Report: IS Adopting Cluster Cell Method in its Operations in Lebanon

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Security agencies have determined that the Islamic State extremist group is adopting the “cluster cell” method in order to expand its operations in Lebanon and abroad, reported the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat on Sunday.

Security sources explained to the daily that cluster cells work independently from each other and the members of each cell do not know the identity of members of other cells.

This means that the members of a cell arrested in the southern city of Sidon in early May was unaware of the plots of another cell uncovered by the army in Khirbet Daoud in Akkar on Thursday, said al-Hayat.

Three terrorists were arrested in the Khirbt Daoud raid.

These suspects had no information about a group that was detained by State Security in Aley on Friday, reported the daily.

The terror group's method has not deterred the security forces however from detaining a number of extremists throughout the country.

Comments 2
Thumb lubnani.masi7i 05 June 2016, 10:12

isn't that what the iranian terror group hezballah does?

Missing humble 05 June 2016, 10:15

Terror brings terror and terrorists end up in Hell.