -phoenix1 16 June 2015, 15:25

(6). Mystic. Hezbollah is losing hundreds and hundreds of its best fighters, most of whom are being buried in Syria itself. Hezbollah's resources, financial as well are not faring any better. You have an implacable enemy in Israel who despite all your claims, is now looking at you with disdain to be honest. Hezbollah claims to have over 100,000 missiles, a high proportion of which can reach anywhere in Israel, right? But please ya Mystic, who gave them to you in the first place? Who facilitated their transfer to Lebanon? Such advanced weaponry is certainly not cheap no way how you may look at it, right? Now that Israel is not really a threat to Hezbollah, and that in Syria you are seriously stuck, why is it, that so far, Hezbollah has not used these missiles to help Bachar's forces out? It's a question that is these days not escaping anyone's attention, thus, why not use them?

Thumb -phoenix1 16 June 2015, 15:29

(7). Mystic. wasn't it part of the grand plan, that deploy on Lebanese soil for several reasons, one of them being to have an attack option in the case Syria had a civil war? Since the Al Assad clan took over power in Syria, weren't all their contingency plans destined to counter this kind of situation as seen since 5 years ago in Syria? So, again, why are these missiles estimated or advertised to be sophisticated and medium to long range not being used against your most mortal foe, please, Israel right now is not as mortal as IS, right? Mystic ya habibi, I understand your bravado on this forum, I could have behaved in the same way, but as I extrapolated in as brief a way as I could, Hezbollah and the Syrian regime are now facing a do or die situation, it was never this bad and none of you could have anticipated it this way some 5 years ago.

Thumb barrymore 16 June 2015, 17:43

Only hezbollah is reporting these imaginary battles against ISIS.

Missing humble 16 June 2015, 10:31

Israel, Ebola, ISIS, Nusra....same face of disease...

Thumb -phoenix1 16 June 2015, 15:32

This for you ya Mowaten, one such assertion. http://yalibnan.com/2013/07/25/russian-ships-transferring-hezbollah-fighters-to-syria/

Thumb -phoenix1 16 June 2015, 15:34

And this is to thank those already busying themselves thumbing my posts down. What would it change anyway? Would it gain you one inch ahead in Syria? Or in Lebanon? You people have been thumbing downs for months on end, has it even stopped my posts? Or the posts of those who refuse your attempts at hegemony? Go ahead, it's your keyboards anyway and your mice too!!

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 16 June 2015, 12:18

the US said yesterday that nosra are terrorists so are isis hence whoever sympatize help fund deal with these terrorists filth are terrorists themselves
god bless democracy and secularism

Thumb _mowaten_ 16 June 2015, 21:44

merci, et voila pour toi, ca retrace ton histoire d'amour avec da3esh:

Default-user-icon standupguy (Guest) 17 June 2015, 07:59

Yes and the day will come when the hizb will declare victory on the bodies of all the young men who died whereas he could have saved them ...but alas when you are told what to do and sign for it then you're stuck...every body knows that the leb army if assisted could muster a national guard of many thousands but no one is interested in lebanon, least being hizballah, in having a strong national army .....just too risky , may take over the role of the mokawama in the south....then our little junior khaminieis (NKK- nasralla,kassem ,kaouuK) will become speechless!!