Proposed Recommendations of the 8th Retreat of Lady of the Mountain Gathering

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The participants in the eighth retreat of the Lady of the Mountain Gathering discussed Sunday a number of proposed, preliminary recommendations, ahead of a press conference on October 27 during which the final text would be announced.

The conferees also discussed a document titled “The Role of Christians in the Arab Spring”, during a conference held at the Regency Palace Hotel in Adma.

Among the top recommendations were:

“- Organizing dialogue meetings in all regions about the document’s content and the role of the Christians in the Arab Spring.

- Communication with the Lebanese diaspora and activating its role in the countries of residence, in support of the Arab Spring choices.

- Contributing to the organization of a national conference about Lebanon’s role in the Arab Spring.

- Communication with all the Arab democratic forces that are part of the Arab Spring in order to cooperate in defining the foundations for the rise of a democratic, pluralistic Arab world.

- Contributing to the establishment of a studies and research center on the culture of the Arab Spring, a culture of living together in a free, democratic and civil state.”

The conferees also agreed to form a committee tasked with following up the practical steps that will be endorsed.

Comments 2
Default-user-icon Michtalia (Guest) 24 October 2011, 03:12

Take your pathetic recommendations and shove them up your wazoos.

Default-user-icon A. Templar (Guest) 24 October 2011, 06:32

The role of Christians in Arab spring is a non starter; specially when the forces behind the Arab spring are mainly made up of the Muslim Brotherhood, radical Sunni groups backed by the Saudi Wahabi ideology which calls for the Caliphate style Umma which far from a 'democratic and civil state'.
The role of the Christians is being played in Egypt where the Copts are been massacred, a lesson for the Christians in the Middle East.
Therefore for the survival of the Christians Lebanese, they must unite under their own banner, headed by Patriarch Rahi, away from the likes of Hariri and Nasrallah clans..
Good Luck!