Iran Says Russia Raids from Its Airbase 'Over for Now' after Accusing Moscow of 'Showing Off'

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Iran said Monday that Russian raids on jihadists in Syria from one of its airbases had ended for now, after accusing Moscow of "showing off" when it revealed the bombing runs.

"It was a specific, authorized mission and it's over for now. They conducted it and they are gone now," foreign ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi told reporters in Tehran.

He left open the possibility of future Russian combat flights from the Islamic republic, saying it would depend on "the situation in the region, and according to our permission."

A Russian military spokesman, Igor Konachenkov, quoted by his defense ministry, said the planes had "carried out all their tasks with success" and were back on home territory.

Any further use of Hamedan base by Russian aircraft would take place "in line with mutual accords on the fight against terrorism and taking into account the situation in Syria", he said in a statement.

The Russian ambassador to Tehran, Levan Dzhagaryan, said nothing prevented a renewed use of Hamedan.

"If the leaders of our two countries consider it necessary and reach the relevant agreements, what sort of problems can there be?" he told Russia's Interfax news agency.

"For the time being, there are no (Russians) remaining in Hamedan" airbase, he added.

Ghasemi's comments came a few hours after Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan made a rare public criticism of Russia for revealing that its warplanes were using Hamedan to attack insurgents in Syria.

"Naturally, the Russians are keen to show that they are a superpower and an influential country and that they are active in security issues in the region and the world," Dehghan told Iran's Channel 2 television.

"There has been a kind of showing-off and inconsiderate attitude behind the announcement of this news," he said.

- Iran guarded on Syria role -

Iran and Russia are key backers of Syrian President Bashar Assad, but Tehran has remained relatively guarded about its precise involvement in the conflict.

The Islamic republic is highly sensitive to any suggestion that it would allow foreign militaries to be based in its territory, which is outlawed under its constitution, and has emphasized that Russian planes were only refueling in Iran.

"(Russia) needed to refuel in an area closer to the operation... But we have definitely not given them a military base," said Dehghan.

The flights from Iranian territory started on August 16, a day after a visit to Tehran by a Russian deputy foreign minister, Mikhail Bogdanov.

The use of Hamedan significantly shortened flight-times for Russian warplanes, allowing them to carry increased firepower.

Russia said it struck targets linked to the jihadist Islamic State group and al-Nusra Front, now known as Fateh al-Sham Front, in Aleppo, Deir Ezzor and Idlib.

Moscow had previously used short-range craft stationed at its Hmeimim airbase outside the Syrian coastal city of Latakia, as well as ships in the Caspian Sea and a submarine in the Mediterranean, to bombard rebels in Syria.

Russia last week dismissed U.S. criticism of the use of Iranian base as a possible violation of a United Nations Security Council resolution.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov denied that Moscow could be in breach of a ban on supply or transfer of warplanes to Iran without prior approval of the U.N. Security Council.

"There are no grounds to suspect Russia of breaching the resolution," he said.

Tehran, for its part, oversees thousands of troops fighting for Assad on the ground, while Russia provides airpower.

Both oppose calls for Assad to step down as a way of resolving the conflict that has killed more than 290,000 people since it erupted in March 2011.

Comments 28
Missing mohammad_ca 22 August 2016, 14:00

Tuqya safawites

Thumb Southern...... 22 August 2016, 14:24

never mind! since both are fully agreed on the eradication of wahhabi terrorism from Syria and Iraq.

Thumb Mystic 22 August 2016, 16:36

Actually it is weird, because I have only read about these rumors on Al Arabiya, Al Jazeera and Naharnet.

No Iranian news outlet or Russian have said anything about this matter, so why should we believe something the hateful people say?

Thumb barrymore 22 August 2016, 16:47

but neither the iranian news agency aka al manner nor russia today have acknowledged the breaking of the Aleppo siege, the fall of the military academy, the fall of the technical and air force academies, or the fall of Ramoussah. What do you make of that? Should you not switch to another news channel?

Thumb barrymore 22 August 2016, 16:47

* al manar

Thumb EagleDawn 22 August 2016, 17:30

that's funny;)))!!!

Thumb oompa-loompas 22 August 2016, 18:34

"Yes Russian jets fly from Iranian airbase, but the article here states that an Official Iranian spokesperson accused Russia of showing off. Why can I not see that now on Iranian news channels at all... I believe only what the Iranians say about their own airbase, not Saudi funded media and rumors.?"

How about Iran funded satellite networks?
"Naturally, the Russians are keen to show that they are a superpower and an influential country and that they are active in security issues in the region and the world,” Dehghan told Iran’s Channel 2 television.
“There has been a kind of showing-off and inconsiderate attitude behind the announcement of this news,” he said."

Unfortunately illiteracy runs deep and is an inherent problem in the bee2a al 7adinat and none of the billion$$ Iran have thrown at them since the 1980s have been able to cure or even put a dent in the situation.. the epidemic Tatbeen ain't helping either.

Thumb galaxy 22 August 2016, 19:58

maybe he trusts Al Akhbar newspaper, the mouthpiece of hezbollah.

طهران: إعلان روسيا استخدام قاعدة همدان ينم عن تهوّر

Thumb Mystic 22 August 2016, 20:51

This is the showing off that the Iranian official talked about.
Look at the Saudi news talking about a "Russian base" in Iran.

Thumb shab 22 August 2016, 19:34

And Iranian tv stations are broadcasted via Israeli satellites.

Thumb justin 22 August 2016, 15:28

Watch how Putin, Nassrallah, and Khamanei are eradicating terrorism:

1) "عمران جديد" يصرخ من تحت الركام: عطشان جيبولي ميهعمران-جديد-يصرخ-من-تحت-الركام-عطشان-جيبولي-ميه.html

2)Moment boy rescued from Aleppo rubble - BBC News

3)لم يمهلها برميل متفجر لتكمل أغنيتها هكذا حياة اطفال حلب تحت القصف السوري والروسي

Just watch and see who they are eradicating!

Thumb ex-fpm 22 August 2016, 16:22


Thumb barrymore 22 August 2016, 16:39

Haunting videos that are testimony to the criminal and sectarian nature of the russians, iranians, and their proxy the so called hezbollah of terrorism.

Thumb EagleDawn 22 August 2016, 17:32

"قناة إيرانية تسخر من الدموع التي ذرِفت على "عمران"!قناة-إيرانية-تسخر-من-الدموع-التي-ذرِفت-على-عمران-.html

Thumb shab 22 August 2016, 19:37

Justin, yesterday we where praising the good news, now we get depressed.

Missing humble 22 August 2016, 15:47

Iran wishes to please Amriika...

Thumb justin 22 August 2016, 15:49

On the other hand, that's how you really eradicate terrorism:

1)#الجيش_السوري_الحر #لواء_صقور_الجبل تدمير رشاش من عيار23 على تلة أم القرع في ريف حلب الجنوبي

2) تدمير قاعدة كورنيت على جبهة ضاحية الرواد السياحية بحلب ومقتل طاقمها

3) جثث الميليشيات الرافضية المتناثرة في محيط المدرسة الفنية الجوية

Marked difference huh?

Thumb ex-fpm 22 August 2016, 16:23


Thumb barrymore 22 August 2016, 16:37

wonderful videos!

Thumb justin 22 August 2016, 18:15

August 22, 2016
الفوج الأول ||مقتل مجموعة عناصر من عصابات الأسد على تلّة أم القرع جنوبي حلب إثر استهدافهم بصاروخ م/د

Thumb shab 22 August 2016, 19:41

Much better

Thumb justice 23 August 2016, 10:12

read southern's comment on this article

China State Media Casts Doubt on Syria Omran Video

Thumb barrymore 22 August 2016, 16:35

قاووق: نتائج معركتنا ضد التكفيريين في سوريا ستحدد مستقبل لبنان

أكد نائب رئيس المجلس التنفيذي في “حزب الله” الشيخ نبيل قاووق، أن “حلم النظام السعودي الذي أعلن أنه يريد إسقاط النظام في سوريا إما سياسيا أو عسكريا أي إما بالسياسة أو بالقوة قد انتهى إلى غير رجعة، جراء وجود معادلة جديدة في سوريا تثبت أن ليس في مقدور السعودية أن تسقط النظام فيها مهما أعطت من سلاح وافادت من الديبلوماسية العالمية، ولا سيما أننا نتحدث عن 5 أعوام من الصمود، وعن معادلات جديدة جعلت منها حصنا منيعا أمام كل عدوان سعودي أو تكفيري”.

Thumb barrymore 22 August 2016, 16:35

وقال خلال الاحتفال التكريمي من حسينية بلدة كونين – بنت جبيل، على “أننا معنيون بالمعركة ضد التكفيريين في سوريا، لأن نتائجها تحدد مستقبل لبنان، و”داعش” والنصرة خطر داهم واستراتيجي على كل اللبنانيين وعلى لبنان الذي لا يحتمل ولا يستطيع أن يتعايش مع مقار تكفيرية إرهابية داخل الحدود او في محاذاتها، وبالتالي فإن الواجب الوطني يفرض علينا أن نستكمل المعركة ضد الوجود التكفيري في داخل الأراضي اللبنانية وخارج الحدود حماية لأهلنا ووطننا، وهكذا نكون في موقع المسؤولية ولسنا ممن يتخلى عن مسؤولياته الوطنية أو يخذل أهله، فهذه المعركة هي معركة الوجود والكرامة الإنسانية، لأن الخطر التكفيري لا يوفر أحدا”.

Thumb barrymore 22 August 2016, 16:35

“حزب الله” يعرب عن تأييده الكامل للفلسطينيين


Thumb barrymore 22 August 2016, 16:55

ونقلت وكالة تسنيم الإيرانية للأنباء عن المتحدث باسم الخارجية بهرام قاسمي قوله “ليس لروسيا قواعد في إيران ولا تتمركز هنا. قاموا بهذه العملية وانتهى الأمر في الوقت الحالي”.من جانبه، انتقد وزير الدفاع الإيراني حسين دهقان الاثنين روسيا، لأنها كشفت عن استخدام قاعدة جوية في همدان، لشن ضربات في سوريا ووصف ذلك بأنه فعل “استعراضي” وينم عن “عدم الاكتراث”.وتأتي الانتقادات التي وجهها الوزير الإيراني خلال مقابلة مع القناة الثانية في التلفزيون الإيراني بعد إعلان روسيا الأسبوع الماضي عن استخدام القاعدة في غرب إيران لضرب “فصائل مسلحة” في سوريا.وقال دهقان “طبيعي أن يعنى الروس باستعراض كونهم قوة عظمى، ودولة ذات نفوذ، وأنهم فاعلون في القضايا الأمنية في المنطقة والعالم”.وأضاف “كان هناك نوع من الاستعراض وعدم الاكتراث في الإعلان عن هذا النبأ”.

Thumb shab 22 August 2016, 19:51

They'll also have to buy experienced pilots. But hey, we forgot the stealthy Qaher-313, now they will surely make a difference loool

Thumb scorpyonn 23 August 2016, 08:20

Too bad the Russians did not bomb Tehran back to the stone age.