Abou Faour Content as Parliament Passes Food Safety Law

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The parliament on Thursday approved the food safety law during a much-anticipated legislative session, the first that the legislature holds since around a year, Health Minister Wael Abou Faour announced.

“Citizens' health has become immunized and the quality of their food has improved, and we now have a Central Commission,” he said.

The minister noted that the law will turn the page on an era during which the health of citizens had hinged on “the enthusiasm of any minister or any ministry regarding issues related to food safety.”

Under Abou Faour, the Ministry of Health has launched an unprecedented food safety campaign that has involved the closure of numerous restaurants and institutions and the issuance of ultimatums to many violating businesses.

The campaign has also tackled medicines, hospitals and beauty centers across Lebanon.


Comments 2
Default-user-icon Concerned (Guest) 12 November 2015, 20:43

I had met him once and he promised to listen to what I have as a health economically sane and he has not bothered to return my msg

Default-user-icon Concerned (Guest) 12 November 2015, 20:46

I had met him in February this year and he promised to listen to what I had to offer in terms of health, which is economical and used with leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Bill Clinton, David Becham, Pamela Anderson, etc. So why cant the Lebanese make use of it in Homeopathy today