Report: Hariri in Saudi Arabia to Tackle Saudi Oger File

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Ex-Prime Minister MP Saad Hariri's visit to Saudi Arabia is reportedly confined to tackle the file of Saudi Oger Ltd. and to complete a deal to sell the company to Saudi Arabia where he is set to devote his efforts afterwards to political issues.

Sources in March said that delayed receipts from the government, whose oil revenues have dropped significantly in the past two years, left construction workers at several companies struggling while they wait for salaries.

Saudi Oger, the once-mighty construction giant led by Hariri, is among the affected companies.

It employs around 50,000 people of various nationalities, from managers to laborers.

Saudi Oger has built some of the most grandiose complexes in Riyadh, including the palatial Ritz-Carlton hotel.

Comments 7
Thumb marcus 16 August 2016, 11:10

A failure in every aspect: leadership, friendship, politics, and business.

Thumb Mystic 16 August 2016, 11:34

Saad Hariri carries Saudi passport, his real father was King Fahd.
Yet his fatherland rejects him, wahabism have no loyalties.

Thumb Southern...... 16 August 2016, 13:18

furthermore, Sayyed Nasrallah was so generous when suggested him for prime minister.

Missing humble 16 August 2016, 13:57

So much hatred inside you.

Thumb janoubi 16 August 2016, 14:03

hezbollah so called parliamentary block not once did it nominate Hariri for the premiership.

Thumb Roukuz 16 August 2016, 11:17

I wonder where you are and how you are dear flamethrower as you lay in pieces and tranquility at your final resting place in Idlib Province. R.I.P Shiaa Hero.....

Thumb warrior 16 August 2016, 19:37

He is right here... can't you feel his presence? he has already voted 20 times so far.